public virtual void setTransformationMatrix(AsMatrix matrix) { mOrientationChanged = false; mTransformationMatrix.copyFrom(matrix); mX = matrix.tx; mY = matrix.ty; float a = matrix.a; float b = matrix.b; float c = matrix.c; float d = matrix.d; mScaleX = AsMath.sqrt(a * a + b * b); if (mScaleX != 0) { mRotation = AsMath.atan2(b, a); } else { mRotation = 0; } float cosTheta = AsMath.cos(mRotation); float sinTheta = AsMath.sin(mRotation); mScaleY = d * cosTheta - c * sinTheta; if (mScaleY != 0) { mSkewX = AsMath.atan2(d * sinTheta + c * cosTheta, mScaleY); } else { mSkewX = 0; } mSkewY = 0; mPivotX = 0; mPivotY = 0; }
public virtual void popMatrix() { mCurrentMatrix.copyFrom(mMatrixStack[--mMatrixStackSize]); }
private static int compileObject(AsDisplayObject _object, AsVector <AsQuadBatch> quadBatches, int quadBatchID, AsMatrix transformationMatrix, float alpha, String blendMode, bool ignoreCurrentFilter) { int i = 0; AsQuadBatch quadBatch = null; bool isRootObject = false; float objectAlpha = _object.getAlpha(); AsDisplayObjectContainer container = _object as AsDisplayObjectContainer; AsQuad quad = _object as AsQuad; AsQuadBatch batch = _object as AsQuadBatch; AsFragmentFilter filter = _object.getFilter(); if (quadBatchID == -1) { isRootObject = true; quadBatchID = 0; objectAlpha = 1.0f; blendMode = _object.getBlendMode(); if (quadBatches.getLength() == 0) { quadBatches.push(new AsQuadBatch()); } else { quadBatches[0].reset(); } } if (filter != null && !ignoreCurrentFilter) { if (filter.getMode() == AsFragmentFilterMode.ABOVE) { quadBatchID = compileObject(_object, quadBatches, quadBatchID, transformationMatrix, alpha, blendMode, true); } quadBatchID = compileObject(filter.compile(_object), quadBatches, quadBatchID, transformationMatrix, alpha, blendMode); if (filter.getMode() == AsFragmentFilterMode.BELOW) { quadBatchID = compileObject(_object, quadBatches, quadBatchID, transformationMatrix, alpha, blendMode, true); } } else { if (container != null) { int numChildren = container.getNumChildren(); AsMatrix childMatrix = new AsMatrix(); for (i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i) { AsDisplayObject child = container.getChildAt(i); bool childVisible = child.getAlpha() != 0.0f && child.getVisible() && child.getScaleX() != 0.0f && child.getScaleY() != 0.0f; if (childVisible) { String childBlendMode = child.getBlendMode() == AsBlendMode.AUTO ? blendMode : child.getBlendMode(); childMatrix.copyFrom(transformationMatrix); AsRenderSupport.transformMatrixForObject(childMatrix, child); quadBatchID = compileObject(child, quadBatches, quadBatchID, childMatrix, alpha * objectAlpha, childBlendMode); } } } else { if (quad != null || batch != null) { AsTexture texture = null; String smoothing = null; bool tinted = false; int numQuads = 0; if (quad != null) { AsImage image = quad as AsImage; texture = image != null?image.getTexture() : null; smoothing = image != null?image.getSmoothing() : null; tinted = quad.getTinted(); numQuads = 1; } else { texture = batch.mTexture; smoothing = batch.mSmoothing; tinted = batch.mTinted; numQuads = batch.mNumQuads; } quadBatch = quadBatches[quadBatchID]; if (quadBatch.isStateChange(tinted, alpha * objectAlpha, texture, smoothing, blendMode, numQuads)) { quadBatchID++; if (quadBatches.getLength() <= quadBatchID) { quadBatches.push(new AsQuadBatch()); } quadBatch = quadBatches[quadBatchID]; quadBatch.reset(); } if (quad != null) { quadBatch.addQuad(quad, alpha, texture, smoothing, transformationMatrix, blendMode); } else { quadBatch.addQuadBatch(batch, alpha, transformationMatrix, blendMode); } } else { throw new AsError("Unsupported display object: " + AsGlobal.getQualifiedClassName(_object)); } } } if (isRootObject) { for (i = (int)(quadBatches.getLength() - 1); i > quadBatchID; --i) { quadBatches.pop().dispose(); } } return(quadBatchID); }
private AsQuadBatch renderPasses(AsDisplayObject _object, AsRenderSupport support, float parentAlpha, bool intoCache) { AsTexture cacheTexture = null; AsStage stage = _object.getStage(); AsContext3D context = AsStarling.getContext(); float scale = AsStarling.getCurrent().getContentScaleFactor(); if (stage == null) { throw new AsError("Filtered object must be on the stage."); } if (context == null) { throw new AsMissingContextError(); } support.finishQuadBatch(); support.raiseDrawCount((uint)(mNumPasses)); support.pushMatrix(); support.setBlendMode(AsBlendMode.NORMAL); AsRenderSupport.setBlendFactors(PMA); mProjMatrix.copyFrom(support.getProjectionMatrix()); AsTexture previousRenderTarget = support.getRenderTarget(); if (previousRenderTarget != null) { throw new AsIllegalOperationError("It's currently not possible to stack filters! " + "This limitation will be removed in a future Stage3D version."); } calculateBounds(_object, stage, sBounds); updateBuffers(context, sBounds); updatePassTextures((int)(sBounds.width), (int)(sBounds.height), mResolution * scale); if (intoCache) { cacheTexture = AsTexture.empty((int)(sBounds.width), (int)(sBounds.height), PMA, true, mResolution * scale); } support.setRenderTarget(mPassTextures[0]); support.clear(); support.setOrthographicProjection(sBounds.x, sBounds.y, sBounds.width, sBounds.height); _object.render(support, parentAlpha); support.finishQuadBatch(); AsRenderSupport.setBlendFactors(PMA); support.loadIdentity(); context.setVertexBufferAt(0, mVertexBuffer, AsVertexData.POSITION_OFFSET, AsContext3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_2); context.setVertexBufferAt(1, mVertexBuffer, AsVertexData.TEXCOORD_OFFSET, AsContext3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_2); int i = 0; for (; i < mNumPasses; ++i) { if (i < mNumPasses - 1) { support.setRenderTarget(getPassTexture(i + 1)); support.clear(); } else { if (intoCache) { support.setRenderTarget(cacheTexture); support.clear(); } else { support.setRenderTarget(previousRenderTarget); support.getProjectionMatrix().copyFrom(mProjMatrix); support.translateMatrix(mOffsetX, mOffsetY); support.setBlendMode(_object.getBlendMode()); support.applyBlendMode(PMA); } } AsTexture passTexture = getPassTexture(i); context.setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(AsContext3DProgramType.VERTEX, 0, support.getMvpMatrix3D(), true); context.setTextureAt(0, passTexture.get_base()); activate(i, context, passTexture); context.drawTriangles(mIndexBuffer, 0, 2); deactivate(i, context, passTexture); } context.setVertexBufferAt(0, null); context.setVertexBufferAt(1, null); context.setTextureAt(0, null); support.popMatrix(); if (intoCache) { support.setRenderTarget(previousRenderTarget); support.getProjectionMatrix().copyFrom(mProjMatrix); AsQuadBatch quadBatch = new AsQuadBatch(); AsImage image = new AsImage(cacheTexture); stage.getTransformationMatrix(_object, sTransformationMatrix); AsMatrixUtil.prependTranslation(sTransformationMatrix, sBounds.x + mOffsetX, sBounds.y + mOffsetY); quadBatch.addImage(image, 1.0f, sTransformationMatrix); return(quadBatch); } else { return(null); } }
public virtual void popMatrix() { mModelViewMatrix.copyFrom(mMatrixStack[--mMatrixStackSize]); }
public virtual AsMatrix getMvpMatrix() { mMvpMatrix.copyFrom(mModelViewMatrix); mMvpMatrix.concat(mProjectionMatrix); return(mMvpMatrix); }