public CollisionTahPageControl(CollisionItem argCollisionEntry) { InitializeComponent(); collisionEntry = argCollisionEntry; Text = Path.GetFileName(collisionEntry.tah.path); TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.SetToolTips(Text); DataTable data = new DataTable(); data.Columns.Add(TextResource.CollisionFrom, Type.GetType("System.String")); data.Columns.Add(TextResource.CollisionTo, Type.GetType("System.String")); data.Columns.Add(TextResource.CollisionedTAH, Type.GetType("System.String")); foreach (ArcsCollisionRecord col in collisionEntry.entries) { ArcsDatabase db = TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.ArcsDB; // 衝突した先のtahを取得する. ArcsTahEntry to = db.GetTah(col.toTahID); // 既に同じ名前で追加していないか調べる. ArcsTahFilesEntry fromfile = db.GetTahFilesEntry(col.fromFilesID); ArcsTahFilesEntry tofile = db.GetTahFilesEntry(col.toFilesID); DataRow row = data.NewRow(); string[] content = { fromfile.GetDisplayPath(), tofile.GetDisplayPath().ToLower(), to.shortname }; row.ItemArray = content; data.Rows.Add(row); } dataGridView.DataSource = data; dataGridView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells; dataGridView.ReadOnly = true; dataGridView.AllowUserToAddRows = false; dataGridView.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false; selectIndex(0); }
private string FindFromArcsTahs(string filename, int id) { string retval = ""; List <ArcsTahFilesEntry> files = TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.ArcsDB.GetTahFilesEntry(TAHUtil.CalcHash("script/" + filename + ".tbn")); if (files.Count > 0) { ArcsTahFilesEntry file = null; ArcsTahEntry tah = null; int pastVersion = -1; foreach (ArcsTahFilesEntry subfile in files) { ArcsTahEntry subtah = TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.ArcsDB.GetTah(subfile.tahid); if (subtah.version > pastVersion) { file = subfile; tah = subtah; pastVersion = subtah.version; } } if (tah != null) { retval = tah.path; LoadTso(new GenericArcsTahInfo(tah), file, id); } } //TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.FigureLoad = true; return(retval); }
private string FindFromZipTahs(string filename, int id) { string retval = ""; List <ArcsTahFilesEntry> files = TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.ArcsDB.GetZipTahFilesEntries(TAHUtil.CalcHash("script/" + filename + ".tbn")); if (files.Count > 0) { ArcsTahFilesEntry file = null; ArcsZipTahEntry tah = null; int pastVersion = -1; foreach (ArcsTahFilesEntry subfile in files) { ArcsZipTahEntry subtah = TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.ArcsDB.GetZipTah(subfile.tahid); if (subtah.version > pastVersion) { file = subfile; tah = subtah; pastVersion = subtah.version; } } if (tah != null) { ArcsZipArcEntry zip = TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.ArcsDB.GetZip(tah.zipid); if (zip != null) { retval = Path.GetDirectoryName(zip.path) + "\\" + zip.GetDisplayPath() + "\\" + tah.path; LoadTso(new GenericZipsTahInfo(tah), file, id); } } } return(retval); }
public static void ArcsDumpTahFilesEntries(ArcsDatabase db, ArcsTahEntry entry, TAHFile tah) { string source = Path.Combine(TDCGExplorer.SystemDB.arcs_path, entry.path); int tahentry = 0; foreach (TAHEntry ent in tah.EntrySet.Entries) { if (ent.FileName == null) { TDCGExplorer.SetToolTips("Dump " + ent.Hash.ToString("x8") + " file"); } else { TDCGExplorer.SetToolTips("Dump " + ent.FileName + " file"); } ArcsTahFilesEntry fileentry = new ArcsTahFilesEntry(); = 0; fileentry.tahid =; fileentry.tahentry = tahentry++; fileentry.path = ent.FileName; if (entry.path == null) { entry.path = ""; } fileentry.hash = (int)ent.Hash; fileentry.length = (int)ent.Length; db.SetTahFilesPath(fileentry); } }
private void selectIndex(int index) { ArcsCollisionRecord col = collisionEntry.entries[index]; ArcsDatabase db = TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.ArcsDB; // 衝突した先のtahを取得する. ArcsTahEntry from = db.GetTah(col.fromTahID); ArcsTahEntry to = db.GetTah(col.toTahID); // 既に同じ名前で追加していないか調べる. ArcsTahFilesEntry fromfile = db.GetTahFilesEntry(col.fromFilesID); ArcsTahFilesEntry tofile = db.GetTahFilesEntry(col.toFilesID); string text = @"<p>" + @"<h2> " + TextResource.CollisionHTML_CollisionFrom + " : " + from.shortname + "</h2>" + @"<adress>" + TextResource.Directory + " : " + Path.GetDirectoryName(from.path) + "</adress>" + @"<h3> " + TextResource.CollisionHTML_CollisionTo + " : " + to.shortname + "</h3>" + @"<adress>" + TextResource.Directory + " : " + Path.GetDirectoryName(to.path) + "</adress>" + @"<pre>" + fromfile.GetDisplayPath().ToLower() + " --> " + tofile.GetDisplayPath().ToLower() + "</pre>" + @"<pre>" + TextResource.HashCode + " : " + tofile.hash.ToString("x8") + "</pre>"; webBrowser.DocumentText = text; try { string filename = fromfile.GetDisplayPath().ToLower(); if (Path.GetExtension(filename) == ".tso") { // TSOを表示する. using (GenericTAHStream tahstream = new GenericTAHStream(new GenericArcsTahInfo(from), fromfile)) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.MainFormWindow.makeTSOViwer(); TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.MainFormWindow.clearTSOViewer(); TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.MainFormWindow.Viewer.LoadTSOFile(; if (TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.SystemDB.loadinitialpose) { TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.MainFormWindow.doInitialTmoLoad(); // 初期tmoを読み込む. } // カメラをセンター位置に. TSOCameraAutoCenter camera = new TSOCameraAutoCenter(TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.MainFormWindow.Viewer); camera.UpdateCenterPosition(fromfile.path.ToUpper()); // 次回カメラが必ずリセットされる様にする. TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.MainFormWindow.setNeedCameraReset(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; //TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.FigureLoad = false; } } } catch (Exception) { } }
public LoadTsoInfo(GenericTahInfo itinfo, ArcsTahFilesEntry itfile, int itid) { info = itinfo; file = itfile; id = itid; }
private void assembleTsoData() { foreach (LoadTsoInfo tsoload in loadtsoinfo) { GenericTahInfo info =; ArcsTahFilesEntry file = tsoload.file; int id =; try { // tso名を取得する. string tsoname; using (GenericTAHStream tahstream = new GenericTAHStream(info, file)) { using (MemoryStream memorystream = new MemoryStream()) { ZipFileUtil.CopyStream(, memorystream); tsoname = TDCGTbnUtil.GetTsoName(memorystream.ToArray()); } } GenericTahInfo tsoinfo = null; ArcsTahFilesEntry tso = null; if (info.zipid < 0) {// Arcsの場合 int pastVersion = -1; ArcsTahEntry tahinfo = null; List <ArcsTahFilesEntry> tsos = TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.ArcsDB.GetTahFilesEntry(TAHUtil.CalcHash(tsoname)); foreach (ArcsTahFilesEntry subfile in tsos) { ArcsTahEntry subtah = TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.ArcsDB.GetTah(subfile.tahid); if (subtah.version > pastVersion) { tso = subfile; tahinfo = subtah; pastVersion = subtah.version; } } tsoinfo = new GenericArcsTahInfo(tahinfo); } else {// zipの場合 int pastVersion = -1; ArcsZipTahEntry tahinfo = null; List <ArcsTahFilesEntry> tsos = TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.ArcsDB.GetZipTahFilesEntries(TAHUtil.CalcHash(tsoname)); foreach (ArcsTahFilesEntry subfile in tsos) { ArcsZipTahEntry subtah = TDCGExplorer.TDCGExplorer.ArcsDB.GetZipTah(subfile.tahid); if (subtah.version > pastVersion) { tso = subfile; tahinfo = subtah; pastVersion = subtah.version; } } tsoinfo = new GenericZipsTahInfo(tahinfo); } if (tsoinfo != null && tso != null) { // TSOを読み込む using (GenericTAHStream tahstream = new GenericTAHStream(tsoinfo, tso)) { using (MemoryStream memorystream = new MemoryStream()) { ZipFileUtil.CopyStream(, memorystream); PNGTsoData tsodata = new PNGTsoData(); tsodata.tsoID = (uint)id; tsodata.tsodata = memorystream.ToArray(); tsoDataList.Add(tsodata); } } } } catch (Exception) { } } }
private void LoadTso(GenericTahInfo info, ArcsTahFilesEntry file, int id) { LoadTsoInfo tsoinfo = new LoadTsoInfo(info, file, id); loadtsoinfo.Add(tsoinfo); }
public static void DumpArcEntries(ArcsDatabase db, string source_file, IArchive arc, int id) { try { TDCGExplorer.LastAccessFile = source_file; arc.Open(source_file); foreach (IArchiveEntry entry in arc) { // ディレクトリのみの場合はスキップする. if (entry.IsDirectory == true) { continue; } // TAHファイルなら詳細をダンプする. if (Path.GetExtension(entry.FileName) == ".tah") { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream((int)entry.Size)) { arc.Extract(entry, ms); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); using (TAHFile tah = new TAHFile(ms)) { try { tah.LoadEntries(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + ex); continue; } ArcsZipTahEntry ziptahentry = new ArcsZipTahEntry(); = 0; ziptahentry.path = entry.FileName; ziptahentry.shortname = Path.GetFileName(entry.FileName).ToLower(); ziptahentry.version = (int)tah.Header.Version; ziptahentry.zipid = id; int tahid = db.SetZipTahEntry(ziptahentry); int tahentry = 0; foreach (TAHEntry ent in tah.EntrySet.Entries) { if (ent.FileName == null) { TDCGExplorer.SetToolTips("Dump " + ent.Hash.ToString("x8") + " file"); } else { TDCGExplorer.SetToolTips("Dump " + Path.GetFileName(ent.FileName) + " file"); } ArcsTahFilesEntry fileentry = new ArcsTahFilesEntry(); = 0; fileentry.tahid = tahid; fileentry.tahentry = tahentry++; fileentry.path = ent.FileName; if (fileentry.path == null) { fileentry.path = ""; } //fileentry.md5sum = ""; fileentry.hash = (int)ent.Hash; fileentry.length = (int)ent.Length; db.SetZipTahFilesPath(fileentry); } } } } else { // tahファイル以外はファイル名のみ情報を格納する. ArcsZipTahEntry ziptahentry = new ArcsZipTahEntry(); = 0; ziptahentry.path = entry.FileName; ziptahentry.version = 0; ziptahentry.zipid = id; int tahid = db.SetZipTahEntry(ziptahentry); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Error: " + ex); return; } }
public GenericTAHStream(GenericTahInfo info, ArcsTahFilesEntry tsoInfo) { // zipファイルの中か? if (info.zipid != -1) { ArcsZipArcEntry zip = TDCGExplorer.ArcsDB.GetZip(info.zipid); string zippath = Path.Combine(TDCGExplorer.SystemDB.zips_path, zip.path); switch (Path.GetExtension(zip.path).ToLower()) { case ".zip": archive = new ZipArchive(); break; case ".lzh": archive = new LzhArchive(); break; case ".rar": archive = new RarArchive(); break; default: archive = new DirectAccessArchive(); break; } TDCGExplorer.LastAccessFile = zippath; archive.Open(zippath); if (archive == null) { throw new Exception(TextResource.ArchiveIsNull); } // foreach (IArchiveEntry entry in archive) { // ディレクトリのみの場合はスキップする. if (entry.IsDirectory == true) { continue; } // マッチするファイルを見つけた. if (entry.FileName == info.path) { ms = new MemoryStream((int)entry.Size); archive.Extract(entry, ms); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); tah = new TAHFile(ms); tah.LoadEntries(); if (tsoInfo == null) { return; } int tahentry = 0; foreach (TAHEntry ent in tah.EntrySet.Entries) { // 該当ファイルを見つけた. if (tahentry == tsoInfo.tahentry) { byte[] data = TAHUtil.ReadEntryData(tah.Reader, ent); // Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; ims = new MemoryStream(data); return; } tahentry++; } } } } else { string source = Path.Combine(TDCGExplorer.SystemDB.arcs_path, info.path); tah = new TAHFile(source); tah.LoadEntries(); if (tsoInfo == null) { return; } int tahentry = 0; foreach (TAHEntry ent in tah.EntrySet.Entries) { // 該当ファイルを見つけた. if (tahentry == tsoInfo.tahentry) { byte[] data = TAHUtil.ReadEntryData(tah.Reader, ent); // ims = new MemoryStream(data); return; } tahentry++; } } throw new Exception("TAH内のファイルが見つかりません"); }