        public virtual void TestApplicationAttemptId()
            ApplicationAttemptId a1 = CreateAppAttemptId(10l, 1, 1);
            ApplicationAttemptId a2 = CreateAppAttemptId(10l, 1, 2);
            ApplicationAttemptId a3 = CreateAppAttemptId(10l, 2, 1);
            ApplicationAttemptId a4 = CreateAppAttemptId(8l, 1, 4);
            ApplicationAttemptId a5 = CreateAppAttemptId(10l, 1, 1);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(a1.CompareTo(a5) == 0);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(a1.CompareTo(a2) < 0);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(a1.CompareTo(a3) < 0);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(a1.CompareTo(a4) > 0);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(a1.GetHashCode() == a5.GetHashCode());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(a1.GetHashCode() == a2.GetHashCode());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(a1.GetHashCode() == a3.GetHashCode());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(a1.GetHashCode() == a4.GetHashCode());
            long ts = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis();
            ApplicationAttemptId a6 = CreateAppAttemptId(ts, 543627, 33492611);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("appattempt_10_0001_000001", a1.ToString());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("appattempt_" + ts + "_543627_33492611", a6.ToString
 /// <summary>
 /// It will validate to make sure all the containers belong to correct
 /// application attempt id.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// It will validate to make sure all the containers belong to correct
 /// application attempt id. If not then it will throw
 /// <see cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Exceptions.InvalidContainerReleaseException"/>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="containerReleaseList">containers to be released as requested by application master.
 ///     </param>
 /// <param name="appAttemptId">Application attempt Id</param>
 /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.Exceptions.InvalidContainerReleaseException
 ///     "/>
 public static void ValidateContainerReleaseRequest(IList <ContainerId> containerReleaseList
                                                    , ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId)
     foreach (ContainerId cId in containerReleaseList)
         if (!appAttemptId.Equals(cId.GetApplicationAttemptId()))
             throw new InvalidContainerReleaseException("Cannot release container : " + cId.ToString
                                                            () + " not belonging to this application attempt : " + appAttemptId);
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private ApplicationAttemptStateData CreateAttemptState(string itemName, byte[] data
            ApplicationAttemptId attemptId = ConverterUtils.ToApplicationAttemptId(itemName);
            ApplicationAttemptStateDataPBImpl attemptState = new ApplicationAttemptStateDataPBImpl

            if (!attemptId.Equals(attemptState.GetAttemptId()))
                throw new YarnRuntimeException("The database entry for " + attemptId + " contains data for "
                                               + attemptState.GetAttemptId());
 public override void UnreserveResource(SchedulerApplicationAttempt application)
     lock (this)
         // Cannot unreserve for wrong application...
         ApplicationAttemptId reservedApplication = GetReservedContainer().GetContainer().
         if (!reservedApplication.Equals(application.GetApplicationAttemptId()))
             throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to unreserve " + " for application "
                                                 + application.GetApplicationId() + " when currently reserved " + " for application "
                                                 + reservedApplication.GetApplicationId() + " on node " + this);
         this.reservedAppSchedulable = null;
 public override void UnreserveResource(SchedulerApplicationAttempt application)
     lock (this)
         // adding NP checks as this can now be called for preemption
         if (GetReservedContainer() != null && GetReservedContainer().GetContainer() != null &&
             GetReservedContainer().GetContainer().GetId() != null && GetReservedContainer
                 ().GetContainer().GetId().GetApplicationAttemptId() != null)
             // Cannot unreserve for wrong application...
             ApplicationAttemptId reservedApplication = GetReservedContainer().GetContainer().
             if (!reservedApplication.Equals(application.GetApplicationAttemptId()))
                 throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to unreserve " + " for application "
                                                     + application.GetApplicationAttemptId() + " when currently reserved " + " for application "
                                                     + reservedApplication.GetApplicationId() + " on node " + this);
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestAMRestartWithExistingContainers()
            YarnConfiguration conf = new YarnConfiguration();

            conf.SetInt(YarnConfiguration.RmAmMaxAttempts, 2);
            MockRM rm1 = new MockRM(conf);

            RMApp app1 = rm1.SubmitApp(200, "name", "user", new Dictionary <ApplicationAccessType
                                                                            , string>(), false, "default", -1, null, "MAPREDUCE", false, true);
            MockNM nm1 = new MockNM("", 10240, rm1.GetResourceTrackerService());

            MockNM nm2 = new MockNM("", 4089, rm1.GetResourceTrackerService());

            MockAM am1           = MockRM.LaunchAndRegisterAM(app1, rm1, nm1);
            int    NumContainers = 3;

            // allocate NUM_CONTAINERS containers
            am1.Allocate("", 1024, NumContainers, new AList <ContainerId>());
            // wait for containers to be allocated.
            IList <Container> containers = am1.Allocate(new AList <ResourceRequest>(), new AList

            while (containers.Count != NumContainers)
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(containers, am1.Allocate(new AList <ResourceRequest>(),
                                                                    new AList <ContainerId>()).GetAllocatedContainers());
            // launch the 2nd container, for testing running container transferred.
            nm1.NodeHeartbeat(am1.GetApplicationAttemptId(), 2, ContainerState.Running);
            ContainerId containerId2 = ContainerId.NewContainerId(am1.GetApplicationAttemptId
                                                                      (), 2);

            rm1.WaitForState(nm1, containerId2, RMContainerState.Running);
            // launch the 3rd container, for testing container allocated by previous
            // attempt is completed by the next new attempt/
            nm1.NodeHeartbeat(am1.GetApplicationAttemptId(), 3, ContainerState.Running);
            ContainerId containerId3 = ContainerId.NewContainerId(am1.GetApplicationAttemptId
                                                                      (), 3);

            rm1.WaitForState(nm1, containerId3, RMContainerState.Running);
            // 4th container still in AQUIRED state. for testing Acquired container is
            // always killed.
            ContainerId containerId4 = ContainerId.NewContainerId(am1.GetApplicationAttemptId
                                                                      (), 4);

            rm1.WaitForState(nm1, containerId4, RMContainerState.Acquired);
            // 5th container is in Allocated state. for testing allocated container is
            // always killed.
            am1.Allocate("", 1024, 1, new AList <ContainerId>());
            ContainerId containerId5 = ContainerId.NewContainerId(am1.GetApplicationAttemptId
                                                                      (), 5);

            rm1.WaitForContainerAllocated(nm1, containerId5);
            rm1.WaitForState(nm1, containerId5, RMContainerState.Allocated);
            // 6th container is in Reserved state.
            am1.Allocate("", 6000, 1, new AList <ContainerId>());
            ContainerId containerId6 = ContainerId.NewContainerId(am1.GetApplicationAttemptId
                                                                      (), 6);

            SchedulerApplicationAttempt schedulerAttempt = ((AbstractYarnScheduler)rm1.GetResourceScheduler

            while (schedulerAttempt.GetReservedContainers().IsEmpty())
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Waiting for container " + containerId6 + " to be reserved."
            // assert containerId6 is reserved.
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(containerId6, schedulerAttempt.GetReservedContainers
            // fail the AM by sending CONTAINER_FINISHED event without registering.
            nm1.NodeHeartbeat(am1.GetApplicationAttemptId(), 1, ContainerState.Complete);
            // wait for some time. previous AM's running containers should still remain
            // in scheduler even though am failed
            rm1.WaitForState(nm1, containerId2, RMContainerState.Running);
            // acquired/allocated containers are cleaned up.
            // wait for app to start a new attempt.
            rm1.WaitForState(app1.GetApplicationId(), RMAppState.Accepted);
            // assert this is a new AM.
            ApplicationAttemptId newAttemptId = app1.GetCurrentAppAttempt().GetAppAttemptId();

            // launch the new AM
            RMAppAttempt attempt2 = app1.GetCurrentAppAttempt();

            MockAM am2 = rm1.SendAMLaunched(attempt2.GetAppAttemptId());
            RegisterApplicationMasterResponse registerResponse = am2.RegisterAppAttempt();

            // Assert two containers are running: container2 and container3;
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, registerResponse.GetContainersFromPreviousAttempts
            bool containerId2Exists = false;
            bool containerId3Exists = false;

            foreach (Container container in registerResponse.GetContainersFromPreviousAttempts
                if (container.GetId().Equals(containerId2))
                    containerId2Exists = true;
                if (container.GetId().Equals(containerId3))
                    containerId3Exists = true;
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(containerId2Exists && containerId3Exists);
            rm1.WaitForState(app1.GetApplicationId(), RMAppState.Running);
            // complete container by sending the container complete event which has earlier
            // attempt's attemptId
            nm1.NodeHeartbeat(am1.GetApplicationAttemptId(), 3, ContainerState.Complete);
            // Even though the completed container containerId3 event was sent to the
            // earlier failed attempt, new RMAppAttempt can also capture this container
            // info.
            // completed containerId4 is also transferred to the new attempt.
            RMAppAttempt newAttempt = app1.GetRMAppAttempt(am2.GetApplicationAttemptId());

            // 4 containers finished, acquired/allocated/reserved/completed.
            WaitForContainersToFinish(4, newAttempt);
            bool container3Exists = false;
            bool container4Exists = false;
            bool container5Exists = false;
            bool container6Exists = false;

            foreach (ContainerStatus status in newAttempt.GetJustFinishedContainers())
                if (status.GetContainerId().Equals(containerId3))
                    // containerId3 is the container ran by previous attempt but finished by the
                    // new attempt.
                    container3Exists = true;
                if (status.GetContainerId().Equals(containerId4))
                    // containerId4 is the Acquired Container killed by the previous attempt,
                    // it's now inside new attempt's finished container list.
                    container4Exists = true;
                if (status.GetContainerId().Equals(containerId5))
                    // containerId5 is the Allocated container killed by previous failed attempt.
                    container5Exists = true;
                if (status.GetContainerId().Equals(containerId6))
                    // containerId6 is the reserved container killed by previous failed attempt.
                    container6Exists = true;
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(container3Exists && container4Exists && container5Exists &&
            // New SchedulerApplicationAttempt also has the containers info.
            rm1.WaitForState(nm1, containerId2, RMContainerState.Running);
            // record the scheduler attempt for testing.
            SchedulerApplicationAttempt schedulerNewAttempt = ((AbstractYarnScheduler)rm1.GetResourceScheduler

            // finish this application
            MockRM.FinishAMAndVerifyAppState(app1, rm1, nm1, am2);
            // the 2nd attempt released the 1st attempt's running container, when the
            // 2nd attempt finishes.
            // all 4 normal containers finished.
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("New attempt's just finished containers: " + newAttempt
            WaitForContainersToFinish(5, newAttempt);