        private void TryPublishQueuedMessage(MqttManagedMessage message)
            Exception transmitException = null;

                lock (_messageQueue) //lock to avoid conflict with this.PublishAsync
                    //While publishing this message, this.PublishAsync could have booted this
                    //message off the queue to make room for another (when using a cap
                    //with the DropOldestQueuedMessage strategy).  If the first item
                    //in the queue is equal to this message, then it's safe to remove
                    //it from the queue.  If not, that means this.PublishAsync has already
                    //removed it, in which case we don't want to do anything.
                    _messageQueue.RemoveFirst(i => i.Id.Equals(message.Id));
            catch (MqttCommunicationException exception)
                transmitException = exception;

                _logger.Warning(exception, $"Publishing application ({message.Id}) message failed.");

                if (message.ApplicationMessage.QualityOfServiceLevel == MqttQualityOfServiceLevel.AtMostOnce)
                    //If QoS 0, we don't want this message to stay on the queue.
                    //If QoS 1 or 2, it's possible that, when using a cap, this message
                    //has been booted off the queue by this.PublishAsync, in which case this
                    //thread will not continue to try to publish it. While this does
                    //contradict the expected behavior of QoS 1 and 2, that's also true
                    //for the usage of a message queue cap, so it's still consistent
                    //with prior behavior in that way.
                    lock (_messageQueue) //lock to avoid conflict with this.PublishAsync
                        _messageQueue.RemoveFirst(i => i.Id.Equals(message.Id));
            catch (Exception exception)
                transmitException = exception;
                _logger.Error(exception, $"Unhandled exception while publishing application message ({message.Id}).");
                ApplicationMessageProcessed?.Invoke(this, new MqttMessageProcessedEventArgs(message, transmitException));