public void LoadArrivalsForStop(Stop stop, Route routeFilter) { lock (arrivalsLock) { unfilteredArrivals.Clear(); ArrivalsForStop.Clear(); } this.routeFilter = routeFilter; RefreshArrivalsForStop(stop); // We've sent our first call off, set resultsLoaded to true resultsLoaded = true; }
private void FilterArrivals() { lock (arrivalsLock) { UIAction(() => ArrivalsForStop.Clear()); unfilteredArrivals.Sort(new DepartureTimeComparer()); foreach (ArrivalAndDeparture arrival in unfilteredArrivals) { if (routeFilter != null && != arrival.routeId) { continue; } ArrivalAndDeparture currentArrival = arrival; UIAction(() => ArrivalsForStop.Add(currentArrival)); } } // Refresh NoResultsAvailable status OnPropertyChanged("NoResultsAvailable"); }
void busServiceModel_ArrivalsForStop_Completed(object sender, EventArgs.ArrivalsForStopEventArgs e) { Debug.Assert(e.error == null); if (e.error == null) { lock (arrivalsLock) { // We are loading arrivals fresh, add all of them if (unfilteredArrivals.Count == 0) { unfilteredArrivals = e.arrivals; FilterArrivals(); } else { // We already have arrivals in the list, so just refresh them // Start by updating all the times for all of the arrivals currently in the list, // and find any arrivals that have timed out for this stop List <ArrivalAndDeparture> arrivalsToRemove = new List <ArrivalAndDeparture>(); foreach (ArrivalAndDeparture arrival in unfilteredArrivals) { int index = e.arrivals.IndexOf(arrival); if (index >= 0) { ArrivalAndDeparture newArrivalTime = e.arrivals[index]; ArrivalAndDeparture currentArrival = arrival; UIAction(() => { currentArrival.predictedArrivalTime = newArrivalTime.predictedArrivalTime; currentArrival.predictedDepartureTime = newArrivalTime.predictedDepartureTime; currentArrival.tripDetails.scheduleDeviationInSec = newArrivalTime.tripDetails.scheduleDeviationInSec; currentArrival.tripDetails.closestStopId = newArrivalTime.tripDetails.closestStopId; currentArrival.tripDetails.closestStopTimeOffset = newArrivalTime.tripDetails.closestStopTimeOffset; currentArrival.tripDetails.coordinate = newArrivalTime.tripDetails.coordinate; }); } else { // The latest collection no longer has this arrival, delete it from the // list. Otherwise we will keep it around forever, no longer updating // its time arrivalsToRemove.Add(arrival); } } arrivalsToRemove.ForEach(arrival => { UIAction(() => ArrivalsForStop.Remove(arrival)); unfilteredArrivals.Remove(arrival); } ); // Now add any new arrivals that just starting showing up for this stop foreach (ArrivalAndDeparture arrival in e.arrivals) { // Ensure that we aren't adding routes that are filtered out if ((routeFilter == null || == arrival.routeId) && ArrivalsForStop.Contains(arrival) == false) { ArrivalAndDeparture currentArrival = arrival; UIAction(() => ArrivalsForStop.Add(currentArrival)); unfilteredArrivals.Add(currentArrival); } } } } } else { ErrorOccured(this, e.error); } operationTracker.DoneWithOperation("ArrivalsForStop"); // Refresh NoResultsAvailable status OnPropertyChanged("NoResultsAvailable"); }