    // DoManualDownload
    static void DoManualDownload(ApplicationMoniker am, string manifestUrl)
        DoDownload(new Uri(manifestUrl));

        DependentFileInfo         dfi;
        DependentAssemblyInfo     dai;
        ApplicationManifestImport ami = am.GetApplicationManifestImport();

        while ((dfi = ami.GetNextDependentFileInfo()) != null)
            Uri httpSite = new Uri(new Uri(am.AppBase), (string)dfi["name"]);

        while ((dai = ami.GetNextDependentAssemblyInfo()) != null)
            Uri httpSite = new Uri(new Uri(am.AppBase), (string)dai["codeBase"]);
            Console.WriteLine(dai.assemblyIdentity.GetDirectoryName() + "   " + (string)dai["codeBase"]);

        // If you want to re-iterate, you need to reset these. This sucks and I need
        // to find a way to control the xpath iterator class better.
        // am.ResetIterators();