        public ActionResult Indicator2()
            AppDropDownsService              ServiceDDL     = new AppDropDownsService();
            IEnumerable <ProgramAreaList>    ProgramArea    = ServiceDDL.GetProgramAreaList();
            IEnumerable <ProposalStatusList> ProposalStatus = ServiceDDL.GetProposalStatusList();
            IEnumerable <GrantTypeList>      GrantType      = ServiceDDL.GetGrantTypeList();

            IEnumerable <CompetitionCodeList> CompletionCode = ServiceDDL.GetCompetitionCodeList();

            IEnumerable <ProposalStatusList>            Status = ServiceDDL.GetProposalStatusList();
            IEnumerable <RegionList>                    Region = ServiceDDL.GetRegionList();
            IEnumerable <IndicatorLabelContentCategory> IndicatorCategoryList =

            ViewData["ProgramArea"]    = ProgramArea;
            ViewData["ProposalStatus"] = ProposalStatus;
            ViewData["GrantType"]      = GrantType;

            ViewData["CompletionCode"] = CompletionCode;

            ViewData["Status"] = Status;
            ViewData["Region"] = Region;

            ViewData["IndicatorCategoryList"] = IndicatorCategoryList;

            ViewData["results"] = null;
        public ActionResult BudgetAnalysis()
            AppDropDownsService ServiceDDL = new AppDropDownsService();

            ViewData["CompletionCode"] = ServiceDDL.GetCompetitionCodeList();
            ViewData["ProgramArea"]    = ServiceDDL.GetProgramAreaList();
            ViewData["GrantType"]      = ServiceDDL.GetGrantTypeList();
            ViewData["Status"]         = ServiceDDL.GetProposalStatusList();
            ViewData["results"]        = null;
            ViewData["Region"]         = ServiceDDL.GetRegionList();
        public ActionResult AppDropDowns()
            ViewData["EventType"]           = appddservice.GetEventTypeList();
            ViewData["OrgLegalStatus"]      = appddservice.GetLegalStatusList();
            ViewData["GrantType"]           = appddservice.GetGrantTypeList();
            ViewData["ProgramArea"]         = appddservice.GetProgramAreaList();
            ViewData["CompetitionCode"]     = appddservice.GetCompetitionCodeList();
            ViewData["ProposalStatus"]      = appddservice.GetProposalStatusList();
            ViewData["SSPRoles"]            = staffservice.GetALLSSPRoles();
            ViewData["Regions"]             = appddservice.GetRegionList();
            ViewData["GetBudgetCatList"]    = appddservice.GetCatList();
            ViewData["ProjectLocationList"] = appddservice.GetProjectLocationList();

        public ActionResult Indicator(FinReportFilter frepf, int?ID, List <String> Area, List <String> gtype, List <String> compete,
                                      List <String> status, List <String> oblast, List <String> period, List <String> amount,
                                      List <String> location)
            AppDropDownsService               ServiceDDL     = new AppDropDownsService();
            IEnumerable <ProgramAreaList>     ProgramArea    = ServiceDDL.GetProgramAreaList();
            IEnumerable <ProposalStatusList>  ProposalStatus = ServiceDDL.GetProposalStatusList();
            IEnumerable <GrantTypeList>       GrantType      = ServiceDDL.GetGrantTypeList();
            IEnumerable <CompetitionCodeList> CompletionCode = ServiceDDL.GetCompetitionCodeList();
            IEnumerable <ProposalStatusList>  Status         = ServiceDDL.GetProposalStatusList();
            IEnumerable <RegionList>          Region         = ServiceDDL.GetRegionList();

            ViewData["ProgramArea"]    = ProgramArea;
            ViewData["ProposalStatus"] = ProposalStatus;
            ViewData["GrantType"]      = GrantType;
            ViewData["CompletionCode"] = CompletionCode;
            ViewData["Status"]         = Status;
            ViewData["Region"]         = Region;

            if (frepf != null)
                LReportsRepository rep = new LReportsRepository();
                // IQueryable<Project> prj = rep.GetResults(frepf);
                IQueryable <Project> prj = rep.GetResults2(frepf, ID, Area, gtype, compete,
                                                           status, oblast, period, amount, location);
                List <Project> prjList = prj.ToList();

                if (prj != null)
                    // List<LabelByCount> test =  rep.IndicatorByBaseline(prj, 2);
                    ViewData["report31"] = rep.IndicatorByBaseline(prj);
                    ViewData["report32"] = rep.IndicatorByBenchmark(prj);
                    ViewData["report33"] = rep.IndicatorByFinal(prj);
                    ViewData["prj"]      = prj;

        public ActionResult Indicator()
            AppDropDownsService           ServiceDDL  = new AppDropDownsService();
            IEnumerable <ProgramAreaList> ProgramArea = ServiceDDL.GetProgramAreaList();
            //  IEnumerable<ProposalStatusList> ProposalStatus = ServiceDDL.GetProposalStatusList();
            IEnumerable <GrantTypeList>       GrantType      = ServiceDDL.GetGrantTypeList();
            IEnumerable <CompetitionCodeList> CompletionCode = ServiceDDL.GetCompetitionCodeList();
            IEnumerable <ProposalStatusList>  Status         = ServiceDDL.GetProposalStatusList();
            IEnumerable <RegionList>          Region         = ServiceDDL.GetRegionList();

            ViewData["ProgramArea"] = ProgramArea;
            // ViewData["ProposalStatus"] = ProposalStatus;
            ViewData["GrantType"]      = GrantType;
            ViewData["CompletionCode"] = CompletionCode;
            ViewData["Status"]         = Status;
            ViewData["Region"]         = Region;

        public ActionResult Indicator2(FinReportFilter frepf, int?ID, List <String> Area, List <String> gtype,
                                       List <String> compete,
                                       List <String> status, List <String> oblast, List <String> period,
                                       List <String> amount, List <String> indicatorcategory)
            LReportsRepository rep = new LReportsRepository();

            //IndRepHolder inp = new IndRepHolder();
            // inp.Column = "Akmola obl";
            // inp.Row ="ECD";
            // inp.Val = 1;

            AppDropDownsService ServiceDDL = new AppDropDownsService();

            #region drops
            IEnumerable <ProgramAreaList>               ProgramArea           = ServiceDDL.GetProgramAreaList();
            IEnumerable <ProposalStatusList>            ProposalStatus        = ServiceDDL.GetProposalStatusList();
            IEnumerable <GrantTypeList>                 GrantType             = ServiceDDL.GetGrantTypeList();
            IEnumerable <CompetitionCodeList>           CompletionCode        = ServiceDDL.GetCompetitionCodeList();
            IEnumerable <ProposalStatusList>            Status                = ServiceDDL.GetProposalStatusList();
            IEnumerable <RegionList>                    Region                = ServiceDDL.GetRegionList();
            IEnumerable <IndicatorLabelContentCategory> IndicatorCategoryList =

            ViewData["ProgramArea"] = ProgramArea;
            //take only ECD and Youth.
            IEnumerable <ProgramAreaList> ProgramArea2 = ProgramArea.Where(s => s.ProgramAreaText == "ECD" || s.ProgramAreaText == "Youth");
            ViewData["ProgramArea2"]          = ProgramArea2;
            ViewData["ProposalStatus"]        = ProposalStatus;
            ViewData["GrantType"]             = GrantType;
            ViewData["CompletionCode"]        = CompletionCode;
            ViewData["Status"]                = Status;
            ViewData["Region"]                = Region;
            ViewData["IndicatorCategoryList"] = IndicatorCategoryList;
            //if (frepf != null)

            IQueryable <Project> prj = rep.GetResults3(frepf, ID, Area, gtype, compete, status, period, oblast, amount);
            //1. gets resulting project list after filtering.

            List <Project> prjList = prj.ToList();
            ViewData["prj"] = prj;

            //  List<IndRepHolder> zz = rep.IndicatorsByRoundArea(prj);
            List <IndRepHolder> zz  = rep.IndicatorsByCompetitionContentCategory(prj);
            List <IndRepHolder> zz2 = rep.IndicatorsByRegionContentCategory(prj);

            ViewData["LIndRep"]  = zz;
            ViewData["LIndRep2"] = zz2;

            if (prjList != null)
                //2. generates/calculates VS amounts.
                Dictionary <IndicatorContainerType, Dictionary <IndicatorLabelContentCategory, List <IndicatorRepContainer> > > results = IndicatorReportCore(
                    prj, frepf, Area, gtype, compete, status, oblast, period, amount, indicatorcategory);

                ViewData["results2"] = results;

            //add List Filters.  //enable Report View enabled if not null.

            if (frepf.isIndicator != null && frepf.isIndicator.Value == true)
                frepf.isIndicator = true;
                frepf.isIndicator = false;

            if (Area != null)
                frepf.IsArea = true;
            if (gtype != null)
                frepf.IsGrantType = true;
            if (compete != null)
                frepf.IsCompetitionCode = true;
            if (status != null)
                frepf.IsStatus = true;
            if (period != null)
                frepf.IsPeriod = true;

        public Dictionary <IndicatorContainerType, Dictionary <IndicatorLabelContentCategory, List <IndicatorRepContainer> > > IndicatorReportCore(
            IQueryable <Project> prjList, FinReportFilter frepf, List <String> Area, List <String> gtype,
            List <String> compete, List <String> status, List <String> oblast, List <String> period, List <String> amount, List <String> indicatorcategory)
            AppDropDownsService ServiceDDL = new AppDropDownsService();
            List <IndicatorLabelContentCategory> IndContCats = new List <IndicatorLabelContentCategory>();
            var regions     = new List <RegionList>();
            var areas       = new List <ProgramAreaList>();
            var statusList  = new List <ProposalStatusList>();
            var gtypeList   = new List <GrantTypeList>();
            var competeList = new List <CompetitionCodeList>();

            //create IndicatorContentCategory List to be passed.
            if (indicatorcategory != null)
                foreach (string s in indicatorcategory)

            var LLVsContainer = new Dictionary <IndicatorContainerType, Dictionary <IndicatorLabelContentCategory, List <IndicatorRepContainer> > >();

            // Dictionary<ContainerType, List<VsContainer>> LLVsContainer = null;
            if (oblast != null && oblast.Count > 0 && indicatorcategory != null && indicatorcategory.Count > 0)
                //create RegionsList List to be passed.
                foreach (string s in oblast)
                    if (!s.Contains("All"))   //skip ALL.
                        regions.Add(ServiceDDL.GetRegionList().FirstOrDefault(w => w.DDID == Convert.ToInt32(s)));
                var result = FillContainer(prjList, frepf, IndicatorContainerType.OblastVsIndicatorLabelCategory,
                                           IndContCats, regions, null, null, null);
                LLVsContainer.Add(IndicatorContainerType.OblastVsIndicatorLabelCategory, result);

            if (Area != null && Area.Count > 0 && indicatorcategory != null && indicatorcategory.Count > 0)
                foreach (string s in Area)
                    if (!s.Contains("All"))   //skip ALL.
                        areas.Add(ServiceDDL.GetProgramAreaList().FirstOrDefault(w => w.ProgramAreaCodeID == Convert.ToInt32(s)));
                var result = FillContainer(prjList, frepf, IndicatorContainerType.AreaVsIndicatorLabelCategory,
                                           IndContCats, null, areas, null, null);
                LLVsContainer.Add(IndicatorContainerType.AreaVsIndicatorLabelCategory, result);

            if (gtype != null && gtype.Count > 0 && indicatorcategory != null && indicatorcategory.Count > 0)
                foreach (string s in gtype)
                    if (!s.Contains("All"))   //skip ALL.
                        gtypeList.Add(ServiceDDL.GetGrantTypeList().FirstOrDefault(w => w.GrantTypeCodeID == Convert.ToInt32(s)));
                var result = FillContainer(prjList, frepf, IndicatorContainerType.TypeVsIndicatorLabelCategory,
                                           IndContCats, null, null, gtypeList, null);
                LLVsContainer.Add(IndicatorContainerType.TypeVsIndicatorLabelCategory, result);

            if (compete != null && compete.Count > 0 && indicatorcategory != null && indicatorcategory.Count > 0)
                foreach (string s in compete)
                    if (!s.Contains("All"))   //skip ALL.
                        competeList.Add(ServiceDDL.GetCompetitionCodeList().FirstOrDefault(w => w.CompetitionCodeID == Convert.ToInt32(s)));
                var result = FillContainer(prjList, frepf, IndicatorContainerType.RoundVsIndicatorLabelCategory,
                                           IndContCats, null, null, null, competeList);
                LLVsContainer.Add(IndicatorContainerType.RoundVsIndicatorLabelCategory, result);
            bool areaVsRound = false;

            //more coming here.

        public ActionResult outcome(FinReportFilter frepf, int?ID, List <String> Area, List <String> gtype,
                                    List <String> compete,
                                    List <String> status, List <String> oblast, List <String> period,
                                    List <String> amount, List <String> indicatorcategory)
            AppDropDownsService ServiceDDL = new AppDropDownsService();

            #region drops
            IEnumerable <ProgramAreaList>               ProgramArea           = ServiceDDL.GetProgramAreaList();
            IEnumerable <ProposalStatusList>            ProposalStatus        = ServiceDDL.GetProposalStatusList();
            IEnumerable <GrantTypeList>                 GrantType             = ServiceDDL.GetGrantTypeList();
            IEnumerable <CompetitionCodeList>           CompletionCode        = ServiceDDL.GetCompetitionCodeList();
            IEnumerable <ProposalStatusList>            Status                = ServiceDDL.GetProposalStatusList();
            IEnumerable <RegionList>                    Region                = ServiceDDL.GetRegionList();
            IEnumerable <IndicatorLabelContentCategory> IndicatorCategoryList =
            ViewData["ProgramArea"]           = ProgramArea;
            ViewData["ProposalStatus"]        = ProposalStatus;
            ViewData["GrantType"]             = GrantType;
            ViewData["CompletionCode"]        = CompletionCode;
            ViewData["Status"]                = Status;
            ViewData["Region"]                = Region;
            ViewData["IndicatorCategoryList"] = IndicatorCategoryList;
            //if (frepf != null)
            LReportsRepository rep = new LReportsRepository();

            IQueryable <Project> prj = rep.GetResults3(frepf, ID, Area, gtype, compete, status, period, oblast, amount);
            //1. gets resulting project list after filtering.

            List <Project> prjList = prj.ToList();
            ViewData["prj"] = prj;

            //add List Filters.  //enable Report View enabled if not null.
            if (Area != null)
                frepf.IsArea = true;
            if (gtype != null)
                frepf.IsGrantType = true;
            if (compete != null)
                frepf.IsCompetitionCode = true;
            if (status != null)
                frepf.IsStatus = true;
            if (period != null)
                frepf.IsPeriod = true;

        public ActionResult BudgetAnalysis(FinReportFilter frepf, int?ID, List <String> Area, List <String> gtype, List <String> compete,
                                           List <String> status, List <String> period, List <String> amount, List <String> oblast)
            AppDropDownsService ServiceDDL = new AppDropDownsService();

            ViewData["CompletionCode"] = ServiceDDL.GetCompetitionCodeList();
            ViewData["ProgramArea"]    = ServiceDDL.GetProgramAreaList();
            ViewData["GrantType"]      = ServiceDDL.GetGrantTypeList();
            ViewData["Status"]         = ServiceDDL.GetProposalStatusList();
            ViewData["Region"]         = ServiceDDL.GetRegionList();
            //if (frepf != null)
            LReportsRepository   rep = new LReportsRepository();
            IQueryable <Project> prj = rep.GetResults3(frepf, ID, Area, gtype, compete, status, period, oblast, amount); //1. gets resulting project list after filtering.

            List <Project> prjList = prj.ToList();

            ViewData["prj"] = prj;

            if (prjList != null)
                //2. generates/calculates VS amounts.
                if (!frepf.isListOnly.Value)
                    Dictionary <ContainerType, Dictionary <AmountTypes, List <VsContainer> > > results = FinReportCore(prj, frepf, Area, gtype, compete, status, period, oblast);
                    ViewData["results2"] = results;

            //add List Filters.  //enable Report View enabled if not null.
            if (Area != null)
                frepf.IsArea = true;
            if (gtype != null)
                frepf.IsGrantType = true;
            if (compete != null)
                frepf.IsCompetitionCode = true;
            if (status != null)
                frepf.IsStatus = true;
            if (period != null)
                frepf.IsPeriod = true;
            if (oblast != null)
                frepf.isRegion = true;


        public ActionResult Index(FinReportFilter frepf, int?ID, List <String> Area, List <String> gtype, List <String> compete,
                                  List <String> status, List <String> period, List <String> amount, List <String> oblast, List <String> lfIndicators)
            AppDropDownsService ServiceDDL = new AppDropDownsService();

            ViewData["CompletionCode"]  = ServiceDDL.GetCompetitionCodeList();
            ViewData["ProgramArea"]     = ServiceDDL.GetProgramAreaList();
            ViewData["GrantType"]       = ServiceDDL.GetGrantTypeList();
            ViewData["Status"]          = ServiceDDL.GetProposalStatusList();
            ViewData["Region"]          = ServiceDDL.GetRegionList();
            ViewData["BudgetCatList"]   = ServiceDDL.GetCatList();
            ViewData["LfIndicatorList"] = ServiceDDL.GetLfIndicatorList();

            LReportsRepository   rep = new LReportsRepository();
            IQueryable <Project> prj = rep.GetResults3(frepf, ID, Area, gtype, compete, status, period, oblast, amount, lfIndicators); //1. gets resulting project list after filtering.

            List <Project> prjList = prj.ToList();

            ViewData["prj"] = prj;

            if (prjList != null)
                var query = prjList
                            .GroupBy(g => new //GROUP BY GrantType, ProgramArea Field1, Field2 and SUM AmtRequested.
                            .Select(group => new VsContainer() //Select all Grouped into VersusContainer.
                    ProjId      = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).ToList(),
                    Field1      = group.Key.LFIndicatorID,
                    iAmount     = prjList.Count(),
                    dAmount     = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).Count(),
                    Field1Title = "# of grants with " + group.Select(i => i.LFIndicator.LFIndicatorList.CodeText).FirstOrDefault()

                List <VsContainer> vsc = query.ToList();   //test.
                ViewData["vsc"] = vsc;

            //add List Filters.  //enable Report View enabled if not null.
            if (lfIndicators != null)
                frepf.isLFIndicator = true;
            if (Area != null)
                frepf.IsArea = true;
            if (gtype != null)
                frepf.IsGrantType = true;
            if (compete != null)
                frepf.IsCompetitionCode = true;
            if (status != null)
                frepf.IsStatus = true;
            if (period != null)
                frepf.IsPeriod = true;
            if (oblast != null)
                frepf.isRegion = true;

        public ActionResult test()
            // var View = new Dictionary<ProgramAreaID, Dictionary<RegionID, numberOfItems>>();
            var                 MView       = new Dictionary <FirstVs, Dictionary <int, numberOfItems> >();
            ProjectService      prj         = new ProjectService();
            ProjectEventService evnts       = new ProjectEventService();
            AppDropDownsService appDropDown = new AppDropDownsService();

            int?id = 1;
            IEnumerable <ProjectEvent> projevnts = evnts.GetProjectEventList(id.Value);

            int sitevisits = 0;
            IEnumerable <Project> projects = prj.getAllProjects().Where(p => p.CompetitionCode != null && p.ProgramArea != null);
            //int sitevisits = projevnts.Count(projevnt => projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 1 || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 2);
            //  if (projevnt.EventType.EventTypeName == "Site Visit" || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeName == "Site visit")
            // projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 1 || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 2
            var projSiteVisits = new Dictionary <Project, int>();
            var MView2         = new Dictionary <int, List <VsContainer> >();

            if (projects != null)
                var query = projects
                            .GroupBy(g => new    //GROUP BY GrantType, ProgramArea Field1, Field2 and SUM AmtRequested.
                            .Select(group => new VsContainer() //Select all Grouped into VersusContainer.
                    ProjId      = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).ToList(),
                    Field1      = group.Key.CompetCodeID.Value,
                    Field2      = group.Key.ProgramAreaCodeID.Value,
                    iAmount     = group.Sum(c => c.ProjectEvents.Count(projevnt => projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 1 || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 2)),
                    dAmount     = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).Count(),
                    Field1Title = group.Select(i => i.CompetitionCode.CompetitionCodeList.CodeText).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Field2Title = group.Select(i => i.ProgramArea.ProgramAreaList.ProgramAreaText).FirstOrDefault()

                List <VsContainer> vsc = query.ToList();   //test.

                MView2.Add(1, vsc);
            // var View = new Dictionary<ProgramAreaID, Dictionary<CompCodeID, numberOfItems>>();
            //======var MView = new Dictionary<FirstVs, Dictionary<int, numberOfItems>>();=========================

            IEnumerable <Project> projects2 = prj.getAllProjects().Where(p => p.Organization.Addresses.FirstOrDefault().Region != null && p.ProgramArea != null);

            if (projects != null)
                var query = projects2
                            .GroupBy(g => new    //GROUP BY GrantType, ProgramArea Field1, Field2 and SUM AmtRequested.
                            .Select(group => new VsContainer() //Select all Grouped into VersusContainer.
                    ProjId      = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).ToList(),
                    Field1      = group.Key.DDIDRegion.Value,
                    Field2      = group.Key.ProgramAreaCodeID.Value,
                    iAmount     = group.Sum(c => c.ProjectEvents.Count(projevnt => projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 1 || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 2)),
                    dAmount     = group.Select(i => i.ProjectID).Count(),
                    Field1Title = group.Select(i => i.Organization.Addresses.FirstOrDefault().RegionList.DDNAME).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Field2Title = group.Select(i => i.ProgramArea.ProgramAreaList.ProgramAreaText).FirstOrDefault()

                List <VsContainer> vsc = query.ToList();   //test.

                MView2.Add(2, vsc);

            //foreach (var p in projects)
            //    sitevisits += p.ProjectEvents.Count(projevnt => projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 1 || projevnt.EventType.EventTypeID == 2);
            //    projSiteVisits.Add(p, sitevisits);
            //    sitevisits = 0;

            //IEnumerable<RegionList> regions = appDropDown.GetRegionList();

            //foreach (RegionList reg in regions)


            //foreach (var v in View)
            //    foreach(var vl in v.Value)
            //    {
            //       int hello = vl.Value.numOfgrant;
            //    }

            //AppDropDownsService ServiceDDL = new AppDropDownsService();
            //var SubView = new Dictionary<int, numberOfItems>();
            //var SubView2 = new Dictionary<int, numberOfItems>();
            //// ==============
            //var number1 = new numberOfItems();
            //number1.numOfgrant = 35;
            //number1.numOfvisits = 40;
            //SubView.Add(1, number1);

            //var number2 = new numberOfItems();
            //number2.numOfgrant = 15;
            //number2.numOfvisits = 10;

            //SubView.Add(4, number2);

            //var number3 = new numberOfItems();
            //number3.numOfgrant = 25;
            //number3.numOfvisits = 60;

            //SubView.Add(8, number3);

            //var number4 = new numberOfItems();
            //number4.numOfgrant = 125;
            //number4.numOfvisits = 60;

            //var number5 = new numberOfItems();
            //number5.numOfgrant = 125;
            //number5.numOfvisits = 60;

            //SubView2.Add(3, number4);
            //SubView2.Add(2, number5);

            //FirstVs fv = new FirstVs();
            //fv.id = 1;
            //fv.title = "ECD";
            //MView.Add(fv, SubView);

            //FirstVs fv2 = new FirstVs();
            //fv2.id = 2;
            //fv2.title = "Youth";
            //MView.Add(fv2, SubView2);

            AppDropDownsService ServiceDDL = new AppDropDownsService();

            ViewData["MView"]          = MView;
            ViewData["MView2"]         = MView2;
            ViewData["Region"]         = ServiceDDL.GetRegionList();
            ViewData["CompletionCode"] = ServiceDDL.GetCompetitionCodeList();
            ViewData["ProgramArea"]    = ServiceDDL.GetProgramAreaList();
