public static ArbitrationRun CreateArbitrationRun() { ArbitrationRun returnRun = new ArbitrationRun(); returnRun.PersistToDb(); //If there was a problem saving the opportunity to the db. if (returnRun.Id == null) { throw new Exception(); } return(returnRun); }
public void ArbitrationRunHydrateTest() { ArbitrationRun testRun = new ArbitrationRun(); //Arbitraty values for test run bool useAnx = true; bool useBtce = true; bool useBitstamp = true; bool useBitX = true; bool useCoinbase = true; bool useItBit = true; bool useKraken = true; bool useOkCoin = true; bool useBitfinex = true; decimal minimumProfit = 0.11m; int seachIntervalMilliseconds = 28; decimal maxBtcTradeAmount = 0.123654m; decimal maxFiatTradeAmount = 120.28m; OpportunitySelectionType opportunitySelectionMethod = OpportunitySelectionType.MostProfitableWithPercentRestriction; decimal? exchangeBaseCurrencyPercentageRestriction = 0.15m; string logFileName = "blahblahblah.csv"; ArbitrationMode arbitrationMode = ArbitrationMode.Simulation; TransferMode transferMode = TransferMode.RollupOnTrades; FiatType fiatType = FiatType.Eur; int? rollupNumber = 2; int? rollupHours = 2; int roundsRequiredForValidation = 2; DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 08, 02, 14, 36, 42); DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(2015, 08, 02, 14, 36, 42); try { //Create and save an arbitary arbitration run testRun.UseAnx = useAnx; testRun.UseBitfinex = useBitfinex; testRun.UseBitstamp = useBitstamp; testRun.UseBitX = useBitX; testRun.UseBtce = useBtce; testRun.UseCoinbase = useCoinbase; testRun.UseItBit = useItBit; testRun.UseKraken = useKraken; testRun.UseOkCoin = useOkCoin; testRun.MinimumProfit = minimumProfit; testRun.SeachIntervalMilliseconds = seachIntervalMilliseconds; testRun.MaxBtcTradeAmount = maxBtcTradeAmount; testRun.MaxFiatTradeAmount = maxFiatTradeAmount; testRun.OpportunitySelectionMethod = opportunitySelectionMethod; testRun.ExchangeBaseCurrencyPercentageRestriction = exchangeBaseCurrencyPercentageRestriction; testRun.LogFileName = logFileName; testRun.ArbitrationMode = arbitrationMode; testRun.TransferMode = transferMode; testRun.RollupNumber = rollupNumber; testRun.RollupHours = rollupHours; testRun.StartDateTime = startDateTime; testRun.RoundsRequiredForValidation = roundsRequiredForValidation; testRun.EndDateTime = endDateTime; testRun.FiatType = fiatType; testRun.PersistToDb(); //Hyrdate the run that was just created ArbitrationRun hydratedRun = ArbitrationRun.GetArbitrationRunFromDbById(testRun.Id.Value); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.UseAnx == useAnx); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.UseBitfinex == useBitfinex); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.UseBitstamp == useBitstamp); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.UseBitX == useBitX); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.UseBtce == useBtce); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.UseCoinbase == useCoinbase); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.UseItBit == useItBit); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.UseKraken == useKraken); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.UseOkCoin == useOkCoin); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.MinimumProfit == minimumProfit); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.SeachIntervalMilliseconds == seachIntervalMilliseconds); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.MaxBtcTradeAmount == maxBtcTradeAmount); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.MaxFiatTradeAmount == maxFiatTradeAmount); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.OpportunitySelectionMethod == opportunitySelectionMethod); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.ExchangeBaseCurrencyPercentageRestriction == exchangeBaseCurrencyPercentageRestriction); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.LogFileName == logFileName); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.ArbitrationMode == arbitrationMode); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.TransferMode == transferMode); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.RollupNumber == rollupNumber); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.RollupHours == rollupHours); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.RoundsRequiredForValidation == roundsRequiredForValidation); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.FiatType == fiatType); Assert.IsTrue(DateTime.Compare(hydratedRun.StartDateTime.Value, startDateTime) == 0); Assert.IsTrue(DateTime.Compare(hydratedRun.EndDateTime.Value, endDateTime) == 0); //This fields are populated in the persist method, so they don't have a predetermiend value. Just ensure that they have any value Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.CreateDateTime != null); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.LastModifiedDateTime != null); //Test that the nullable fields hyrdate correctly when null: exchangeBaseCurrencyPercentageRestriction = null; rollupNumber = null; rollupHours = null; testRun.ExchangeBaseCurrencyPercentageRestriction = exchangeBaseCurrencyPercentageRestriction; testRun.RollupNumber = rollupNumber; testRun.RollupHours = rollupHours; testRun.PersistToDb(); hydratedRun = ArbitrationRun.GetArbitrationRunFromDbById(testRun.Id.Value); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.ExchangeBaseCurrencyPercentageRestriction == exchangeBaseCurrencyPercentageRestriction); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.RollupNumber == rollupNumber); Assert.IsTrue(hydratedRun.RollupHours == rollupHours); } finally { //Remove test data from the database if (testRun.Id != null) { TestsHelper.DeleteArbitrationRun(testRun.Id.Value); } } }
public void PersistArbitrationRun() { //Variables for arbitrary arbitration run values bool useAnx = false; bool useBitfinex = true; bool useBitstamp = false; bool useBitX = false; bool useBtce = false; bool useItBit = true; bool useKraken = true; bool useOkCoin = false; bool useCoinbase = true; decimal minProfit = 0.12m; OpportunitySelectionType opportunitySelectionMethod = OpportunitySelectionType.MostProfitableWithPercentRestriction; ArbitrationMode mode = ArbitrationMode.Simulation; TransferMode transferMode = TransferMode.OnTime; FiatType fiatType = FiatType.Eur; int? rollupTradeNumber = null; decimal? rollupHours = null; decimal? exchangeBaseCurrencyPercentRestriction = 0.34m; int searchInterval = 20; int roundsRequiredForValidation = 5; decimal maxBtc = 47.49684435m; decimal maxFiat = 984.41m; string logFile = "C:\\temp\\hunterOutput.csv"; DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; ArbitrationRun testRun = new ArbitrationRun(); try { testRun.UseAnx = useAnx; testRun.UseBitfinex = useBitfinex; testRun.UseBitstamp = useBitstamp; testRun.UseBitX = useBitX; testRun.UseBtce = useBtce; testRun.UseCoinbase = useCoinbase; testRun.UseItBit = useItBit; testRun.UseKraken = useKraken; testRun.UseOkCoin = useOkCoin; testRun.MinimumProfit = minProfit; testRun.SeachIntervalMilliseconds = searchInterval; testRun.RoundsRequiredForValidation = roundsRequiredForValidation; testRun.MaxBtcTradeAmount = maxBtc; testRun.MaxFiatTradeAmount = maxFiat; testRun.LogFileName = logFile; testRun.StartDateTime = startTime; testRun.ExchangeBaseCurrencyPercentageRestriction = exchangeBaseCurrencyPercentRestriction; testRun.OpportunitySelectionMethod = opportunitySelectionMethod; testRun.ArbitrationMode = mode; testRun.TransferMode = transferMode; testRun.RollupNumber = rollupTradeNumber; testRun.RollupHours = rollupHours; testRun.FiatType = fiatType; //Now that the arbitration run has been set up, save it to the db. testRun.PersistToDb(); //Ensure an id was set after the initial insert Assert.IsTrue(testRun.Id != null); string insertFetchSql = string.Format("" + "select " + " ID, " + " CREATE_DATETIME, " + " LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME " + "from " + " ARBITRATION_RUN " + "where " + " ID = {0} and " + " USE_ANX = {1} and " + " USE_BITFINEX = {2} and " + " USE_BITSTAMP = {3} and " + " USE_BITX = {4} and " + " USE_BTCE = {5} and " + " USE_COINBASE = {6} and " + " USE_ITBIT = {7} and " + " USE_KRAKEN = {8} and " + " USE_OKCOIN = {9} and " + " MINIMUM_PROFIT_FOR_TRADE = {10} and " + " SEARCH_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS = {11} and " + " MAX_BTC_FOR_TRADE = {12} and " + " MAX_FIAT_FOR_TRADE = {13} and " + " LOG_FILE = '{14}' and " + " START_DATETIME = '{15}' and " + " OPPORTUNITY_SELECTION_METHOD = '{16}' and " + " MODE = '{17}' and " + " EXCHANGE_BASE_CURRENCY_PERCENTAGE_RESTRICTION = {18} and " + " TRANSFER_MODE = '{19}' and " + " ROUNDS_REQUIRED_FOR_VALIDATION = {20} and " + " ROLLUP_TRADE_NUMBER IS NULL and " + " ROLLUP_HOURS IS NULL and " + " FIAT_TYPE = '{21}'", testRun.Id.Value, useAnx ? 1 : 0, useBitfinex ? 1 : 0, useBitstamp ? 1 : 0, useBitX ? 1 : 0, useBtce ? 1 : 0, useCoinbase ? 1 : 0, useItBit ? 1 : 0, useKraken ? 1 : 0, useOkCoin ? 1 : 0, minProfit, searchInterval, maxBtc, maxFiat, logFile, startTime.ToString("yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), opportunitySelectionMethod, mode, exchangeBaseCurrencyPercentRestriction, transferMode, roundsRequiredForValidation, fiatType); //Ensure all the values were properly inserted. DataTable result = DatabaseManager.ExecuteQuery(insertFetchSql); Assert.IsTrue(result != null && Convert.ToInt32(result.Rows[0]["ID"]) == testRun.Id.Value); //Create some bogus dates for CREATE_DATETIME and LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME DateTime createDateTime = new DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 13, 25, 05); DateTime lastModifiedDateTime = new DateTime(2014, 1, 1, 13, 25, 05); //In order to test that CREATE_DATETIME and LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME behave properly on updates, need to put some bogus data in there: DatabaseManager.ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("update ARBITRATION_RUN set CREATE_DATETIME = '{0}', LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME = '{1}' where ID = {2}", createDateTime.ToString("yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), lastModifiedDateTime.ToString("yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), testRun.Id.Value)); useAnx = true; useBitstamp = true; useBtce = true; useItBit = false; useBitfinex = false; useBitX = true; useKraken = true; useOkCoin = false; useCoinbase = false; minProfit = 98.15m; searchInterval = 85; maxBtc = 228m; maxFiat = 5412m; startTime = DateTime.Now; opportunitySelectionMethod = OpportunitySelectionType.MostProfitableOpportunity; exchangeBaseCurrencyPercentRestriction = null; mode = ArbitrationMode.Live; transferMode = TransferMode.RollupOnTrades; rollupTradeNumber = 3; rollupHours = 2.54m; roundsRequiredForValidation = 8; fiatType = FiatType.Usd; testRun.UseAnx = useAnx; testRun.UseBitfinex = useBitfinex; testRun.UseBitstamp = useBitstamp; testRun.UseBitX = useBitX; testRun.UseBtce = useBtce; testRun.UseCoinbase = useCoinbase; testRun.UseItBit = useItBit; testRun.UseKraken = useKraken; testRun.UseOkCoin = useOkCoin; testRun.MinimumProfit = minProfit; testRun.SeachIntervalMilliseconds = searchInterval; testRun.MaxBtcTradeAmount = maxBtc; testRun.MaxFiatTradeAmount = maxFiat; testRun.LogFileName = logFile; testRun.StartDateTime = startTime; testRun.ExchangeBaseCurrencyPercentageRestriction = exchangeBaseCurrencyPercentRestriction; testRun.OpportunitySelectionMethod = opportunitySelectionMethod; testRun.ArbitrationMode = mode; testRun.TransferMode = transferMode; testRun.RollupNumber = rollupTradeNumber; testRun.RollupHours = rollupHours; testRun.RoundsRequiredForValidation = roundsRequiredForValidation; testRun.FiatType = fiatType; testRun.PersistToDb(); string updateFetchSql = string.Format("" + "select " + " ID, " + " CREATE_DATETIME, " + " LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME " + "from " + " ARBITRATION_RUN " + "where " + " ID = {0} and " + " USE_ANX = {1} and " + " USE_BITFINEX = {2} and " + " USE_BITSTAMP = {3} and " + " USE_BITX = {4} and " + " USE_BTCE = {5} and " + " USE_COINBASE = {6} and " + " USE_ITBIT = {7} and " + " USE_KRAKEN = {8} and " + " USE_OKCOIN = {9} and " + " MINIMUM_PROFIT_FOR_TRADE = {10} and " + " SEARCH_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS = {11} and " + " MAX_BTC_FOR_TRADE = {12} and " + " MAX_FIAT_FOR_TRADE = {13} and " + " LOG_FILE = '{14}' and " + " START_DATETIME = '{15}' and " + " OPPORTUNITY_SELECTION_METHOD = '{16}' and " + " MODE = '{17}' and " + " EXCHANGE_BASE_CURRENCY_PERCENTAGE_RESTRICTION is NULL and " + " TRANSFER_MODE = '{18}' and " + " ROLLUP_TRADE_NUMBER = {19} and " + " ROLLUP_HOURS = {20} and " + " ROUNDS_REQUIRED_FOR_VALIDATION = {21} and " + " FIAT_TYPE = '{22}'", testRun.Id.Value, useAnx ? 1 : 0, useBitfinex ? 1 : 0, useBitstamp ? 1 : 0, useBitX ? 1 : 0, useBtce ? 1 : 0, useCoinbase ? 1 : 0, useItBit ? 1 : 0, useKraken ? 1 : 0, useOkCoin ? 1 : 0, minProfit, searchInterval, maxBtc, maxFiat, logFile, startTime.ToString("yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), opportunitySelectionMethod, mode, transferMode, rollupTradeNumber, rollupHours, roundsRequiredForValidation, fiatType); result = DatabaseManager.ExecuteQuery(updateFetchSql); //Ensure a record was found with all the updated values Assert.IsTrue(result != null); //Ensure the CREATE_DATETIME is the same, but the LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME is different Assert.IsTrue(createDateTime == (DateTime)result.Rows[0]["CREATE_DATETIME"]); Assert.IsTrue(lastModifiedDateTime != (DateTime)result.Rows[0]["LAST_MODIFIED_DATETIME"]); } finally { //Remove test data from the database if (testRun.Id != null) { TestsHelper.DeleteArbitrationRun(testRun.Id.Value); } } }