} // End GetById public ActiveToken Create(ActiveToken activeToken, string userName, string currentToken, string SourceIdentifier) { // Validation if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName)) { throw new ApplicationException("The username for the current active token can not be null or empty"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentToken)) { throw new ApplicationException("The current token can not be null or empty"); } //if (_context.Users.Any(x => x.Username == user.Username)) // throw new AppException("Username \"" + user.Username + "\" is already taken"); //byte[] passwordHash, passwordSalt; //CreatePasswordHash(password, out passwordHash, out passwordSalt); activeToken.UserName = userName; activeToken.CurrentToken = currentToken; activeToken.Status = true; activeToken.TokenDate = DateTime.Now; activeToken.SourceIdentifier = SourceIdentifier; // Hardcoded by now.... TODO: Fix this hardcoded value activeToken.TokenExpireDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(24); _context.ActiveTokens.Add(activeToken); _context.SaveChanges(); return(activeToken); } // End Create
} // End GetById public Role Create(Role role, string roleName) { // Validation if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roleName)) { throw new System.ApplicationException("The role name can not be null or empty"); } role.RoleName = roleName; _context.Roles.Add(role); _context.SaveChanges(); return(role); } // End Create
public bool ClearDatabase() { var cleared = _context.Database.EnsureDeleted(); var created = _context.Database.EnsureCreated(); var entitiesadded = _context.SaveChanges(); return(cleared && created && entitiesadded == 0); }
} // End GetById public void Delete(int id) { var user = _context.Users.Find(id); if (user != null) { _context.Users.Remove(user); _context.SaveChanges(); } } // End Delete
} // End GetById public void Delete(int id) { var stockMovementType = _context.StockMovementTypes.Find(id); if (stockMovementType != null) { _context.StockMovementTypes.Remove(stockMovementType); _context.SaveChanges(); } } // End Delete
} // End GetById public void Delete(int id) { var auditLogPurchase = _context.AuditLogPurchases.Find(id); if (auditLogPurchase != null) { _context.AuditLogPurchases.Remove(auditLogPurchase); _context.SaveChanges(); } } // End Delete
} // End GetById public User Create(User user, string password) { // Validation if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Password is required to perfom this action"); } if (_context.Users.Any(x => x.Username == user.Username)) { throw new System.ApplicationException("Username \"" + user.Username + "\" is already taken"); } byte[] passwordHash, passwordSalt; CreatePasswordHash(password, out passwordHash, out passwordSalt); user.PasswordHash = passwordHash; user.PasswordSalt = passwordSalt; _context.Users.Add(user); _context.SaveChanges(); return(user); } // End Create
} // End GetById public Product Delete(int id, User user) { RoleService rService = new RoleService(_context); Role role = new Role(); role = rService.GetById(user.Role.Id); Product returnProduct = new Product(); var product = _context.Products.Find(id); if (role.RoleName == "Admin") { if (product != null) { _context.Products.Remove(product); _context.SaveChanges(); returnProduct.Description = "Delete product Successfully"; returnProduct.Status = false; returnProduct.Id = 0; returnProduct.Price = 0; return(returnProduct); } else { returnProduct.Description = "The product doesn't exists!"; returnProduct.Status = false; returnProduct.Id = 0; returnProduct.Price = 0; return(returnProduct); } } else { returnProduct.Description = "Only Admin users can delete products!"; returnProduct.Status = false; returnProduct.Id = 0; returnProduct.Price = 0; return(returnProduct); } } // End Delete