        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                await ensureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());

                ApplicationUser applicationUser = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName       = "******",
                    FullName       = "Віталій Мураль",
                    Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                    PhoneNumber    = "+38 (073) 008-8500",
                    EmailConfirmed = true,
                    IsEnabled      = true

                var result = await _accountManager.CreateUserAsync(applicationUser, new string[] { adminRoleName }, "mural1994");

                if (!result.Item1)
                    throw new Exception($"Seeding user failed. Errors: {string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result.Item2)}");

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await this.context.Database.MigrateAsync();

            if (!await this.context.Roles.AnyAsync())
                await this.EnsureRoleAsync(UserRoles.Admin, UserRoles.Admin, ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());

                await this.EnsureRoleAsync(UserRoles.User, UserRoles.User, new string[] { });

                if (this.additionalRoles != null && this.additionalRoles.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var role in this.additionalRoles)
                        await this.EnsureRoleAsync(role.Key, role.Key, role.Value);

            if (!await this.context.Users.AnyAsync())
                await this.CreateUserAsync("*****@*****.**", "Admin123!", "AdminFirst", "AdminLast", new string[] { UserRoles.Admin.ToString() });

                await this.CreateUserAsync("*****@*****.**", "User123!", "UserFirst", "UserLast", new string[] { UserRoles.User.ToString() });

            if (!await this.context.AdminNavigationSchemes.AnyAsync())
                await this.InitDefaultAdminNavigationMenusAsync();
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _identityContext.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

             *      Package Manager Console:
             *      add-migration InitialIdentityMigration -Context IdentityDbContext
             *      add-migration InitialApplicationMigration -Context ApplicationDbContext

            //Seems like this needs an update from Core
            //this is a workaround for fast standups as Migrate() should create this

            if (!await _identityContext.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating built in accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "tempP@ss123", "Built In Administrator", "*****@*****.**",
                                      "+1 (123) 000-0000", new[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "tempP@ss123", "Built In Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001",
                                      new[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Identity User account generation completed");

            _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data completed");
        /// <summary>
        /// Seed DB per tenant
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tenantName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task SeedAsync(int tenantId, string adminPassword = "******")//string tenantName)
            //await _context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

            //Apply migrations: tenant DB witll be created, then migrations applied
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            using (var transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction())
                //1.Create 'predefined roles' in the Tenant DB
                //Create 'internal' roles with related permissions
                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Tenant admin role", tenantId, ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(managerRoleName, "Manager role of the tenant", tenantId, ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(consultantRoleName, "Consultant role of the tenat", tenantId, ApplicationPermissions.GetConsultantPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(supportRoleName, "Support contact role of the tenant", tenantId, new string[] { });     //TODO: 'Support contact' permissions
                await EnsureRoleAsync(communicationRoleName, "Communication role of the tenant", tenantId, new string[] { }); //TODO: 'Support role' permissions

                //await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "'Simple user' role of tenant", tenantId, new string[] { });//TODO: 'Simple user' permissions

                await EnsureRoleAsync(candidateRoleName, "Candidate - 'external role' of tenant. Candidate not exepted offer yet", tenantId, ApplicationPermissions.GetCandidatePermissionValues()); //TODO: candidate permissions
                await EnsureRoleAsync(TWRoleName, "TW - temporary worker 'internal role' of tenant", tenantId, new string[] { });                                                                    //TODO: TW permissions
                await EnsureRoleAsync(PLURoleName, "PLU - permanent worker 'interanl role' of tenant", tenantId, new string[] { });                                                                  //TODO: PLU permissions
                await EnsureRoleAsync(contractorRoleName, "Contractor - 'external role' of tenant", tenantId, new string[] { });                                                                     //TODO: contractor permissions

                await EnsureRoleAsync(clientRoleName, "Client - 'external role' of the tenant. Who are looking for workers", tenantId, ApplicationPermissions.GetClientPermissionValues());

                //2. Create predefined users
                //NOTE: test users per role (to test logins under different accounts)
                await CreateTestUsers(tenantId, adminPassword);

        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            //for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
            //	await CreateTaskAsync(i);
            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "Jelszo1", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "Jelszo1", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("dragan", "RInoxA2014!", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("boban", "RInoxA2014!", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");

            if (!await _context.AppStories.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data");

                Story story_1 = new Story
                    Lang         = "en",
                    Description  = "Something Here _1",
                    DateCreated  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow

                Story story_2 = new Story
                    Lang         = "en",
                    Description  = "Something Here _2",
                    DateCreated  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow

                Story story_3 = new Story
                    Lang         = "en",
                    Description  = "Something Here _3",
                    DateCreated  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow


                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");

            if (!await _context.BibleBooks.AnyAsync())

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data completed");
        virtual public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "SuperAdmin";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Super administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_defaultRoleName))
                    await EnsureRoleAsync(_defaultRoleName, "Default public role", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("superadmin", "Abcd@123", "Super Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "7846745764", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "Abcd@123", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "9574574687", new string[] { userRoleName });

                //  await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");
        public async Task EnsureAdminIdentitiesAsync()
            await EnsureRoleAsync(DefaultRoleNames.Administrator, "Default administrator", _applicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
            await CreateUserAsync(DefaultUserNames.Administrator, "admin123", "Admin", "Blazor", DefaultRoleNames.Administrator, "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 456-7890", new string[] { DefaultRoleNames.Administrator });

            IdentityRole <Guid> adminRole = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync(adminRoleName);

            var AllClaims  = _applicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues().Distinct();
            var RoleClaims = (await _roleManager.GetClaimsAsync(adminRole)).Select(c => c.Value).ToList();
            var NewClaims  = AllClaims.Except(RoleClaims);

            foreach (string claim in NewClaims)
                await _roleManager.AddClaimAsync(adminRole, new Claim(ClaimConstants.Permission, claim));

            var DeprecatedClaims = RoleClaims.Except(AllClaims);
            var roles            = await _roleManager.Roles.ToListAsync();

            foreach (string claim in DeprecatedClaims)
                foreach (var role in roles)
                    await _roleManager.RemoveClaimAsync(role, new Claim(ClaimConstants.Permission, claim));

            _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                //________feito por mim
                const string AU_ManagerRoleName            = "au_manager";
                const string AU_OperatorRoleName           = "au_operator";
                const string AU_Operator_CustomersRoleName = "au_operator_customers";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                //________feito por mim
                await EnsureRoleAsync(AU_OperatorRoleName, "Default AU_Operator", new string[] { ApplicationPermissions.GetPermissionByName("View E_Invoices").Value, });
                await EnsureRoleAsync(AU_Operator_CustomersRoleName, "Default AU_Operator_Customers", new string[] { ApplicationPermissions.GetPermissionByName("View E_Customers").Value, ApplicationPermissions.GetPermissionByName("Create E_Customers").Value, ApplicationPermissions.GetPermissionByName("Delete E_Customers").Value, });
                await EnsureRoleAsync(AU_ManagerRoleName, "Default AU_Manager", new string[] { ApplicationPermissions.GetPermissionByName("Search E_Invoices").Value, ApplicationPermissions.GetPermissionByName("Create E_Invoices").Value, ApplicationPermissions.GetPermissionByName("Update E_Invoices").Value, ApplicationPermissions.GetPermissionByName("Delete E_Invoices").Value, });


                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Administrator", "lastname", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Standard User", "lastname", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");

            // if (!await _context.Products.AnyAsync() && !await _context.Params.AnyAsync())
            // {
            //     _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data");

            //     Product prod_1 = new Product
            //     {
            //         Title = "BMW M6",
            //         Description = "Yet another masterpiece from the world's best car manufacturer",

            //     };
            //     var param1 = new Param{Id = 1001};
            //     var param2 = new Param{Id = 1002};
            //     var param3 = new Param{Id = 1003};

            //     //var prodVat1 = new ProductVariant{VariantParam = param1, VariantValue = "xyz", Product = prod_1};

            //     Product prod_2 = new Product
            //     {
            //         Title = "Nissan Patrol",
            //         Description = "A true man's choice",

            //     };

            //     _context.Products.Add(prod_1);
            //     _context.Products.Add(prod_2);

            //     await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            //     _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data completed");
            // }
        public async Task SeedAsync(bool migrate)
            if (migrate)
                await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                await _persistedGrantDbContext.Database.MigrateAsync();

                await _configurationDbContext.Database.MigrateAsync();

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                //const string userRoleName = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());

                //await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("Admin", "Admin", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new[] { adminRoleName });

                //await CreateUserAsync("user", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new [] {userRoleName});

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            if (!await _configurationDbContext.Clients.AnyAsync())
                await _configurationDbContext.Clients.AddRangeAsync(IdentityServerConfig.GetClients().Select(m => m.ToEntity()));

            if (!await _configurationDbContext.IdentityResources.AnyAsync())
                await _configurationDbContext.IdentityResources.AddRangeAsync(IdentityServerConfig.GetIdentityResources().Select(m => m.ToEntity()));

            if (!await _configurationDbContext.ApiResources.AnyAsync())
                await _configurationDbContext.ApiResources.AddRangeAsync(IdentityServerConfig.GetApiResources().Select(m => m.ToEntity()));

            await _configurationDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await this.context.Database.MigrateAsync();

            if (!await this.context.Roles.AnyAsync())
                await EnsureRoleAsync(UserRoles.Admin, "Administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(UserRoles.User, "User", new string[] { });

            if (!await this.context.Users.AnyAsync())
                await CreateUserAsync("*****@*****.**", "Admin123!", "AdminFirst", "AdminLast", new string[] { UserRoles.Admin.ToString() });
                await CreateUserAsync("*****@*****.**", "User123!", "UserFirst", "UserLast", new string[] { UserRoles.User.ToString() });
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await this.context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await this.context.Roles.AnyAsync())
                await EnsureRoleAsync(Roles.Admin, "Admin", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(Roles.User, "User", new string[] { });

            if (!await this.context.Users.AnyAsync())
                await CreateUserAsync("*****@*****.**", "admin", "AdminFirstName", "AdminLastName", new string[] { Roles.Admin });
                await CreateUserAsync("*****@*****.**", "admin", "User1FirstName", "User1LastName", new string[] { Roles.User });
                await CreateUserAsync("*****@*****.**", "admin", "User2FirstName", "User2LastName", new string[] { Roles.User });
        private async Task SeedASPIdentityCoreAsync()
            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                //Generating inbuilt accounts
                const string adminRoleName = "Administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "User";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "admin123", "Admin", "Blazor", "Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 456-7890", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "user123", "User", "Blazor", "User Blazor", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 456-7890`", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());

                await CreateUserAsync("*****@*****.**", "Password1.", "Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("*****@*****.**", "Password1.", "Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "", new string[] { adminRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");
        private async Task SeedASPIdentityCoreAsync()
            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                //Generating inbuilt accounts
                const string adminRoleName       = "Administrator";
                const string userRoleName        = "User";
                const string coordinatorRoleName = "Coordinator";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });
                await EnsureRoleAsync(coordinatorRoleName, "Default coordinator", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "Admin123456", "Admin", "YLSPTeam", "Administrator YLSP", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 456-7890", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "User123456", "User", "YLSPTeam", "User YLSP", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 456-7890`", new string[] { userRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("coordinator", "Coordinator123456", "Coordinator", "YLSPTeam", "Coordinator YLSP", "*****@*****.**", "+7 (999) 825-0380`", new string[] { coordinatorRoleName, userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");
                const string adminRoleName = "Administrator";

                IdentityRole <Guid> adminRole = await _roleManager.FindByNameAsync(adminRoleName);

                var AllClaims  = ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues().Distinct();
                var RoleClaims = (await _roleManager.GetClaimsAsync(adminRole)).Select(c => c.Value).ToList();
                var NewClaims  = AllClaims.Except(RoleClaims);
                foreach (string claim in NewClaims)
                    await _roleManager.AddClaimAsync(adminRole, new Claim(ClaimConstants.Permission, claim));
                var DeprecatedClaims = RoleClaims.Except(AllClaims);
                var roles            = await _roleManager.Roles.ToListAsync();

                foreach (string claim in DeprecatedClaims)
                    foreach (var role in roles)
                        await _roleManager.RemoveClaimAsync(role, new Claim(ClaimConstants.Permission, claim));
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Employees.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data");

                Employee emp1 = new Employee("Allan", 100, 150, null);
                Employee emp2 = new Employee("Martin", 220, 100, null);
                Employee emp3 = new Employee("Jamie", 150, null, null);
                Employee emp4 = new Employee("Alex", 275, 100, null);
                Employee emp5 = new Employee("Steve", 400, 150, null);
                Employee emp6 = new Employee("David", 190, 400, null);

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data completed");
            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+61433426868", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+61433426868", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "wsiz@sh", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+48 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "wsiz@sh", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+48 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Domyślny administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Domyślny użytkownik", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "Adminadmin12#", "Wbudowane konto administratora", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "Useruser12#", "Wbudowane konto użytkownika", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");
        public virtual async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating default accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "ot";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Manage system", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Occupational Therapist", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "q", "David Winslow", "*****@*****.**",
                                      "+27 (83) 823-0738", new[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("aislinn", "q", "Aislinn Winslow", "*****@*****.**",
                                      "+27 (72) 441-1941", new[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Setup of default accounts completed");
        virtual public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("*****@*****.**", "P@ssw0rd!", "Isak Vidinghoff", "*****@*****.**", "+46 73 728 33 75", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("*****@*****.**", "P@ssw0rd!", "Pelle Johansson", "*****@*****.**", "+46 00 000 00 00", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("*****@*****.**", "P@ssw0rd!", "Niklas Neuendorff", "*****@*****.**", "+46 00 000 00 00", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // await _context.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();
            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName      = "super administrator";
                const string groupAdminRoleName = "group administrator";
                const string userRoleName       = "user";
                const string respondentRoleName = "respondent";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Super administrator", 0, ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(groupAdminRoleName, "Group administrator", 1, ApplicationPermissions.GetAllGroupPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Basic user", 2, ApplicationPermissions.GetAdministrativePermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(respondentRoleName, "Survey Respondent", 3, new string[] { });

                var adminAccounts = _configuration.GetSection("AdminAccounts").GetChildren();

                _logger.LogInformation("Creating admin accounts.");
                if (adminAccounts.Count() == 0)
                    _logger.LogWarning("No admin accounts exist.");
                    // throw new Exception("No admin accounts in configuration.");

                foreach (var section in adminAccounts)
                    var username = section.GetValue <string>("Username");
                    var password = section.GetValue <string>("Password");
                    await CreateUserAsync(username, password, "Inbuilt Administrator",
                                          "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });

                //await CreateUserAsync("admin2", "tempP@ss456", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                //await CreateUserAsync("user", "tempP@ss789", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });
                //await CreateUserAsync("respondent", "@ss789", "Respondent User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { respondentRoleName });
                //smto = await CreateUserAsync("smto", "tempP@ss789", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });
                //tts = await CreateUserAsync("tts", "tempP@ss789", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");

            if (!await _context.UserGroups.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data");

                UserGroup TTS = new UserGroup()
                    Name           = "TTS",
                    Members        = new List <GroupMember>(),
                    ApiKeySettings = new ApiKeys()
                        MailgunApiKey = "TTSMail", GoogleMapsApiKey = "TTSGoogle", MapBoxApiKey = "TTSMapbox"

                UserGroup SMTO = new UserGroup()
                    Name           = "StudentMove",
                    Members        = new List <GroupMember>(),
                    ApiKeySettings = new ApiKeys()
                        MailgunApiKey = "SMTOMail", GoogleMapsApiKey = "SMTOGoogle", MapBoxApiKey = "SMTOMapbox"


                /*Survey TTSSurvey;
                 * using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader("structure.json"))
                 * {
                 *  var jsonFile = r.ReadToEnd();
                 *  TTSSurvey = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Survey>(jsonFile, new JsonSerializerSettings { PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects});
                 * }
                 * _context.Surveys.Add(TTSSurvey);*/
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                const string adminRoleName    = "administrator";
                const string employerRoleName = "employer";
                const string proRoleName      = "professional";

                await _userService.EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());

                await _userService.EnsureRoleAsync(employerRoleName, "Default employer", new string[] { });

                await _userService.EnsureRoleAsync(proRoleName, "Default professional", new string[] { });

                // create admin
                await _userService.CreateAdminAsync(
                    fullName : "Rabbit Heart",
                    password : "******",
                    email : "*****@*****.**"

                // create employer
                ApplicationUser employer = await _userService.CreateEmployerAsync(
                    fullName : "Diana Prince",
                    password : "******",
                    email : "*****@*****.**",
                    companyName : "Amazonian-Olympian"

                // create professional
                await _userService.CreateProfessionalAsync(
                    fullName : "Clark Kent",
                    password : "******",
                    email : "*****@*****.**"

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");

                if (!await _context.Jobs.AnyAsync())
                    // create jobs
                    Job job1 = new Job
                        Name            = "Entry Cook",
                        Description     = "Entry level cook for our restaurant.",
                        PositionsToFill = 2,
                        Employer        = employer.Employer


                    Job job2 = new Job
                        Name            = "Front Desk Agent",
                        Description     = "Agent to serve guest checking into our hotel.",
                        PositionsToFill = 4,
                        Employer        = employer.Employer

                    _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt job generation completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating users account");

                const string adminRoleName = RoleName.Admin;

                const string supportRoleName = RoleName.Support;

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());

                await EnsureRoleAsync(supportRoleName, new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "Admin@123", "Administrator", "*****@*****.**", new[] { adminRoleName });

                var supportUser = await CreateUserAsync("support", "Support@123", "Support User", "*****@*****.**", new[] { supportRoleName });

                var supportUser2 = await CreateUserAsync("support2", "Support@123", "Support User 2", "*****@*****.**", new[] { supportRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("User accounts generation completed");

                if (await _context.Users.AnyAsync() && !await _context.TaskItems.AnyAsync())
                    _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data");

                    var tasks = new List <TaskItem>
                        new TaskItem
                            Task        = "Task item one",
                            UserOwnerId = supportUser.Id,
                            //  DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow
                        new TaskItem
                            Task        = "Task item two",
                            UserOwnerId = supportUser.Id
                        new TaskItem
                            Task        = "Task item three",
                            UserOwnerId = supportUser2.Id
                        new TaskItem
                            Task        = "Task item four",
                            UserOwnerId = supportUser2.Id
                        new TaskItem
                            Task        = "Task item five",
                            UserOwnerId = supportUser.Id


                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "Admin@123", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });

                //await CreateUserAsync("admin", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                //await CreateUserAsync("user", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");

            if (!await _context.DefaultDices.AnyAsync())
                List <DefaultDice> defaultDices = new List <DefaultDice>();
                defaultDices.Add(new DefaultDice()
                    Name = "D4", Icon = "icon-d4-thin"
                defaultDices.Add(new DefaultDice()
                    Name = "D6", Icon = "icon-d6-thin"
                defaultDices.Add(new DefaultDice()
                    Name = "D8", Icon = "icon-d8-thin"
                defaultDices.Add(new DefaultDice()
                    Name = "D10", Icon = "icon-d10-thin"
                defaultDices.Add(new DefaultDice()
                    Name = "D12", Icon = "icon-d12-thin"
                defaultDices.Add(new DefaultDice()
                    Name = "D20", Icon = "icon-d20-thin"
                defaultDices.Add(new DefaultDice()
                    Name = "D100", Icon = "icon-d100-thin"
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            if (!await _context.ConditionOperators.AnyAsync())
                List <ConditionOperator> conditionOperators = new List <ConditionOperator>();
                conditionOperators.Add(new ConditionOperator()
                    IsNumeric = false, Symbol = "==", Name = "Equals"
                conditionOperators.Add(new ConditionOperator()
                    IsNumeric = false, Symbol = "!=", Name = "Not equals"
                conditionOperators.Add(new ConditionOperator()
                    IsNumeric = false, Symbol = "", Name = "Is blank"
                conditionOperators.Add(new ConditionOperator()
                    IsNumeric = false, Symbol = "", Name = "Is not blank"
                conditionOperators.Add(new ConditionOperator()
                    IsNumeric = false, Symbol = "", Name = "Contains"
                conditionOperators.Add(new ConditionOperator()
                    IsNumeric = false, Symbol = "", Name = "Does not contain"
                conditionOperators.Add(new ConditionOperator()
                    IsNumeric = true, Symbol = ">", Name = "Greater than"
                conditionOperators.Add(new ConditionOperator()
                    IsNumeric = true, Symbol = ">=", Name = "Equal to or greater than"
                conditionOperators.Add(new ConditionOperator()
                    IsNumeric = true, Symbol = "<", Name = "Less than"
                conditionOperators.Add(new ConditionOperator()
                    IsNumeric = true, Symbol = "<=", Name = "Equal to or less than"
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            if (!await _context.Roles.Where(x => x.Name == "gm").AnyAsync())
                const string gmRoleName = "gm";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(gmRoleName, "gm", new string[] { });
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await ensureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await ensureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await createUserAsync("admin", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+84 (907) 477-489", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await createUserAsync("user", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+84 (944) 776-636", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");

            if (!await _context.Customers.AnyAsync() && !await _context.ProductCategories.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data");

                Customer cust_1 = new Customer
                    Name         = "Ebrain Team",
                    Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                    Gender       = Core.Gender.Male,
                    DateCreated  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow

                Customer cust_2 = new Customer
                    Name         = "Itachi Uchiha",
                    Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                    PhoneNumber  = "+81123456789",
                    Address      = "Some fictional Address, Street 123, Konoha",
                    City         = "Konoha",
                    Gender       = Core.Gender.Male,
                    DateCreated  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow

                Customer cust_3 = new Customer
                    Name         = "John Doe",
                    Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                    PhoneNumber  = "+18585858",
                    Address      = @"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio.
                    Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet",
                    City         = "Lorem Ipsum",
                    Gender       = Core.Gender.Male,
                    DateCreated  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow

                Customer cust_4 = new Customer
                    Name         = "Jane Doe",
                    Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                    PhoneNumber  = "+18585858",
                    Address      = @"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio.
                    Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet",
                    City         = "Lorem Ipsum",
                    Gender       = Core.Gender.Male,
                    DateCreated  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow

                ProductCategory prodCat_1 = new ProductCategory
                    Name         = "None",
                    Description  = "Default category. Products that have not been assigned a category",
                    DateCreated  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow

                Product prod_1 = new Product
                    Name            = "BMW M6",
                    Description     = "Yet another masterpiece from the world's best car manufacturer",
                    BuyingPrice     = 109775,
                    SellingPrice    = 114234,
                    UnitsInStock    = 12,
                    IsActive        = true,
                    ProductCategory = prodCat_1,
                    DateCreated     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    DateModified    = DateTime.UtcNow

                Product prod_2 = new Product
                    Name            = "Nissan Patrol",
                    Description     = "A true man's choice",
                    BuyingPrice     = 78990,
                    SellingPrice    = 86990,
                    UnitsInStock    = 4,
                    IsActive        = true,
                    ProductCategory = prodCat_1,
                    DateCreated     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    DateModified    = DateTime.UtcNow

                Order ordr_1 = new Order
                    Discount     = 500,
                    Cashier      = await _context.Users.FirstAsync(),
                    Customer     = cust_1,
                    DateCreated  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    OrderDetails = new List <OrderDetail>()
                        new OrderDetail()
                            UnitPrice = prod_1.SellingPrice, Quantity = 1, Product = prod_1
                        new OrderDetail()
                            UnitPrice = prod_2.SellingPrice, Quantity = 1, Product = prod_2

                Order ordr_2 = new Order
                    Cashier      = await _context.Users.FirstAsync(),
                    Customer     = cust_2,
                    DateCreated  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    OrderDetails = new List <OrderDetail>()
                        new OrderDetail()
                            UnitPrice = prod_2.SellingPrice, Quantity = 1, Product = prod_2




                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data completed");
        public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Products.AnyAsync())
                for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                    var testProduct = new Product
                        Name           = "Test product" + i,
                        Code           = "ABCD-2315",
                        Description    = "Test Data",
                        Price          = 599.9,
                        Rating         = 3.2,
                        ImageUrl       = "",
                        UnitsInStock   = 12,
                        IsActive       = true,
                        IsDiscontinued = false

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await ensureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await ensureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                await createUserAsync("admin", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+36 (20) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await createUserAsync("user", "tempP@ss123", "Inbuilt Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+336 (20) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");

            if (!await _context.Customers.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data");

                var testCustomer1 = new Customer
                    FirstName   = "David Nemeth",
                    LastName    = "",
                    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1990, 02, 26),
                    Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                    Gender      = Gender.Male,
                    CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    CreatedBy   = "Seeded Test Data",
                    UpdatedBy   = "No Update since Creation"

                var testCustomer2 = new Customer
                    FirstName   = "Temp2 Name2",
                    LastName    = "",
                    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1995, 12, 30),
                    Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                    Gender      = Gender.Male,
                    CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    CreatedBy   = "Seeded Test Data",
                    UpdatedBy   = "No Update since Creation"

                var testCustomer3 = new Customer
                    FirstName   = "Temp3 Name3",
                    LastName    = "",
                    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(2001, 04, 15),
                    Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                    Gender      = Gender.Male,
                    CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    CreatedBy   = "Seeded Test Data",
                    UpdatedBy   = "No Update since Creation"

                var testCustomer4 = new Customer
                    FirstName   = "Temp4 Name4",
                    LastName    = "",
                    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1960, 06, 12),
                    Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                    Gender      = Gender.Male,
                    CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    CreatedBy   = "Seeded Test Data",
                    UpdatedBy   = "No Update since Creation"

                var testOrder1 = new Order
                    AppUser     = await _context.Users.FirstAsync(),
                    Customer    = testCustomer1,
                    Price       = 2500,
                    Description = "ugly tshirt from china",
                    CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now

                var testOrder2 = new Order
                    AppUser     = await _context.Users.FirstAsync(),
                    Customer    = testCustomer1,
                    Price       = 2500,
                    Description = "Big ass TeLieVision",
                    CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now

                var testProduct = new Product
                    Name           = "Test product",
                    Code           = "ABCD-2315",
                    Description    = "Test Data",
                    Price          = 599.9,
                    Rating         = 3.2,
                    ImageUrl       = "",
                    UnitsInStock   = 12,
                    IsActive       = true,
                    IsDiscontinued = false
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)



                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data completed");
        virtual public async Task SeedAsync()
            await _context.Database.MigrateAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (!await _context.Users.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Generating inbuilt accounts");

                const string adminRoleName = "administrator";
                const string userRoleName  = "user";

                await EnsureRoleAsync(adminRoleName, "Default administrator", ApplicationPermissions.GetAllPermissionValues());
                await EnsureRoleAsync(userRoleName, "Default user", new string[] { });

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_defaultRoleName))
                    await EnsureRoleAsync(_defaultRoleName, "Default public role", new string[] { });

                await CreateUserAsync("admin", "start@31Trwz", "Inbuilt", "Administrator", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0000", new string[] { adminRoleName });
                await CreateUserAsync("user", "start@31Trwz", "Inbuilt", "Standard User", "*****@*****.**", "+1 (123) 000-0001", new string[] { userRoleName });

                _logger.LogInformation("Inbuilt account generation completed");

            if (!await _context.Languages.AnyAsync())
                Language lng_1 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "Arabic - الـعـربـيـة", LanguageCode = "ar", CountryCode = "DZ", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.Arabic
                Language lng_2 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "English - US English (Default)", LanguageCode = "en", CountryCode = "US", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.English
                Language lng_3 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "Chinese - 中文", LanguageCode = "zh", CountryCode = "CN", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.Chinese
                Language lng_4 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "Indian - हिन्दी", LanguageCode = "hi", CountryCode = "IN", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.Hindi
                Language lng_5 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "Spanish - Español", LanguageCode = "es", CountryCode = "ES", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.Spanish
                Language lng_6 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "Frensh - Français", LanguageCode = "fr", CountryCode = "FR", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.French
                Language lng_7 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "Bengali - বাংলা", LanguageCode = "bn", CountryCode = "BD", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.Bengali
                Language lng_8 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "Russian - Русский", LanguageCode = "ru", CountryCode = "RU", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.Russian
                Language lng_9 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "Portuguese - Português", LanguageCode = "pt", CountryCode = "PT", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.Portuguese
                Language lng_10 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "Indonisan - Bahasa Indonesia", LanguageCode = "id", CountryCode = "ID", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.Indonesian
                Language lng_11 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "German - Deutsch", LanguageCode = "de", CountryCode = "DE", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.German
                Language lng_12 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "Japanese - 日本語", LanguageCode = "ja", CountryCode = "JP", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.Japanese
                Language lng_13 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "Corian - 한국어", LanguageCode = "ko", CountryCode = "KR", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.Corian
                Language lng_14 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "Turkish - Türkçe", LanguageCode = "tr", CountryCode = "TR", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.Turkish
                Language lng_15 = new Language {
                    LocalName = "Italian - Italiano", LanguageCode = "it", CountryCode = "IT", SettingsLanguage = SettingsLanguage.Italian
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data completed");

            if (!await _context.Articles.AnyAsync() && !await _context.Categories.AnyAsync())
                _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data");

                Category prodCat_1 = new Category
                    Name        = "All",
                    Description = "Default category. Products that have not been assigned a category"
                Category prodCat_2 = new Category
                    Name        = "Tablet",
                    Description = "Tablet"
                Category prodCat_3 = new Category
                    Name        = "Laptop",
                    Description = "Laptop"
                Category prodCat_4 = new Category
                    Name        = "Headphones",
                    Description = "Headphones"
                Category prodCat_5 = new Category
                    Name        = "Smartphones",
                    Description = "Smartphones"

                Article prod_1 = new Article {
                    Title = "iPhone 7", Description = "iPhone 7", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_5, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_2 = new Article {
                    Title = "iPad Pro", Description = "iPad Pro", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_2, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_3 = new Article {
                    Title = "Sony TV RT56", Description = "Sony TV RT56", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_1, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_4 = new Article {
                    Title = "Philips V56", Description = "Philips V56", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_1, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_5 = new Article {
                    Title = "Dell V756", Description = "Dell V756", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_3, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_6 = new Article {
                    Title = "Canon D-67i", Description = "Canon D-67i", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_1, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_7 = new Article {
                    Title = "Samsung V54", Description = "Samsung V54", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_1, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_8 = new Article {
                    Title = "Dell 786i", Description = "Dell 786i", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_3, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_9 = new Article {
                    Title = "iMac 27inch", Description = "iMac 27inch", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_1, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_10 = new Article {
                    Title = "Headphones", Description = "Headphones", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_4, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_11 = new Article {
                    Title = "Dell V-964i", Description = "Dell V-964i", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_3, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_12 = new Article {
                    Title = "Dell 786i", Description = "Dell 786i", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_3, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_13 = new Article {
                    Title = "Asus GT67i", Description = "Asus GT67i", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_3, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_14 = new Article {
                    Title = "Canon 675-D", Description = "Canon 675-D", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_1, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_15 = new Article {
                    Title = "iMac", Description = "iMac", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_1, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_16 = new Article {
                    Title = "Sony TV-675i", Description = "Sony TV-675i", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_1, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_17 = new Article {
                    Title = "Samsung Y78", Description = "Samsung Y78", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_1, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow
                Article prod_18 = new Article {
                    Title = "Nikon", Description = "Nikon", BuyingPrice = 550, SellingPrice = 650, UnitsInStock = 10, IsActive = true, Category = prodCat_1, Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Updated = DateTime.UtcNow


                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                _logger.LogInformation("Seeding initial data completed");