public void Initialize(AppStore appStore, List <ProductDefinition> products) { // If we have already connected to Purchasing ... if (IsInitialized()) { // ... we are done here. return; } standardPurchasingModule = StandardPurchasingModule.Instance(appStore); // Create a builder, first passing in a suite of Unity provided stores. var builder = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(standardPurchasingModule); //// Add a product to sell / restore by way of its identifier, associating the general identifier //// with its store-specific identifiers. //builder.AddProduct(kProductIDConsumable, ProductType.Consumable); //// Continue adding the non-consumable product. //builder.AddProduct(kProductIDNonConsumable, ProductType.NonConsumable); //// And finish adding the subscription product. Notice this uses store-specific IDs, illustrating //// if the Product ID was configured differently between Apple and Google stores. Also note that //// one uses the general kProductIDSubscription handle inside the game - the store-specific IDs //// must only be referenced here. ////builder.AddProduct(kProductIDSubscription, ProductType.Subscription, new IDs(){ //// { kProductNameAppleSubscription, AppleAppStore.Name }, //// { kProductNameGooglePlaySubscription, GooglePlay.Name }, //// }); builder.AddProducts(products); // Kick off the remainder of the set-up with an asynchrounous call, passing the configuration // and this class' instance. Expect a response either in OnInitialized or OnInitializeFailed. UnityPurchasing.Initialize(this, builder); }
async void UpdateRatingMessage() { var count = await AppStore.GetRatingCount(); if (count < 0) { return; } string message = ""; if (count == 0) { message = Strings.NobodyHasRatedYet; } else if (count == 1) { message = Strings.OnlyOnePersonHasRatedThisVersion; } else if (count < 50) { string only = Strings.Only; message = $"{Strings.Only} {count} {Strings.PeopleHaveRatedThisVersion}"; } else { message = $"{count} {Strings.PeopleHaveRatedThisVersion}"; } ratingMessage.Caption = message; this.ReloadData(); }
internal static AppStore TryTargetAndroidStore(AppStore target) { if (!target.IsAndroid()) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("AppStore parameter ({0}) must be an Android app store", target)); } if (target == AppStore.UDP) { if (!s_udpAvailable || (!IsUdpUmpPackageInstalled() && !IsUdpAssetStorePackageInstalled()) || !UdpSynchronizationApi.CheckUdpCompatibility()) { UdpInstaller.PromptUdpInstallation(); return(ConfiguredAppStore()); } } ConfigureProject(target); SaveConfig(target); OnAndroidTargetChange?.Invoke(target); var targetString = Enum.GetName(typeof(AppStore), target); GenericEditorDropdownSelectEventSenderHelpers.SendIapMenuSelectTargetStoreEvent(targetString); return(ConfiguredAppStore()); }
public void WarnInvalidStore(AppStore currentAppStore) { var warningMsg = $"The cross-platform validator is not implemented for the currently selected store: {currentAppStore}. \n" + "Build the project for Android, iOS, macOS, or tvOS and use the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. See README for more information."; Debug.LogWarning(warningMsg); warningText.text = warningMsg; }
private static void SaveConfig(AppStore enabled) { var configToSave = new StoreConfiguration(enabled); File.WriteAllText(ModePath, StoreConfiguration.Serialize(configToSave)); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(ModePath); config = configToSave; }
private IEnumerable <AppStore> find(AppStore app) { var q = from a in this.UnitOfWork.DbContext.Set <AppStore>() where a.AppID == app.AppID select a; return(q.AsNoTracking()); }
void OnCurrentStoreTargetChanged(AppStore store) { var actualStore = UnityPurchasingEditor.TryTargetAndroidStore(store); if (actualStore != store) { OnAndroidTargetChange(actualStore); } }
async Task SearchEvents() { if (Search.StartDate != null && Search.EndDate != null && Search.StartDate > Search.EndDate) { AppStore.AddNotification(new NotificationMessage("Le date non sono corrette", NotificationMessage.MessageType.Warning)); } else { ReportLists = await Http.GetReportConfirmedIntervalledAsync(Search.StartDate.ToLocalTime(), Search.EndDate.ToLocalTime().EndOfDay()); } }
/// <summary> /// Target a specified Android store. /// This sets the correct plugin importer settings for the store /// and writes the choice to BillingMode.json so the player /// can choose the correct store API at runtime. /// </summary> public static void TargetAndroidStore(AppStore target) { if (((int)target < (int)AppStoreMeta.AndroidStoreStart || (int)target > (int)AppStoreMeta.AndroidStoreEnd) && target != AppStore.NotSpecified) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("AppStore parameter ({0}) must be an Android app store", target)); } ConfigureProject(target); UpdateCheckmarks(target); SaveConfig(target); }
internal StandardPurchasingModule(IUtil util, IAsyncWebUtil webUtil, ILogger logger, INativeStoreProvider nativeStoreProvider, RuntimePlatform platform, AppStore android) { this.util = util; this.webUtil = webUtil; this.logger = logger; m_NativeStoreProvider = nativeStoreProvider; m_RuntimePlatform = platform; useFakeStoreUIMode = FakeStoreUIMode.Default; useFakeStoreAlways = false; m_AppStorePlatform = android; }
static void Main(string[] args) { dispatcher = new Dispatcher(); appStore = new AppStore(dispatcher); appStore.Register(); appStore.Subscribe(AppStore.EVENT_NAME_CHANGED, OnNameChange); appStore.Subscribe(AppStore.EVENT_NAME_CHANGED, (sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Using Annonymous function"); }); dispatcher.Dispatch <NameChangeAction>(new NameChangeAction("Hola")); }
async Task Export() { var response = await Http.GenerateReportEvents(Search.StartDate, Search.EndDate); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { AppStore.AddNotification(new NotificationMessage("Il report verrà inviato via mail agli amministratori", NotificationMessage.MessageType.Info)); } else { AppStore.AddNotification(new NotificationMessage("Errore generazione del report", new Exception(response.ReasonPhrase))); } }
void OnAndroidTargetChange(AppStore appStore) { if (!appStore.IsAndroid()) { return; } var field = GetTagContainer(currentStoreSection) as IMGUIContainer; if (field != null && currentStoreTargetContainer != null && currentStoreTargetContainer.container == field) { currentStoreTargetContainer.index = BuildTargetGroup.Android.ToAppStores().IndexOf(appStore); } }
public static void TargetAndroidStore(AndroidStore target) { AppStore appStore = AppStore.NotSpecified; try { appStore = (AppStore)Enum.Parse(typeof(AppStore), target.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { // No-op } TargetAndroidStore(appStore); }
public static StandardPurchasingModule Instance(AndroidStore androidStore) { AppStore store = AppStore.NotSpecified; try { store = (AppStore)Enum.Parse(typeof(AppStore), androidStore.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { // No-op } return(Instance(store)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of StandardPurchasingModule or retrieves the existing one, specifying a type of App store. /// </summary> /// <param name="androidStore"> The type of Android Store with which to create the instance. </param> /// <returns> The existing instance or the one just created. </returns> public static StandardPurchasingModule Instance(AppStore androidStore) { if (null == ModuleInstance) { var logger = UnityEngine.Debug.unityLogger; logger.Log("UnityIAP Version: " + k_PackageVersion); var gameObject = new GameObject("IAPUtil"); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); gameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | HideFlags.HideInInspector; var util = gameObject.AddComponent <UnityUtil> (); var webUtil = gameObject.AddComponent <AsyncWebUtil>(); var textAsset = (Resources.Load("BillingMode") as TextAsset); StoreConfiguration config = null; if (null != textAsset) { config = StoreConfiguration.Deserialize(textAsset.text); } // No Android target specified at runtime, use the build time setting. if (androidStore == AppStore.NotSpecified) { // Default to Google Play if we don't have a build time store selection. androidStore = AppStore.GooglePlay; if (null != config) { var buildTimeStore = config.androidStore; if (buildTimeStore != AppStore.NotSpecified) { androidStore = buildTimeStore; } } } ModuleInstance = new StandardPurchasingModule( util, webUtil, logger, new NativeStoreProvider(), Application.platform, androidStore, false, Application.persistentDataPath); } return(ModuleInstance); }
internal StandardPurchasingModule(IUtil util, IAsyncWebUtil webUtil, ILogger logger, INativeStoreProvider nativeStoreProvider, RuntimePlatform platform, AppStore android, bool useCloudCatalog, string persistentDataPath) { this.util = util; this.webUtil = webUtil; this.logger = logger; m_NativeStoreProvider = nativeStoreProvider; m_RuntimePlatform = platform; useFakeStoreUIMode = FakeStoreUIMode.Default; useFakeStoreAlways = false; m_AppStorePlatform = android; m_UseCloudCatalog = useCloudCatalog; m_persistentDataPath = persistentDataPath; Promo.InitPromo(platform, logger, Version, util, webUtil); }
public int SetAppStore(AppStore app) { var entities = this.find(app); // Update if (entities.Any()) { this.UnitOfWork.Repository <AppStore>().Update(app); return(this.UnitOfWork.SaveChanges()); } else { this.UnitOfWork.Repository <AppStore>().Add(app); return(this.UnitOfWork.SaveChanges()); } }
private void InstallFile(int parentMessageId, AppStore appCopy, bool overwrite, XmlNode ndChild, string fullFile, string fileName, string parentFolder, bool overWriteFile) { var spFille = oWeb.GetFile(ApplicationInstallerHelpers.getAttribute(ndChild, "FullFile")); if (spFille.Exists) { if (overwrite || overWriteFile) { try { if (!bVerifyOnly) { iInstallFile(fileName, parentFolder, fullFile, appCopy); } addMessage(ErrorLevels.NoError, "File: " + fileName, string.Empty, parentMessageId); } catch (Exception ex) { addMessage(ErrorLevels.Error, "File: " + fileName, "Error: " + ex.Message, parentMessageId); Trace.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } else { addMessage(ErrorLevels.Warning, "File: " + fileName, "File exists and can't overwrite", parentMessageId); } } else { try { if (!bVerifyOnly) { iInstallFile(fileName, parentFolder, fullFile, appCopy); } addMessage(ErrorLevels.NoError, "File: " + fileName, string.Empty, parentMessageId); } catch (Exception ex) { addMessage(ErrorLevels.Error, "File: " + fileName, "Error: " + ex.Message, parentMessageId); Trace.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } }
private void iInstallListsViewsWebparts(SPList oList, XmlNode ndList, int ParentMessageId, bool added) { var ndViews = ndList.SelectSingleNode("Views"); if (ndViews != null) { var storeurl = CoreFunctions.getFarmSetting("workenginestore"); ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate { return(true); }; var copy = new AppStore(); copy.Credentials = CoreFunctions.GetStoreCreds(); copy.Url = storeurl + "_vti_bin/appstore.asmx"; if (bVerifyOnly) { ParentMessageId = addMessage(0, "Checking WebParts", string.Empty, ParentMessageId); } else { ParentMessageId = addMessage(0, "Updating WebParts", string.Empty, ParentMessageId); } var bInstallAll = false; bool.TryParse(ApplicationInstallerHelpers.getAttribute(ndViews, "InstallGridOnAllViews"), out bInstallAll); if (bInstallAll) { addMessage(0, "Grid on All Views", string.Empty, ParentMessageId); } if (oList != null) { foreach (SPView oView in oList.Views) { if (!oView.PersonalView) { var ndView = ndViews.SelectSingleNode("View[@Name='" + oView.Title + "']"); InstallListsViewsWebPartsInstall(oView, bInstallAll, copy, ParentMessageId); } } } } }
private static void UpdateCheckmarks(AppStore target) { var assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); if (null == Array.Find <System.Reflection.Assembly>(assemblies, (a) => a.GetName().Name == "UnityEngine.Purchasing")) { // If the assembly is not available, the menu items below won't exist Debug.LogError("The Unity IAP plugin is installed, but Unity IAP is disabled. Please enable Unity IAP in the Services window."); return; } // GooglePlay is default when none specified Menu.SetChecked(AmazonMenuItem, target == AppStore.AmazonAppStore); Menu.SetChecked(GooglePlayMenuItem, target == AppStore.GooglePlay || target == AppStore.NotSpecified); Menu.SetChecked(SamsungAppsMenuItem, target == AppStore.SamsungApps); Menu.SetChecked(UdpMenuItem, target == AppStore.UDP); }
/// <summary> /// Target a specified Android store. /// This sets the correct plugin importer settings for the store /// and writes the choice to BillingMode.json so the player /// can choose the correct store API at runtime. /// </summary> /// <param name="target">App store to enable for next build</param> public static void TargetAndroidStore(AppStore target) { if (((int)target < (int)AppStoreMeta.AndroidStoreStart || (int)target > (int)AppStoreMeta.AndroidStoreEnd) && target != AppStore.NotSpecified) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("AppStore parameter ({0}) must be an Android app store", target)); } if (target == AppStore.SamsungApps) { Debug.LogWarning( AppStore.SamsungApps + " is obsolete and will be removed in v4. Please Use Unity Distribution Platform for Samsung Galaxy Apps support"); } ConfigureProject(target); UpdateCheckmarks(target); SaveConfig(target); }
public void Init() { var module = StandardPurchasingModule.Instance(); appStore = module.appStore; var builder = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(StandardPurchasingModule.Instance()); foreach (var t in TableShop.GetAll()) { builder.AddProduct(t.productID, (ProductType)t.type, new IDs { { t.productID, GooglePlay.Name }, { t.productID, AppleAppStore.Name } }); } builder.Configure <IGooglePlayConfiguration>().SetPublicKey("MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAt1lvHFO1vq2djnUEgv3PGrTsieVKtLUIRSlW99wnqHZMYLRoXnK0qOnWU6Lz/jt07LkktqJzWrW+OE/w67VtLJMrycBaA0eCDqErr62pg4HkXK4tS9+0oJJxJ9pvr+QACLigJlHefPGtoZ+JumUILnxM6dPwW7xalxaCTmhSpfg3CVZ75NXTmIx4X5qLAHFPOCPrjdTTZPdX7zZMRTdIYAAseXn4X+BE2gRhhyCVA0T9+m1AD8lC+wftuQz+xRksYjEj9XgNJJ3A0Z9QKr3MZoyqYQ0+6HPpNzKY6owf7t3fix36oJl4OYu+99ksO2p2oqVrpbPSJVWFkmbJRrFepQIDAQAB"); builder.useCatalogProvider = false; UnityPurchasing.Initialize(this, builder); }
public INativeStore GetAndroidStore(IUnityCallback callback, AppStore store, IPurchasingBinder binder, IUtil util) { INativeStore nativeStore; try { nativeStore = GetAndroidStoreHelper(callback, store, binder, util); } catch (Exception e) { throw new NotSupportedException("Failed to bind to native store: " + e.ToString()); } if (nativeStore != null) { return(nativeStore); } throw new NotImplementedException(); }
async Task Success() { var result = await Http.CreateEvent(EventViewModel).ConfigureAwait(false); if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string resultId = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (AppStore.EventImage != null) { await Http.UploadEventImage(EventViewModel.Id, AppStore.EventImage).ConfigureAwait(false); } AppStore.AddNotification(new NotificationMessage("Evento sottomesso", NotificationMessage.MessageType.Success)); } else { string error = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); AppStore.AddNotification(new NotificationMessage("Errore nella creazione", NotificationMessage.MessageType.Danger)); } }
private INativeStore GetAndroidStoreHelper(IUnityCallback callback, AppStore store, IPurchasingBinder binder, IUtil util) { switch (store) { case AppStore.AmazonAppStore: using (var pluginClass = new AndroidJavaClass("")) { // Switch Android callbacks to the scripting thread, via ScriptingUnityCallback. var proxy = new JavaBridge(new ScriptingUnityCallback(callback, util)); var instance = pluginClass.CallStatic <AndroidJavaObject> ("instance", proxy); // Hook up our amazon specific functionality. var extensions = new AmazonAppStoreStoreExtensions(instance); binder.RegisterExtension <IAmazonExtensions> (extensions); binder.RegisterConfiguration <IAmazonConfiguration> (extensions); return(new AndroidJavaStore(instance)); } case AppStore.UDP: { Type udpIapBridge = UdpIapBridgeInterface.GetClassType(); if (udpIapBridge != null) { UDPImpl udpImpl = new UDPImpl(); UDPBindings udpBindings = new UDPBindings(); udpImpl.SetNativeStore(udpBindings); binder.RegisterExtension <IUDPExtensions>(udpImpl); return(udpBindings); } else { Debug.LogError("Cannot set Android target to UDP. Make sure you have installed UDP in your project"); throw new NotImplementedException(); } } } throw new NotImplementedException(); }
async Task Success() { var result = await Http.CreateCommunity(CommunityViewModel).ConfigureAwait(false); if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string resultId = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (AppStore.EventImage != null) { string shortname = CommunityViewModel.Name.Replace(" ", "-").ToLowerInvariant(); await Http.UploadCommunityImage(shortname, AppStore.CommunityImage).ConfigureAwait(false); } AppStore.AddNotification(new NotificationMessage("Community sottomessa", NotificationMessage.MessageType.Success)); } else { string error = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); AppStore.AddNotification(new NotificationMessage("Errore nella creazione", NotificationMessage.MessageType.Danger)); } }
async Task Success() { var e = new EventViewModel { Id = EventViewModel.Id, StartDate = EventViewModel.StartDate, EndDate = EventViewModel.EndDate, CFP = string.IsNullOrEmpty(EventViewModel.CFP.Url) ? null : EventViewModel.CFP, CommunityName = EventViewModel.Community.ShortName, Name = EventViewModel.Name }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EventViewModel.BuyTicket)) { e.BuyTicket = EventViewModel.BuyTicket; } var responseUpdate = await Http.UpdateEvent(e).ConfigureAwait(false); if (responseUpdate.IsSuccessStatusCode) { if (AppStore.EventImage != null) { var responseUploadMessage = await Http.UploadEventImage(e.Id, AppStore.EventImage).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!responseUploadMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode) { AppStore.AddNotification(new NotificationMessage("Errore salvataggio", NotificationMessage.MessageType.Danger)); } else { AppStore.AddNotification(new NotificationMessage("Evento salvato", NotificationMessage.MessageType.Success)); } } else { AppStore.AddNotification(new NotificationMessage("Evento salvato", NotificationMessage.MessageType.Success)); } } }
protected override void ExtraInit() { listener = new IAPStoreListener(); List <ProductDefinition> products = new List <ProductDefinition>(); foreach (var item in productDefinitions) { ProductType productType = GoodsType2ProductType(item.goodsType); ProductDefinition p = new ProductDefinition(item.goodsID, productType); products.Add(p); } AppStore appStore = (AppStore)Enum.Parse(typeof(AppStore), storeName.ToString()); listener.Initialize(appStore, products); listener.onInitialized = OnInitialized; listener.onInitializeFailed = OnInitializeFailed; listener.onPurchaseFailed = OnPurchaseFailed; listener.onPurchaseSuccess = OnPurchaseSuccess; }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (Uuid.Length != 0) { hash ^= Uuid.GetHashCode(); } if (LoginType != 0) { hash ^= LoginType.GetHashCode(); } if (AppVersion.Length != 0) { hash ^= AppVersion.GetHashCode(); } if (AppStore.Length != 0) { hash ^= AppStore.GetHashCode(); } if (DeviceModel.Length != 0) { hash ^= DeviceModel.GetHashCode(); } if (DeviceCountry.Length != 0) { hash ^= DeviceCountry.GetHashCode(); } if (DeviceLanguage.Length != 0) { hash ^= DeviceLanguage.GetHashCode(); } if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { string filePath = null; if (args.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Should be called with a Json PlayDrone file to import."); } filePath = args[0]; var log = new Logger(); var appConverter = new FileReader(log); var apps = appConverter.FileToModel(filePath); var count = apps.Count(); // Setup connection var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MarketDbConnectionString"]; using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString.ConnectionString)) { // Initialise app store with logger and connection var appSqlStore = new AppStore(connection); var appStore = new AppLogger(appSqlStore, appSqlStore, log); var categorySqlStore = new CategoryStore(); var categoryCacheStore = new CategoryCache(categorySqlStore, categorySqlStore); var categoryStore = new CategoryLogger(categoryCacheStore, categoryCacheStore, log); // Assuming apps are added in order to save multiple queries to the database. var existingAppCount = appStore.Count(); // Loop through apps. App store will save every 100,000 apps var appsToSave = new List<Models.App>(); var appCounter = 0; for (int i = existingAppCount; i < count; i++) { // Get the app from the list. var app = apps[i]; // Store the app category if it doesn't exist. if (!categoryStore.Exists(app.category)) { var category = new Models.Category { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = app.category }; categoryStore.Save(category); } // Lookup app category id. var categoryId = categoryStore.GetId(app.category); = Guid.NewGuid(); app.categoryId = categoryId; appsToSave.Add(app); log.LogOperation(string.Format("App {0}/{1} added: {2}", i + 1, count, app.app_id)); appCounter++; // Save apps if(appCounter >= 100000) { appStore.SaveMany(appsToSave); appsToSave.Clear(); appCounter = 0; } } // Save the remainder appStore.SaveMany(appsToSave); log.LogOperation("DONE!!!!"); } }