            string strDate
            // Method members
            string   monthCode;
            int      monthIndex;
            int      yearCode;
            DateTime date;

            // Set the asset symbol to not valid
            Valid = false;

                // Are there only numbers in the date string?
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(strDate, @"^[A-Za-z]"))
                    // YES: Parse of date time value good?
                    if (DateTime.TryParse($"{strDate.Substring(0, 4)}-{strDate.Substring(4, 2)}-{strDate.Substring(6, 2)}", out date))
                        // YES: Save the date
                        if (AssetType == "OPT")
                            option.ExpirationDate = date;
                            futures.ExpirationDate = date;

                        // Set validity of option based on exp. date?
                        Valid = date > DateTime.UtcNow;

                        // Nothing more to process
                    // NO: An alphanumeric expiration date string should be in form
                    // of SSSSXN, where SSS is the symbol of the asset, X is the
                    // month character and N is the last digit of the year.
                    // Does expiration date string have the asset symbol in it?
                    if (strDate.StartsWith(Symbol))
                        // YES: Eliminate the asset symbol
                        strDate = strDate.Replace(Symbol, "");

                        // The date string should now be only two characters
                        if (strDate.Length == 2)
                            // YES: Correct length. Get the month code and the year
                            monthCode = strDate[0].ToString();
                            yearCode  = Convert.ToInt32(strDate.Substring(1, 1));

                            // Is this a FUT or an FUTX?
                            if (AssetType.StartsWith("FUT"))
                                // YES: Expiration date for FUTURES. Third Fri.
                                // of every third month.
                                // Get the month index for the FUTURE expiration
                                monthIndex = FutureCodes.IndexOf(monthCode) + 1;

                                // Get the FUTURES expiration date
                                futures.ExpirationDate = GetDateFromCode(yearCode, monthIndex);
                                // NO: For OPTIONS. For CALL?
                                if (CallCodes.Contains(monthCode))
                                    // YES: For a CALL
                                    option.PutCallType = "C";

                                    // Get the month index for the CALL expiration
                                    monthIndex = CallCodes.IndexOf(monthCode) + 1;
                                    // NO: For a PUT
                                    option.PutCallType = "P";

                                    // Get the month index for the PUT expiration
                                    monthIndex = PutCodes.IndexOf(monthCode) + 1;

                                // Get and save the option expiration date
                                option.ExpirationDate = GetDateFromCode(yearCode, monthIndex);
            catch (Exception e)

            // Return the asset symbol