public static AppDelegate Middleware(AppDelegate app) { return call => { return app(call).Then<ResultParameters, ResultParameters>( result => { if (IsStatusWithNoNoEntityBody(result.Status) || result.Headers.ContainsKey("Content-Length") || result.Headers.ContainsKey("Transfer-Encoding")) { return TaskHelpers.FromResult(result); } if (result.Body == null) { result.Headers.SetHeader("Content-Length", "0"); return TaskHelpers.FromResult(result); } // Buffer the body MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream(); return result.Body(buffer).Then<ResultParameters>( () => { buffer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); result.Headers.SetHeader("Content-Length", buffer.Length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); result.Body = output => buffer.CopyToAsync(output); return TaskHelpers.FromResult(result); }); }); }; }
public static AppDelegate Middleware(AppDelegate app) { return (env, result, fault) => app( env, (status, headers, body) => { if (IsStatusWithNoNoEntityBody(status) || headers.ContainsKey("Content-Length") || headers.ContainsKey("Transfer-Encoding")) { result(status, headers, body); } else { var token = CancellationToken.None; object obj; if (env.TryGetValue(typeof(CancellationToken).FullName, out obj) && obj is CancellationToken) token = (CancellationToken)obj; var buffer = new DataBuffer(); body( buffer.Add, ex => { buffer.End(ex); headers["Content-Length"] = new[] { buffer.GetCount().ToString() }; result(status, headers, buffer.Body); }, token); } }, fault); }
public static AppDelegate Middleware(AppDelegate app) { return (call, callback) => app( call, (result, error) => { if (error != null || IsStatusWithNoNoEntityBody(result.Status) || result.Headers.ContainsKey("Content-Length") || result.Headers.ContainsKey("Transfer-Encoding")) { callback(result, error); } else { var buffer = new DataBuffer(); result.Body.Invoke( buffer.Add, ex => { buffer.End(ex); result.Headers.SetHeader("Content-Length", buffer.GetCount().ToString()); result.Body = buffer.Body; callback(result, null); }, call.CallDisposed); } }); }
public OAuthContext(AppDelegate next, IDictionary<string, object> env, ResultDelegate result, Action<Exception> fault) { m_next = next; m_env = env; m_result = result; m_fault = fault; }
public Server(AppDelegate app, IPAddress ipAddress, int port) { _app = app; _ipAddress = ipAddress; _port = port; _listener = new TcpListener(_ipAddress, _port); }
public static WebServiceHost Create(Uri baseUri, AppDelegate app) { var host = new WebServiceHost(new GateWcfService(app), baseUri); host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof (GateWcfService), new WebHttpBinding(), ""); host.Open(); return host; }
public CollisionGame() { // Set the title of the window Window.Title = "Cocos2D-XNA Tutorials: Collision Detection"; graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); //#if MONOMAC // Content.RootDirectory = "AngryNinjas/Content"; //#else Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; //#endif // //#if XBOX || OUYA // graphics.IsFullScreen = true; //#else graphics.IsFullScreen = false; //#endif // Frame rate is 30 fps by default for Windows Phone. TargetElapsedTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(333333 / 2); // Extend battery life under lock. //InactiveSleepTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); CCApplication application = new AppDelegate(this, graphics); Components.Add(application); //#if XBOX || OUYA // CCDirector.SharedDirector.GamePadEnabled = true; // application.GamePadButtonUpdate += new CCGamePadButtonDelegate(application_GamePadButtonUpdate); //#endif }
public Static(AppDelegate app, string root = null, IEnumerable<string> urls = null) { = app; if (root == null) { root = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "public"); } if (!Directory.Exists(root)) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(string.Format("Invalid root directory: {0}", root)); } if (urls == null) { var rootDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(root); var files = rootDirectory.GetFiles("*").Select(fi => "/" + fi.Name); var directories = rootDirectory.GetDirectories().Select(di => "/" + di.Name); urls = files.Concat(directories); } this.urls = urls; fileServer = new FileServer(root); }
static AppDelegate App(AppDelegate arg) { return call => { ResultParameters result = new ResultParameters() { Status = 200, Headers = new Dictionary<string, string[]>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { { "Content-Type", new[] { "text/plain" } } }, Properties = new Dictionary<string, object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase), Body = stream => { var bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes("This is a custom page"); stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); TaskCompletionSource<object> bodyTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>(); bodyTcs.TrySetResult(null); return bodyTcs.Task; } }; TaskCompletionSource<ResultParameters> requestTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<ResultParameters>(); requestTcs.TrySetResult(result); return requestTcs.Task; }; }
public static IDisposable Create(AppDelegate app, int port, TextWriter output) { app = ExecutionContextPerRequest.Middleware(app); var endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port); var schedulerDelegate = new NullSchedulerDelegate(output); var scheduler = KayakScheduler.Factory.Create(schedulerDelegate); var context = new Dictionary<string, object> { {"gate.Output", output}, }; var channel = new GateRequestDelegate(app, context); var server = KayakServer.Factory.CreateHttp(channel, scheduler); var listen = server.Listen(endPoint); var thread = new Thread(_ => scheduler.Start()); thread.Start(); return new Disposable(() => { scheduler.Stop(); thread.Join(5000); listen.Dispose(); server.Dispose(); }); }
public Connection(IServerTrace trace, AppDelegate app, ISocket socket, Action<ISocket> disconnected) { _trace = trace; _app = app; _socket = socket; _disconnected = disconnected; }
public Connection(IFireflyService services, AppDelegate app, ISocket socket, Action<ISocket> disconnected) { _services = services; _app = app; _socket = socket; _socketSender = new SocketSender(_services, _socket); _disconnected = disconnected; }
public static void Start(ISchedulerDelegate schedulerDelegate, IPEndPoint listenEP, AppDelegate app, IDictionary<string, object> context) { var scheduler = KayakScheduler.Factory.Create(schedulerDelegate); var server = KayakServer.Factory.CreateGate(app, scheduler, context); using (server.Listen(listenEP)) scheduler.Start(); }
public static AppDelegate Middleware(AppDelegate app) { return call => { Action<Exception, Action<byte[]>> showErrorMessage = (ex, write) => ErrorPage(call, ex, text => { var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text); write(data); }); Func<Exception, Task<ResultParameters>> showErrorPage = ex => { var response = new Response() { Status = "500 Internal Server Error", ContentType = "text/html" }; showErrorMessage(ex, data => response.Write(data)); return response.EndAsync(); }; try { return app(call) .Then(result => { if (result.Body != null) { var nestedBody = result.Body; result.Body = stream => { try { return nestedBody(stream).Catch( errorInfo => { showErrorMessage(errorInfo.Exception, data => stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length)); return errorInfo.Handled(); }); } catch (Exception ex) { showErrorMessage(ex, data => stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length)); return TaskHelpers.Completed(); } }; } return result; }) .Catch(errorInfo => { return errorInfo.Handled(showErrorPage(errorInfo.Exception).Result); }); } catch (Exception exception) { return showErrorPage(exception); } }; }
public static AppDelegate Middleware(AppDelegate app, Action<Exception> logError) { return (env, result, fault) => { Action<Exception> onError = ex => { logError(ex); result( "500 Internal Server Error", ResponseHeaders, (write, end, cancel) => { try { write(Body, null); end(null); } catch (Exception error) { end(error); } }); }; try { app( env, (status, headers, body) => { // errors send from inside the body are // logged, but not passed to the host. it's too // late to change the status or send an error page. onError = logError; result( status, headers, (write, end, cancel) => body( write, ex => { if (ex != null) { logError(ex); } end(ex); }, cancel)); }, ex => onError(ex)); } catch (Exception ex) { onError(ex); } }; }
public static AppDelegate Middleware(AppDelegate app, IEnumerable<AppDelegate> apps) { // sequence to attempt is {apps[0], apps[n], app} // or {apps[0], apps[n]} if app is null apps = (apps ?? new AppDelegate[0]).Concat(new[] { app ?? NotFound.Call }).ToArray(); // the first non-404 result will the the one to take effect // any subsequent apps are not called return call => { var iter = apps.GetEnumerator(); iter.MoveNext(); TaskCompletionSource<ResultParameters> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<ResultParameters>(); Action loop = () => { }; loop = () => { var threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; for (var hot = true; hot; ) { hot = false; iter.Current.Invoke(call) .Then(result => { if (result.Status == 404 && iter.MoveNext()) { // ReSharper disable AccessToModifiedClosure if (threadId == Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) { hot = true; } else { loop(); } // ReSharper restore AccessToModifiedClosure } else { tcs.TrySetResult(result); } }) .Catch(errorInfo => { tcs.TrySetException(errorInfo.Exception); return errorInfo.Handled(); }); } threadId = 0; }; loop(); return tcs.Task; }; }
public static AppDelegate Create(AppDelegate app, IDictionary<string, AppDelegate> map) { if (app == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("app"); var mapper = new UrlMapper(app); mapper.Remap(map); return mapper.Call; }
static AppDelegate Middleware(AppDelegate app) { return (env, result, fault) => { var owin = new Environment(env); owin.Body = Wrap(owin.Body); app(env, result, fault); }; }
public FFTBufferManager(int maxFPS, AppDelegate appDelegate) { this.appDelegate = appDelegate; this.maxFPS = maxFPS; mAudioBufferSize = maxFPS; NeedsNewAudioData = true; mAudioBuffer = new int[mAudioBufferSize]; }
public Listener(IPEndPoint listeningEndpoint, ISchedulerDelegate schedulerDelegate) { _listeningEndpoint = listeningEndpoint; _schedulerDelegate = schedulerDelegate; _applicationDelegate = AppBuilder.BuildConfiguration(x => RunExtensions.Run(x.RescheduleCallbacks(), _host.ExecuteRequest)); _scheduler = KayakScheduler.Factory.Create(_schedulerDelegate); _server = KayakServer.Factory.CreateGate(_applicationDelegate, _scheduler, null); }
public static AppDelegate Middleware(AppDelegate app, IEnumerable<AppDelegate> apps) { // sequence to attempt is {apps[0], apps[n], app} // or {apps[0], apps[n]} if app is null apps = (apps ?? new AppDelegate[0]).Concat(new[] { app ?? NotFound.Call }).ToArray(); // the first non-404 result will the the one to take effect // any subsequent apps are not called return (call, callback) => { var iter = apps.GetEnumerator(); iter.MoveNext(); Action loop = () => { }; loop = () => { var threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; for (var hot = true; hot; ) { hot = false; iter.Current.Invoke( call, (result, error) => { try { if (result.Status == 404 && iter.MoveNext()) { // ReSharper disable AccessToModifiedClosure if (threadId == Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) { hot = true; } else { loop(); } // ReSharper restore AccessToModifiedClosure } else { callback(result, error); } } catch (Exception ex) { callback(default(ResultParameters), ex); } }); } threadId = 0; }; loop(); }; }
public Frame(AppDelegate app, Func<ArraySegment<byte>, Action, bool> produceData, Action<bool> produceEnd) { _app = app; _produceData = produceData; _produceEnd = () => { if (!_messageBody.Drain(() => produceEnd(_keepAlive))) produceEnd(_keepAlive); }; }
public static IServer CreateGate(this IServerFactory factory, AppDelegate app, IScheduler scheduler, IDictionary<string, object> context) { if (context == null) context = new Dictionary<string, object>(); if (!context.ContainsKey("kayak.Scheduler")) context["kayak.Scheduler"] = scheduler; return factory.CreateHttp(new GateRequestDelegate(app, context), scheduler); }
public static AppDelegate LogToConsole(AppDelegate app) { return (env, result, fault) => { var req = new Request(env); Console.WriteLine(req.Method + " " + req.PathBase + req.Path); app(env, result, fault); }; }
public static AppDelegate Middleware(AppDelegate app) { return (call, callback) => { Action<Exception, Action<ArraySegment<byte>>> showErrorMessage = (ex, write) => ErrorPage(call, ex, text => { var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text); write(new ArraySegment<byte>(data)); }); Action<Exception> showErrorPage = ex => { var response = new Response(callback) { Status = "500 Internal Server Error", ContentType = "text/html" }; response.Start(() => { showErrorMessage(ex, data => response.Write(data)); response.End(); }); }; try { app(call, (result, error) => { if (error != null) { showErrorPage(error); } else { var body = result.Body; result.Body = (write, end, cancel) => { showErrorPage = ex => { if (ex != null) { showErrorMessage(ex, data => write(data, null)); } end(null); }; body.Invoke(write, showErrorPage, cancel); }; callback(result, null); } }); } catch (Exception exception) { showErrorPage(exception); } }; }
static AppDelegate App(AppDelegate arg) { return (env, result, fault) => result("200 OK", new Dictionary<string, string[]>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { { "Content-Type", new[] { "text/plain" } } }, (write, end, cancel) => { var bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes("This is a custom page"); write(new ArraySegment<byte>(bytes), null); end(null); }); }
public static AppDelegate Middleware(AppDelegate app) { return (env, result, fault) => { Action<Exception, Action<ArraySegment<byte>>> showErrorMessage = (ex, write) => ErrorPage(env, ex, text => { var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text); write(new ArraySegment<byte>(data)); }); Action<Exception> showErrorPage = ex => { var response = new Response(result) { Status = "500 Internal Server Error", ContentType = "text/html" }; response.Start(() => { showErrorMessage(ex, data => response.Write(data)); response.End(); }); }; try { app( env, (status, headers, body) => result( status, headers, (write, flush, end, token) => { showErrorPage = ex => { if (ex != null) { showErrorMessage(ex, data => write(data)); } end(null); }; body( write, flush, showErrorPage, token); }), ex => showErrorPage(ex)); } catch (Exception exception) { showErrorPage(exception); } }; }
public static AppDelegate Middleware(AppDelegate app) { return (env, result, fault) => { var req = new Request(env); string method; if (req.Headers.TryGetValue("x-http-method-override", out method)) req.Method = method; app(env, result, fault); }; }
public static AppDelegate Middleware(AppDelegate app) { return call => { var req = new Request(call); var method = req.Headers.GetHeader("x-http-method-override"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(method)) req.Method = method; return app(call); }; }
public static AppDelegate Middleware(AppDelegate app, string contentType) { return (env, result, fault) => app( env, (status, headers, body) => { if (!headers.Any(kv => string.Equals(kv.Key, "Content-Type", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) headers.Add("Content-Type", contentType); result(status, headers, body); }, fault); }
public MainWindowAdapter(AppDelegate appDelegate) : base("MainWindow") { this.appDelegate = appDelegate; }
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { appDelegate = new AppDelegate(); appDelegate.start(); }
///---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// 更新完成处理 /// </summary> ///---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void OnUpdateComplete( ) { AppDelegate pCompent = gameObject.AddComponent <AppDelegate>() as AppDelegate; mComplete = true; }
public static void Run(AppDelegate app) { _app = app; }
public LoginService(AppDelegate appDelegate) { _appDelegate = appDelegate; }
public void StopSession() { AppDelegate.GetInstance().StopListening(); }
public RootPresenter(UIWindow window, AppDelegate appDelegate) : base(window, appDelegate) { }
public IDisposable Create(AppDelegate app, EndPoint endpoint) { _services.Trace.Event(TraceEventType.Start, TraceMessage.ServerFactory); var listenSocket = new Socket(endpoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP); listenSocket.Bind(endpoint); listenSocket.Listen(-1); WaitCallback connectionExecute = connection => { _services.Trace.Event(TraceEventType.Verbose, TraceMessage.ServerFactoryConnectionExecute); ((Connection)connection).Execute(); }; var stop = false; var acceptEvent = new SocketAsyncEventArgs(); Action accept = () => { while (!stop) { _services.Trace.Event(TraceEventType.Verbose, TraceMessage.ServerFactoryAcceptAsync); if (listenSocket.AcceptAsync(acceptEvent)) { return; } _services.Trace.Event(TraceEventType.Verbose, TraceMessage.ServerFactoryAcceptCompletedSync); if (acceptEvent.SocketError != SocketError.Success) { _services.Trace.Event(TraceEventType.Error, TraceMessage.ServerFactoryAcceptSocketError); } if (acceptEvent.SocketError == SocketError.Success && acceptEvent.AcceptSocket != null) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( connectionExecute, new Connection( _services, app, new SocketWrapper(acceptEvent.AcceptSocket), OnDisconnect)); } acceptEvent.AcceptSocket = null; } }; acceptEvent.Completed += (_, __) => { _services.Trace.Event(TraceEventType.Verbose, TraceMessage.ServerFactoryAcceptCompletedAsync); if (acceptEvent.SocketError == SocketError.Success && acceptEvent.AcceptSocket != null) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( connectionExecute, new Connection( _services, app, new SocketWrapper(acceptEvent.AcceptSocket), OnDisconnect)); } acceptEvent.AcceptSocket = null; accept(); }; accept(); return(new Disposable( () => { _services.Trace.Event(TraceEventType.Stop, TraceMessage.ServerFactory); stop = true; listenSocket.Close(); acceptEvent.Dispose(); })); }
public IDisposable Create(AppDelegate app, int port, string hostname) { var ipAddress = Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostname).First(); return(Create(app, new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port))); }
public IDisposable Create(AppDelegate app, int port) { return(Create(app, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port))); }
public SearchForm(RootElement _root, SearchRequest req = null) : base(new RootElement("Root"), true) { Root = (_root != null) ? _root : GetRoot("root"); searchReq = (req == null) ? new SearchRequest() : req; AppDelegate app = (AppDelegate)UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate; TableView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.None; service = app.searchService; yearsList = service.GetYearList(); maxPriceList = service.GetMaxPricelist(); minPriceList = service.GetMinPricelist(); minDistanceList = service.GetMinDistancelist(); maxDistanceList = service.GetMaxDistancelist(); maxPriceList = service.GetMaxDistancelist(); //TODO add to storage if (colors == null) { colors = service.GetColors(); //colors = task.Result; } Name = new EntryElement("Name", "Create Search Name", string.Empty); Name.ReturnKeyType = UIReturnKeyType.Done; Name.ShouldReturn += () => { Name.ResignFirstResponder(true); return(true); }; //Name.ShouldReturn Name.EntryEnded += (s, e) => { = Name.Value; //this.View.EndEditing(true); }; Type = GetSearchType(); Model = GetCarModel(); Make = GetCarMake(); Zip = new EntryElement("Zip", "Postal Code", string.Empty); Distance = GetDistance(); Trim = GetTrim(); Exterior = GetExterior(); Interior = GetInterior(); Seller = GetSeller(); SearchAuctions = new BooleanElement("Search Auctions", true); SendNotifications = new BooleanElement("Send Notifications", true); SendNotifications.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { searchReq.notify = SendNotifications.Value; if (this.RequestUpdated != null) { this.RequestUpdated(this, new PostDataEvent { Data = searchReq }); } }; SearchAuctions.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { searchReq.auctions = SearchAuctions.Value; if (this.RequestUpdated != null) { this.RequestUpdated(this, new PostDataEvent { Data = searchReq }); } }; //header footer view for sections Header = GetHeader(); Footer = GetFooter(); View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; }
private void SetupLayout() { // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. loginButton.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => { if (UserData.IsUserLoggedIn) { LogOffUser(); } else { var userCprInput = userNameTextField.Text; // If user cpr nr is valid if (ValidateCpr(userCprInput)) { new System.Threading.Thread(() => { // Send cpr til web api for yderligere validering (er patient indlagt/udskrevet?) // Hvis Response kode er OK betyder det er patient er indlagt og ikke udskrevet endnu try { var manager = new LoginManager(); var cpr = manager.GetPatient(userCprInput); if (cpr == null) { throw new Exception(Strings.ErrorPatientNotValid); } } // Response kode er forskellig fra OK, hvilket kan betyde en netværksfejl eller at patient ikke er indlagt (antager vi). catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Login failed with error: " + ex.Message); this.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { var errorMessage = ex.Message.Equals(Strings.ErrorPatientNotValid) ? Strings.ErrorPatientNotValid : Strings.ErrorNoNetwork; new UIAlertView(Strings.ErrorLogin, errorMessage, null, null, "OK").Show(); }); // Fortsæt ikke programmet, hvis login fejlede return; } // Skriv evt. en besked til bruger om at login gik OK this.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { // Show the overlay (loading screen) AppDelegate.ShowLoadingScreen(this, Strings.SpinnerDataReading); }); // Hent kategorier for den pågældende patient/afdeling/sygehus try { Categories = DataHandler.LoadCategoriesFromWeb(); //Categories = DataHandler.LoadCategoriesTESTDATA(); // Delete categories from web DataHandler.DeleteCategoriesFromLocalDatabase(new LocalDB()); // If data loading from web not succeded, nothing will be saved to the local database (Categories instance will be null) DataHandler.SaveCategoriesToLocalDatabase(new LocalDB(), Categories); } // Mislykkedes at hente kategorier fra web, indlæser fra lokal database (i næste view) catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR loading data: " + ex.Message + "...loading from local database"); this.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { new UIAlertView(Strings.Error, Strings.ErrorReading, null, Strings.OK, null).Show(); }); } this.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { // Login user LoginInUser(); // Hide the overlay (loading screen) AppDelegate.loadingOverlay.Hide(); // Go to valgmuligheder GoToCategories(); }); }).Start(); } } }; this.userNameTextField.ShouldReturn += (textField) => { textField.ResignFirstResponder(); return(true); }; }
private void ToggleSoundCallBack(Toggle toggleSound) => AppDelegate.SharedManager().SetSoundStatus(toggleSound.isOn);
private void ToggleVibrationCallBack(Toggle toggleVibration) => AppDelegate.SharedManager().SetSoundStatus(toggleVibration.isOn);
public EmailProvider(ApplicationSettings settings, AppDelegate application) { _settings = settings; _application = application; }
public NavigationPresenter(UIWindow window, AppDelegate appDelegate) : base(window, appDelegate) { }
public Stream GetDummyStream() { return(AppDelegate.GetStream()); }
public void Initialize(IList <string> args, bool isDocumentApp) { Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, e) => Exit(0); NSApplication.Init(); _dispatcher = _dispatcher ?? new Dispatcher(Thread.CurrentThread); Fusion.Application.MainThread = _dispatcher; Fusion.Application.PerFrame = Observable.Interval( TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0 / 60.0), new SynchronizationContextScheduler(SynchronizationContext.Current)); var app = new AppDelegate(isDocumentApp); NSApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate = app; //TODO do we really need to retain this object? #pragma warning disable 0219 var documentController = new NSDocumentController(); #pragma warning restore 0219 NSApplication.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; AppDelegate.ThrowOnTerminate = false; Desktop = new MacDialog <object>(); EffectsImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); // Make so that the window popups with focus. NSApplication.SharedApplication.ActivateIgnoringOtherApps(true); MacEnvironment.Initialize(new MacEnvironmentImpl()); DraggingImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); MenuBuilder.Initialize(_dispatcher); LayeringImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); LabelImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); SliderImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); LineImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); CircleImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); RectangleImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); TextBoxImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); CursorsImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); ToolTipImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); ContextMenuImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); DropDownImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); ButtonImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); ColorPickerImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); ScrollingImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); LogViewImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); Transformation.Initialize(); ImageImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); OverlayImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); PointerImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); KeyboardImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); WebViewImplementation.Initialize(_dispatcher); LayoutTrackerImplementation.Initialize(); FileDialogs.Initialize(); // TODO: Fix this!!! Clipping.Initialize((control, clip) => control); // This notification occurs a _lot_, but is the most specific one I was able to find that would // allow us to be notified when the first responder changes consistently NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(new NSString("NSApplicationDidUpdateNotification"), _ => { var keyWindow = NSApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow; _firstResponder.OnNext(keyWindow != null ? keyWindow.FirstResponder : null); }); app.Terminates.Subscribe(_ => { if (Terminating != null) { Terminating(); } }); EditMenu = /*CreateFirstResponderMenuItem(name: "Undo", hotkey: HotKey.Create(Fusion.ModifierKeys.Meta, Key.Z), selectorName: "undo:") + CreateFirstResponderMenuItem(name: "Redo", hotkey: HotKey.Create(Fusion.ModifierKeys.Meta | Fusion.ModifierKeys.Shift, Key.Z), selectorName: "redo:") + MenuItem.CreateSeparator() + */CreateFirstResponderMenuItem(name: "Cut", hotkey: HotKey.Create(Fusion.ModifierKeys.Meta, Key.X), selectorName: "cut:") + CreateFirstResponderMenuItem(name: "Copy", hotkey: HotKey.Create(Fusion.ModifierKeys.Meta, Key.C), selectorName: "copy:") + CreateFirstResponderMenuItem(name: "Paste", hotkey: HotKey.Create(Fusion.ModifierKeys.Meta, Key.V), selectorName: "paste:") + CreateFirstResponderMenuItem(name: "Paste and Match Style", hotkey: HotKey.Create(Fusion.ModifierKeys.Meta | Fusion.ModifierKeys.Shift, Key.V), selectorName: "pasteAsPlainText:") + CreateFirstResponderMenuItem(name: "Delete", hotkey: HotKey.Create(Fusion.ModifierKeys.Meta, Key.Backspace), selectorName: "delete:") + CreateFirstResponderMenuItem(name: "Select All", hotkey: HotKey.Create(Fusion.ModifierKeys.Meta, Key.A), selectorName: "selectAll:"); }
public ModalCardPresenter(UIWindow window, AppDelegate appDelegate) : base(window, appDelegate) { }
public bool SetAlarmAt(string medicineName, TimeSpan medicationTime) { App.AppLogger.D($"Medicine Name: {medicineName}, Medication Time {medicationTime}"); AppDelegate.SendNotification(medicineName, medicationTime); return(true); }
public string IsNetworkAvailable() { AppDelegate appDelegate = new AppDelegate(); return(appDelegate.updateStatus()); }
//private readonly GraphicsDeviceManager graphics; public Game1() { CCApplication application = new AppDelegate(this); Components.Add(application); }
public Handler(AppDelegate app) { _app = app; }
private void ClkHandlerLoadSavedGame(object sender, EventArgs args) { AppDelegate.LoadSavedGame(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("inside BtnClkHandlerLoadSavedGame"); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); AppDelegate app = UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate as AppDelegate; //this.NavigationItem.TitleView = CreateNavTitle (PostViewModel.Post.FirstCategoryName); this.NavigationController.NavigationBarHidden = false; this.NavigationItem.SetLeftBarButtonItem( new UIBarButtonItem(UIImage.FromBundle("back") , UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain , (sender, args) => { this.NavigationController.NavigationBarHidden = true; PostViewModel.BackCommand.Execute(null); }), true); this.webViewPost.ScrollView.Delegate = this; // this.NavigationItem.SetRightBarButtonItem( // new UIBarButtonItem(UIImage.FromBundle("comment") // , UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain // , (sender, args) => { // PostViewModel.ShowCommentCommand.Execute(null); // // }), true); // // this.NavigationItem.SetRightBarButtonItem( // new UIBarButtonItem(UIImage.FromBundle("comment") // , UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain // , (sender, args) => { // PostViewModel.ShowCommentCommand.Execute(null); // // }), true); // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. this.CreateBindingSet <PostView, PostViewModel>().Bind(this).For(v => v.IsLikedThisPost).To(vm => vm.IsLikedThisPost).Apply(); this.CreateBindingSet <PostView, PostViewModel>().Bind(this).For(v => v.Html).To(vm => vm.Html).Apply(); this.CreateBinding(lbLikeCount).For("Text").To <PostViewModel> (vm => vm.Like_count).Apply(); this.CreateBinding(lbCommentCount).For("Text").To <PostViewModel> (vm => vm.Comment_count).Apply(); this.CreateBinding(btnCommentBottom).For("TouchUpInside").To <PostViewModel> (vm => vm.ShowCommentCommand).Apply(); this.CreateBinding(lbCommentCount).For("Tap").To <PostViewModel> (vm => vm.ShowCommentCommand).Apply(); this.CreateBinding(lbCommentBotom).For("Tap").To <PostViewModel> (vm => vm.ShowCommentCommand).Apply(); this.CreateBinding(btnLike).For("TouchUpInside").To <PostViewModel> (vm => vm.LikeCommand).Apply(); this.CreateBinding(btnUnlike).For("TouchUpInside").To <PostViewModel> (vm => vm.UnLikeCommand).Apply(); this.CreateBinding(pgrLoading).For("Hidden").To <PostViewModel> (vm => vm.IsLoading).WithConversion("Visibility").Apply(); this.CreateBinding(btnLike).For("Hidden").To <PostViewModel> (vm => vm.IsUnLikedThisPost).WithConversion("Visibility").Apply(); this.CreateBinding(btnUnlike).For("Hidden").To <PostViewModel> (vm => vm.IsLikedThisPost).WithConversion("Visibility").Apply(); webViewPost.ShouldStartLoad = (w, urlRequest, navigationType) => { if (navigationType == UIWebViewNavigationType.LinkClicked) { UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(urlRequest.Url); return(false); } return(true); }; //webViewPost.LoadHtmlString (); PostViewModel.LoadPost(); Relayout(); }
public void UnregisterPush() { AppDelegate.UnregisterPushNotifications(); }
public PageSheetPresenter(UIWindow window, AppDelegate appDelegate) : base(window, appDelegate) { }
public void RegisterPush() { AppDelegate.RegisterNotifications(); }
public void InitGamePanel() { txtLevelNo.gameObject.SetActive(true); txtLevelNo.text = "Level " + (AppDelegate.SharedManager().tempLevelCounter + 1).ToString(); }
private async void OnStart() { output.WriteSplash(); while (true) { historyProvider.Reset(); output.WriteScopeBegin(hostEnv); string command = hostInput.ReadCommandLine(); if (command == null) { break; } IInputCollection inputCollection = Input.Internal.Input.Parse(command); if (inputCollection.ContainsError) { output.WriteError(inputCollection.ErrorMessage); } else { foreach (var desc in pool.GetDescriptors()) { desc.EnterScope(); } object inputObject = null; int index = 0; int changeIndex = inputCollection.Inputs.Count - 1; bool isInPipe = inputCollection.Inputs.Count > 1; bool writeDefaultValue = !isInPipe; HostContext context = null; foreach (IInput input in inputCollection.Inputs) { context = new HostContext(input, inputObject, isInPipe, index, writeDefaultValue); AppDelegate app = appBuilder.Build(); await app(context); if (context.ErrorOccured) { output.WriteError(context.Exception); break; } if (context.WriteResult) { output.WriteObject(context.Result); } inputObject = context.Result; if (inputObject != null) { inputObject = ObjectHelper.TryGetValue(inputObject); } index++; if (index >= changeIndex) { writeDefaultValue = true; } } foreach (var desc in pool.GetDescriptors()) { desc.LeaveScope(); } } historyProvider.Add(inputCollection.Raw); } }