public static void ConfigurePerIndex(Associations association, int year, int month) { IEnumerable <Expenses> allExpenses = ExpensesManager.GetAllExpenses(); var associationExpenses = GetByMonthAndYearNotDisabled(association.Id, year, month); foreach (Expenses expense in allExpenses) { var associationExpense = associationExpenses.FirstOrDefault(ea => ea.Id_Expense == expense.Id); if (associationExpense != null) { var apartments = ApartmentsManager.GetAllThatAreRegisteredWithSpecificCounters(association.Id, associationExpense.Id); ApartmentExpensesManager.ConfigurePerIndex(associationExpense, apartments); } } }
private void InitializeGridViewExpensesPerIndex(DataTable dt, int esexId) { AssociationExpenses ee = AssociationExpensesManager.GetById(esexId); int stairCase; List <Administratoro.DAL.Apartments> apartments; if (Association.HasStaircase && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(drpStairCases.SelectedValue) && int.TryParse(drpStairCases.SelectedValue, out stairCase)) { apartments = ApartmentsManager.GetAllThatAreRegisteredWithSpecificCounters(Association.Id, esexId, stairCase); } else { apartments = ApartmentsManager.GetAllThatAreRegisteredWithSpecificCounters(Association.Id, esexId); } ApartmentExpensesManager.ConfigurePerIndex(ee, apartments); foreach (var apartment in apartments) { string query = @" Select AE.Id as Id, A.Number as Apartament, cast(AE.IndexOld as float) as 'Index vechi', cast(AE.IndexNew as float) as 'Index nou', (AE.IndexNew - AE.IndexOld ) as 'Consum', AE.Value as 'Valoare' from ApartmentExpenses AE Inner join Apartments A ON AE.Id_Tenant = A.Id where Id_EstateExpense = " + esexId + " and Id_Tenant = " + apartment.Id + " and A.Id_Estate = " + Association.Id; SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection("data source=HOME\\SQLEXPRESS;initial catalog=Administratoro;integrated security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;"); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, cnn); SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); adp.Fill(dt); } ViewState["dtPerIndex"] = dt; gvExpensesPerIndex.DataSource = dt; gvExpensesPerIndex.DataBind(); }