        static bool AreBasicPropertiesEqual(GridCommons A, GridCommons B)
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(A, B))
            if ((A == null) != (B == null))


            int glbNoOfCells_A   = A.NumberOfCells;
            int glbNoOfCells_B   = B.NumberOfCells;
            int glbNoOfBcCells_A = A.NumberOfBcCells;
            int glbNoOfBcCells_B = B.NumberOfBcCells;

            if (glbNoOfCells_A != glbNoOfCells_B)

            if (glbNoOfBcCells_A != glbNoOfBcCells_B)

            if (!ArrayTools.ListEquals(A.RefElements, B.RefElements, (a, b) => object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)))
            if (!ArrayTools.ListEquals(A.EdgeRefElements, B.EdgeRefElements, (a, b) => object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)))
            if (!A.EdgeTagNames.Keys.SetEquals(B.EdgeTagNames.Keys))
            foreach (var nmn in A.EdgeTagNames.Keys)
                if (A.EdgeTagNames[nmn] != B.EdgeTagNames[nmn])
            if (!ArrayTools.ListEquals(A.PeriodicTrafo, B.PeriodicTrafo, (a, b) => a.ApproximateEquals(b)))

        static bool AreReferencesEqual(GridCommons A, GridCommons B)
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(A, B))
            if ((A == null) != (B == null))


            int glbNoOfCells_A   = A.NumberOfCells;
            int glbNoOfCells_B   = B.NumberOfCells;
            int glbNoOfBcCells_A = A.NumberOfBcCells;
            int glbNoOfBcCells_B = B.NumberOfBcCells;

            if (glbNoOfCells_A != glbNoOfCells_B)

            if (glbNoOfBcCells_A != glbNoOfBcCells_B)

            if (!ArrayTools.ListEquals(A.RefElements, B.RefElements, (a, b) => object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)))
            if (!ArrayTools.ListEquals(A.EdgeRefElements, B.EdgeRefElements, (a, b) => object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)))
            if (!ArrayTools.ListEquals(A.EdgeTagNames, B.EdgeTagNames, (a, b) => (a.Key == b.Key && a.Value.Equals(b.Value))))
            if (!ArrayTools.ListEquals(A.PeriodicTrafo, B.PeriodicTrafo, (a, b) => a.ApproximateEquals(b)))

        /// <summary>
        /// L2-norm over all entries
        /// </summary>
        static public double L2Dist(this MultidimensionalArray mda, MultidimensionalArray mdb)
            if (!ArrayTools.ListEquals(mda.Lengths, mdb.Lengths, (La, Lb) => La == Lb))
                throw new ArgumentException("Arrays must have the same length.");

            double ret = 0;

            mda.ApplyAll(delegate(int[] idx, double entry_a) {
                double entry_b = mdb[idx];
                double dist    = entry_a - entry_b;
                ret           += dist * dist;

        /// <summary>
        /// Start-indices of sub-blocks.
        /// </summary>
        public int[] GetSubblk_i0(int blockType)
            // make sure that no one outside modifies this member
            if (m_Subblki0_Backup == null)
                m_Subblki0_Backup = m_Subblk_i0.Select(bl => (int[])(bl.Clone())).ToArray();
                Debug.Assert(m_Subblk_i0.Length == m_Subblki0_Backup.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < m_SubblkLen.Length; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals(m_Subblk_i0[i], m_Subblki0_Backup[i]), "Some moron messed with blocking indices.");
        public int[] GetSubblk_i0(int blockType)
            if (m_j0Subblk_i0 == null)
                m_j0Subblk_i0 = ArrayTools.GetSubVector(this.m_j0CoordinateIndex, 0, this.m_BasisS.Length);

            if (m_j0Subblk_i0_Backup == null)
                m_j0Subblk_i0_Backup = m_j0Subblk_i0.CloneAs();
                Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals <int>(m_j0Subblk_i0, m_j0Subblk_i0_Backup), "Some moron messed with the start indices.");
        Dictionary <SpeciesId, MassMatrixFactory.MassMatrixBlockContainer>[] GetInverseMassMatrixBlocks(IEnumerable <SpeciesId> RequestedSpecies, int[] Degrees)
            int[] Ns = Degrees.Select(p => this.MaxBasis.Polynomials[0].Where(poly => poly.AbsoluteDegree <= p).Count()).ToArray();
            for (int iKref = 1; iKref < this.MaxBasis.Polynomials.Count; iKref++)
                int[] _Ns = Degrees.Select(p => this.MaxBasis.Polynomials[0].Where(poly => poly.AbsoluteDegree <= p).Count()).ToArray();
                if (!ArrayTools.ListEquals(Ns, _Ns))
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            Dictionary <SpeciesId, MassMatrixFactory.MassMatrixBlockContainer>[] InvMassBlocks = new Dictionary <SpeciesId, MassMatrixBlockContainer> [Degrees.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < Degrees.Length; i++)
                int pSame = -1;
                //pSame = Array.IndexOf(Degrees, Degrees[i], 0, i);
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    if ((Degrees[j] == Degrees[i])
                        //&& (VariableAgglomerationSwitch[j] == VariableAgglomerationSwitch[i])
                        pSame = j;

                if (pSame >= 0)
                    InvMassBlocks[i] = InvMassBlocks[pSame];
                    InvertMassMatrixBlocks(out InvMassBlocks[i], this.MassBlocks, Ns[i]);

        Dictionary <Tuple <SpeciesId[], XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants, int>, XDGSpaceMetrics> NewXDGSpaceMetricsCache()
            return(new Dictionary <Tuple <SpeciesId[], XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants, int>, XDGSpaceMetrics>(
                       new FuncEqualityComparer <Tuple <SpeciesId[], XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants, int> >(
                           delegate(Tuple <SpeciesId[], XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants, int> A, Tuple <SpeciesId[], XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants, int> B) {
                if (!ArrayTools.ListEquals(A.Item1, B.Item1, (a, b) => a.cntnt == b.cntnt))
                    return false;
                if (A.Item2 != B.Item2)
                    return false;
                if (A.Item3 != B.Item3)
                    return false;

                return true;
        static bool AreCellsEqual(GridCommons A, GridCommons B)
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(A, B))
            if ((A == null) != (B == null))

            if (A.Cells == null)
                throw new ArgumentException();
            int A_NumberOfBcCells = A.NumberOfBcCells;

            int match = 1;

                // load cells of grid B, if required
                // ---------------------------------

                Cell[] B_Cells;
                if (B.Cells == null)
                    throw new Exception("Cells are not initialized");
                    B_Cells = B.Cells;

                if (A.Cells.Length != B_Cells.Length)
                    throw new ApplicationException();

                // put the cells of B into the same order as those of A
                // ----------------------------------------------------

                    // tau   is the GlobalID-permutation that we have for the loaded vector
                    // sigma is the current GlobalID-permutation of the grid
                    var sigma = new Permutation(A.Cells.Select(cell => cell.GlobalID).ToArray(), csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);
                    var tau   = new Permutation(B_Cells.Select(cell => cell.GlobalID).ToArray(), csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);

                    if (sigma.TotalLength != tau.TotalLength)
                        // should have been checked already
                        throw new ArgumentException();

                    // compute resorting permutation
                    Permutation invSigma  = sigma.Invert();
                    Permutation Resorting = invSigma * tau;
                    tau      = null; // Werfen wir sie dem GC zum Fraße vor!
                    invSigma = null;

                    // put dg coordinates into right order
                    Resorting.ApplyToVector(B_Cells.CloneAs(), B_Cells);

                // compare cells
                // -------------

                for (int j = 0; j < A.Cells.Length; j++)
                    Cell Ca = A.Cells[j];
                    Cell Cb = B_Cells[j];

                    Debug.Assert(Ca.GlobalID == Cb.GlobalID);

                    if (!ArrayTools.ListEquals(Ca.NodeIndices, Cb.NodeIndices, (ia, ib) => ia == ib))
                        match = 0;

                    if (Ca.Type != Cb.Type)
                        match = 0;

                    if (Ca.CellFaceTags != null || Cb.CellFaceTags != null)
                        CellFaceTag[] CFTA = Ca.CellFaceTags != null ? Ca.CellFaceTags : new CellFaceTag[0];
                        CellFaceTag[] CFTB = Cb.CellFaceTags != null ? Cb.CellFaceTags : new CellFaceTag[0];

                        if (CFTA.Length != CFTB.Length)
                            match = 0;

                        bool setMatch = true;
                        for (int i1 = 0; i1 < CFTA.Length; i1++)
                            bool b = false;
                            for (int j1 = 0; j1 < CFTB.Length; j1++)
                                if (CFTA[i1].Equals(CFTB[j1]))
                                    b = true;

                            if (b == false)
                                setMatch = false;

                        if (!setMatch)
                            match = 0;

                    double h      = Math.Min(Ca.TransformationParams.MindistBetweenRows(), Cb.TransformationParams.MindistBetweenRows());
                    double L2Dist = Ca.TransformationParams.L2Dist(Cb.TransformationParams);
                    if (L2Dist > h * 1.0e-9)
                        match = 0;

            if (A_NumberOfBcCells > 0)
                BCElement[] B_BcCells;
                if (B.BcCells == null && !B.BcCellsStorageGuid.Equals(Guid.Empty))
                    throw new Exception("Bc Cells are not initialized");
                    B_BcCells = B.BcCells;

                if (A.BcCells.Length != B_BcCells.Length)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Internal error.");

                // put the cells of B into the same order as those of A
                // ----------------------------------------------------

                    long Offset = A.NumberOfCells_l;

                    // tau   is the GlobalID-permutation that we have for the loaded vector
                    // sigma is the current GlobalID-permutation of the grid
                    var sigma = new Permutation(A.BcCells.Select(cell => cell.GlobalID - Offset).ToArray(), csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);
                    var tau   = new Permutation(B_BcCells.Select(cell => cell.GlobalID - Offset).ToArray(), csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);

                    if (sigma.TotalLength != tau.TotalLength)
                        // should have been checked already
                        throw new ArgumentException();

                    // compute resorting permutation
                    Permutation invSigma  = sigma.Invert();
                    Permutation Resorting = invSigma * tau;
                    tau      = null; // Werfen wir sie dem GC zum Fraße vor!
                    invSigma = null;

                    // put dg coordinates into right order
                    Resorting.ApplyToVector(B_BcCells.CloneAs(), B_BcCells);

                // compare cells
                // -------------

                for (int j = 0; j < A.BcCells.Length; j++)
                    BCElement Ca = A.BcCells[j];
                    BCElement Cb = B_BcCells[j];

                    Debug.Assert(Ca.GlobalID == Cb.GlobalID);

                    if (!ArrayTools.ListEquals(Ca.NodeIndices, Cb.NodeIndices, (ia, ib) => ia == ib))
                        match = 0;

                    if (Ca.Type != Cb.Type)
                        match = 0;

                    if (Ca.Conformal != Cb.Conformal)
                        match = 0;

                    if (Ca.EdgeTag != Cb.EdgeTag)
                        match = 0;

                    if (Ca.NeighCell_GlobalIDs != null || Cb.NeighCell_GlobalIDs != null)
                        long[] NgA = Ca.NeighCell_GlobalIDs != null ? Ca.NeighCell_GlobalIDs : new long[0];
                        long[] NgB = Cb.NeighCell_GlobalIDs != null ? Cb.NeighCell_GlobalIDs : new long[0];

                        if (NgA.Length != NgB.Length)
                            match = 0;

                        bool setMatch = true;
                        for (int i1 = 0; i1 < NgA.Length; i1++)
                            bool b = false;
                            for (int j1 = 0; j1 < NgB.Length; j1++)
                                if (NgA[i1] == NgB[j1])
                                    b = true;

                            if (b == false)
                                setMatch = false;

                        if (!setMatch)
                            match = 0;

                    double h      = Math.Min(Ca.TransformationParams.MindistBetweenRows(), Cb.TransformationParams.MindistBetweenRows());
                    double L2Dist = Ca.TransformationParams.L2Dist(Cb.TransformationParams);
                    if (L2Dist > h * 1.0e-9)
                        match = 0;

            match = match.MPIMin();
            return(match > 0);
            /// <summary>
            /// computes the injector for multigrid level 1
            /// </summary>
            /// <seealso cref="BuildInjector_Lv2andup"/>
            private static MultidimensionalArray[] BuildInjector_Lv1(
                Basis maxDgBasis, int Np,
                MultidimensionalArray InjectorsBase, bool[] InjectorsBaseReady,
                int Jagg, int[][] Ag2Pt, int[][] C2F)
                using (new FuncTrace()) {
                    MultidimensionalArray ortho = MultidimensionalArray.Create(Np, Np);

                    MultidimensionalArray[] Injectors_iLevel = new MultidimensionalArray[Jagg];

                        int Jbase = InjectorsBase.GetLength(0);
                        if (InjectorsBase.GetLength(1) != InjectorsBase.GetLength(2))
                            throw new ArgumentException();
                        int N     = InjectorsBase.GetLength(1);
                        var check = MultidimensionalArray.Create(N, N);
                        for (int j = 0; j < Jbase; j++)
                            check.Acc(-1.0, InjectorsBase.ExtractSubArrayShallow(j, -1, -1));

                            if (check.InfNorm() != 0.0)
                                throw new ArgumentException();
                    var iLPar = maxDgBasis.GridDat.iLogicalCells; // cells of *parent* grid

                    for (int j = 0; j < Jagg; j++)                // loop over aggregate cells
                        Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals(Ag2Pt[j], C2F[j]));

                        int[] compCell = Ag2Pt[j];
                        int   I        = compCell.Length;

                        int    iRoot   = -1;
                        double maxSize = -1.0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < I; i++)
                            double sz = iLPar.GetCellVolume(compCell[i]);
                            if (sz <= 0.0)
                                throw new ArithmeticException("found cell with non-positive volume.");
                            if (sz > maxSize)
                                iRoot   = i;
                                maxSize = sz;

                        //var gdat = ((maxDgBasis.GridDat) as Classic.GridData);
                        //double[] Sizes = compCell.Select(jPart => gdat.iLogicalCells.GetCellVolume(jPart)).ToArray();

                        Injectors_iLevel[j] = MultidimensionalArray.Create(I, Np, Np);
                        if (I > 1)
                            // compute extrapolation
                            int[,] CellPairs = new int[I - 1, 2];

                            int cnt = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < I; i++)
                                if (i != iRoot)
                                    CellPairs[cnt, 0] = compCell[iRoot];
                                    CellPairs[cnt, 1] = compCell[i];
                                    Debug.Assert(CellPairs[cnt, 0] != CellPairs[cnt, 1]);

                            //cnt = 0;
                            //for (int i = 0; i < I - 1; i++) {
                            //    CellPairs[cnt, 0] = compCell[0];
                            //    CellPairs[cnt, 1] = compCell[i + 1];
                            //    cnt++;

                            var ExpolMtx = MultidimensionalArray.Create(I, Np, Np);
                            maxDgBasis.GetExtrapolationMatrices(CellPairs, ExpolMtx.ExtractSubArrayShallow(new int[] { 1, 0, 0 }, new int[] { I - 1, Np - 1, Np - 1 }));
                            for (int i = 0; i < iRoot; i++)
                                var M2 = ExpolMtx.ExtractSubArrayShallow(i, -1, -1);
                                var M1 = ExpolMtx.ExtractSubArrayShallow(i + 1, -1, -1);
                            for (int n = 0; n < Np; n++)
                                for (int m = 0; m < Np; m++)
                                    ExpolMtx[iRoot, n, m] = n == m ? 1.0 : 0.0;

                            // Compute intermediate mass matrix
                            var MMtemp = MultidimensionalArray.Create(Np, Np);
                            MMtemp.Multiply(1.0, ExpolMtx, ExpolMtx, 0.0, "nm", "iln", "ilm");

                            // orthonormalize
                            //try {
                            MMtemp.SymmetricLDLInversion(ortho, null);     // ortho is output, will be overwritten

                            //} catch (ArithmeticException ae) {
                            //    PlotScheisse(gdat.Grid, compCell);
                            Injectors_iLevel[j].Multiply(1.0, ExpolMtx, ortho, 0.0, "inm", "ink", "km");
                            Injectors_iLevel[j].ExtractSubArrayShallow(0, -1, -1).AccEye(1.0);

                        // base level injector
                        var injBase = InjectorsBase.ExtractSubArrayShallow(compCell[0], -1, -1);
                        injBase.Set(Injectors_iLevel[j].ExtractSubArrayShallow(0, -1, -1));

                        for (int i = 1; i < I; i++)
                            InjectorsBaseReady[compCell[i]] = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// only executed on proc 0
        /// </summary>
        bool PARDISOInitAndSolve(IMutableMatrixEx Mtx, double[] _x, double[] _b)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                if (m_PardisoMatrix == null)
                    m_PardisoMatrix = new Matrix(Mtx);

                int rank;
                csMPI.Raw.Comm_Rank(csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD, out rank);
                if (rank == 0)
                    double[] aClone  = (double[])m_PardisoMatrix.a.Clone();
                    int[]    iaClone = (int[])m_PardisoMatrix.ia.Clone();
                    int[]    jaClone = (int[])m_PardisoMatrix.ja.Clone();
                        fixed(double *dparam = m_PardInt.m_dparam)
                            fixed(double *a = m_PardisoMatrix.a, x = _x, b = _b)
                                fixed(int *ia = m_PardisoMatrix.ia, ja = m_PardisoMatrix.ja, iparm = m_PardInt.m_parm, __pt = m_PardInt.m_pt)
                                    int n = m_PardisoMatrix.n;
                                    //int nnz = ia[n];
                                    int mtype = GetMType();

                                    int nrhs = 1;                       /* Number of right hand sides. */

                                    /* Internal solver memory pointer pt,                  */
                                    /* 32-bit: int pt[64]; 64-bit: long int pt[64]         */
                                    /* or void *pt[64] should be OK on both architectures  */
                                    void *pt = (void *)__pt;

                                    /* Pardiso control parameters. */
                                    int maxfct = m_PardInt.maxfct, mnum = m_PardInt.mnum, msglvl = m_PardInt.msglvl;
                                    int phase, error;

                                    /* Auxiliary variables. */
                                    //int      i;

                                    double ddum;           /* Double dummy */
                                    int    idum;           /* Integer dummy. */

                                    if (!m_PardInt.m_PardisoInitialized)
                                        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                        /* ..  Setup Pardiso control parameters und initialize the solvers      */
                                        /*     internal adress pointers. This is only necessary for the FIRST   */
                                        /*     call of the PARDISO solver.                                      */
                                        /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/

                                        if (this.Version == PARDISO.Version.MKL)
                                            // Do nothing NUM_THREADS is set by environment variables in MKLPardiso
                                            // iparm[2] stays set to zero
                                            // If you want to control this manually, do something like this:
                                            //System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("OMP_NUM_THREADS", "4");
                                            //System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MKL_NUM_THREADS", "4");
                                            //If this is true: MKL determines the number of OMP threads automatically, based on proc information
                                            //System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MKL_DYNAMIC", "false");
                                        else if ((this.Version == PARDISO.Version.v4) || (this.Version == PARDISO.Version.v5))
                                            // Get Value for IPARM(3) from the Environment Variable
                                            int NumOfProcs = Convert.ToInt32(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OMP_NUM_THREADS"));
                                            iparm[2] = NumOfProcs;
                                            Console.WriteLine("IPARM(3) - NumberOfProcessors set to {0}", iparm[2]);

                                        wrapper.PARDISOINIT(pt, &mtype, iparm, dparam);

                                        //Console.WriteLine("init: IPARAM(22) = {0}, IPARAM(23) = {1}", iparm[21], iparm[22]);

                                        maxfct = 1;       /* Maximum number of numerical factorizations.  */
                                        mnum   = 1;       /* Which factorization to use. */

                                        msglvl = 0;       /* Print statistical information  */
                                        error  = 0;       /* Initialize error flag */

                                        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                        /* ..  Reordering and Symbolic Factorization.  This step also allocates */
                                        /*     all memory that is necessary for the factorization.              */
                                        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                        phase     = 11;
                                        iparm[59] = 0;
                                        //Console.Write("calling pardiso, phase 11... ");
                                        wrapper.PARDISO(pt, &maxfct, &mnum, &mtype, &phase,
                                                        &n, a, ia, ja, &idum, &nrhs,
                                                        iparm, &msglvl, &ddum, &ddum, &error, dparam);

                                        //Console.WriteLine("11: IPARAM(22) = {0}, IPARAM(23) = {1}", iparm[21], iparm[22]);

                                        if (error != 0)
                                            Console.WriteLine("PARDISO ERROR: " + wrapper.PARDISOerror2string(error));
                                        //Console.Write("\nReordering completed ... ");
                                        //Console.Write("\nNumber of nonzeros in factors  = %d", iparm[17]);
                                        //Console.Write("\nNumber of factorization MFLOPS = %d", iparm[18]);

                                        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                        /* ..  Numerical factorization.                                         */
                                        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                        phase = 22;

                                        wrapper.PARDISO(pt, &maxfct, &mnum, &mtype, &phase,
                                                        &n, a, ia, ja, &idum, &nrhs,
                                                        iparm, &msglvl, &ddum, &ddum, &error, dparam);
                                        //Console.WriteLine("22: IPARAM(22) = {0}, IPARAM(23) = {1}", iparm[21], iparm[22]);

                                        if (error != 0)
                                            Console.WriteLine("PARDISO ERROR: " + wrapper.PARDISOerror2string(error));
                                        //Console.Write("\nFactorization completed ...\n ");

                                    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                    /* ..  Back substitution and iterative refinement.                      */
                                    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                    phase = 33;

                                    iparm[7] = 1;       /* Max numbers of iterative refinement steps. */

                                    wrapper.PARDISO(pt, &maxfct, &mnum, &mtype, &phase,
                                                    &n, a, ia, ja, &idum, &nrhs,
                                                    iparm, &msglvl, b, x, &error, dparam);
                                    //Console.WriteLine("33: IPARAM(22) = {0}, IPARAM(23) = {1}", iparm[21], iparm[22]);

                                    if (error != 0)
                                        Console.WriteLine("PARDISO ERROR: " + wrapper.PARDISOerror2string(error));

                                    //Console.Write("\nSolve completed ... ");
                    Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals <double>(aClone, m_PardisoMatrix.a), "PARDISO changed the matrix.");
                    Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals <int>(iaClone, m_PardisoMatrix.ia), "PARDISO changed the matrix.");
                    Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals <int>(jaClone, m_PardisoMatrix.ja), "PARDISO changed the matrix.");

                m_PardInt.m_PardisoInitialized = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new grid, which is an adaptive refinement (cell by cell) of this grid.
        /// </summary>
        public GridCommons Adapt(IEnumerable <int> CellsToRefine, IEnumerable <int[]> CellsToCoarsen, out GridCorrelation Old2New)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                GridCommons oldGrid = this.m_Grid;
                GridCommons newGrid = new GridCommons(oldGrid.RefElements, oldGrid.EdgeRefElements);

                Old2New = new GridCorrelation();

                int J = this.Cells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;

                BitArray CellsToRefineBitmask  = new BitArray(J);
                BitArray CellsToCoarseBitmask  = new BitArray(J);
                BitArray AdaptNeighborsBitmask = new BitArray(J);

                // templates for subdivision
                // =========================

                RefElement[] KrefS = oldGrid.RefElements;                                                                   // all ref elements used
                RefElement.SubdivisionTreeNode[]   KrefS_SubDiv       = new RefElement.SubdivisionTreeNode[KrefS.Length];   // subdivision tree for each ref element
                RefElement.SubdivisionTreeNode[][] KrefS_SubdivLeaves = new RefElement.SubdivisionTreeNode[KrefS.Length][]; // actual subdivision elements
                Tuple <int, int>[][,] KrefS_SubdivConnections = new Tuple <int, int> [KrefS.Length][, ];                    // connections between elements; 1st idx: ref elem; 2nd idx: subdiv elm; 3rd idx: face of subdiv elm; content: [idx of subdiv elm,idx of face]
                int[][][] KrefS_Faces2Subdiv = new int[KrefS.Length][][];                                                   // mapping: [ref elm, face of ref elm] -> Subdivision elements which bound to this face.
                Old2New.GeometricMapping = new AffineTrafo[KrefS.Length][];
                //List<AffineTrafo> InterCellTrafos = new List<AffineTrafo>();
                //int[][] RefinementIctIdx = new int[KrefS.Length][];
                //int[][] CoarseningIctIdx = new int[KrefS.Length][];

                for (int iKref = 0; iKref < KrefS.Length; iKref++)
                    RefElement Kref = KrefS[iKref];
                    KrefS_SubDiv[iKref]       = Kref.GetSubdivisionTree(1);
                    KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref] = KrefS_SubDiv[0].GetLeaves();
                    Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals(KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref], KrefS_SubDiv[iKref].Children[0].GetLevel(), (a, b) => object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)));
                    KrefS_Faces2Subdiv[iKref] = new int[Kref.NoOfFaces][];

                    KrefS_SubdivConnections[iKref] = new Tuple <int, int> [KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref].Length, KrefS[iKref].NoOfFaces];
                    for (int iSubdiv = 0; iSubdiv < KrefS_SubdivConnections[iKref].GetLength(0); iSubdiv++) // loop over subdivision elements
                        for (int iFace = 0; iFace < KrefS_SubdivConnections[iKref].GetLength(1); iFace++)   // loop over faces of subdivision elements
                            var t = KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref][iSubdiv].GetNeighbor(iFace);
                            if (t.Item1 < 0)
                                // at the boundary of the subdivision
                                ArrayTools.AddToArray(iSubdiv, ref KrefS_Faces2Subdiv[iKref][t.Item2]);
                            KrefS_SubdivConnections[iKref][iSubdiv, iFace] = t;

                    //RefinementIctIdx[iKref] = new int[KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref].Length];
                    //CoarseningIctIdx[iKref] = new int[KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref].Length];
                    Old2New.GeometricMapping[iKref] = new AffineTrafo[KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref].Length];
                    for (int iSubDiv = 0; iSubDiv < KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref].Length; iSubDiv++)
                        Old2New.GeometricMapping[iKref][iSubDiv] = KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref][iSubDiv].TrafoFromRoot;
                        //RefinementIctIdx[iKref][iSubDiv] = InterCellTrafos.Count - 1;
                        //CoarseningIctIdx[iKref][iSubDiv] = InterCellTrafos.Count - 1;

                Old2New.KrefS_SubdivLeaves = KrefS_SubdivLeaves;

                // Check Input, set Bitmasks
                // =========================

                if (CellsToRefine != null)
                    foreach (int jCell in CellsToRefine)
                        if (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell] == true)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Double entry.", "CellsToRefine");

                        CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell] = true;

                        int[] Neighs, dummy;
                        this.GetCellNeighbours(jCell, GetCellNeighbours_Mode.ViaEdges, out Neighs, out dummy);

                        foreach (int jNeigh in Neighs)
                            AdaptNeighborsBitmask[jNeigh] = true;

                if (CellsToCoarsen != null)
                    foreach (int[] jCellS in CellsToCoarsen)  // loop over all coarsening clusters...

                    // cluster of cells to coarsen
                        Cell[] CellS = jCellS.Select(j => this.Cells.GetCell(j)).ToArray();

                        int CoarseningClusterID = CellS[0].CoarseningClusterID;
                        int iKref           = this.Cells.GetRefElementIndex(jCellS[0]);
                        int RefinementLevel = CellS[0].RefinementLevel;

                        if (jCellS.Length != KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref].Length)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Number of elements in coarsening cluster does not match refinement template for respective element type.");
                        if (RefinementLevel <= 0 || CoarseningClusterID <= 0)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Coarsening not available for respective cell.");

                        if (CellS.Where(cl => cl.ParentCell != null).Count() != 1)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Coarsening cluster seems wrong, or internal data may be corrupted.");

                        for (int z = 0; z < CellS.Length; z++)
                            int j = jCellS[z];

                            if (CellsToRefineBitmask[j] == true)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot refine and coarsen the same cell.");
                            if (CellsToCoarseBitmask[j] == true)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Double entry.", "CellsToCoarsen");
                            CellsToCoarseBitmask[j] = true;

                            Cell Cj = this.Cells.GetCell(j);
                            //if(Cj.CoarseningPeers == null)
                            //    throw new ArgumentException("Coarsening not available for respective cell.");
                            //if(Cj.CoarseningPeers.Length != jCellS.Length - 1)
                            //    throw new ArgumentException("Coarsening cluster seems incomplete.");
                            //if(Cj.CoarseningPeers.Length != jCellS.Length - 1)
                            //    throw new ArgumentException("Coarsening cluster seems incomplete.");
                            //foreach(long gid in jCellS) {
                            //    if(CellS.Where(cl => cl.GlobalID == gid).Count() != 1)
                            //        throw new ArgumentException("Coarsening cluster seems incomplete.");
                            if (CoarseningClusterID != Cj.CoarseningClusterID)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Mismatch of 'CoarseningClusterID' within cluster.");

                            int[] Neighs, dummy;
                            this.GetCellNeighbours(j, GetCellNeighbours_Mode.ViaVertices, out Neighs, out dummy);

                            foreach (int jNeigh in Neighs)
                                if (Array.IndexOf(jCellS, jNeigh) < 0)
                                    AdaptNeighborsBitmask[jNeigh] = true;

                int InsertCounter = J;

                // create new cells
                // ================

                Debug.Assert(this.MpiSize == 1, "still need to adjust the following lines.");

                long GlobalIdCounter = oldGrid.NumberOfCells_l;
                //int PtrNewCells = oldGrid.NoOfUpdateCells;
                //newGrid.Cells = new Cell[NewNoOfCells];
                List <Cell> newCells         = new List <Cell>();
                int         newVertexCounter = oldGrid.Cells.Max(cl => cl.NodeIndices.Max()) + 1;
                Cell[][]    adaptedCells     = new Cell[J][];

                Old2New.OldGlobalId  = this.CurrentGlobalIdPermutation.Values.CloneAs();
                Old2New.MappingIndex = new int[J][];
                Old2New.DestGlobalId = new long[J][];

                // clone neighbors of refined/coarsened cells
                // ------------------------------------------
                for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                    Debug.Assert(Old2New.OldGlobalId[j] == this.Cells.GetCell(j).GlobalID);
                    Debug.Assert(Old2New.OldGlobalId[j] == oldGrid.Cells[j].GlobalID);
                    Debug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(this.Cells.GetCell(j), oldGrid.Cells[j]));

                    Debug.Assert((CellsToRefineBitmask[j] && CellsToCoarseBitmask[j]) == false, "Cannot refine and coarsen the same cell.");

                    if ((CellsToRefineBitmask[j] || CellsToCoarseBitmask[j]) == false)
                        if (AdaptNeighborsBitmask[j])
                            // neighbor information needs to be updated

                            var oldCell = oldGrid.Cells[j];
                            var newCell = oldCell.CloneAs(); // data
                            adaptedCells[j] = new Cell[] { newCell };

                            // remove out-dated neighborship info
                            if (newCell.CellFaceTags != null && newCell.CellFaceTags.Length > 0)
                                int[] oldNeighs = this.Cells.CellNeighbours[j];
                                foreach (int jNeigh in oldNeighs)
                                    if (CellsToRefineBitmask[jNeigh] || CellsToCoarseBitmask[jNeigh])
                                        // one of the neighbors has changed, so _potentially_ the cell face tags have to be updated
                                        long gId_Neigh = this.Cells.GetGlobalID(jNeigh);

                                        for (int i = 0; i < newCell.CellFaceTags.Length; i++)
                                            if (newCell.CellFaceTags[i].NeighCell_GlobalID == gId_Neigh)
                                                Debug.Assert(newCell.CellFaceTags[i].EdgeTag == 0 || newCell.CellFaceTags[i].EdgeTag >= GridCommons.FIRST_PERIODIC_BC_TAG);
                                                ArrayTools.RemoveAt(ref newCell.CellFaceTags, i);
                            // cell and neighbors remain unchanged

                        Debug.Assert(Old2New.MappingIndex[j] == null);
                        Debug.Assert(Old2New.DestGlobalId[j] == null);
                        Old2New.MappingIndex[j] = null;
                        Old2New.DestGlobalId[j] = new long[] { newCells[newCells.Count - 1].GlobalID };
                        Debug.Assert(CellsToRefineBitmask[j] || CellsToCoarseBitmask[j]);

                // coarsening
                // ----------
                int bCoarsened = 0;
                if (CellsToCoarsen != null)
                    foreach (int[] jCellS in CellsToCoarsen)
                        bCoarsened = 0xFFFF;

                        // cluster of cells to coarsen
                        Cell[] CellS = jCellS.Select(j => this.Cells.GetCell(j)).ToArray();
                        Debug.Assert(jCellS.Length == CellS.Length);

                        int RefinementLevel = CellS[0].RefinementLevel - 1;
                        if (RefinementLevel < 0)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Refinement level out of range - corrupted data structure.");
                        foreach (var cl in CellS)
                            if (cl.RefinementLevel != RefinementLevel + 1)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Refinement varies within refinement cluster - corrupted data structure.");

                        Cell Cell0  = CellS.Single(cl => cl.ParentCell != null);
                        Cell Mother = Cell0.ParentCell;
                        //Debug.Assert(CellS.Where(cl => cl.GlobalID == Mother.GlobalID).Count() == 1);
                        Debug.Assert(Mother.RefinementLevel == RefinementLevel);

                        Cell restoredCell = new Cell();
                        restoredCell.Type = Mother.Type;
                        Debug.Assert(Mother.Type == Cell0.Type);
                        restoredCell.NodeIndices           = Mother.NodeIndices;
                        restoredCell.CoarseningClusterID   = Mother.CoarseningClusterID;
                        restoredCell.ParentCell            = Mother.ParentCell;
                        restoredCell.GlobalID              = Cell0.GlobalID;
                        restoredCell.TransformationParams  = Mother.TransformationParams;
                        restoredCell.RefinementLevel       = RefinementLevel;
                        restoredCell.CoarseningClusterSize = Mother.CoarseningClusterSize;
                        restoredCell.CoarseningLeafIndex   = Mother.CoarseningLeafIndex;

                        // boundary conditions by cell face tags
                        if (Mother.CellFaceTags != null)
                            restoredCell.CellFaceTags = Mother.CellFaceTags.Where(cftag => cftag.EdgeTag > 0 && cftag.EdgeTag < GridCommons.FIRST_PERIODIC_BC_TAG).ToArray();

                        for (int iSubDiv = 0; iSubDiv < jCellS.Length; iSubDiv++)
                            int  j  = jCellS[iSubDiv];
                            Cell Cj = CellS[iSubDiv];
                            Debug.Assert(adaptedCells[j] == null);
                            adaptedCells[j] = new[] { restoredCell };

                            Debug.Assert(Old2New.MappingIndex[j] == null);
                            Debug.Assert(Old2New.DestGlobalId[j] == null);
                            Old2New.MappingIndex[j] = new int[] { Cj.CoarseningLeafIndex };
                            Old2New.DestGlobalId[j] = new long[] { restoredCell.GlobalID };


                // refinement
                // ----------
                if (CellsToRefine != null)
                    int NewCoarseningClusterId;
                        int[] locData = new int[] {
                            (this.m_Grid.Cells.Max(cl => cl.CoarseningClusterID)),
                            (CellsToRefine.Count() + 1)
                        int[] glbData = locData.MPIMax();

                        NewCoarseningClusterId = glbData[0] + 1 + glbData[1] * this.MpiRank;

                    foreach (int j in CellsToRefine)
                        var oldCell = oldGrid.Cells[j];
                        int iKref   = this.Cells.GetRefElementIndex(j);
                        var Kref    = KrefS[iKref];
                        var Leaves  = KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref];
                        Tuple <int, int>[,] Connections = KrefS_SubdivConnections[iKref];

                        NodeSet RefNodes = Kref.GetInterpolationNodes(oldCell.Type);

                        Debug.Assert(adaptedCells[j] == null);
                        Cell[] refinedCells = new Cell[Leaves.Length];
                        adaptedCells[j] = refinedCells;

                        Debug.Assert(Old2New.MappingIndex[j] == null);
                        Old2New.MappingIndex[j] = new int[Leaves.Length];
                        for (int iSubDiv = 0; iSubDiv < Leaves.Length; iSubDiv++)  // pass 1: create new cells

                        // create new cell
                            Cell newCell = new Cell();
                            newCell.Type = oldCell.Type;
                            if (iSubDiv == 0)
                                newCell.GlobalID   = oldCell.GlobalID;
                                newCell.ParentCell = oldCell.CloneAs();
                                newCell.GlobalID = GlobalIdCounter;
                            newCell.RefinementLevel       = oldCell.RefinementLevel + 1;
                            newCell.CoarseningClusterSize = Leaves.Length;
                            newCell.CoarseningClusterID   = NewCoarseningClusterId;
                            newCell.CoarseningLeafIndex   = iSubDiv;
                            refinedCells[iSubDiv]         = newCell;

                            // Vertices
                            var RefNodesRoot = Leaves[iSubDiv].Trafo2Root.Transform(RefNodes);
                            newCell.TransformationParams = MultidimensionalArray.Create(RefNodes.Lengths);
                            this.TransformLocal2Global(RefNodesRoot, newCell.TransformationParams, j);

                            // node indices
                            newCell.NodeIndices = new int[Kref.NoOfVertices];
                            for (int i = 0; i < Kref.NoOfVertices; i++)
                                newCell.NodeIndices[i] = newVertexCounter;

                            // correlation
                            Old2New.MappingIndex[j][iSubDiv] = iSubDiv;

                        for (int iSubDiv = 0; iSubDiv < Leaves.Length; iSubDiv++)  // pass 2: do other things
                        //// record information for (later) coarsening
                        //refinedCells[iSubDiv].CoarseningPeers = refinedCells
                        //    .Where(cell => cell.GlobalID != refinedCells[iSubDiv].GlobalID)
                        //    .Select(cell => cell.GlobalID)
                        //    .ToArray();

                        // neighbors within
                            for (int iFace = 0; iFace < Kref.NoOfFaces; iFace++)
                                int iSubDiv_Neigh = Connections[iSubDiv, iFace].Item1;
                                if (iSubDiv_Neigh >= 0)
                                    ArrayTools.AddToArray(new CellFaceTag()
                                        ConformalNeighborship = true,
                                        NeighCell_GlobalID    = refinedCells[Connections[iSubDiv, iFace].Item1].GlobalID,
                                        FaceIndex             = iFace
                                    }, ref refinedCells[iSubDiv].CellFaceTags);


                        Debug.Assert(Old2New.DestGlobalId[j] == null);
                        Old2New.DestGlobalId[j] = refinedCells.Select(Cl => Cl.GlobalID).ToArray();

                newGrid.Cells = newCells.ToArray();

                // fix neighborship
                // ================

                byte[,] Edge2Face = this.Edges.FaceIndices;
                //int[][] Cells2Edges = this.Cells.Cells2Edges;
                int[,] Edge2Cell = this.Edges.CellIndices;
                //byte[] EdgeTags = this.Edges.EdgeTags;
                MultidimensionalArray[] VerticesFor_KrefEdge = this.Edges.EdgeRefElements.Select(KrefEdge => KrefEdge.Vertices).ToArray();

                int[] ONE_NULL = new int[] { 0 };

                int NoOfEdges = this.Edges.Count;
                Debug.Assert(Edge2Face.GetLength(0) == NoOfEdges);
                Debug.Assert(Edge2Cell.GetLength(0) == NoOfEdges);

                for (int iEdge = 0; iEdge < NoOfEdges; iEdge++)
                    int jCell1 = Edge2Cell[iEdge, 0];
                    int jCell2 = Edge2Cell[iEdge, 1];
                    if (jCell2 < 0)

                    Debug.Assert((CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell1] && CellsToCoarseBitmask[jCell1]) == false);
                    Debug.Assert((CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell2] && CellsToCoarseBitmask[jCell2]) == false);

                    bool C1changed = CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell1] || CellsToCoarseBitmask[jCell1];
                    bool C2changed = CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell2] || CellsToCoarseBitmask[jCell2];

                    if ((C1changed || C2changed) == false)
                        // edge between two un-changed cells -- this neighborship remains the same.

                    Cell[] adaptedCells1 = adaptedCells[jCell1];
                    Cell[] adaptedCells2 = adaptedCells[jCell2];

                    if (CellsToCoarseBitmask[jCell1] && CellsToCoarseBitmask[jCell2])
                        Debug.Assert(adaptedCells1.Length == 1);
                        Debug.Assert(adaptedCells2.Length == 1);
                        if (adaptedCells1[0].GlobalID == adaptedCells2[0].GlobalID)
                            // these two cells will be joint into one cell -> no new neighborship
                            Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(adaptedCells1[0], adaptedCells2[0]));

                    Debug.Assert(adaptedCells1 != null);
                    Debug.Assert(adaptedCells2 != null);

                    int iFace1 = Edge2Face[iEdge, 0];
                    int iFace2 = Edge2Face[iEdge, 1];

                    Debug.Assert((adaptedCells1.Length > 1) == (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell1]));
                    Debug.Assert((adaptedCells2.Length > 1) == (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell2]));

                    int iKref1 = this.Cells.GetRefElementIndex(jCell1);
                    int iKref2 = this.Cells.GetRefElementIndex(jCell2);
                    var Kref1  = this.Cells.GetRefElement(jCell1);
                    var Kref2  = this.Cells.GetRefElement(jCell2);

                    int[] idx1, idx2;
                    if (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell1])
                        idx1 = KrefS_Faces2Subdiv[iKref1][iFace1];
                        Debug.Assert(adaptedCells1.Length == 1);
                        idx1 = ONE_NULL;

                    if (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell2])
                        idx2 = KrefS_Faces2Subdiv[iKref2][iFace2];
                        Debug.Assert(adaptedCells2.Length == 1);
                        idx2 = ONE_NULL;

                    foreach (int i1 in idx1)
                        MultidimensionalArray VtxFace1;
                        if (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell1])
                            VtxFace1 = KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref1][i1].GetFaceVertices(iFace1);
                            VtxFace1 = Kref1.GetFaceVertices(iFace1);

                        Cell Cl1 = adaptedCells1[i1];

                        foreach (int i2 in idx2)
                            Cell Cl2 = adaptedCells2[i2];
                            Debug.Assert(Cl1.GlobalID != Cl2.GlobalID);

                            int conCount1;
                            if (Cl1.CellFaceTags == null)
                                conCount1 = 0;
                                conCount1 = Cl1.CellFaceTags.Where(cfTag => cfTag.NeighCell_GlobalID == Cl2.GlobalID).Count();
                            Debug.Assert(conCount1 <= 1);
                            int conCount2;
                            if (Cl2.CellFaceTags == null)
                                conCount2 = 0;
                                conCount2 = Cl2.CellFaceTags.Where(cfTag => cfTag.NeighCell_GlobalID == Cl1.GlobalID).Count();
                            Debug.Assert(conCount1 == conCount2);
                            if (conCount1 > 0)

                            MultidimensionalArray VtxFace2;
                                MultidimensionalArray VtxFace2_L;
                                if (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell2])
                                    VtxFace2_L = KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref2][i2].GetFaceVertices(iFace2);
                                    VtxFace2_L = Kref2.GetFaceVertices(iFace2);

                                MultidimensionalArray VtxFace2_G = MultidimensionalArray.Create(VtxFace2_L.GetLength(0), VtxFace2_L.GetLength(1));
                                VtxFace2 = MultidimensionalArray.Create(VtxFace2_L.GetLength(0), VtxFace2_L.GetLength(1));
                                this.TransformLocal2Global(VtxFace2_L, VtxFace2_G, jCell2);
                                bool[] Converged = new bool[VtxFace2_L.NoOfRows];
                                this.TransformGlobal2Local(VtxFace2_G, VtxFace2, jCell1, Converged);
                                if (Converged.Any(t => t == false))
                                    throw new ArithmeticException("Newton divergence");

                            bool bIntersect = GridData.EdgeData.FaceIntersect(VtxFace1, VtxFace2,
                                                                              Kref1.GetFaceTrafo(iFace1), Kref1.GetInverseFaceTrafo(iFace1),
                                                                              out bool conformal1, out bool conformal2, out AffineTrafo newTrafo, out int Edg_idx);

                            if (bIntersect)
                                ArrayTools.AddToArray(new CellFaceTag()
                                    ConformalNeighborship = false,
                                    NeighCell_GlobalID    = Cl2.GlobalID,
                                    FaceIndex             = iFace1
                                }, ref Cl1.CellFaceTags);

                                ArrayTools.AddToArray(new CellFaceTag()
                                    ConformalNeighborship = false,
                                    NeighCell_GlobalID    = Cl1.GlobalID,
                                    FaceIndex             = iFace2
                                }, ref Cl2.CellFaceTags);

                // finalize
                // ========
                int bCoarsenedGlobal = bCoarsened.MPIMax();
                if (bCoarsenedGlobal > 0)
                    if (this.MpiSize == 1)
                        List <int> allgids = new List <int>();
                        foreach (var cl in newGrid.Cells)
                        bool[] markers = new bool[allgids.Max() + 1];
                        for (int i = 0; i < allgids.Count; i++)
                            long gid = allgids[i];
                            Debug.Assert(markers[gid] == false, "Some GlobalID is used twice.");
                            markers[gid] = true;

                        foreach (var cl in newGrid.Cells)
                            if (cl.CellFaceTags != null)
                                for (int i = 0; i < cl.CellFaceTags.Length; i++)
                                    long ngid = cl.CellFaceTags[i].NeighCell_GlobalID;
                                    if (ngid >= 0)
                                        Debug.Assert(markers[ngid] == true);

                    List <long> old2NewGid = new List <long>();
                    Debug.Assert(Old2New.DestGlobalId.Length == J);
                    for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)


                    int c2 = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                        long[] o2nj = Old2New.DestGlobalId[j];
                        int    K    = o2nj.Length;
                        for (int k = 0; k < K; k++)
                            o2nj[k] = old2NewGid[c2];
                    Debug.Assert(c2 == old2NewGid.Count);

        BlockPartitioning GetBlocking(bool bConstantFrame)
            int J = GridDat.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;

            Debug.Assert(J == GridDat.CellPartitioning.LocalLength);

            Basis[] basisS     = this.m_BasisS;
            int     NoOfBasisS = basisS.Length;

            int[]        BlockType  = new int[J];
            List <int[]> _SubblkLen = new List <int[]>();
            List <int[]> _Subblk_i0 = new List <int[]>();

            int[] SubblkLen_j = null;
            int[] Subblk_i0_j = null;
            for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                if (SubblkLen_j == null)
                    SubblkLen_j = new int[NoOfBasisS];
                if (Subblk_i0_j == null)
                    Subblk_i0_j = new int[NoOfBasisS];

                int i0 = 0;
                for (int iBs = 0; iBs < NoOfBasisS; iBs++)
                    Debug.Assert(i0 == m_j0CoordinateIndex[iBs]);
                    Subblk_i0_j[iBs] = m_j0CoordinateIndex[iBs];
                    SubblkLen_j[iBs] = basisS[iBs].GetLength(j);
                    i0 += basisS[iBs].MaximalLength;

                Debug.Assert(_SubblkLen.Count == _Subblk_i0.Count);
                int  K = _SubblkLen.Count;
                int  blockType;
                bool bFound = false;
                for (blockType = 0; blockType < K; blockType++)  // loop over all block types found so far
                    int[] len_bT = _SubblkLen[blockType];
                    int[] _i0_bT = _Subblk_i0[blockType];
                    Debug.Assert(len_bT.Length == NoOfBasisS);
                    Debug.Assert(_i0_bT.Length == NoOfBasisS);
                    Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals <int>(_i0_bT, m_j0CoordinateIndex.GetSubVector(0, NoOfBasisS)));

                    bFound = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < NoOfBasisS; i++)
                        if (len_bT[i] != SubblkLen_j[i])
                            bFound = false;
                        if (_i0_bT[i] != Subblk_i0_j[i])
                            bFound = false;

                    if (bFound)

                if (bFound == false)
                    Debug.Assert(blockType == _SubblkLen.Count);
                    Debug.Assert(blockType == _Subblk_i0.Count);


                BlockType[j] = blockType;

            return(new BlockPartitioning(
                       bConstantFrame ? this.MaxTotalNoOfCoordinatesPerCell : -1,
                       _Subblk_i0.ToArray(), _SubblkLen.ToArray(),
            /// <summary>
            /// computes the injector for multigrid level 1
            /// </summary>
            /// <seealso cref="BuildInjector_Lv2andup"/>
            private static MultidimensionalArray[] BuildInjector_Lv1(
                Basis maxDgBasis, int Np,
                MultidimensionalArray InjectorsBase, bool[] InjectorsBaseReady,
                int Jagg, int[][] Ag2Pt, int[][] C2F)
                using (new FuncTrace()) {
                    MultidimensionalArray ortho = MultidimensionalArray.Create(Np, Np);

                    MultidimensionalArray[] Injectors_iLevel = new MultidimensionalArray[Jagg];

                        int Jbase = InjectorsBase.GetLength(0);
                        if (InjectorsBase.GetLength(1) != InjectorsBase.GetLength(2))
                            throw new ArgumentException();
                        int N     = InjectorsBase.GetLength(1);
                        var check = MultidimensionalArray.Create(N, N);
                        for (int j = 0; j < Jbase; j++)
                            check.Acc(-1.0, InjectorsBase.ExtractSubArrayShallow(j, -1, -1));

                            if (check.InfNorm() != 0.0)
                                throw new ArgumentException();

                    for (int j = 0; j < Jagg; j++)   // loop over aggregate cells
                        Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals(Ag2Pt[j], C2F[j]));

                        int[] compCell = Ag2Pt[j];

                        int I = compCell.Length;

                        Injectors_iLevel[j] = MultidimensionalArray.Create(I, Np, Np);
                        if (I > 1)
                            // compute extrapolation
                            int[,] CellPairs = new int[I - 1, 2];
                            for (int i = 0; i < I - 1; i++)
                                CellPairs[i, 0] = compCell[0];
                                CellPairs[i, 1] = compCell[i + 1];
                            var ExpolMtx = MultidimensionalArray.Create(I, Np, Np);
                            maxDgBasis.GetExtrapolationMatrices(CellPairs, ExpolMtx.ExtractSubArrayShallow(new int[] { 1, 0, 0 }, new int[] { I - 1, Np - 1, Np - 1 }));
                            for (int n = 0; n < Np; n++)
                                ExpolMtx[0, n, n] = 1.0;

                            // Compute intermediate mass matrix
                            var MMtemp = MultidimensionalArray.Create(Np, Np);
                            MMtemp.Multiply(1.0, ExpolMtx, ExpolMtx, 0.0, "nm", "iln", "ilm");

                            // orthonormalize
                            MMtemp.SymmetricLDLInversion(ortho, null); // ortho is output, will be overwritten
                            Injectors_iLevel[j].Multiply(1.0, ExpolMtx, ortho, 0.0, "inm", "ink", "km");
                            Injectors_iLevel[j].ExtractSubArrayShallow(0, -1, -1).AccEye(1.0);

                        // base level injector
                        var injBase = InjectorsBase.ExtractSubArrayShallow(compCell[0], -1, -1);
                        injBase.Set(Injectors_iLevel[j].ExtractSubArrayShallow(0, -1, -1));

                        for (int i = 1; i < I; i++)
                            InjectorsBaseReady[compCell[i]] = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// applies the agglomeration on a general matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Matrix">the matrix that should be manipulated.</param>
        /// <param name="Rhs">the right-hand-side that should be manipulated</param>
        /// <param name="ColMap"></param>
        /// <param name="ColMapAggSw">Turns column agglomeration on/off fore each variable individually; default == null is on. </param>
        /// <param name="RowMap"></param>
        /// <param name="RowMapAggSw">The same shit as for <paramref name="ColMapAggSw"/>, just for rows.</param>
        public void ManipulateMatrixAndRHS<M, T>(M Matrix, T Rhs, UnsetteledCoordinateMapping RowMap, UnsetteledCoordinateMapping ColMap, bool[] RowMapAggSw = null, bool[] ColMapAggSw = null)
            where M : IMutableMatrixEx
            where T : IList<double>
            //var mtxS = GetFrameMatrices(Matrix, RowMap, ColMap);

            if (Matrix == null && Rhs == null)
                // nothing to do

            if (TotalNumberOfAgglomerations <= 0)
                // nothing to do

            if (RowMapAggSw != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            // generate agglomeration sparse matrices
            // ======================================

            int RequireRight;
            if (Matrix == null) {
                // we don't need multiplication-from-the-right at all
                RequireRight = 0;
            } else {
                if (RowMap.EqualsUnsetteled(ColMap) && ArrayTools.ListEquals(ColMapAggSw, RowMapAggSw)) {
                    // we can use the same matrix for right and left multiplication
                    RequireRight = 1;

                } else {
                    // separate matrix for the multiplication-from-the-right is required
                    RequireRight = 2;

            BlockMsrMatrix LeftMul = null, RightMul = null;

                foreach (var kv in DictAgglomeration) {
                    var Species = kv.Key;
                    var m_Agglomerator = kv.Value;

                    if (m_Agglomerator != null) {

                        CellMask spcMask = this.Tracker.Regions.GetSpeciesMask(Species);

                        MiniMapping rowMini = new MiniMapping(RowMap, Species, this.Tracker.Regions);
                        BlockMsrMatrix LeftMul_Species = m_Agglomerator.GetRowManipulationMatrix(RowMap, rowMini.MaxDeg, rowMini.NoOfVars, rowMini.i0Func, rowMini.NFunc, false, spcMask);
                        if (LeftMul == null) {
                            LeftMul = LeftMul_Species;
                        } else {
                            LeftMul.Acc(1.0, LeftMul_Species);

                        if (!object.ReferenceEquals(LeftMul, RightMul) && RightMul != null) {
                            MiniMapping colMini = new MiniMapping(ColMap, Species, this.Tracker.Regions);
                            BlockMsrMatrix RightMul_Species = m_Agglomerator.GetRowManipulationMatrix(ColMap, colMini.MaxDeg, colMini.NoOfVars, colMini.i0Func, colMini.NFunc, false, spcMask);

                            if (RightMul == null) {
                                RightMul = RightMul_Species;
                            } else {
                                RightMul.Acc(1.0, RightMul_Species);

                        } else if (RequireRight == 1) {
                            RightMul = LeftMul;
                        } else {
                            RightMul = null;

            // apply the agglomeration to the matrix
            // =====================================

            if (Matrix != null) {
                BlockMsrMatrix RightMulTr = RightMul.Transpose();

                BlockMsrMatrix _Matrix;
                if (Matrix is BlockMsrMatrix) {
                    _Matrix = (BlockMsrMatrix)((object)Matrix);
                } else {
                    _Matrix = Matrix.ToBlockMsrMatrix(RowMap, ColMap);

                var AggMatrix = BlockMsrMatrix.Multiply(LeftMul, BlockMsrMatrix.Multiply(_Matrix, RightMulTr));

                if (object.ReferenceEquals(_Matrix, Matrix)) {
                    _Matrix.Acc(1.0, AggMatrix);
                } else {
                    Matrix.Acc(-1.0, _Matrix); //   das ist so
                    Matrix.Acc(1.0, AggMatrix); //  meagaschlecht !!!!!!

            // apply the agglomeration to the Rhs
            // ==================================

            if (Rhs != null) {

                double[] tmp = Rhs.ToArray();
                if (object.ReferenceEquals(tmp, Rhs))
                    throw new ApplicationException("Flache kopie sollte eigentlich ausgeschlossen sein!?");

                LeftMul.SpMV(1.0, tmp, 0.0, Rhs);
        /// <summary>
        /// only executed on proc 0
        /// </summary>
        bool PARDISOInitAndSolve(IMutableMatrixEx Mtx, double[] _x, double[] _b)
            using (var tr = new FuncTrace()) {

                if (m_PardisoMatrix == null)
                    m_PardisoMatrix = new Matrix(Mtx, this.UseDoublePrecision);

                int rank;
                csMPI.Raw.Comm_Rank(MpiComm, out rank);
                if (rank == 0)
                    long aSize = m_PardisoMatrix.ja.LongLength * (UseDoublePrecision ? sizeof(double) : sizeof(float));
                    //double[] a_DClone = null;
                    //float[] a_SClone = null;
                    //    a_DClone = m_PardisoMatrix.a_D.CloneAs();
                    //    a_SClone = m_PardisoMatrix.a_S.CloneAs();
                    IntPtr aClone = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((IntPtr)aSize);
                        int *psrc = (int *)m_PardisoMatrix.aPtr;
                        int *pdst = (int *)aClone;
                        for (long l = 0; l < aSize; l += sizeof(int))
                            *pdst = *psrc;

                    int[] iaClone = m_PardisoMatrix.ia.CloneAs();
                    int[] jaClone = m_PardisoMatrix.ja.CloneAs();
                        fixed(double *px = _x, pb = _b, dparam = m_PardInt.m_dparam)
                            fixed(int *ia = m_PardisoMatrix.ia, ja = m_PardisoMatrix.ja, iparm = m_PardInt.m_parm, __pt = m_PardInt.m_pt)
                                int n = m_PardisoMatrix.n;
                                //int nnz = ia[n];
                                int mtype = GetMType();

                                int nrhs = 1;                       /* Number of right hand sides. */

                                /* Internal solver memory pointer pt,                  */
                                /* 32-bit: int pt[64]; 64-bit: long int pt[64]         */
                                /* or void *pt[64] should be OK on both architectures  */
                                void *pt = (void *)__pt;

                                /* Pardiso control parameters. */
                                int maxfct = m_PardInt.maxfct, mnum = m_PardInt.mnum, msglvl = m_PardInt.msglvl;
                                int phase, error;

                                /* Auxiliary variables. */
                                //int      i;

                                double ddum;           /* Double dummy */
                                int    idum;           /* Integer dummy. */

                                void *  a = (void *)(m_PardisoMatrix.aPtr);
                                double *b, x;

                                if (UseDoublePrecision)
                                    b = pb;
                                    x = px;
                                    b = (double *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(n * sizeof(float));
                                    x = (double *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(n * sizeof(float));

                                    float *bS = (float *)b;
                                    float *xS = (float *)x;

                                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                                        bS[i] = (float)(pb[i]);
                                        xS[i] = (float)(px[i]);

                                if (!m_PardInt.m_PardisoInitialized)
                                    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                    /* ..  Setup Pardiso control parameters und initialize the solvers      */
                                    /*     internal adress pointers. This is only necessary for the FIRST   */
                                    /*     call of the PARDISO solver.                                      */
                                    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/

                                    if (this.Version == PARDISO.Version.MKL)
                                        // Do nothing NUM_THREADS is set by environment variables in MKLPardiso
                                        // iparm[2] stays set to zero
                                        // If you want to control this manually, do something like this:
                                        //System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("OMP_NUM_THREADS", "4");
                                        //System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MKL_NUM_THREADS", "4");
                                        //If this is true: MKL determines the number of OMP threads automatically, based on proc information
                                        //System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MKL_DYNAMIC", "false");
                                    else if (this.Version == PARDISO.Version.v5)
                                        // Get Value for IPARM(3) from the Environment Variable
                                        int NumOfProcs = Convert.ToInt32(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OMP_NUM_THREADS"));
                                        iparm[2] = NumOfProcs;
                                        Console.WriteLine("IPARM(3) - NumberOfProcessors set to {0}", iparm[2]);

                                    using (new BlockTrace("PARDISOINIT", tr))
                                        wrapper.PARDISOINIT(pt, &mtype, iparm, dparam);

                                    //Console.WriteLine("init: IPARAM(22) = {0}, IPARAM(23) = {1}", iparm[21], iparm[22]);

                                    iparm[27] = this.UseDoublePrecision ? 0 : 1; // set single or double precision

                                    maxfct = 1;       /* Maximum number of numerical factorizations.  */
                                    mnum   = 1;       /* Which factorization to use. */

                                    msglvl = 0;       /* Print statistical information  */
                                    error  = 0;       /* Initialize error flag */

                                    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                    /* ..  Reordering and Symbolic Factorization.  This step also allocates */
                                    /*     all memory that is necessary for the factorization.              */
                                    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                    using (new BlockTrace("PARDISO_phase11", tr))
                                        phase     = 11;
                                        iparm[59] = 0; // in-core (1 == out-of-core)

                                        //Console.Write("calling pardiso, phase 11... ");
                                        wrapper.PARDISO(pt, &maxfct, &mnum, &mtype, &phase,
                                                        &n, a, ia, ja, &idum, &nrhs,
                                                        iparm, &msglvl, &ddum, &ddum, &error, dparam);
                                        //Console.WriteLine("11: IPARAM(22) = {0}, IPARAM(23) = {1}", iparm[21], iparm[22]);
                                    if (error != 0)
                                        Console.Error.WriteLine("PARDISO ERROR: " + wrapper.PARDISOerror2string(error));
                                    //Console.Write("\nReordering completed ... ");
                                    //Console.Write("\nNumber of nonzeros in factors  = %d", iparm[17]);
                                    //Console.Write("\nNumber of factorization MFLOPS = %d", iparm[18]);

                                    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                    /* ..  Numerical factorization.                                         */
                                    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                    using (new BlockTrace("PARDISO_phase22", tr))
                                        phase = 22;

                                        wrapper.PARDISO(pt, &maxfct, &mnum, &mtype, &phase,
                                                        &n, a, ia, ja, &idum, &nrhs,
                                                        iparm, &msglvl, &ddum, &ddum, &error, dparam);

                                    if (error != 0)
                                        // some error occured: release mem, dispose objects...
                                        Console.Error.WriteLine("PARDISO ERROR: " + wrapper.PARDISOerror2string(error));

                                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                /* ..  Back substitution and iterative refinement.                      */
                                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                                phase = 33;

                                iparm[7] = 0;       /* Max numbers of iterative refinement steps, 0 == auto */

                                using (new BlockTrace("PARDISO_phase33", tr))
                                    wrapper.PARDISO(pt, &maxfct, &mnum, &mtype, &phase,
                                                    &n, a, ia, ja, &idum, &nrhs,
                                                    iparm, &msglvl, b, x, &error, dparam);
                                if (error != 0)
                                    // some error occurred: release mem, dispose objects...
                                    Console.Error.WriteLine("PARDISO ERROR: " + wrapper.PARDISOerror2string(error));

                                if (UseDoublePrecision)
                                    float *bS = (float *)b;
                                    float *xS = (float *)x;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                                        pb[i] = (bS[i]);
                                        px[i] = (xS[i]);


                    //    Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals<double>(a_DClone, m_PardisoMatrix.a_D), "PARDISO changed the matrix.");
                    //    Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals<float>(a_SClone, m_PardisoMatrix.a_S), "PARDISO changed the matrix.");

                        int *psrc = (int *)m_PardisoMatrix.aPtr;
                        int *pdst = (int *)aClone;
                        for (long l = 0; l < aSize; l += sizeof(int))
                            Debug.Assert(*pdst == *psrc, "PARDISO changed the matrix.");

                    Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals <int>(iaClone, m_PardisoMatrix.ia), "PARDISO changed the matrix.");
                    Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals <int>(jaClone, m_PardisoMatrix.ja), "PARDISO changed the matrix.");

                m_PardInt.m_PardisoInitialized = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// See <see cref="T:int[].Equals"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool Equals(TimestepNumber other)
     return(ArrayTools.ListEquals(numbers, other.numbers));
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves a time-step to the database's persistent memory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_tsi">Contains Id etc.</param>
        public void SaveTimestep(TimestepInfo _tsi)
            using (var tr = new FuncTrace())
                if (!(_tsi.ID.Equals(Guid.Empty) && _tsi.StorageID.Equals(Guid.Empty)))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Timestep is already saved in database");
                var fields  = _tsi.Fields.ToArray();
                var GridDat = fields[0].GridDat;

                    List <DGField> FieldsFlatten = new List <DGField>();
                    TimestepInfo.FlattenHierarchy(FieldsFlatten, fields);
                    foreach (var f in FieldsFlatten)
                        if (!object.ReferenceEquals(f.GridDat, GridDat))
                            throw new ArgumentException("mismatch in GridData object.");

                        if (!fields.Contains(f, (a, b) => object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)))
                            // here, we ensure that the 'fields' -- list is complete, i.e.
                            // that the flatten hierarchy contains no field which is not already a memeber of 'fields'.
                            // The purpose is e.g. to prevent saving an XDG field without the required level-set field.
                            throw new ArgumentException(
                                      "Unable to save timestep: field '" + f.Identification
                                      + "', which is required by at least one of the"
                                      + " given fields, must also be contained in the"
                                      + " given list of fields.",

                // build vector
                // ============
                int J           = GridDat.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;
                var vec         = new CellFieldDataSet[J];
                var _fields     = fields.ToArray();
                int NF          = _fields.Length;
                var Permutation = GridDat.CurrentGlobalIdPermutation.Values;
                for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                { // loop over cells
                    vec[j]          = new CellFieldDataSet();
                    vec[j].GlobalID = Permutation[j];
                    //vec[j].DGCoordinateData = new CellFieldDataSet.CellFieldData[NF];
                    for (int idxF = 0; idxF < NF; idxF++)
                    { // loop over fields
                        var      field  = _fields[idxF];
                        int      N      = field.Basis.GetLength(j);
                        double[] Coords = new double[N];
                        for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                            Coords[n] = field.Coordinates[j, n];
                        //vec[j].DGCoordinateData[idxF] = new CellFieldDataSet.CellFieldData() {
                        //    Data = Coords
                        Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals(Coords, vec[j].GetDGCoordinates(idxF)));

                // Save dg coordinates
                // ===================
                Guid VectorGuid = Driver.SaveVector(vec);
                _tsi.StorageID = VectorGuid;

                // Save state object
                // =================
                _tsi.ID = Guid.NewGuid().MPIBroadcast(0);
                Exception e = null;
                if (MyRank == 0)
                        //tsi = new TimestepInfo(physTime, currentSession, TimestepNo, fields, VectorGuid);
                        using (var s = fsDriver.GetTimestepStream(true, _tsi.ID))
                            Driver.Serialize(s, _tsi, typeof(TimestepInfo));
                    catch (Exception ee)
                        e = ee;
                        Console.Error.WriteLine(ee.GetType().Name + " on rank " + MyRank + " saving time-step " + _tsi.TimeStepNumber + ": " + ee.Message);

                // log session
                // ===========
                SessionInfo currentSession = (SessionInfo)(_tsi.Session); // hack
                if (MyRank == 0)
                    catch (Exception ee)
                        e = ee;
                        Console.Error.WriteLine(ee.GetType().Name + " on rank " + MyRank + " saving time-step " + _tsi.TimeStepNumber + ": " + ee.Message);

                _tsi.Database = currentSession.Database;