        public async Task <IActionResult> Add(ArticleView result)
            //if (await _articleService.CheckIfSlugExist(result.Slug))
            //    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Artykuł z tym linkiem już istnieje!");

            //if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            //    ViewBag.Categories = await _categoryService.GetAll();
            //    ViewBag.Tags = await _tagService.GetAll();

            //    return View(result);

            var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            var articleModel = ArticleHelpers.ConvertToModel(result, user, "https://theraphosidae.pl");
            var article      = await _articleService.Create(articleModel);

            if (article == false)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard"));

            var photo = await _cloudinaryService.AddFile(result.FeaturedImg, articleModel);

            //await _taxonomyService.SaveCategories(await _categoryService.GetCategoriesByName(result.Categories), articleModel);
            //await _taxonomyService.SaveTags(await _tagService.GetCategoriesByNames(result.Tags), articleModel);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(ArticleView result)
            var article = await _articleService.Get(result.Id);

            // sprawdzamy dopiero jeżeli tytuł się
            if (result.Slug != article.Slug)
                // sprawdzic czy sam sobą nie jest czasem
                if (await _articleService.CheckIfSlugExist(result.Slug))
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Wpis o podanym linku istnieje");

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                // 1. Pobieranie listy tagów oraz kategorii
                ViewBag.Categories = await _categoryService.GetAll();

                ViewBag.Tags = await _tagService.GetAll();


            // 2. Poprawnie zwalidowane post zapisuję do bazy danych

            // a. Jeżeli nastąpiła zamiana zdjęcia do zapisujemy
            if (result.IsPhotoEdited)
                // Usuwanie starego zdjęcia tylko pod warunkiem jeżeli istnieje
                if (article.Image != null)
                    // usuwanie starego zdjęcia

                // Jeżeli zostało wgrane nowe zdjęcie to je zapisz i przypisz
                if (result.FeaturedImg != null)
                    var medium = await _cloudService.AddFile(result.FeaturedImg);

                    article.Image = medium;

            // b. Aktualizacja wpisu
            var seoSettings = await _seoService.GetSeoSettings();

            await _articleService.Update(ArticleHelpers.MergeViewWithModel(article, result, seoSettings.MainUrl));

            // c. Aktualizacja taxonomies
            await _taxonomyService.Delete(result.Id);

            await _taxonomyService.SaveCategories(await _categoryService.GetCategoriesByNames(result.Categories), article);

            await _taxonomyService.SaveTags(await _tagService.GetCategoriesByNames(result.Tags), article);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Details(int Id)
            var articleModel = await _articleService.Get(Id);

            await _articleService.IncrementArticleViews(Id);

            ViewData["Comment"] = await _commentService.GetAll();

        public async Task <IActionResult> Add(ArticleCommentView result)
            var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            var articleId    = result.Article.Id;
            var commentModel = ArticleHelpers.ConvertCommentToModel(result, user);
            var comment      = await _commentService.Create(commentModel, articleId);

            return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Article", new { id = articleId }));
        public async Task CreateArticleCategoryTest_ValidData_ExpectSuccess()
            //create a test Article
            var articleCmd = new Conduit.Features.Articles.Create.Command()
                Article = new Conduit.Features.Articles.Create.ArticleData()
                    Title       = "Test article dsergiu77",
                    Description = "Description of the test article",
                    Body        = "Body of the test article",
                    TagList     = new string[] { "tag1", "tag2" }

            //save it
            var article = await ArticleHelpers.CreateArticle(this, articleCmd);

            //create a test category
            var categoryCmd = new Conduit.Features.Categories.Create.Command()
                Category = new Conduit.Features.Categories.Create.CategoryData()
                    ParentCategory = 0,
                    Name           = "TestCategory",
                    Description    = "This is a test Category"

            //save it
            var createdCategory = await Categories.CategoryHelpers.CreateCategory(this, categoryCmd);

            //assign the article to the category
            var createCmd = new Create.Command()
                articleCategory = new Domain.ArticleCategory()
                    ArticleCategoryId = 0,
                    ArticleId         = 1,
                    CategoryId        = 1,
                    CreatedAt         = DateTime.Now,
                    UpdatedAt         = DateTime.Now

            //save the assignment
            var createdArticleCategory = await ArticleCategoryHelpers.CreateArticleCategory(this, createCmd);

            //check thats its not null obj

            //check if it has an ID
            Assert.NotEqual(0, createdArticleCategory.ArticleCategoryId);
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var existingArticle = await _Repo.GetArticleById(Article.Id);

            Article.ViewCount = existingArticle.ViewCount;
            Article.Version   = existingArticle.Version + 1;

            //check if the slug already exists in the database.
            var slug = UrlHelpers.URLFriendly(Article.Topic);

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(slug))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Article.Topic", "The Topic must contain at least one alphanumeric character.");

            if (!await _Repo.IsTopicAvailable(slug, Article.Id))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Article.Topic", "This Title already exists.");

            var articlesToCreateFromLinks = (await ArticleHelpers.GetArticlesToCreate(_Repo, Article, createSlug: true))

            Article.Published  = _clock.GetCurrentInstant();
            Article.Slug       = slug;
            Article.AuthorId   = Guid.Parse(this.User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier));
            Article.AuthorName = User.Identity.Name;

            if (!string.Equals(Article.Slug, existingArticle.Slug, StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                await _SlugRepo.AddToHistory(existingArticle.Slug, Article);


            try {
                await _Repo.Update(Article);
            } catch (ArticleNotFoundException) {
                return(new ArticleNotFoundResult());

            if (articlesToCreateFromLinks.Count > 0)
                return(RedirectToPage("CreateArticleFromLink", new { id = slug }));

            return(Redirect($"/{(Article.Slug == "home-page" ? "" : Article.Slug)}"));
 public ActionResult Article(string id)
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
         return(View(new Article()
             Description = ArticleHelpers.GetTitle(id), ID = id
 public ActionResult RequestArticle(string id)
     if (id != null)
         //Session["ArticleID"] = id;
         return(View(new Article()
             Description = ArticleHelpers.GetTitle(id), ID = id
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int Id)
            //ViewBag.Categories = await _categoryService.GetAll();
            //ViewBag.Tags = await _tagService.GetAll();

            var articleModel = await _articleService.Get(Id);

            if (articleModel.User.UserName != User.Identity.Name)
                return(RedirectToAction("List", "Article"));

            var articleView = ArticleHelpers.ConvertToView(articleModel);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Add(ArticleView result)
            if (await _articleService.CheckIfSlugExist(result.Slug))
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Wpis o podanym linku istnieje");

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                // 1. Pobieranie listy tagów oraz kategorii
                ViewBag.Categories = await _categoryService.GetAll();

                ViewBag.Tags = await _tagService.GetAll();


            // 2.Poprawnie zwalidowane post zapisuję do bazy danych

            // a. Pobranie dodatkowych informacji do artykułu | usera, url strony
            var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            var seoSettings = await _seoService.GetSeoSettings();

            // b. Utworzenie wpisu
            var articleModel = ArticleHelpers.ConvertToModel(result, user, seoSettings.MainUrl);
            var article      = await _articleService.Create(articleModel);

            if (article == false)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Admin"));
            }                                                                   // TODO: przekieruj na stronę z błędem

            // c. Zapis zdjęcia
            var medium = await _cloudService.AddFile(result.FeaturedImg, articleModel);

            // d. Wygenerowanie taxonomies
            await _taxonomyService.SaveCategories(await _categoryService.GetCategoriesByNames(result.Categories), articleModel);

            await _taxonomyService.SaveTags(await _tagService.GetCategoriesByNames(result.Tags), articleModel);

        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int Id)
            // 1. Pobieranie listy tagów oraz kategorii
            ViewBag.Categories = await _categoryService.GetAll();

            ViewBag.Tags = await _tagService.GetAll();

            var articleModel = await _articleService.Get(Id);

            // 2. Sprawdzanie czy artykuł należy do użytkownika
            if (articleModel.User.UserName != User.Identity.Name)
                return(RedirectToAction("List", "Article"));

            var articleView = ArticleHelpers.ConvertToView(articleModel);

        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
            var slug = UrlHelpers.URLFriendly(Article.Topic);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(slug))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Article.Topic", "The Topic must contain at least one alphanumeric character.");

            Article.Slug     = slug;
            Article.AuthorId = Guid.Parse(this.User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier));

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // Check if slug already exist in database
            Logger.LogWarning($"Creating page with slug: {slug}");

            if (await _articleRepo.IsTopicAvailable(slug, 0))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Article.Topic", "This Title already exists.");

            Article.Published = _clock.GetCurrentInstant();

            Article = await _articleRepo.CreateArticleAndHistory(Article);

            var articlesToCreateFromLinks = (await ArticleHelpers.GetArticlesToCreate(_articleRepo, Article, createSlug: true))

            if (articlesToCreateFromLinks.Count > 0)
                return(RedirectToPage("CreateArticleFromLink", new { id = slug }));

        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(ArticleView result)
            var article = await _articleService.Get(result.Id);

            if (result.Slug != article.Slug)
                //if(await _articleService.CheckIfSlugExist(result.Slug))
                //    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Artykuł o podanym linku nie istnieje");

            //    ViewBag.Categories = await _categoryService.GetAll();
            //    ViewBag.Tags = await _tagService.GetAll();

            //    return View(result);

            if (result.FeaturedImg != null)
                if (article.Image != null)
                var photo = await _cloudinaryService.AddFile(result.FeaturedImg);

                article.Image = photo;

            await _articleService.Update(ArticleHelpers.MergeViewWithModel(article, result, "https://theraphosidae.pl"));

            //await _taxonomyService.Delete(result.Id);

            //await _taxonomyService.SaveCategories(await _categoryService.GetCategoriesByName(result.Categories), article);

            //await _taxonomyService.SaveTags(await _tagService.GetCategoriesByNames(result.Tags), article);

        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(string id)
            if (id == null)

            Article = await _articleRepo.GetArticleBySlug(id);

            if (Article == null)
                return(new ArticleNotFoundResult());

            LinksToCreate = (await ArticleHelpers.GetArticlesToCreate(_articleRepo, Article)).ToList();

            if (LinksToCreate.Count == 0)
                return(Redirect($"/{(Article.Slug == "home-page" ? "" : Article.Slug)}"));

        private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
            // You may adjust these values to experiment with different compute resource scenarios.
            const string nodeSize         = "standard_d1_v2";
            const int    nodeCount        = 1;
            const int    taskSlotsPerNode = 4;

            // Adjust the task count to experiment with different list operation query durations
            const int taskCount = 5000;

            const string poolId = "EfficientListQueriesSamplePool";
            const string jobId  = "EfficientListQueriesSampleJob";

            var accountSettings = SampleHelpers.LoadAccountSettings();

            // Set up the credentials required by the BatchClient. Configure your AccountSettings in the
            // Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Samples.Common project within this solution.
            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                // Create a CloudPool, or obtain an existing pool with the specified ID
                CloudPool pool = await ArticleHelpers.CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(

                // Create a CloudJob, or obtain an existing job with the specified ID
                CloudJob job = await ArticleHelpers.CreateJobIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, poolId, jobId);

                // Configure the tasks we'll be querying. Each task simply echoes the node's
                // name and then exits. We create "large" tasks by setting an environment
                // variable for each that is 2048 bytes in size. This is done simply to
                // increase response time when querying the batch service to more clearly
                // demonstrate query durations.
                List <CloudTask>          tasks = new List <CloudTask>();
                List <EnvironmentSetting> environmentSettings = new List <EnvironmentSetting>();
                environmentSettings.Add(new EnvironmentSetting("BIGENV", GetBigString(2048)));
                for (int i = 1; i < taskCount + 1; i++)
                    string    taskId          = "task" + i.ToString().PadLeft(5, '0');
                    string    taskCommandLine = "cmd /c echo %COMPUTERNAME%";
                    CloudTask task            = new CloudTask(taskId, taskCommandLine);
                    task.EnvironmentSettings = environmentSettings;

                Console.WriteLine("Adding {0} tasks to job {1}...", taskCount, job.Id);

                Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Add the tasks in one API call as opposed to a separate AddTask call for each. Bulk task submission
                // helps to ensure efficient underlying API calls to the Batch service.
                await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(job.Id, tasks);

                Console.WriteLine("{0} tasks added in {1}, hit ENTER to query tasks...", taskCount, stopwatch.Elapsed);

                // Obtain the tasks, specifying different detail levels to demonstrate limiting the number of tasks returned
                // and the amount of data returned for each. If your job tasks number in the thousands or have "large" properties
                // (such as our big environment variable), specifying a DetailLevel is important in reducing the amount of data
                // transferred, lowering your query response times (potentially greatly).

                // Get a subset of the tasks based on different task states
                ODATADetailLevel detail = new ODATADetailLevel();
                detail.FilterClause = "state eq 'active'";
                detail.SelectClause = "id,state";
                await QueryTasksAsync(batchClient, job.Id, detail);

                detail.FilterClause = "state eq 'running'";
                await QueryTasksAsync(batchClient, job.Id, detail);

                detail.FilterClause = "state eq 'completed'";
                await QueryTasksAsync(batchClient, job.Id, detail);

                // Get all tasks, but limit the properties returned to task id and state only
                detail.FilterClause = null;
                detail.SelectClause = "id,state";
                await QueryTasksAsync(batchClient, job.Id, detail);

                // Get all tasks, include id and state, also include the inflated environment settings property
                detail.SelectClause = "id,state,environmentSettings";
                await QueryTasksAsync(batchClient, job.Id, detail);

                // Get all tasks, include all standard properties, and expand the statistics
                detail.ExpandClause = "stats";
                detail.SelectClause = null;
                await QueryTasksAsync(batchClient, job.Id, detail);


                // Clean up the resources we've created in the Batch account
                Console.WriteLine("Delete job? [yes] no");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(job.Id);

                Console.WriteLine("Delete pool? [yes] no");
                response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.PoolOperations.DeletePoolAsync(pool.Id);
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            const int taskCount = 5000;

            const string poolId = "poolEffQuery";
            const string jobId  = "jobEffQuery";

            // Set up the credentials required by the BatchClient. Configure your AccountSettings in the
            // Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Samples.Common project within this solution.
            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(AccountSettings.Default.BatchServiceUrl,

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                // Create a CloudPool, or obtain an existing pool with the specified ID
                CreatePool(batchClient, poolId).Wait();
                CloudPool pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.GetPool(poolId);

                // Create a CloudJob, or obtain an existing job with the specified ID
                CloudJob job = ArticleHelpers.CreateJobAsync(batchClient, poolId, jobId).Result;

                // Configure the tasks we'll be querying. Each task simply echoes the node's
                // name and then exits. We create "large" tasks by setting an environment
                // variable for each that is 2048 bytes in size. This is done simply to
                // increase response time when querying the batch service to more clearly
                // demonstrate query durations.
                List <CloudTask>          tasks = new List <CloudTask>();
                List <EnvironmentSetting> environmentSettings = new List <EnvironmentSetting>();
                environmentSettings.Add(new EnvironmentSetting("BIGENV", GetBigString(2048)));
                for (int i = 1; i < taskCount + 1; i++)
                    string    taskId          = "task" + i.ToString().PadLeft(5, '0');
                    string    taskCommandLine = "cmd /c echo %COMPUTERNAME%";
                    CloudTask task            = new CloudTask(taskId, taskCommandLine);
                    task.EnvironmentSettings = environmentSettings;

                Console.WriteLine("Adding {0} tasks to job {1}...", taskCount, job.Id);

                Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                // To reduce the chances of hitting Batch service throttling limits, we add the tasks in
                // one API call as opposed to a separate AddTask call for each. This is crucial if you
                // are adding many tasks to your jobs.
                batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(job.Id, tasks);

                Console.WriteLine("{0} tasks added in {1}, hit ENTER to query tasks...", taskCount, stopwatch.Elapsed);

                // Obtain the tasks, specifying different detail levels to demonstrate limiting the number of tasks returned
                // and the amount of data returned for each. If your job tasks number in the thousands or have "large" properties
                // (such as our big environment variable), specifying a DetailLevel is important in reducing the amount of data
                // transferred, lowering your query response times (potentially greatly).

                // Get a subset of the tasks based on different task states
                ODATADetailLevel detail = new ODATADetailLevel();
                detail.FilterClause = "state eq 'active'";
                detail.SelectClause = "id,state";
                QueryTasks(batchClient, job.Id, detail);
                detail.FilterClause = "state eq 'running'";
                QueryTasks(batchClient, job.Id, detail);
                detail.FilterClause = "state eq 'completed'";
                QueryTasks(batchClient, job.Id, detail);

                // Get all tasks, but limit the properties returned to task id and state only
                detail.FilterClause = null;
                detail.SelectClause = "id,state";
                QueryTasks(batchClient, job.Id, detail);

                // Get all tasks, include id and state, also include the inflated environment settings property
                detail.SelectClause = "id,state,environmentSettings";
                QueryTasks(batchClient, job.Id, detail);

                // Get all tasks, include all standard properties, and expand the statistics
                detail.ExpandClause = "stats";
                detail.SelectClause = null;
                QueryTasks(batchClient, job.Id, detail);

                Console.WriteLine("Sample complete, hit ENTER to continue...");

                // Clean up the resources we've created in the Batch account
                Console.WriteLine("Delete job? [yes] no");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")

                Console.WriteLine("Delete pool? [yes] no");
                response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
        private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
            const string poolId = "JobPrepReleaseSamplePool";
            const string jobId  = "JobPrepReleaseSampleJob";

            // Location of the file that the job tasks will work with, a text file in the
            // node's "shared" directory.
            const string taskOutputFile = "%AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR%\\job_prep_and_release.txt";

            // The job prep task will write the node ID to the text file in the shared directory
            const string jobPrepCmdLine = "cmd /c echo %AZ_BATCH_NODE_ID% tasks: >" + taskOutputFile;

            // Each task then echoes its ID to the same text file
            const string taskCmdLine = "cmd /c echo   %AZ_BATCH_TASK_ID% >> " + taskOutputFile;

            // The job release task will then delete the text file from the shared directory
            const string jobReleaseCmdLine = "cmd /c del " + taskOutputFile;

            // Configure your AccountSettings in the Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Samples.Common project within this solution
            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(AccountSettings.Default.BatchServiceUrl,

            // Initialize the BatchClient for access to your Batch account
            using (BatchClient batchClient = await BatchClient.OpenAsync(cred))
                // Create a CloudPool (or obtain an existing pool with the specified ID)
                CloudPool pool = await ArticleHelpers.CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(batchClient,

                // Create a CloudJob (or obtain an existing job with the specified ID)
                CloudJob job = await SampleHelpers.GetJobIfExistAsync(batchClient, jobId);

                if (job == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Job {0} not found, creating...", jobId);

                    CloudJob unboundJob = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation()
                        PoolId = poolId

                    // Configure and assign the job preparation task
                    unboundJob.JobPreparationTask = new JobPreparationTask {
                        CommandLine = jobPrepCmdLine

                    // Configure and assign the job release task
                    unboundJob.JobReleaseTask = new JobReleaseTask {
                        CommandLine = jobReleaseCmdLine

                    await unboundJob.CommitAsync();

                    // Get the bound version of the job with all of its properties populated
                    job = await batchClient.JobOperations.GetJobAsync(jobId);

                // Create the tasks that the job will execute
                List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>();
                for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
                    string    taskId          = "task" + i.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
                    string    taskCommandLine = taskCmdLine;
                    CloudTask task            = new CloudTask(taskId, taskCommandLine);

                // Add the tasks in one API call as opposed to a separate AddTask call for each. Bulk task
                // submission helps to ensure efficient underlying API calls to the Batch service.
                Console.WriteLine("Submitting tasks and awaiting completion...");
                await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(job.Id, tasks);

                // Wait for the tasks to complete before proceeding. The long timeout here is to allow time
                // for the nodes within the pool to be created and started if the pool had not yet been created.
                await batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WhenAll(

                Console.WriteLine("All tasks completed.");

                // Print the contents of the shared text file modified by the job preparation and other tasks.
                ODATADetailLevel nodeDetail          = new ODATADetailLevel(selectClause: "id, state");
                IPagedEnumerable <ComputeNode> nodes = batchClient.PoolOperations.ListComputeNodes(pool.Id, nodeDetail);
                await nodes.ForEachAsync(async (node) =>
                    // Check to ensure that the node is Idle before attempting to pull the text file.
                    // If the pool was just created, there is a chance that another node completed all
                    // of the tasks prior to the other node(s) completing their startup procedure.
                    if (node.State == ComputeNodeState.Idle)
                        NodeFile sharedTextFile = await node.GetNodeFileAsync("shared\\job_prep_and_release.txt");
                        Console.WriteLine("Contents of {0} on {1}:", sharedTextFile.Name, node.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine(await sharedTextFile.ReadAsStringAsync());

                // Terminate the job to mark it as Completed; this will initiate the Job Release Task on any node
                // that executed job tasks. Note that the Job Release Task is also executed when a job is deleted,
                // thus you need not call Terminate if you typically delete your jobs upon task completion.
                await batchClient.JobOperations.TerminateJobAsync(job.Id);

                // Wait for the job to reach state "Completed." Note that this wait is not typically necessary in
                // production code, but is done here to enable the checking of the release tasks exit code below.
                await ArticleHelpers.WaitForJobToReachStateAsync(batchClient, job.Id, JobState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));

                // Print the exit codes of the prep and release tasks by obtaining their execution info
                List <JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation> prepReleaseInfo = await batchClient.JobOperations.ListJobPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatus(job.Id).ToListAsync();

                foreach (JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation info in prepReleaseInfo)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: ", info.ComputeNodeId);

                    // If no tasks were scheduled to run on the node, the JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation will be null
                    if (info.JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("  Prep task exit code:    {0}", info.JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation.ExitCode);

                    // If no tasks were scheduled to run on the node, the JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation will be null
                    if (info.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("  Release task exit code: {0}", info.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation.ExitCode);

                // Clean up the resources we've created in the Batch account
                Console.WriteLine("Delete job? [yes] no");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    // Note that deleting the job will execute the job release task if the job was not previously terminated
                    await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(job.Id);

                Console.WriteLine("Delete pool? [yes] no");
                response = Console.ReadLine();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.PoolOperations.DeletePoolAsync(pool.Id);
        private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
            // You may adjust these values to experiment with different compute resource scenarios.
            const string nodeSize        = "small";
            const int    nodeCount       = 4;
            const int    maxTasksPerNode = 4;
            const int    taskCount       = 32;

            // Ensure there are enough tasks to help avoid hitting some timeout conditions below
            int minimumTaskCount = nodeCount * maxTasksPerNode * 2;

            if (taskCount < minimumTaskCount)
                Console.WriteLine("You must specify at least two tasks per node core for this sample ({0} tasks in this configuration).", minimumTaskCount);

                // Not enough tasks, exit the application

            // In this sample, the tasks simply ping localhost on the compute nodes; adjust these
            // values to simulate variable task duration
            const int minPings = 30;
            const int maxPings = 60;

            const string poolId = "ParallelTasksSamplePool";
            const string jobId  = "ParallelTasksSampleJob";

            // Amount of time to wait before timing out (potentially) long-running tasks
            TimeSpan longTaskDurationLimit = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

            // Set up access to your Batch account with a BatchClient. Configure your AccountSettings in the
            // Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Samples.Common project within this solution.
            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(AccountSettings.Default.BatchServiceUrl,

            using (BatchClient batchClient = await BatchClient.OpenAsync(cred))
                // Create a CloudPool, or obtain an existing pool with the specified ID
                CloudPool pool = await ArticleHelpers.CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(batchClient,

                // Create a CloudJob, or obtain an existing pool with the specified ID
                CloudJob job = await ArticleHelpers.CreateJobIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, poolId, jobId);

                // The job's tasks ping localhost a random number of times between minPings and maxPings.
                // Adjust the minPings/maxPings values above to experiment with different task durations.
                Random           rand  = new Random();
                List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>();
                for (int i = 1; i <= taskCount; i++)
                    string    taskId          = "task" + i.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
                    string    taskCommandLine = "ping -n " + rand.Next(minPings, maxPings + 1).ToString() + " localhost";
                    CloudTask task            = new CloudTask(taskId, taskCommandLine);

                // Pause execution until the pool is steady and its compute nodes are ready to accept jobs.
                // NOTE: Such a pause is not necessary within your own code. Tasks can be added to a job at any point and will be
                // scheduled to execute on a compute node as soon any node has reached Idle state. Because the focus of this sample
                // is the demonstration of running tasks in parallel on multiple compute nodes, we wait for all compute nodes to
                // complete initialization and reach the Idle state in order to maximize the number of compute nodes available for
                // parallelization.
                await ArticleHelpers.WaitForPoolToReachStateAsync(batchClient, pool.Id, AllocationState.Steady, longTaskDurationLimit);

                await ArticleHelpers.WaitForNodesToReachStateAsync(batchClient, pool.Id, ComputeNodeState.Idle, longTaskDurationLimit);

                // Add the tasks in one API call as opposed to a separate AddTask call for each. Bulk task submission
                // helps to ensure efficient underlying API calls to the Batch service.
                await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(job.Id, tasks);

                // Pause again to wait until *all* nodes are running tasks
                await ArticleHelpers.WaitForNodesToReachStateAsync(batchClient, pool.Id, ComputeNodeState.Running, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));

                Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Print out task assignment information.
                await GettingStartedCommon.PrintNodeTasksAsync(batchClient, pool.Id);


                // Pause execution while we wait for all of the tasks to complete
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for task completion...");

                    await batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WhenAll(
                catch (TimeoutException e)


                // Obtain the tasks, specifying a detail level to limit the number of properties returned for each task.
                // If you have a large number of tasks, specifying a DetailLevel is extremely important in reducing the
                // amount of data transferred, lowering your query response times in increasing performance.
                ODATADetailLevel             detail   = new ODATADetailLevel(selectClause: "id,commandLine,nodeInfo,state");
                IPagedEnumerable <CloudTask> allTasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(job.Id, detail);

                // Get a collection of the completed tasks sorted by the compute nodes on which they executed
                List <CloudTask> completedTasks = allTasks
                                                  .Where(t => t.State == TaskState.Completed)
                                                  .OrderBy(t => t.ComputeNodeInformation.ComputeNodeId)

                // Print the completed task information
                Console.WriteLine("Completed tasks:");
                string lastNodeId = string.Empty;
                foreach (CloudTask task in completedTasks)
                    if (!string.Equals(lastNodeId, task.ComputeNodeInformation.ComputeNodeId))

                    lastNodeId = task.ComputeNodeInformation.ComputeNodeId;

                    Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", task.Id, task.CommandLine);

                // Get a collection of the uncompleted tasks which may exist if the TaskMonitor timeout was hit
                List <CloudTask> uncompletedTasks = allTasks
                                                    .Where(t => t.State != TaskState.Completed)
                                                    .OrderBy(t => t.Id)

                // Print a list of uncompleted tasks, if any
                Console.WriteLine("Uncompleted tasks:");
                if (uncompletedTasks.Any())
                    foreach (CloudTask task in uncompletedTasks)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: {1}", task.Id, task.CommandLine);

                // Print some summary information
                Console.WriteLine("             Nodes: " + nodeCount);
                Console.WriteLine("         Node size: " + nodeSize);
                Console.WriteLine("Max tasks per node: " + pool.MaxTasksPerComputeNode);
                Console.WriteLine("             Tasks: " + tasks.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("          Duration: " + stopwatch.Elapsed);

                // Clean up the resources we've created in the Batch account
                Console.WriteLine("Delete job? [yes] no");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(job.Id);

                Console.WriteLine("Delete pool? [yes] no");
                response = Console.ReadLine();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.PoolOperations.DeletePoolAsync(pool.Id);