 public RoleService(ApplicationRoleStore roleStore, IModuleService moduleService, IPermissionService permissionService, IDbServiceReposity dbServiceReposity)
     _roleStore         = roleStore;
     _moduleService     = moduleService;
     _permissionService = permissionService;
     _dbServiceReposity = dbServiceReposity;
        public AccountController()
            _userStore   = new ApplicationUserStore(new ApplicationDbContext());
            _userManager = new ApplicationUserManager(_userStore);

            _roleStore   = new ApplicationRoleStore(new ApplicationDbContext());
            _roleManager = new ApplicationRoleManager(_roleStore);
        private void CreateRole(string roleName, ApplicationContext context)
            var store   = new ApplicationRoleStore(context);
            var manager = new RoleManager <IdentityRole>(store);
            var role    = new IdentityRole {
                Name = roleName

        static ApplicationDbContext CreateManagers(out WebApiUserManager userManager, out ApplicationRoleManager roleManager)
            var context   = ApplicationDbContext.Create();
            var userStore = new ApplicationUserStore(context, App.Id);
            var roleStore = new ApplicationRoleStore(context, App.Id);

            userManager = new WebApiUserManager(userStore);
            roleManager = new ApplicationRoleManager(roleStore);

        internal static void SeedRole(this ApplicationDbContext context, string roleName)
            if (!context.Roles.Any(r => r.Name == roleName))
                var store   = new ApplicationRoleStore(context);
                var manager = new RoleManager <ApplicationRole>(store);
                var role    = new ApplicationRole {
                    Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = roleName

        public void InitializeIdentityForEF()
            var context = new ApplicationDbContext();

            var roleStore   = new ApplicationRoleStore(context);
            var roleManager = new ApplicationRoleManager(roleStore);

            var userStore   = new ApplicationUserStore(context);
            var userManager = new ApplicationUserManager(userStore);

            const string adminUsername = "******";
            const string password      = "******";
            const string adminRoleName = "Admin";
            const string userRoleName  = "User";

            var adminRole = roleManager.FindByName(adminRoleName);

            if (adminRole == null)
                adminRole = new ApplicationRole(adminRoleName);
                var roleResult = roleManager.Create(adminRole);

            var userRole = roleManager.FindByName(userRoleName);

            if (userRole == null)
                userRole = new ApplicationRole(userRoleName);
                var roleResult = roleManager.Create(userRole);

            var adminUser = userManager.FindByName(adminUsername);

            if (adminUser == null)
                adminUser = new ApplicationUser {
                    UserName = adminUsername, Email = adminUsername
                var result = userManager.Create(adminUser, password);
                result = userManager.SetLockoutEnabled(adminUser.Id, false);

            var rolesForUser = userManager.GetRoles(adminUser.Id);

            if (!rolesForUser.Contains(adminRole.Name))
                var result = userManager.AddToRole(adminUser.Id, adminRole.Name);
        public static void SeedIdentityForEF(ApplicationDbContext context)
            if ((!context.Roles.Any()) && (!context.Users.Any()))
                var roleStore = new ApplicationRoleStore(context);
                //var roleManager = new RoleManager<ApplicationRole, int>(roleStore);

                var roleManager = new ApplicationRoleManager(roleStore);

                var role = new ApplicationRole
                    Name = "Admin",
                    Description = "Super Admin User group"

                var userStore = new UserStore<ApplicationUser,
                var userManager = new ApplicationUserManager(userStore);

                var user = new ApplicationUser
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                    UserName = "******",
                    EmailConfirmed = true

                user.FirstName = "Jack";
                user.LastName = "Smith";

                userManager.Create(user, "P@ssword");
                var result = userManager.SetLockoutEnabled(user.Id, false);

                userManager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Admin");

                //added group manager
                var groupManager = new ApplicationGroupManager(roleManager,userManager);
                var newGroup = new ApplicationGroup("SuperAdmins", "Full Access to All");

                groupManager.SetUserGroups(user.Id, new int[] { newGroup.Id });
                groupManager.SetGroupRoles(newGroup.Id, new string[] { role.Name });
        protected override void Seed(ApplicationDbContext context)
            var rolestore   = new ApplicationRoleStore(context);
            var rolemanager = new RoleManager <ApplicationRole>(rolestore);
            var userStore   = new ApplicationUserStore(context);
            var usermanager = new ApplicationUserManager(userStore);

            var id1 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var id2 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var id3 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var id4 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            usermanager.Create(new ApplicationUser()
                Id        = id1,
                UserName  = "******",
                Email     = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName = "Admin",
                LastName  = "User",
                Active    = true
            }, "Developer1!");
            usermanager.Create(new ApplicationUser()
                Id        = id2,
                UserName  = "******",
                Email     = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName = "Default",
                LastName  = "User",
                Active    = true
            }, "Developer1!");
            context.Roles.Add(new ApplicationRole()
                Name = "Administrator",
                Id   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
            context.Roles.Add(new ApplicationRole()
                Name = "Default User",
                Id   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
            usermanager.AddToRole(id1, "Administrator");
            usermanager.AddToRole(id2, "Default User");
        public async Task GetAllCoachesAsync_WithCorrectData_ShouldReturnCorrectResult()
            var errorMessage = "CoachingService GetAllCoachesAsync() method does not work properly.";

            // Arrange
            var context = ApplicationDbContextInMemoryFactory.InitializeContext();

            var coachOrdersRepository = new EfRepository <CoachOrder>(context);

            var userStore       = new ApplicationUserStore(context);
            var roleStore       = new ApplicationRoleStore(context);
            var userManager     = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(userStore, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
            var roleManager     = new RoleManager <ApplicationRole>(roleStore, null, null, null, null);
            var coachingService = new CoachingService(userManager, coachOrdersRepository);

            var roleName = GlobalConstants.CoachRoleName;

            var role = new ApplicationRole
                Id   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Name = roleName,

            var coach = new ApplicationUser
                Id       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                UserName = "******",

            // Act
            await roleManager.CreateAsync(role);

            await userManager.CreateAsync(coach);

            await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(coach, roleName);

            var actualResult = await coachingService.GetAllCoachesAsync();

            var expectedResult = coach;

            // Assert
            Assert.True(actualResult.First().UserId == expectedResult.Id, errorMessage);
            Assert.True(actualResult.First().Username == expectedResult.UserName, errorMessage);
        public async Task <StatusCode> CreateRoleAsync(CreatePermViewModel model)
            ApplicationRole role = new ApplicationRole()
                Name        = model.Name,
                Description = model.Description

                ApplicationRoleStore roleStore = new ApplicationRoleStore(_db);
                await roleStore.CreateAsync(role);

            catch (Exception e)
        public async Task <JsonResult> GetRoleMenusAsync(string roleId)
            var store = new ApplicationRoleStore(_db);
            var role  = await store.FindByIdAsync(roleId);

            if (role == null)

            var smh = role.MenuItems.Select(b => new MenusMenuItemVM()
                MenuItemId   = b.Id,
                MenuItemName = b.MenuTrail

            //Session["userMenus"] = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(Json(smh, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            var son = Json(smh, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

        public async Task <StatusCode> ProcessRoleMenusAsync(string roleId, long[] menus)
                var store = new ApplicationRoleStore(_db);
                var role  = await store.FindByIdAsync(roleId);

                var currMenus = role.MenuItems.Select(a => a.Id).ToArray();

                var addMenus = menus.Except(currMenus).ToArray();
                var remMenus = currMenus.Except(menus).ToArray();

                if (remMenus.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var id in remMenus)
                        var mi = _db.MenuItems.Find(id);
                    await store.UpdateAsync(role);

                if (addMenus.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (var id in addMenus)
                        var mi = _db.MenuItems.Find(id);
                    await store.UpdateAsync(role);

            } catch
 public void MyTestInitialize()
     _context   = ApplicationDbContext.Create();
     _roleStore = new ApplicationRoleStore(_context);
     _sut       = new ApplicationRoleManager(_roleStore);
 public AccountController(ApplicationUserManager userManager, ApplicationSignInManager signInManager, ApplicationRoleStore roleStore)
     UserManager   = userManager;
     SignInManager = signInManager;
     _roleStore    = roleStore;
 public ApplicationRoleManager(ApplicationDbContext db)
     _roleStore = new ApplicationRoleStore(db);
        public static ApplicationRoleManager Create(IdentityFactoryOptions <ApplicationRoleManager> options, IOwinContext context)
            ApplicationRoleStore roleStore = new ApplicationRoleStore(context.Get <ApplicationDbContext>());

            return(new ApplicationRoleManager(roleStore));
        public async Task <RoleDetViewModel> GetRoleDetailsAsync(string id)
            var store = new ApplicationRoleStore(_db);
            var role  = await store.FindByIdAsync(id);

            if (role == null)

            var rolePerms = role.Permissions.Select(a => new PermsViewModel()
                Id = a.Id, Name = a.Name, Checked = "checked"
            }).OrderBy(b => b.Name).ToList();
            var allPerms = _db.Permissions.Select(a => new PermsViewModel()
                Id = a.Id, Name = a.Name, Checked = ""
            var permissions = rolePerms.Union(allPerms).ToList();

            var roleUsers = role.Users
                            .Select(a => new UserDetViewModel()
                Id        = a.User.Id,
                UserName  = a.User.UserName,
                Email     = a.User.Email,
                FirstName = a.User.FirstName,
                LastName  = a.User.LastName,
                Checked   = "checked"
                            .OrderBy(b => b.LastName)

            var allUsers = _db.Users
                           .Select(a => new UserDetViewModel()
                Id        = a.Id,
                UserName  = a.UserName,
                Email     = a.Email,
                FirstName = a.FirstName,
                LastName  = a.LastName,
                Checked   = ""

            var users = roleUsers.Union(allUsers).ToList();

            var model = new RoleDetViewModel()
                Id          = role.Id,
                Name        = role.Name,
                Description = role.Description,
                Users       = users,
                Perms       = permissions,
                ListUrl     = "/Dashboard?sub=Roles"

 public ApplicationRoleManager(ApplicationRoleStore store)
     : base(store)
        protected override void Seed(NSG.Identity.ApplicationDbContext context)
            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.
            //  You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method
            //  to avoid creating duplicate seed data.
            //  AspNet Identity
            int _companyId   = 1;
            var _uStore      = new ApplicationUserStore(context);
            var _userManager = new ApplicationUserManager(_uStore);
            // Using ms default instance, ApplicationRoleManager was returning the following:
            //  The entity type ApplicationRole is not part of the model for the current context.
            var _rStore      = new ApplicationRoleStore(context);
            var _roleManager = new ApplicationRoleManager(_rStore);

                var _company = new Company()
                    CompanyShortName = "NSG",
                    CompanyName      = "Northern Software Group"
                context.Companies.AddOrUpdate(c => c.CompanyName, _company);
                _companyId = _company.CompanyId;
                var _server = new ApplicationServer()
                    CompanyId         = _companyId,
                    ServerShortName   = "NSG Memb",
                    ServerName        = "Members Web-site",
                    ServerDescription = "Public facing members Web-site",
                    WebSite           = "Web-site address: www.mimilk.com",
                    ServerLocation    = "We are in Michigan, USA.",
                    FromName          = "Phil Huhn",
                    FromNicName       = "Phil",
                    FromEmailAddress  = "*****@*****.**",
                    TimeZone          = "EST (UTC-5)",
                    DST          = true,
                    TimeZone_DST = "EDT (UTC-4)",
                    DST_Start    = new DateTime(2018, 3, 11, 2, 0, 0),
                    DST_End      = new DateTime(2018, 11, 4, 2, 0, 0)
                context.Servers.AddOrUpdate(s => s.ServerShortName, _server);
            catch { }
            var _rolePub = new ApplicationRole()
                Id = "pub", Name = "Public"
            var _roleUsr = new ApplicationRole()
                Id = "usr", Name = "User"
            var _roleAdm = new ApplicationRole()
                Id = "adm", Name = "Admin"
            var _roleCAdm = new ApplicationRole()
                Id = "cadm", Name = "CompanyAdmin"

                context.Roles.AddOrUpdate(r => r.Id, _rolePub);
                context.Roles.AddOrUpdate(r => r.Id, _roleUsr);
                context.Roles.AddOrUpdate(r => r.Id, _roleAdm);
                context.Roles.AddOrUpdate(r => r.Id, _roleCAdm);
            catch { }
            //  Network Incident
                context.NoteTypes.AddOrUpdate(t => t.NoteTypeId,
                                              new NoteType()
                    NoteTypeId = 1, NoteTypeDesc = "Ping", NoteTypeShortDesc = "Ping"
                                              new NoteType()
                    NoteTypeId = 2, NoteTypeDesc = "WhoIs", NoteTypeShortDesc = "WhoIs"
                                              new NoteType()
                    NoteTypeId = 3, NoteTypeDesc = "Abuse Report to ISP", NoteTypeShortDesc = "ISP Rpt"
                                              new NoteType()
                    NoteTypeId = 4, NoteTypeDesc = "Additional Communication from ISP", NoteTypeShortDesc = "ISP Addl"
                                              new NoteType()
                    NoteTypeId = 5, NoteTypeDesc = "ISP Response", NoteTypeShortDesc = "ISP Resp"
            catch { }
                context.NICs.AddOrUpdate(t => t.NIC_Id,
                                         new NIC()
                    NIC_Id = "afrinic.net", NICDescription = "Africian Network Information Centre", NICAbuseEmailAddress = " ", NICRestService = "http://www.afrinic.net/", NICWebSite = "http://www.afrinic.net/"
                                         new NIC()
                    NIC_Id = "apnic.net", NICDescription = "Asian-Pacfic Network Information Centre", NICAbuseEmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", NICRestService = "https://wq.apnic.net/whois-search/static/search.html?query=", NICWebSite = " "
                                         new NIC()
                    NIC_Id = "arin.net", NICDescription = "Americian (North) Registry of Internet Numbers", NICAbuseEmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", NICRestService = "http://whois.arin.net/rest/ip/", NICWebSite = "https://www.arin.net/"
                                         new NIC()
                    NIC_Id = "lacnic.net", NICDescription = "Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Centre", NICAbuseEmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", NICRestService = "https://rdap.lacnic.net/rdap-web/home", NICWebSite = "http://www.lacnic.net/web/lacnic/inicio"
                                         new NIC()
                    NIC_Id = "jpnic.net", NICDescription = "Japan", NICAbuseEmailAddress = " ", NICRestService = "https://wq.apnic.net/whois-search/static/search.html?query=", NICWebSite = " "
                                         new NIC()
                    NIC_Id = "nic.br", NICDescription = "Brazilian Network Information Center", NICAbuseEmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", NICRestService = "https://registro.br/2/whois?query=", NICWebSite = " "
                                         new NIC()
                    NIC_Id = "ripe.net", NICDescription = "Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (Europe)", NICAbuseEmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", NICRestService = "https://apps.db.ripe.net/db-web-ui/#/query?searchtext=", NICWebSite = "https://www.ripe.net/"
                                         new NIC()
                    NIC_Id = "twnic.net", NICDescription = "Taiwan NIC", NICAbuseEmailAddress = " ", NICRestService = "https://www.twnic.net.tw/en_index.php", NICWebSite = "https://www.twnic.net.tw/"
                                         new NIC()
                    NIC_Id = "hostwinds.com", NICDescription = "hostwinds NIC", NICAbuseEmailAddress = " ", NICRestService = " ", NICWebSite = "https://www.hostwinds.com/"
                                         new NIC()
                    NIC_Id = "unknown", NICDescription = "Unknown", NICAbuseEmailAddress = " ", NICRestService = " ", NICWebSite = " "
                                         new NIC()
                    NIC_Id = "other", NICDescription = "Other", NICAbuseEmailAddress = " ", NICRestService = " ", NICWebSite = " "
            catch { }
                context.IncidentTypes.AddOrUpdate(t => t.IncidentTypeId,
                                                  new IncidentType()
                    IncidentTypeId = 1, IncidentTypeShortDesc = "Unk", IncidentTypeDesc = "Unknown", IncidentTypeFromServer = true, IncidentTypeSubjectLine = "Unknown probe from ${IPAddress}", IncidentTypeEmailTemplate = "Hi\\n\\nStop the intrusion from your IP address ${IPAddress}.\\nThe following IP address probe my network.\\nPlease contain the following reference # in all communications: ${IncidentId}\\n\\n${Device}\\n${ServerLocation}\\nIncident times:", IncidentTypeTimeTemplate = "${NetworkLogDate} ${TimeZone}", IncidentTypeThanksTemplate = "\\nThank you,\\n${FromName}\\n================", IncidentTypeLogTemplate = "\\n${Log}\\n--------------------------------", IncidentTypeTemplate = "-"
                                                  new IncidentType()
                    IncidentTypeId = 2, IncidentTypeShortDesc = "Multiple", IncidentTypeDesc = "Multiple Types", IncidentTypeFromServer = true, IncidentTypeSubjectLine = "Network abuse from ${IPAddress}", IncidentTypeEmailTemplate = "Hi\\n\\nStop the intrusion from your IP address ${IPAddress}.\\nThe following IP address probe my network, probing for multiple vulnerabilities.\\nPlease contain the following reference # in all communications: ${IncidentId}\\n\\n${Device}\\n${ServerLocation}\\nIncident times:", IncidentTypeTimeTemplate = "${IncidentTypeShortDesc}: ${NetworkLogDate} ${TimeZone}", IncidentTypeThanksTemplate = "\\nThank you,\\n${FromName}\\n================", IncidentTypeLogTemplate = "\\n${Log}\\n--------------------------------", IncidentTypeTemplate = "-"
                                                  new IncidentType()
                    IncidentTypeId = 3, IncidentTypeShortDesc = "SQL", IncidentTypeDesc = "SQL Injection", IncidentTypeFromServer = true, IncidentTypeSubjectLine = "SQL Injection probe from ${IPAddress}", IncidentTypeEmailTemplate = "Hi\\n\\nStop the intrusion from your IP address ${IPAddress}.  This is testing SQL injection vulnerabilities.\\nPlease contain the following reference # in all communications: ${IncidentId}\\n\\n${Device}\\n${ServerLocation}\\n\\nIncident times:", IncidentTypeTimeTemplate = "${NetworkLogDate} ${TimeZone}", IncidentTypeThanksTemplate = "\\nThank you,\\n${FromName}\\n================", IncidentTypeLogTemplate = "\\n${Log}\\n--------------------------------", IncidentTypeTemplate = "-"
                                                  new IncidentType()
                    IncidentTypeId = 4, IncidentTypeShortDesc = "PHP", IncidentTypeDesc = "PHP", IncidentTypeFromServer = true, IncidentTypeSubjectLine = "PHP probe from ${IPAddress}", IncidentTypeEmailTemplate = "Hi\\n\\nStop the intrusion from your IP address ${IPAddress}.\\nThe following IP address probe my network, probing for ${IncidentTypeDesc} vulnerabilities.\\nPlease use the following reference # in all communications: ${IncidentId}\\n\\n${Device}\\n${ServerLocation}\\n\\nIncident times:", IncidentTypeTimeTemplate = "${NetworkLogDate} ${TimeZone}", IncidentTypeThanksTemplate = "\\nThank you,\\n${FromName}\\n================", IncidentTypeLogTemplate = "\\n${Log}\\n--------------------------------", IncidentTypeTemplate = "-"
                                                  new IncidentType()
                    IncidentTypeId = 5, IncidentTypeShortDesc = "XSS", IncidentTypeDesc = "Cross Site Scripting", IncidentTypeFromServer = true, IncidentTypeSubjectLine = "XSS probe from ${IPAddress}", IncidentTypeEmailTemplate = "Hi\\n\\nStop the intrusion from your IP address ${IPAddress}.\\nThe following IP address probe my network, probing for ${IncidentTypeDesc} vulnerabilities.\\nPlease use the following reference # in all communications: ${IncidentId}\\n\\n${Device}\\n${ServerLocation}\\n\\nIncident times:", IncidentTypeTimeTemplate = "${NetworkLogDate} ${TimeZone}", IncidentTypeThanksTemplate = "\\nThank you,\\n${FromName}\\n================", IncidentTypeLogTemplate = "\\n${Log}\\n--------------------------------", IncidentTypeTemplate = "-"
                                                  new IncidentType()
                    IncidentTypeId = 6, IncidentTypeShortDesc = "VS", IncidentTypeDesc = "ViewState", IncidentTypeFromServer = true, IncidentTypeSubjectLine = "ViewState probe from ${IPAddress}", IncidentTypeEmailTemplate = "Hi\\n\\nStop the intrusion from your IP address ${IPAddress}.\\nThe following IP address probe my network, probing for ${IncidentTypeDesc} vulnerabilities.\\nPlease use the following reference # in all communications: ${IncidentId}\\n\\n${Device}\\n${ServerLocation}\\n\\nIncident times:", IncidentTypeTimeTemplate = "${NetworkLogDate} ${TimeZone}", IncidentTypeThanksTemplate = "\\nThank you,\\n${FromName}\\n================", IncidentTypeLogTemplate = "\\n${Log}\\n--------------------------------", IncidentTypeTemplate = "-"
                                                  new IncidentType()
                    IncidentTypeId = 7, IncidentTypeShortDesc = "DIR", IncidentTypeDesc = "Directory traversal", IncidentTypeFromServer = true, IncidentTypeSubjectLine = "Directory traversal probe from ${IPAddress}", IncidentTypeEmailTemplate = "Hi\\n\\nStop the intrusion from your IP address ${IPAddress}.\\nThe following IP address probe my network, probing for ${IncidentTypeDesc} vulnerabilities.\\nPlease use the following reference # in all communications: ${IncidentId}\\n\\n${Device}\\n${ServerLocation}\\n\\nIncident times:", IncidentTypeTimeTemplate = "${NetworkLogDate} ${TimeZone}", IncidentTypeThanksTemplate = "\\nThank you,\\n${FromName}\\n================", IncidentTypeLogTemplate = "\\n${Log}\\n--------------------------------", IncidentTypeTemplate = "-"
                                                  new IncidentType()
                    IncidentTypeId = 8, IncidentTypeShortDesc = "DoS", IncidentTypeDesc = "Denial-of-service attack", IncidentTypeFromServer = true, IncidentTypeSubjectLine = "Denial-of-service attack from ${IPAddress}", IncidentTypeEmailTemplate = "Hi\n\nStop the intrusion from your IP address ${IPAddress}.  This is a DoS, affecting by my router.\nPlease contain the following reference # in all communications: ${IncidentId}\n\n${Device}\n${ServerLocation}\n\nIncident times:", IncidentTypeTimeTemplate = "${NetworkLogDate} ${TimeZone}", IncidentTypeThanksTemplate = "\\nThank you,\\n${FromName}\\n================", IncidentTypeLogTemplate = "\\n${Log}\\n--------------------------------", IncidentTypeTemplate = "-"
            catch (DbEntityValidationException _entityEx)
                // extension method
                string _errors = _entityEx.EntityValidationErrors.GetDbValidationErrors();
                throw new DbEntityValidationException(_errors);
            catch (Exception _ex)
                throw (_ex);
            //  Add a couple of fake network incident logs.
            if (context.NetworkLogs.Count() == 0)
                    DateTime _dt         = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
                    int      _incTypeSql = 3;
                    context.NetworkLogs.AddOrUpdate(n => n.NetworkLogId,
                                                    new NetworkLog()
                        ServerId = 1, IncidentId = null, IPAddress = "", NetworkLogDate = _dt.AddMilliseconds(15), Log = "Fake log 1, Fake log 1, Fake log 1", IncidentTypeId = _incTypeSql
                                                    new NetworkLog()
                        ServerId = 1, IncidentId = null, IPAddress = "", NetworkLogDate = _dt.AddMinutes(4), Log = "Fake log 2, Fake log 2, Fake log 2", IncidentTypeId = _incTypeSql
                                                    new NetworkLog()
                        ServerId = 1, IncidentId = null, IPAddress = "", NetworkLogDate = _dt.AddMinutes(5), Log = "Fake log 3, Fake log 3, Fake log 3", IncidentTypeId = _incTypeSql
                                                    new NetworkLog()
                        ServerId = 1, IncidentId = null, IPAddress = "", NetworkLogDate = _dt.AddMinutes(10), Log = "Fake log 4, Fake log 4, Fake log 4", IncidentTypeId = _incTypeSql
                catch (DbEntityValidationException _entityEx)
                    // extension method
                    string _errors = _entityEx.EntityValidationErrors.GetDbValidationErrors();
                catch (Exception _ex)
 public RoleManager(ApplicationRoleStore roleStore)
     : base(roleStore)
        protected override void Seed(spsServerAPI.Models.ApplicationDbContext context)
            //spsServerAPI.Models.Model spsdb = new Model();

            #region setup Roles
            const string adminName = "*****@*****.**";
            const string password  = "******";
            string[]     roleNames = new string[4] {
                "admin", "student", "tutor", "unapproved"
            var roleStore   = new ApplicationRoleStore(context);
            var roleManager = new ApplicationRoleManager(roleStore);
            foreach (string roleName in roleNames)
                var role = roleManager.FindByName(roleName);
                if (role == null)
                    role = new ApplicationRole(roleName);
                    var roleresult = roleManager.Create(role);

            #region Create Admin Account
            //Create admin user
            var userStore   = new ApplicationUserStore(context);
            var userManager = new ApplicationUserManager(userStore);

            var user = userManager.FindByName(adminName);
            if (user == null)
                user = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName         = adminName,
                    FirstName        = "Paul",
                    SecondName       = "Powell",
                    Approved         = true,
                    ProgrammeStageID = 0,
                    Email            = adminName
                var result = userManager.Create(user, password);
                result = userManager.SetLockoutEnabled(user.Id, false);

            //Add user admin to Role Admin if not already added
            var rolesForUser = userManager.GetRoles(user.Id);
            if (!rolesForUser.Contains(roleNames[0]))
                var result = userManager.AddToRole(user.Id, roleNames[0]);
            #region Create student test accounts
            PasswordHasher p         = new PasswordHasher();
            string         adminPass = p.HashPassword("Admin$1");
            // Create 10 test users:
            Random r = new Random();
            // int count = 0;
            //spsdb.ProgrammeStages.CountAsync().ContinueWith((cont) => { count = cont.Result; });
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var student = new ApplicationUser()
                    UserName     = string.Format("S000009{0}@mail.itsligo.ie", i.ToString()),
                    PasswordHash = p.HashPassword("S000009" + i.ToString()),
                    Email        = string.Format("S000009{0}@mail.itsligo.ie", i.ToString()),
                    Approved     = false,
                    FirstName    = "Student First name " + i.ToString(),
                    SecondName   = "Student Second name " + i.ToString(),
                    //ProgrammeStageID = r.Next(1, count),
                    LockoutEnabled = false

                //spsdb.Students.Add(new Student { SID = string.Format("S000009{0}", i.ToString())  });

                IdentityResult studentResult = userManager.Create(student);
                if (studentResult.Succeeded)
                    var rolesForStudent = userManager.GetRoles(student.Id);
                    if (rolesForStudent == null || !rolesForStudent.Contains(roleNames[3]))
                        var result = userManager.AddToRole(student.Id, roleNames[3]);
            #region Create Tutors
            //Create Tutors
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                var tutor = new ApplicationUser()
                    UserName       = string.Format("tutor{0}@mail.itsligo.ie", i.ToString()),
                    FirstName      = "Tutor First name " + i.ToString(),
                    SecondName     = "Tutor Second name " + i.ToString(),
                    PasswordHash   = p.HashPassword("Tutor$" + i.ToString()),
                    Email          = string.Format("tutor{0}@mail.itsligo.ie", i.ToString()),
                    Approved       = true,
                    LockoutEnabled = false

                // manager.Create(user, string.Format("S000009{0}", i.ToString()));

                var rolesForTutor = userManager.GetRoles(tutor.Id);
                if (rolesForTutor == null || !rolesForTutor.Contains(roleNames[2]))
                    var result = userManager.AddToRole(tutor.Id, roleNames[2]);
            if (context.Clients.CountAsync().Result > 0)

        } // End Seed
 public RoleRepository(DbContext context) : base(context)
     _store   = new ApplicationRoleStore(context);
     _manager = new ApplicationRoleManager(_store);
 public RoleRepository()
     _store = new ApplicationRoleStore();
     _roleManager = new ApplicationRoleManager(_store);