        public static string magfit(string logfile)
            //'''find best magnetometer rotation fit to a log file'''

            // print("Processing log %s" % filename);
            // mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, notimestamps=opts.notimestamps);

            ArdupilotMega.MAVLink mavint = new ArdupilotMega.MAVLink();

                mavint.logplaybackfile = new BinaryReader(File.Open(logfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read));
            catch (Exception ex) { return(""); }

            mavint.logreadmode = true;

            Vector3 last_mag  = null;
            double  last_usec = 0;
            double  count     = 0;

            double[] total_error = new double[rotations.Length];

            float AHRS_ORIENTATION = 0;
            float COMPASS_ORIENT   = 0;
            float COMPASS_EXTERNAL = 0;

            //# now gather all the data
            while (mavint.logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Position < mavint.logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Length)
                byte[] packetbytes = mavint.readPacket();
                if (packetbytes.Length < 5)
                object packet = mavint.GetPacket(packetbytes);
                if (packet == null)
                if (packet is ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.mavlink_param_value_t)
                    ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.mavlink_param_value_t m = (ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.mavlink_param_value_t)packet;
                    if (str(m.param_id) == "AHRS_ORIENTATION")
                        AHRS_ORIENTATION = (int)(m.param_value);
                    if (str(m.param_id) == "COMPASS_ORIENT")
                        COMPASS_ORIENT = (int)(m.param_value);
                    if (str(m.param_id) == "COMPASS_EXTERNAL")
                        COMPASS_EXTERNAL = (int)(m.param_value);

                if (packet is ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)
                    ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t m = (ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet;
                    Vector3 mag = new Vector3(m.xmag, m.ymag, m.zmag);
                    mag = mag_fixup(mag, AHRS_ORIENTATION, COMPASS_ORIENT, COMPASS_EXTERNAL);
                    Vector3 gyr  = new Vector3(m.xgyro, m.ygyro, m.zgyro) * 0.001;
                    double  usec = m.time_usec;
                    if (last_mag != null && gyr.length() > radians(5.0))
                        add_errors(mag, gyr, last_mag, (usec - last_usec) * 1.0e-6, total_error, rotations);
                        count += 1;
                    last_mag  = mag;
                    last_usec = usec;

            int    best_i   = 0;
            double best_err = total_error[0];

            foreach (var i in range(len(rotations)))
                Rotation r = rotations[i];
                //  if (!r.is_90_degrees())
                //      continue;

                //if ( opts.verbose) {
                //  print("%s err=%.2f" % (r, total_error[i]/count));}
                if (total_error[i] < best_err)
                    best_i   = i;
                    best_err = total_error[i];
            Rotation rans = rotations[best_i];

            Console.WriteLine("Best rotation is {0} err={1} from {2} points", rans, best_err / count, count);
            //print("Best rotation is %s err=%.2f from %u points" % (r, best_err/count, count));
        public static string magfit(string logfile)
            //'''find best magnetometer rotation fit to a log file'''

            // print("Processing log %s" % filename);
            // mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(filename, notimestamps=opts.notimestamps);

            ArdupilotMega.MAVLink mavint = new ArdupilotMega.MAVLink();

                mavint.logplaybackfile = new BinaryReader(File.Open(logfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read));
            catch (Exception ex) { return ""; }

            mavint.logreadmode = true;

            Vector3 last_mag = null;
            double last_usec = 0;
            double count = 0;
            double[] total_error = new double[rotations.Length];

            float AHRS_ORIENTATION = 0;
            float COMPASS_ORIENT = 0;
            float COMPASS_EXTERNAL = 0;

            //# now gather all the data
            while (mavint.logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Position < mavint.logplaybackfile.BaseStream.Length)
                byte[] packetbytes = mavint.readPacket();
                if (packetbytes.Length < 5)
                object packet = mavint.GetPacket(packetbytes);
                if (packet == null)
                if (packet is ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.mavlink_param_value_t)
                    ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.mavlink_param_value_t m = (ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.mavlink_param_value_t)packet;
                    if (str(m.param_id) == "AHRS_ORIENTATION")
                        AHRS_ORIENTATION = (int)(m.param_value);
                    if (str(m.param_id) == "COMPASS_ORIENT")
                        COMPASS_ORIENT = (int)(m.param_value);
                    if (str(m.param_id) == "COMPASS_EXTERNAL")
                        COMPASS_EXTERNAL = (int)(m.param_value);

                if (packet is ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)
                    ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t m = (ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.mavlink_raw_imu_t)packet;
                    Vector3 mag = new Vector3(m.xmag, m.ymag, m.zmag);
                    mag = mag_fixup(mag, AHRS_ORIENTATION, COMPASS_ORIENT, COMPASS_EXTERNAL);
                    Vector3 gyr = new Vector3(m.xgyro, m.ygyro, m.zgyro) * 0.001;
                    double usec = m.time_usec;
                    if (last_mag != null && gyr.length() > radians(5.0))
                        add_errors(mag, gyr, last_mag, (usec - last_usec) * 1.0e-6, total_error, rotations);
                        count += 1;
                    last_mag = mag;
                    last_usec = usec;

            int best_i = 0;
            double best_err = total_error[0];
            foreach (var i in range(len(rotations)))
                Rotation r = rotations[i];
              //  if (!r.is_90_degrees())
              //      continue;

                //if ( opts.verbose) {
                //  print("%s err=%.2f" % (r, total_error[i]/count));}
                if (total_error[i] < best_err)
                    best_i = i;
                    best_err = total_error[i];
            Rotation rans = rotations[best_i];
            Console.WriteLine("Best rotation is {0} err={1} from {2} points", rans, best_err / count, count);
            //print("Best rotation is %s err=%.2f from %u points" % (r, best_err/count, count));
            return rans.name;