public override void UpdateContent()
        bounds = map.MapCoordBounds;

        if (degrees)
            // Convert Lon/Lat to meters
            var meters = GeoCalculator.LonLatToMeters(bounds.east, bounds.north);
            bounds.east  = meters.x;
            bounds.north = meters.y;
            meters       = GeoCalculator.LonLatToMeters(bounds.west, bounds.south);
            bounds.west  = meters.x;
            bounds.south = meters.y;

        var invBoundsX = 1.0 / (bounds.east - bounds.west);
        var invBoundsY = 1.0 / (bounds.north - bounds.south);
        var interval   = new Vector4((float)(intervalX * invBoundsX), (float)(intervalY * invBoundsY), 0, 0);
        var offsetX    = (float)(((0.5f * (bounds.east + bounds.west)) % intervalX) * invBoundsX);
        var offsetY    = (float)(((0.5f * (bounds.north + bounds.south)) % intervalY) * invBoundsY);
        var offset     = new Vector4(offsetX, offsetY, 0, 0);

        if (degrees)
            offset.y = -offset.y;

        material.SetVector("Interval", interval);
        material.SetVector("Offset", offset);
    public static bool Contains(this AreaBounds bounds, OctTreeOccupant octTreeOccupant)
        if (octTreeOccupant == null)

        Transform      sphereTransform = octTreeOccupant.Transform;
        SphereCollider sphere          = octTreeOccupant.SphereCollider;

        if (sphereTransform == null || sphere == null)

        Vector3 spherePosition = sphereTransform.position;

        spherePosition +=;
        float sphereRadius = sphere.radius;

        if (spherePosition.x - sphereRadius > bounds.MaxBounds.x ||
            spherePosition.y - sphereRadius > bounds.MaxBounds.y ||
            spherePosition.z - sphereRadius > bounds.MaxBounds.z ||
            spherePosition.x + sphereRadius < bounds.MinBounds.x ||
            spherePosition.y + sphereRadius < bounds.MinBounds.y ||
            spherePosition.z + sphereRadius < bounds.MinBounds.z)
 public Site(string name, Site parent, AreaBounds bounds, List <DataLayer> dataLayers)
 {       = name;
     this.bounds     = bounds;
     this.dataLayers = dataLayers;
     this.parent     = parent;
    // Public Methods

    public AreaMapLayer Add(Site site, AreaBounds bounds)
        AreaMapLayer layer = Instantiate(sitePrefab); =;
        layer.Init(map, bounds.north, bounds.east, bounds.south, bounds.west);
        layer.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
        siteToMapLayer.Add(site, layer);
    // Private Methods

    private IEnumerator WaitForUI()
        // Wait 2 frames for UI to be created
        yield return(null);

        yield return(null);

        AreaBounds bounds = new AreaBounds(GeoCalculator.MinLongitude, GeoCalculator.MaxLongitude, GeoCalculator.MaxLatitude, GeoCalculator.MinLatitude);

        ZoomToBounds(bounds, false);
    // Public Methods

    public AreaMapLayer Add(Site site, AreaBounds bounds)
        AreaMapLayer layer = Instantiate(sitePrefab); = site.Name;
        layer.Init(map, bounds.north, bounds.east, bounds.south, bounds.west);
        layer.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
        siteToMapLayer.Add(site, layer);

        if (!showBoundaries && site != highlightedSite)

        public bool Matches(SniperInfo sniperInfo)
            var pokemonIds = PokemonFilterParser.ParseBinary(Pokemon);

            if (pokemonIds != null && !pokemonIds.Contains(sniperInfo.Id))
            if (AreaBounds != null && !AreaBounds.Intersects(sniperInfo.Latitude, sniperInfo.Longitude))
            if (MinimumIV > sniperInfo.IV)
        /// <summary>
        /// A Shapefile MultiPoint Shape
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeData">The shape record as a byte array</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if shapeData is null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if an error occurs parsing shapeData</exception>
        protected internal ShapeMultiPoint(byte[] shapeData)
            : base(ShapeType.MultiPoint)
            // metadata is validated by the base class
            if (shapeData == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("shapeData");

            // Note, shapeData includes an 8 byte header so positions below are +8
            // Position     Field       Value       Type        Number      Order
            // Byte 0       Shape Type  8           Integer     1           Little
            // Byte 4       Box         Box         Double      4           Little
            // Byte 36      NumPoints   Num Points  Integer     1           Little
            // Byte 40      Points      Points      Point       NumPoints   Little

            // validation step 1 - must have at least 8 + 4 + (4*8) + 4 bytes = 48
            if (shapeData.Length < 48)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid shape data");

            // extract bounding box and points
            _boundingBox = ParseBoundingBox(shapeData, 12, ProvidedOrder.Little);
            Debug.Log($"Extents: {_boundingBox.west}, {_boundingBox.east}, {_boundingBox.north}, {_boundingBox.south}");
            int numPoints = EndianBitConverter.ToInt32(shapeData, 44, ProvidedOrder.Little);

            Debug.Log($"numPoints: {numPoints}");

            // validation step 2 - we're expecting 16 * numPoints + 48 bytes total
            if (shapeData.Length != 48 + (16 * numPoints))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid shape data");

            // now extract the points
            _points = new PointD[numPoints];
            for (int pointNum = 0; pointNum < numPoints; pointNum++)
                _points[pointNum] = new PointD(EndianBitConverter.ToDouble(shapeData, 48 + (16 * pointNum), ProvidedOrder.Little),
                                               EndianBitConverter.ToDouble(shapeData, 56 + (16 * pointNum), ProvidedOrder.Little));
    public void ZoomToBounds(AreaBounds bounds, bool fit = true)
        Distance meters = GeoCalculator.LonLatToMeters(bounds.east, bounds.north) - GeoCalculator.LonLatToMeters(bounds.west, bounds.south);
        var      rect   = ComponentManager.Instance.Get <MapViewArea>().GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect;

        var    canvas = FindObjectOfType <Canvas>();
        double zoomX  = Math.Log(rect.width * canvas.scaleFactor * GeoCalculator.InitialResolution / meters.x) * InvLogTwo;
        double zoomY  = Math.Log(rect.height * canvas.scaleFactor * GeoCalculator.InitialResolution / meters.y) * InvLogTwo;

        if (fit)
            float zoom = (float)Math.Min(zoomX, zoomY);
            SetZoom(0.1f * Mathf.Floor(zoom * 10));
            float zoom = (float)Math.Max(zoomX, zoomY);
            SetZoom(0.1f * Mathf.Ceil(zoom * 10));
    private void UpdateLayerPanel(DataLayerPanel layerPanel, int level, AreaBounds bounds)
        var dataLayer = layerPanel.DataLayer;

        var site = ComponentManager.Instance.Get <SiteBrowser>().ActiveSite;

        bool hasPatches;

        if (layerPanel.IsLayerToggleOn)
            dataLayer.UpdatePatches(site, level, bounds);
            hasPatches = dataLayer.HasPatchesInView();

            if (hasPatches && !availableLayers.Contains(dataLayer))
                if (OnLayerAvailabilityChange != null)
                    OnLayerAvailabilityChange(dataLayer, true);
            else if (!hasPatches && availableLayers.Contains(dataLayer))
                if (OnLayerAvailabilityChange != null)
                    OnLayerAvailabilityChange(dataLayer, false);
            hasPatches = dataLayer.HasPatches(site, level, bounds.west, bounds.east, bounds.north, bounds.south);

        // Show/hide a layer panel when only visible layers are allowed, otherwise enable/disable the layer panel
        EnableLayerPanel(layerPanel, hasPatches);
        /// <summary>
        /// Function is basically the same as Shape.ParsePolyLineOrPolygon, it is just
        /// extended to handle the M extreme values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeData">The shape record as a byte array</param>
        /// <param name="boundingBox">Returns the bounding box</param>
        /// <param name="parts">Returns the list of parts</param>
        private void ParsePolyLineM(byte[] shapeData, out RectangleD boundingBox, out List <PointD[]> parts)
            boundingBox = new RectangleD();
            parts       = null;

            // metadata is validated by the base class
            if (shapeData == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("shapeData");

            // Note, shapeData includes an 8 byte header so positions below are +8
            // Position     Field       Value       Type        Number      Order
            // Byte 0       Shape Type  23          Integer     1           Little
            // Byte 4       Box         Box         Double      4           Little
            // Byte 36      NumParts    NumParts    Integer     1           Little
            // Byte 40      NumPoints   NumPoints   Integer     1           Little
            // Byte 44      Parts       Parts       Integer     NumParts    Little
            // Byte X       Points      Points      Point       NumPoints   Little
            // Byte Y*      Mmin        Mmin        Double      1           Little
            // Byte Y + 8*  Mmax        Mmax        Double      1           Little
            // Byte Y + 16* Marray      Marray      Double      NumPoints   Little

            // *optional

            // validation step 1 - must have at least 8 + 4 + (4*8) + 4 + 4 bytes = 52
            if (shapeData.Length < 44)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid shape data");

            // extract bounding box, number of parts and number of points
            boundingBox = ParseBoundingBox(shapeData, 12, ProvidedOrder.Little);
            Debug.Log($"Extents: {boundingBox.west}, {boundingBox.east}, {boundingBox.north}, {boundingBox.south}");
            int numParts = EndianBitConverter.ToInt32(shapeData, 44, ProvidedOrder.Little);

            Debug.Log($"numParts: {numParts}");
            int numPoints = EndianBitConverter.ToInt32(shapeData, 48, ProvidedOrder.Little);

            Debug.Log($"numPoints: {numPoints}");

            // validation step 2 - we're expecting 4 * numParts + (16 + 8 * numPoints for m extremes and values) + 16 * numPoints + 52 bytes total
            if (shapeData.Length != 52 + (4 * numParts) + 16 + 8 * numPoints + (16 * numPoints))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid shape data");

            // now extract the parts
            int partsOffset = 52 + (4 * numParts);

            parts = new List <PointD[]>(numParts);
            for (int part = 0; part < numParts; part++)
                // this is the index of the start of the part in the points array
                int startPart = (EndianBitConverter.ToInt32(shapeData, 52 + (4 * part), ProvidedOrder.Little) * 16) + partsOffset;

                int numBytes;
                if (part == numParts - 1)
                    // it's the last part so we go to the end of the point array
                    numBytes = shapeData.Length - startPart;

                    // remove bytes for M extreme block
                    numBytes -= numPoints * 8 + 16;
                    // we need to get the next part
                    int nextPart = (EndianBitConverter.ToInt32(shapeData, 52 + (4 * (part + 1)), ProvidedOrder.Little) * 16) + partsOffset;
                    numBytes = nextPart - startPart;

                // the number of 16-byte points to read for this segment
                int numPointsInPart = (numBytes) / 16;

                PointD[] points = new PointD[numPointsInPart];
                for (int point = 0; point < numPointsInPart; point++)
                    points[point] = new PointD(EndianBitConverter.ToDouble(shapeData, startPart + (16 * point), ProvidedOrder.Little),
                                               EndianBitConverter.ToDouble(shapeData, startPart + 8 + (16 * point), ProvidedOrder.Little));


            // parse M information
            Mmin = EndianBitConverter.ToDouble(shapeData, 52 + (4 * numParts) + (16 * numPoints), ProvidedOrder.Little);
            Mmax = EndianBitConverter.ToDouble(shapeData, 52 + 8 + (4 * numParts) + (16 * numPoints), ProvidedOrder.Little);

            for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
                double _m = EndianBitConverter.ToDouble(shapeData, 52 + 16 + (4 * numParts) + (16 * numPoints) + i * 8, ProvidedOrder.Little);
    public void UpdatePatches(Site site, int levelIndex, AreaBounds bounds)
        bool removedPatches = false;

        if (visibleYear == -1)
            // Hide visible patches that don't meet the criteria
            for (int i = patchesInView.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var patch = patchesInView[i];
                if (patch.Level != levelIndex ||
                    !patch.Data.Intersects(bounds.west, bounds.east, bounds.north, bounds.south) ||
                    patch.SiteRecord.layerSite.Site != site)
                    removedPatches = true;

            // Show non-visible patches that meet the criteria
            foreach (var layerSite in levels[levelIndex].layerSites)
                if (layerSite.Site == site)
                    foreach (var patch in layerSite.LastRecord.patches)
                        var patchData = patch.Data;
                        if (!patch.IsVisible() &&
                            patchData.Intersects(bounds.west, bounds.east, bounds.north, bounds.south) &&
            // Hide visible patches that don't meet the criteria
            for (int i = patchesInView.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var patch = patchesInView[i];
                if (patch.Level != levelIndex || !patch.Data.Intersects(bounds.west, bounds.east, bounds.north, bounds.south) ||
                    patch.Year != visibleYear ||
                    patch.SiteRecord.layerSite.Site != site)
                    removedPatches = true;

            // Show non-visible sites that meet the criteria
            foreach (var layerSite in levels[levelIndex].layerSites)
                if (layerSite.Site == site &&
                    foreach (var patch in layerSite.records[visibleYear].patches)
                        var patchData = patch.Data;
                        if (!patch.IsVisible() &&
                            patchData.Intersects(bounds.west, bounds.east, bounds.north, bounds.south) &&

        if (removedPatches)
 public void Show(int levelIndex, AreaBounds bounds)
     UpdatePatches(dataManager.ActiveSite, levelIndex, bounds);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Shapefile object and open a Shapefile. Note that three files are required -
        /// the main file (.shp), the index file (.shx) and the dBASE table (.dbf). The three files
        /// must all have the same filename (i.e. shapes.shp, shapes.shx and shapes.dbf). Set path
        /// to any one of these three files to open the Shapefile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Path to the .shp, .shx or .dbf file for this Shapefile</param>
        /// <exception cref="ObjectDisposedException">Thrown if the Shapefile has been disposed</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if the path parameter is null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if the path parameter is empty</exception>
        /// <exception cref="FileNotFoundException">Thrown if one of the three required files is not found</exception>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if an error occurs parsing file headers</exception>
        public void Open(string path)
            if (_disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("Shapefile");

            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
            if (path.Length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("path parameter is empty", "path");

            _shapefileMainPath  = Path.ChangeExtension(path, MainPathExtension);
            _shapefileIndexPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, IndexPathExtension);
            _shapefileDbasePath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, DbasePathExtension);

            if (!File.Exists(_shapefileMainPath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Shapefile main file not found", _shapefileMainPath);
            if (!File.Exists(_shapefileIndexPath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Shapefile index file not found", _shapefileIndexPath);
            if (!File.Exists(_shapefileDbasePath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Shapefile dBase file not found", _shapefileDbasePath);

            _mainStream  = File.Open(_shapefileMainPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
            _indexStream = File.Open(_shapefileIndexPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);

            if (_mainStream.Length < Header.HeaderLength)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Shapefile main file does not contain a valid header");

            if (_indexStream.Length < Header.HeaderLength)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Shapefile index file does not contain a valid header");

            // read in and parse the headers
            byte[] headerBytes = new byte[Header.HeaderLength];
            _mainStream.Read(headerBytes, 0, Header.HeaderLength);
            _mainHeader = new Header(headerBytes);
            _indexStream.Read(headerBytes, 0, Header.HeaderLength);
            _indexHeader = new Header(headerBytes);

            // set properties from the main header
            _type        = _mainHeader.ShapeType;
            _boundingBox = new RectangleD(_mainHeader.XMin, _mainHeader.XMax, _mainHeader.YMin, _mainHeader.YMax);

            // index header length is in 16-bit words, including the header - number of
            // shapes is the number of records (each 4 workds long) after subtracting the header bytes
            _count = (_indexHeader.FileLength - (Header.HeaderLength / 2)) / 4;

            // Read .dbf file
            _dbfFile = new DbfFile(_shapefileDbasePath, out _dbfStream);
            if (_dbfStream.Length < Header.HeaderLength)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Shapefile dbf file does not contain a valid header");

            // Initialize shapes
            Shapes = new List <Shape>();
            foreach (var shape in this)

            _opened = true;
 public void Show(int levelIndex, AreaBounds bounds)
     UpdatePatches(levelIndex, bounds);
 public AreaBounds(AreaBounds other) : this(other.west, other.east, other.north, other.south)
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        public OctTree(OctTree parent, AreaBounds bounds)
            m_parent = parent;
            m_bounds = bounds;