        /// <summary>
        /// Set the specified header in the headers instance. If value is 'Null' the
        /// header will be removed.
        /// </summary>
        public void Remove(HttpResponseHeader key)
            // has the singles array been assigned?
            if (_definedSingles.ContainsKey(key))

            // iterate the headers
            for (int i = _definedHeaders.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                // does the header match?
                if (_definedHeaders[i].ArgA == key)
                    var header = _definedHeaders[i];

                    // is the refresh index after the index to be removed?
                    if (!_refreshDefinedHeaders || i < _refreshDefinedHeaderIndex)
                        // yes, set the header index
                        _refreshDefinedHeaderIndex = i;
                        _refreshDefinedHeaders     = true;

                        // decrement the builder index
                        _refreshBuilderIndex = header.ArgB.ArgB;

                        // flip the refresh flag
                        _refreshDefinedHeaders = true;

                    // yes, remove the header value

 /// <summary>
 /// Remove a data cluster from the active collections.
 /// </summary>
 internal static void RemoveCluster(MetaCluster cluster)
     // if the cluster being removed is the default cluster
     if (cluster == _defaultCluster)
         if (Clusters.Count == 0)
             _defaultCluster = null;
             DefaultCluster = Clusters[0];
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the specified characters and test against the scheme and it's children. Returns if it's
        /// requirements are satisfied.
        /// </summary>
        public unsafe override bool Next(char[] characters, int start, int end)
            // if the result isn't going anywhere - skip
            if (!_extract.OnSectionSet && _extract.SubExtracts.Count == 0)
                // no result method or sub extracts

            // have the results of this parser been satisfied?
            if (_runSubParsers)
                // yes, pass any characters to the sub-parsers
                foreach (Parse parser in _activeSubParsers)
                    if (!parser.Next(characters, start, end))
                        _runSubParsers = _activeSubParsers.Count > 0;

            // the ultimate result of this parse is whether a result is achieved and
            // passed to a return method or a sub extract method is similarly successful
            bool result = false;
            // the last index to be copied into the current section
            int lastIndex = start;

            // are there prefixes and suffixes?
            if (_prefixesSet && _suffixesSet)
                // yes, both prefixes and suffixes

                // set the current index within the block
                Index = lastIndex - 1;

                // loop until the block is complete
                while (Index <= end)
                    // are there prefixes or has a match been found?
                    if (Active)
                        // iterate characters in current block
                        while (++Index < end)
                            char character = characters[Index];

                            // if a suffix has been found
                            if (_suffixSearch.Next(character))
                                // if current section count + current block is greater than max allowed
                                if (_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex > _extract.MaxCharacters)
                                    // overflow - reset section stack

                                    // decrement the index to start searching for the prefix

                                    // revert to prefix search


                                // is the current section able to contain the next block of characters?
                                if (_currentSection.Capacity - _currentSection.Count < Index - lastIndex)
                                    // no, resize
                                    _currentSection.SetCapacity(_currentSection.Capacity + Index - lastIndex);

                                // append the block up to the current index
                                fixed(void *dst = &_currentSection.Array[_currentSection.Count])
                                    Marshal.Copy(characters, lastIndex, (IntPtr)dst, Index - lastIndex);

                                // update the current section count
                                _currentSection.Count += Index - lastIndex;
                                // update the last index
                                lastIndex = Index;

                                // if there are nested requirements
                                if (_reqParsersSet)
                                    // run required nested extracts
                                    foreach (Parse reqParser in _reqParsers)
                                        // if required extract wasn't satisfied then not active
                                        Active &= reqParser.Next(_currentSection.Array, 0, _currentSection.Count);

                                // if any requirements were fulfilled
                                if (Active)
                                    // if there are sub parsers
                                    if (_subParsersSet)
                                        // begin running sub parsers
                                        for (int i = _subParsers.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                                            if (_subParsers[i].Next(_currentSection.Array, 0, _currentSection.Count))
                                        _runSubParsers = _activeSubParsers.Count != 0;

                                    // if section callback is set
                                    if (_extract.OnSectionSet)
                                        // run complete section callback
                                        _extract.OnSection.Item.ArgA = _currentSection.ToArray();
                                        result = true;

                                // pop the last section and check max length
                                if (Sections.Count > 1 && Sections[Sections.Count - 1].Count + _currentSection.Count - 1 < _extract.MaxCharacters)
                                    // get the next session
                                    Sections.Remove(Sections.Count - 1);
                                    ArrayRig <char> nextSection = Sections[Sections.Count - 1];

                                    // will the next section contain the current sections characters?
                                    if (nextSection.Capacity - nextSection.Count < _currentSection.Count)
                                        // no, resize
                                        nextSection.SetCapacity(nextSection.Capacity + _currentSection.Count);

                                    // append the last section
                                    fixed(void *dst = &nextSection.Array[0])
                                        Marshal.Copy(_currentSection.Array, 0, (IntPtr)dst, _currentSection.Count);

                                    // update the next section count
                                    nextSection.Count += _currentSection.Count;

                                    // set current section
                                    _currentSection = nextSection;

                                    // flag for suffix search
                                    Active = true;
                                    // reset the section stack

                                    // decrement index

                                    // move back to prefix search

                            // has the prefix been found?
                            if (_prefixSearch.Next(character))
                                // nested prefix has been found

                                // check max length of current section
                                if (_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex > _extract.MaxCharacters)
                                    // overflow - reset the sections stack
                                    // add the current section to the stack

                                    // initialize new nested section
                                    _currentSection = new ArrayRig <char>();

                                // get the prefix char array
                                char[] prefix = _prefixSearch.Values[0].ToCharArray();

                                // if the current section won't contain the prefix
                                if (_currentSection.Capacity - _currentSection.Count < prefix.Length)
                                    // resize
                                    _currentSection.SetCapacity(_currentSection.Capacity + prefix.Length);

                                // copy the prefix charcters to the current section
                                fixed(void *dst = &_currentSection.Array[_currentSection.Count])
                                    Marshal.Copy(prefix, 0, (IntPtr)dst, prefix.Length);

                                // update the section count
                                _currentSection.Count += prefix.Length;

                        // if block is finished
                        if (Index == end - 1)
                            // check max length
                            if (_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex > _extract.MaxCharacters)
                                // overflow - reset
                                // if the current section won't contain the block
                                if (_currentSection.Capacity - _currentSection.Count < Index - lastIndex)
                                    // resize
                                    _currentSection.SetCapacity(_currentSection.Capacity + Index - lastIndex);

                                // copy the block charcters to the current section
                                fixed(void *dst = &_currentSection.Array[_currentSection.Count])
                                    Marshal.Copy(characters, lastIndex, (IntPtr)dst, Index - lastIndex);

                                // update the section count
                                _currentSection.Count += Index - lastIndex;
                                lastIndex              = Index;

                            // return the result of the current block

                    // search for a prefix

                    // iterate chacters in current block
                    while (++Index < end)
                        char character = characters[Index];

                        // if a prefix has been found
                        if (_prefixSearch.Next(character))
                            // get the prefix char array
                            char[] prefix = _prefixSearch.Values[0].ToCharArray();

                            // is the current section collection large enough for the prefix?
                            if (_currentSection.Capacity < prefix.Length)
                                // no, resize
                                _currentSection.SetCapacity(_currentSection.Capacity + prefix.Length);

                            // copy the prefix charcters to the current section
                            fixed(void *dst = &_currentSection.Array[_currentSection.Count])
                                Marshal.Copy(prefix, 0, (IntPtr)dst, prefix.Length);

                            // update the section count
                            _currentSection.Count += prefix.Length;
                            // update the last index
                            lastIndex = Index + 1;

                            // catch up the suffix search (for partially overlapping prefixes and suffixes)
                            foreach (char c in prefix)

                            // set to look for suffix
                            Active = true;

                            // go on to find a suffix

                    // if block is finished
                    if (!Active)
            else if (_prefixesSet)
                // no, prefixes only

                // iterate chacters in current block
                while (++Index < end)
                    char character = characters[Index];

                    // if a prefix has been found
                    if (_prefixSearch.Next(character))
                        // get the prefix
                        char[] prefix = _prefixSearch.Values[0].ToCharArray();

                        // is the parser already active?
                        if (Active)
                            // yes, a nested prefix has been found

                            // create a new section
                            var newSection = new ArrayRig <char>(_extract.MaxCharacters < prefix.Length ? prefix.Length : _extract.MaxCharacters);

                            // copy the prefix charcters to the new section
                            fixed(void *dst = &newSection.Array[0])
                                Marshal.Copy(prefix, 0, (IntPtr)dst, prefix.Length);

                            // update the new section count
                            newSection.Count += prefix.Length;

                            /////// copy the current block to the current sections

                            // is the current section going to be full?
                            while (_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex >= _extract.MaxCharacters)
                                /////// yes, complete the current section

                                // resize the current section if needed
                                if (_extract.MaxCharacters > _currentSection.Capacity)

                                // are there null characters in the current section?
                                if (_extract.MaxCharacters > _currentSection.Count)
                                    // yes, append the block to the current section
                                    fixed(void *dst = &_currentSection.Array[_currentSection.Count])
                                        Marshal.Copy(characters, lastIndex, (IntPtr)dst, _extract.MaxCharacters - _currentSection.Count);

                                    // update the current section count
                                    _currentSection.Count = _extract.MaxCharacters;

                                // are there requirements?
                                if (_reqParsersSet)
                                    // yes, run the required parsers
                                    foreach (Parse parser in _reqParsers)
                                        result |= parser.Next(_currentSection.Array, 0, _currentSection.Count);
                                    // no, the parse was successful
                                    result = true;

                                // have the requirements been fulfilled?
                                if (result)
                                    // are there sub parsers?
                                    if (_subParsersSet)
                                        // yes, begin running sub parsers
                                        for (int i = _subParsers.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                                            if (_subParsers[i].Next(_currentSection.Array, 0, _currentSection.Count))
                                        _runSubParsers = _activeSubParsers.Count != 0;

                                    // is the section callback set?
                                    if (_extract.OnSectionSet)
                                        // yes, run complete section callback
                                        _extract.OnSection.Item.ArgA = _currentSection.ToArray();
                                        result = true;

                                // are there more sections?
                                if (Sections.Count == 0)
                                    // no, exit the iteration
                                // yes, get the next section
                                _currentSection = Sections[0];

                            // are there any partial sections apart from the new section?
                            if (_currentSection.Count != 0)
                                ////// yes, copy the current block to all other sections that will not be filled

                                // resize the current section if needed
                                if (_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex > _currentSection.Capacity)
                                    _currentSection.SetCapacity(_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex);

                                // append the block to the current section
                                fixed(void *dst = &_currentSection.Array[_currentSection.Count])
                                    Marshal.Copy(characters, lastIndex, (IntPtr)dst, Index - lastIndex);

                                // update the section count
                                _currentSection.Count += Index - lastIndex;

                                // iterate all sections
                                foreach (ArrayRig <char> section in Sections)
                                    // append the block to each section
                                    fixed(void *dst = &section.Array[section.Count])
                                        Marshal.Copy(characters, lastIndex, (IntPtr)dst, Index - lastIndex);

                                    // update the section count
                                    section.Count += Index - lastIndex;

                                // add the new section
                                // no, the new section is the only section left
                                _currentSection = newSection;

                            // update the last index
                            lastIndex = Index;
                            // no, start the first section

                            // will the section contain the prefix?
                            if (prefix.Length > _currentSection.Capacity)
                                // nope, resize

                            // copy the characters to the current section
                            fixed(void *dst = &_currentSection.Array[0])
                                Marshal.Copy(prefix, 0, (IntPtr)dst, prefix.Length);

                            // update the section count
                            _currentSection.Count = prefix.Length;

                            // update the last index
                            lastIndex = Index;

                        // set parser active
                        Active = true;

                ////// copy the remaining characters to the current sections if any

                // is there a prefix and is the current section going to be filled by the current block?
                while (Active && _currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex >= _extract.MaxCharacters)
                    /////// yes, complete the current section

                    // resize the current section if needed
                    if (_extract.MaxCharacters > _currentSection.Capacity)

                    // is there space in the current section?
                    if (_extract.MaxCharacters > _currentSection.Count)
                        // yes, fill the block to the current section
                        fixed(void *dst = &_currentSection.Array[_currentSection.Count])
                            Marshal.Copy(characters, lastIndex, (IntPtr)dst, _extract.MaxCharacters - _currentSection.Count);

                        // update the current section count
                        _currentSection.Count = _extract.MaxCharacters;

                    // are there requirements?
                    if (_reqParsersSet)
                        // yes, run the required parsers
                        foreach (Parse parser in _reqParsers)
                            result |= parser.Next(_currentSection.Array, 0, _currentSection.Count);
                        // no, the parse was successful
                        result = true;

                    // have the requirements been fulfilled?
                    if (result)
                        // are there sub parsers?
                        if (_subParsersSet)
                            // yes, begin running sub parsers
                            for (int i = _subParsers.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                                if (_subParsers[i].Next(_currentSection.Array, 0, _currentSection.Count))
                            _runSubParsers = _activeSubParsers.Count != 0;

                        // is the section callback set?
                        if (_extract.OnSectionSet)
                            // yes, run complete section callback
                            _extract.OnSection.Item.ArgA = _currentSection.ToArray();
                            result = true;

                    // are there more sections?
                    if (Sections.Count == 0)
                        // no, exit the iteration

                    // yes, get the next section
                    _currentSection = Sections[0];

                // are there any partial sections left?
                if (_currentSection.Count != 0)
                    ////// yes, copy the current block to all other sections thatill not be filled w

                    // resize the current section if needed
                    if (_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex > _currentSection.Capacity)
                        _currentSection.SetCapacity(_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex);

                    // append the block to the current section
                    fixed(void *dst = &_currentSection.Array[_currentSection.Count])
                        Marshal.Copy(characters, lastIndex, (IntPtr)dst, Index - lastIndex);

                    // update the section count
                    _currentSection.Count += Index - lastIndex;

                    // iterate all sections
                    foreach (ArrayRig <char> section in Sections)
                        // append the block to each section
                        fixed(void *dst = &section.Array[section.Count])
                            Marshal.Copy(characters, lastIndex, (IntPtr)dst, Index - lastIndex);

                        // update the section count
                        section.Count += Index - lastIndex;
            else if (_suffixesSet)
                // no, suffixes only

                // iterate characters in current block
                while (++Index < end)
                    char character = characters[Index];

                    // does the current character complete a suffix?
                    if (_suffixSearch.Next(character))
                        // yes, push current character block

                        // if current section count + current block is greater than max allowed
                        if (_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex > _extract.MaxCharacters)
                            // overflow - move the current section

                            // shift characters from the current section
                            fixed(void *dst = &_currentSection.Array[0])
                                Marshal.Copy(_currentSection.Array, Index - lastIndex, (IntPtr)dst, _currentSection.Count - Index - lastIndex);

                            // set the new count
                            _currentSection.Count = _currentSection.Count - Index - lastIndex;

                        // resize the current section if needed
                        if (_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex > _currentSection.Capacity)
                            _currentSection.SetCapacity(_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex);

                        // append the block up to the current index
                        fixed(void *dst = &_currentSection.Array[_currentSection.Count])
                            Marshal.Copy(characters, lastIndex, (IntPtr)dst, Index - lastIndex);

                        // update the current section count
                        _currentSection.Count += Index - lastIndex;
                        // update the last index
                        lastIndex = Index;

                        // are there requirements?
                        if (_reqParsersSet)
                            // yes, run the required parsers
                            foreach (Parse parser in _reqParsers)
                                result |= parser.Next(_currentSection.Array, 0, _currentSection.Count);
                            result = true;

                        // have the requirements been fulfilled?
                        if (result)
                            // are there sub parsers?
                            if (_subParsersSet)
                                // yes, begin running sub parsers
                                for (int i = _subParsers.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                                    if (_subParsers[i].Next(_currentSection.Array, 0, _currentSection.Count))
                                _runSubParsers = _activeSubParsers.Count != 0;

                            // is the section callback set?
                            if (_extract.OnSectionSet)
                                // yes, run complete section callback
                                _extract.OnSection.Item.ArgA = _currentSection.ToArray();
                                result = true;

                // copy the current character block

                // if current section count + current block is greater than max allowed
                if (_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex > _extract.MaxCharacters)
                    // overflow - move the current section

                    // shift characters in the current section
                    fixed(void *dst = &_currentSection.Array[0])
                        Marshal.Copy(_currentSection.Array, Index - lastIndex, (IntPtr)dst, _currentSection.Count - Index - lastIndex);

                    // set the new count
                    _currentSection.Count = _currentSection.Count - Index - lastIndex;

                // resize the current section if needed
                if (_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex > _currentSection.Capacity)
                    _currentSection.SetCapacity(_currentSection.Count + Index - lastIndex);

                // append the block up to the current index
                fixed(void *dst = &_currentSection.Array[_currentSection.Count])
                    Marshal.Copy(characters, lastIndex, (IntPtr)dst, Index - lastIndex);

                // update the current section count
                _currentSection.Count += Index - lastIndex;
                // no prefixes or suffixes

                // are there requirements?
                if (_reqParsersSet)
                    // yes, check requirements
                    foreach (Parse parser in _reqParsers)
                        result |= parser.Next(characters, start, end);
                    // no, the result is positive
                    result = true;

                // is the parser becoming active?
                if (result && !Active)
                    // yes, update state
                    Active = true;

                    // run sub parsers
                    if (!_runSubParsers)
                        _runSubParsers = true;
                        // iterate sub parsers
                        for (int i = _subParsers.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                            if (_subParsers[i].Next(_currentSection.Array, 0, _currentSection.Count))

            // return the result
文件: Table.cs 项目: flippynips/EFZ

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this Table instance.
        /// </summary>
        private void Initialize()
            // take the initialize lock
            // was the table initialized by another thread? yes, skip
            if (!_initialize)

            // if the keyspace name wasn't set - get the current default
            _keyspace = _keyspaceName == null ?
                        ManagerCql.DefaultCluster.DefaultKeyspace :

            // get the table metadata
            if (_keyspace.Metadata == null)
                // create an inline timer to wait for keyspace initialization
                TimeInline timer = new TimeInline(4000, () => _keyspace.Metadata != null);

                // wait until timeout or keyspace metadata being populated
                while (timer.Wait)

                // was the metadata retrieved?
                if (!timer.Success)
                    // no, error log
                    Log.Error("Table '" + Name + "' isn't available. Keyspace '" + _keyspaceName + "' couldn't initialize.");

            // get the metadata for the table - does the table exist?
            if (!_keyspace.TableMetadata.TakeItem().TryGetValue(Name, out Metadata))
                // no, create the table

                bool primaryKey = false;

                // add this Table to the Keyspace
                Query          builder     = new Query(this, _keyspace);
                CqlCreateTable createQuery = new CqlCreateTable(builder);
                // iterate the columns to create
                foreach (Column column in Columns)
                    primaryKey |= column.Class == Column.ColumnClass.Primary;

                // if there were no primary keys
                if (!primaryKey)
                    Log.Error("Cannot create a Table with no primary keys.");

                // run the query and get the metadata
                Metadata = createQuery;

                // add the metadata to the keyspace
                _keyspace.TableMetadata.TakeItem().Add(Name, Metadata);

            // add this table to the keyspace

            ArrayRig <Column>      newColumns = new ArrayRig <Column>(Columns);
            ArrayRig <TableColumn> oldColumns = new ArrayRig <TableColumn>();

            // iterate table column in the metadata
            foreach (TableColumn col in Metadata.TableColumns)
                // flag to indicate the column reference exists
                bool found = false;

                // iterate the columns
                for (int i = Columns.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    // if the name matches
                    if (col.Name == Columns[i].Name)
                        // set the index
                        Columns[i].Index = col.Index;
                        // remove from add collection
                        found = true;

                // was the column found in the metadata? no, add to be removed
                if (!found)

            // add each new column
            foreach (var newColumn in newColumns)
                // log the removal
                Log.CriticalChange("A COLUMN IS ABOUT TO BE Added : " + Keyspace.Metadata.Name + Chars.Stop, 2);

                // get the builder
                var builder = StringBuilderCache.Get();

                // append a query that will add the new column
                builder.Append("ALTER TABLE ");
                builder.Append(" ADD ");

                // get a simple statement
                var addStatement = new SimpleStatement(builder.ToString());

                // execute the statement

            // iterate the old columns
            foreach (var oldColumn in oldColumns)
                // log the removal
                Log.CriticalChange("A COLUMN IS ABOUT TO BE DROPPED : " + Keyspace.Metadata.Name + Chars.Stop, 10);

                // get the builder
                var builder = StringBuilderCache.Get();

                // append a query that will remove the old column
                builder.Append("ALTER TABLE ");
                builder.Append(" DROP ");

                // get a simple statement
                var removeStatement = new SimpleStatement(builder.ToString());

                // execute the statement

            // the table has been initialized
            _initialize = false;

            // release the lock