public async Task <ApiResponse> CreateOrUpdatePage(string html, string title, string url, string id, string referPageId = null) { ApiResponse res = new ApiResponse(); try { var serviceT = new ThemeService(_shopUrl, _accessToken); var themes = await serviceT.ListAsync(); var theme = themes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Role == "main"); if (theme == null) { return(res); } var serviceA = new AssetService(_shopUrl, _accessToken); string name = $"punnel-{id}"; string asset_key = $"templates/page.{name}.liquid"; var asset = new Asset() { ContentType = "text/x-liquid", Key = asset_key, Value = @"{% layout none %} " + html }; asset = await serviceA.CreateOrUpdateAsync(theme.Id.Value, asset); var serviceP = new PageService(_shopUrl, _accessToken); Page page = null; long?referId = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(referPageId) == false) { referId = long.Parse(referPageId); } if (referId != null) { page = await serviceP.GetAsync(referId.Value); } if (page == null) { page = await serviceP.CreateAsync(new Page() { CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow, Title = title, BodyHtml = $"Landing page {title}. Click [View Page] to view", Handle = url, TemplateSuffix = name }); } else { page = await serviceP.UpdateAsync(referId.Value, new Page() { CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow, Title = title, BodyHtml = $"Landing page {title}. Click [View Page] to view", Handle = url, TemplateSuffix = name }); } res.Data = page.Id; res.Code = HttpStatusCode.OK; } catch (Exception ex) { res.Message = "Không thể kết nối đến Shopify, vui lòng thử lại"; } return(res); }
public async Task createTemplateAsync(string shop, string token) { var service = new ThemeService(shop, token); var service1 = new AssetService(shop, token); var service2 = new PageService(shop, token); var page = new Page() { CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow, Title = "Wishlist", TemplateSuffix = "wishlist", }; var asset = new Asset() { ContentType = "page.wishlist/x-liquid", Key = "templates/page.wishlist.liquid", Value = "<input type=\"hidden\" name = \"customer_id\" value =\"{{ }}\" id =\"customer_id\">\n<table>\n<tr>\n<th> Product Image </th>\n<th> Product Title </th>\n<th> SKU </th>\n<th> Barcode </th>\n<th> Customer Name </th>\n<th> Customer Email </th>\n</tr>\n<tbody id = \"todos\"></tbody>\n</table>\n " + "<script type =\"text/javascript \">\n" + "$(document).ready(function() { \n" + "$.ajax({" + "type: 'GET',\n" + "url: '', \n" + "cache: false,\n" + "crossDomain: true,\n" + "data: { \n" + "customer_id:$('#customer_id').val()\n" + " },\n" + "success: function(data) {\n" + "const tBody = $('#todos');\n" + " $(tBody).empty();\n" + "$.each(data, function(key, item) {\n" + "const tr = $('<tr></tr>')\n" + ".append($('<td></td>').append( $('<img />', {\n" + " src: item.variant_image ,\n" + "style: 'width: 20%'\n" + "})))\n" + ".append($('<td></td>').text(item.product_title))\n" + ".append($('<td></td>').text(item.variant_sku))\n" + ".append($('<td></td>').text(item.variant_barcode))\n" + ".append($('<td></td>').text(item.customer_name))\n" + ".append($('<td></td>').text(item.customer_email));\n" + "tr.appendTo(tBody);\n" + "});\n" + "},\n" + "error: function()\n" + "{\n" + "alert('Error!');\n" + "}\n" + "});\n" + "});\n" + "</script>" }; var themes = await service.ListAsync(); for (int i = 0; i < themes.Count(); i++) { if (themes.ElementAt(i).Role == "main") { asset = await service1.CreateOrUpdateAsync((long)themes.ElementAt(i).Id, asset); page = await service2.CreateAsync(page); } } }