        public static bool ImportArticyQuests(Project project, string questContainerExternalId)
            ArticyFlowObject questContainer;

            try {
                questContainer = project.GetFlowObject(questContainerExternalId);
            catch {
                throw new UserFriendlyException(
                          String.Format("Could not find quest container '{0}' in the project.", questContainerExternalId),
                          "One of data files does not contain required information."

            IList <GraphNode> quests = questContainer.Children;

            GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "{0} quests found:", quests.Count);

            ArticyFlowFragment articyQuest;
            Quest quest;
            Dictionary <ulong, QuestPin> pinIndex = new Dictionary <ulong, QuestPin>();
            List <Jump> articyJumps = new List <Jump>();
            bool        badScripts  = false;

            // copy quests
            foreach (GraphNode node in questContainer.Children)
                // hubs are used to join quests for further story progression: hub remains inactive until all quests connected to the hub are complete
                if (node is ArticyHub)
                    ArticyHub articyHub = (ArticyHub)node;
                    QuestHub  hub       = new QuestHub(articyHub.Id, articyHub.ExternalId);
                    badScripts |= ImportArticyPins(articyHub, hub, true, true, pinIndex);
                    GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Adding quest hub '0x{0:X16}'", hub.Id);

                // flow fragments are quests
                if (node is ArticyFlowFragment)
                    articyQuest = (ArticyFlowFragment)node;
                    quest       = new Quest(articyQuest.Id, articyQuest.ExternalId);

                    GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Importing quest '{0}'", quest.Key);
                    GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Quest has {0} inputs and {1} outputs", articyQuest.Inputs.Count, articyQuest.Outputs.Count);

                    badScripts |= ImportArticyPins(articyQuest, quest, true, true, pinIndex);

                    quest.Name        = articyQuest.DisplayName;
                    quest.Description = articyQuest.Text;


                    // copy quest fragments
                    foreach (GraphNode childNode in node.Children)
                        if (childNode is ArticyDialogue || childNode is ArticyDialogueFragment)
                            throw new UserFriendlyException(
                                      String.Format("Dialogue or dialogue fragment '0x{0:X16}' is not supposed to be a part of a quest", ((ArticyFlowFragment)childNode).Id),
                                      "One of data files is either corupt or has a version that is not supported by the game engine."

                        if (childNode is ArticyFlowFragment)
                            ArticyFlowFragment articyFragment = (ArticyFlowFragment)childNode;
                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(articyFragment.DisplayName))
                                QuestLogicGate gate = new QuestLogicGate(articyFragment.Id, articyFragment.ExternalId);
                                badScripts |= ImportArticyPins(articyFragment, gate, true, true, pinIndex);
                                GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Adding logic gate '0x{0:X16}' to the quest", gate.Id);
                                QuestObjective objective = new QuestObjective(articyFragment.Id, articyFragment.ExternalId);
                                objective.Description = articyFragment.Text;
                                badScripts           |= ImportArticyPins(articyFragment, objective, true, true, pinIndex);
                                GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Adding objective '0x{0:X16}' to the quest", objective.Id);
                                objective.Name        = articyFragment.DisplayName;
                                objective.Description = articyFragment.Text;

                        if (childNode is ArticyCondition)
                            ArticyCondition articyCondition = (ArticyCondition)childNode;
                            QuestCondition  condition       = new QuestCondition(articyCondition.Id, articyCondition.ExternalId);
                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(articyCondition.Script))
                                badScripts = true;
                                GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Condition '0x{0:X16}' has no script", condition.Id);
                                if ((condition.Script = CompileScript(articyCondition.Script, Quests.ConditionScriptEnvironment, "condition", condition.Id)) == null)
                                    badScripts = true;
                            badScripts |= ImportArticyPins(articyCondition, condition, true, true, pinIndex);
                            GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Adding condition '0x{0:X16}' to the quest", condition.Id);

                        if (childNode is ArticyInstruction)
                            ArticyInstruction articyInstruction = (ArticyInstruction)childNode;
                            QuestInstruction  instruction       = new QuestInstruction(articyInstruction.Id, articyInstruction.ExternalId);
                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(articyInstruction.Script))
                                GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Notice, "Instruction '0x{0:X16}' has no script", instruction.Id);
                                if ((instruction.Script = CompileScript(articyInstruction.Script, Quests.ConditionScriptEnvironment, "instruction", instruction.Id)) == null)
                                    badScripts = true;
                            badScripts |= ImportArticyPins(articyInstruction, instruction, true, true, pinIndex);
                            GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Adding instruction '0x{0:X16}' to the quest", instruction.Id);

                        if (childNode is ArticyHub)
                            ArticyHub      articyHub = (ArticyHub)childNode;
                            QuestSavePoint savePoint = new QuestSavePoint(articyHub.Id, articyHub.ExternalId);
                            badScripts |= ImportArticyPins(articyHub, savePoint, true, true, pinIndex);
                            GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Adding save point '0x{0:X16}' to the quest", savePoint.Id);

                        if (childNode is Jump)

            // jumps need postprocessing, because we must make sure all quest system nodes are already added
            // jumps must be treated as connections. they must be disallowed to connect to anything outside the scope of current quest.
            BaseQuestObject  obj;
            QuestPin         srcPin, dstPin;
            IList <GraphPin> inputs;

            foreach (Jump articyJump in articyJumps)
                GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Linking jump '0x{0:X16}'", articyJump.Id);

                if (articyJump.TargetPin != null)
                    if (!pinIndex.TryGetValue(articyJump.TargetPin.Id, out dstPin))
                        GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Ignoring jump '0x{0:X16}' since it's target pin is outside the quest container", articyJump.Id);
                else if (articyJump.Target != null)
                    inputs = articyJump.Target.Inputs;
                    if (inputs.Count == 0)
                        GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Ignoring jump '0x{0:X16}' since it's target does not have input pins", articyJump.Id);
                    if (!pinIndex.TryGetValue(((FlowObjectPin)inputs[0]).Id, out dstPin))
                        GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Ignoring jump '0x{0:X16}' since it's target is outside the quest container", articyJump.Id);

                obj = (BaseQuestObject)dstPin.Node;
                if (obj.Parent == null || !(obj.Parent is Quest) || ((Quest)obj.Parent).Id != ((ArticyFlowObject)articyJump.Parent).Id)
                    GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Ignoring jump '0x{0:X16}' since it's not targetting an object within the same quest", articyJump.Id);

                foreach (FlowObjectPin pin in articyJump.Inputs)
                    foreach (ArticyFlowConnection articyConnection in pin.Connections)
                        if (articyConnection.Target != pin)
                        if (!pinIndex.TryGetValue(((FlowObjectPin)articyConnection.Source).Id, out srcPin))
                        QuestConnection newConnection = new QuestConnection(articyConnection.Id, articyConnection.ExternalId);
                        newConnection.Source = srcPin;
                        newConnection.Target = dstPin;
                        GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Connected '0x{0:X16}' to '0x{1:X16}' (jump replacement)", ((BaseQuestObject)newConnection.Source.Node).Id, ((BaseQuestObject)newConnection.Target.Node).Id);

            // recreate connections
            foreach (ArticyFlowConnection articyConnection in project.FlowConnections)
                if (!pinIndex.TryGetValue(((FlowObjectPin)articyConnection.Target).Id, out dstPin))

                if (dstPin.Type == GraphPin.PinType.Input && dstPin.Node is Quest && articyConnection.Source.Node == questContainer)
                    if (!m_InitiallyActiveQuestPins.Contains(dstPin))
                    GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Adding pin '0x{0:X16}' to list of initially active quest pins", dstPin.Id);

                if (!pinIndex.TryGetValue(((FlowObjectPin)articyConnection.Source).Id, out srcPin))

                QuestConnection newConnection = new QuestConnection(articyConnection.Id, articyConnection.ExternalId);
                newConnection.Source = srcPin;
                newConnection.Target = dstPin;

                GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Connected '0x{0:X16}' to '0x{1:X16}'", ((BaseQuestObject)newConnection.Source.Node).Id, ((BaseQuestObject)newConnection.Target.Node).Id);

        public static bool ImportArticyDialogues(Project project, string dialogueContainerExternalId)
            ArticyFlowObject dialogueContainer;

            try {
                dialogueContainer = project.GetFlowObject(dialogueContainerExternalId);
            catch {
                throw new UserFriendlyException(
                          String.Format("Could not find dialogue container '{0}' in the project.", dialogueContainerExternalId),
                          "One of data files does not contain required information."

            IList <GraphNode> dialogues = dialogueContainer.Children;

            GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "{0} dialogues found:", dialogues.Count);

            ArticyDialogue articyDialogue;
            Dialogue       dialogue;
            Dictionary <ulong, DialoguePin> pinIndex = new Dictionary <ulong, DialoguePin>();
            List <Jump>  articyJumps = new List <Jump>();
            DialogueJump jump;
            bool         badScripts = false;

            // copy dialogues
            foreach (GraphNode node in dialogueContainer.Children)
                if (!(node is ArticyDialogue))
                articyDialogue = (ArticyDialogue)node;
                dialogue       = new Dialogue(articyDialogue.Id, articyDialogue.ExternalId);

                GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Importing dialogue '{0}'", dialogue.Key);
                GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Dialogue has {0} inputs and {1} outputs", articyDialogue.Inputs.Count, articyDialogue.Outputs.Count);

                badScripts |= ImportArticyPins(articyDialogue, dialogue, false, false, pinIndex);


                // copy dialogue fragments
                foreach (GraphNode childNode in node.Children)
                    if (childNode is ArticyFlowFragment)
                        throw new UserFriendlyException(
                                  String.Format("FlowFragment '0x{0:X16}' is not supposed to be a part of a dialogue", ((ArticyFlowFragment)childNode).Id),
                                  "One of data files is either corupt or has a version that is not supported by the game engine."

                    if (childNode is ArticyDialogueFragment)
                        ArticyDialogueFragment articyFragment = (ArticyDialogueFragment)childNode;
                        DialogueFragment       fragment       = new DialogueFragment(articyFragment.Id, articyFragment.ExternalId);
                        fragment.ActorId  = (articyFragment.Speaker == null) ? 0UL : articyFragment.Speaker.Id;
                        fragment.MenuText = articyFragment.MenuText;
                        fragment.Text     = articyFragment.Text;
                        fragment.Extra    = articyFragment.StageDirections;
                        badScripts       |= ImportArticyPins(articyFragment, fragment, true, true, pinIndex);
                        GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Adding fragment '0x{0:X16}' to the dialogue", fragment.Id);

                    if (childNode is ArticyCondition)
                        ArticyCondition   articyCondition = (ArticyCondition)childNode;
                        DialogueCondition condition       = new DialogueCondition(articyCondition.Id, articyCondition.ExternalId);
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(articyCondition.Script))
                            badScripts = true;
                            GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Condition '0x{0:X16}' has no script", condition.Id);
                            if ((condition.Script = CompileScript(articyCondition.Script, Dialogues.ConditionScriptEnvironment, "condition", condition.Id)) == null)
                                badScripts = true;
                        badScripts |= ImportArticyPins(articyCondition, condition, true, true, pinIndex);
                        GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Adding condition '0x{0:X16}' to the dialogue", condition.Id);

                    if (childNode is ArticyInstruction)
                        ArticyInstruction   articyInstruction = (ArticyInstruction)childNode;
                        DialogueInstruction instruction       = new DialogueInstruction(articyInstruction.Id, articyInstruction.ExternalId);
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(articyInstruction.Script))
                            GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Notice, "Instruction '0x{0:X16}' has no script", instruction.Id);
                            if ((instruction.Script = CompileScript(articyInstruction.Script, Dialogues.ConditionScriptEnvironment, "instruction", instruction.Id)) == null)
                                badScripts = true;
                        badScripts |= ImportArticyPins(articyInstruction, instruction, true, true, pinIndex);
                        GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Adding instruction '0x{0:X16}' to the dialogue", instruction.Id);

                    if (childNode is ArticyHub)
                        ArticyHub   articyHub = (ArticyHub)childNode;
                        DialogueHub hub       = new DialogueHub(articyHub.Id, articyHub.ExternalId);
                        badScripts |= ImportArticyPins(articyHub, hub, true, true, pinIndex);
                        GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Adding hub '0x{0:X16}' to the dialogue", hub.Id);

                    if (childNode is Jump)
                        Jump articyJump = (Jump)childNode;
                        jump        = new DialogueJump(articyJump.Id, articyJump.ExternalId);
                        badScripts |= ImportArticyPins(articyJump, jump, true, true, pinIndex);
                        GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Adding jump '0x{0:X16}' to the dialogue", jump.Id);
                        m_Objects.Add(jump.Id, jump);

            // jumps need postprocessing, because we must make sure all dialogue system nodes are already added
            BaseDialogueObject obj;
            DialoguePin        pin;

            foreach (Jump articyJump in articyJumps)
                jump = (DialogueJump)m_Objects[articyJump.Id];

                GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Linking jump '0x{0:X16}'", jump.Id);

                if (articyJump.Target != null)
                    if (!m_Objects.TryGetValue(articyJump.Target.Id, out obj))
                        throw new UserFriendlyException(
                                  String.Format("Jump '0x{0:X16}' references an object outside the dialogue container", jump.Id),
                                  "One of data files is either corupt or has a version that is not supported by the game engine."
                    jump.Target = obj;
                    GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Linked target to {0} '0x{1:X16}'", obj.GetType().Name, obj.Id);

                if (articyJump.TargetPin != null)
                    if (articyJump.TargetPin.Node == dialogueContainer)
                        throw new UserFriendlyException(
                                  String.Format("Jump '0x{0:X16}' references a pin of the dialogue container itself", jump.Id),
                                  "One of data files is either corupt or has a version that is not supported by the game engine."
                    if (!pinIndex.TryGetValue(articyJump.TargetPin.Id, out pin))
                        throw new UserFriendlyException(
                                  String.Format("Jump '0x{0:X16}' references a pin outside the dialogue container", jump.Id),
                                  "One of data files is either corupt or has a version that is not supported by the game engine."
                    jump.TargetPin = pin;
                    GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Linked target pin to '0x{0:X16}'", articyJump.TargetPin.Id);

            // recreate connections
            DialoguePin srcPin, dstPin;

            foreach (ArticyFlowConnection articyConnection in project.FlowConnections)
                if (articyConnection.Source.Node is ArticyFlowFragment ||
                    articyConnection.Target.Node is ArticyFlowFragment ||
                    (articyConnection.Source.Node is ArticyDialogue && articyConnection.Target.Node is ArticyDialogue) ||
                    !pinIndex.TryGetValue(((FlowObjectPin)articyConnection.Source).Id, out srcPin) ||
                    !pinIndex.TryGetValue(((FlowObjectPin)articyConnection.Target).Id, out dstPin)

                GraphConnection newConnection = new GraphConnection();
                newConnection.Source = srcPin;
                newConnection.Target = dstPin;

                GameDebugger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, "Connected '0x{0:X16}' to '0x{1:X16}'", ((BaseDialogueObject)newConnection.Source.Node).Id, ((BaseDialogueObject)newConnection.Target.Node).Id);
