public void Handle(GameClient Session, ClientMessage Event) { string text = Event.PopFixedString().ToUpper(); if (!(text == "M" || text == "F")) { return; } string text2 = Essential.FilterString(Event.PopFixedString()); if (AntiMutant.ValidateLook(text2, text)) { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentQuestId > 0 && Essential.GetGame().GetQuestManager().GetQuestAction(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentQuestId) == "CHANGE_FIGURE") { Essential.GetGame().GetQuestManager().ProgressUserQuest(Session.GetHabbo().CurrentQuestId, Session); } Session.GetHabbo().Figure = text2; Session.GetHabbo().Gender = text.ToLower(); using (DatabaseClient client = Essential.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { client.AddParamWithValue("look", text2); client.AddParamWithValue("gender", text); client.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE users SET look = @look, gender = @gender WHERE id = " + Session.GetHabbo().Id + " LIMIT 1;"); } Essential.GetGame().GetAchievementManager().addAchievement(Session, 1u, 1); ServerMessage serverMessage = new ServerMessage(Outgoing.UpdateUserInformation); serverMessage.AppendInt32(-1); serverMessage.AppendStringWithBreak(Session.GetHabbo().Figure); serverMessage.AppendStringWithBreak(Session.GetHabbo().Gender.ToLower()); serverMessage.AppendStringWithBreak(Session.GetHabbo().Motto); serverMessage.AppendInt32(Session.GetHabbo().AchievementScore); // serverMessage.AppendStringWithBreak(""); Session.SendMessage(serverMessage); if (Session.GetHabbo().InRoom) { Room currentRoom = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom; if (currentRoom != null) { RoomUser roomUserByHabbo = currentRoom.GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id); if (roomUserByHabbo != null) { roomUserByHabbo.string_0 = ""; if (Session.GetHabbo().method_4() > 0) { TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - Session.GetHabbo().dateTime_0; if (timeSpan.Seconds > 4) { Session.GetHabbo().int_23 = 0; } if (timeSpan.Seconds < 4 && Session.GetHabbo().int_23 > 5) { ServerMessage serverMessage2 = new ServerMessage(Outgoing.FigureData); serverMessage2.AppendInt32(Session.GetHabbo().method_4()); Session.SendMessage(serverMessage2); return; } Session.GetHabbo().dateTime_0 = DateTime.Now; Session.GetHabbo().int_23++; } ServerMessage serverMessage3 = new ServerMessage(Outgoing.UpdateUserInformation); serverMessage3.AppendInt32(roomUserByHabbo.VirtualId); serverMessage3.AppendStringWithBreak(Session.GetHabbo().Figure); serverMessage3.AppendStringWithBreak(Session.GetHabbo().Gender.ToLower()); serverMessage3.AppendStringWithBreak(Session.GetHabbo().Motto); serverMessage3.AppendInt32(Session.GetHabbo().AchievementScore); // serverMessage3.AppendStringWithBreak(""); currentRoom.SendMessage(serverMessage3, null); } } } } }
public WebSocketServerManager(string SocketURL) { FleckLog.Level = LogLevel.Error; FleckLog.LogAction = LogWebsocketException; allSockets = new List <IWebSocketConnection>(); socketbyName = new Dictionary <string, IWebSocketConnection>(); namebySocket = new Dictionary <IWebSocketConnection, string>(); server = new WebSocketServer(SocketURL); if (SocketURL.StartsWith("wss://")) { server.Certificate = new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(""); } server.Start(socket => { socket.OnOpen = () => { if (allSockets.Contains(socket)) { allSockets.Remove(socket); } allSockets.Add(socket); }; socket.OnClose = () => { string name = ""; if (namebySocket.ContainsKey(socket)) { name = namebySocket[socket].ToString(); namebySocket.Remove(socket); } if (socketbyName.ContainsKey(name) && name != "") { socketbyName.Remove(name); } if (allSockets.Contains(socket)) { allSockets.Remove(socket); } if (name != "") { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Essential.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.AddParamWithValue("name", name); dbClient.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE users SET websocket='0' WHERE username=@name"); } } }; socket.OnMessage = message => { var msg = message; int pId = 0; if (!int.TryParse(msg.Split('|')[0], out pId)) { return; } if (msg.Length > 1024) { return; } if (msg.StartsWith("1|")) { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Essential.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.AddParamWithValue("auth", msg.Substring(2)); DataRow drow = null; drow = dbClient.ReadDataRow("SELECT username FROM users WHERE auth_ticket= @auth LIMIT 1"); if (drow == null) { socket.Close(); } else { if (socketbyName.ContainsKey((string)drow["username"])) { socketbyName.Remove((string)drow["username"]); } socketbyName.Add(drow["username"].ToString(), socket); if (namebySocket.ContainsKey(socket)) { namebySocket.Remove(socket); } namebySocket.Add(socket, drow["username"].ToString()); dbClient.AddParamWithValue("name", drow["username"].ToString()); dbClient.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE users SET websocket='1' WHERE username=@name"); } } } else { GameClient Session = Essential.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByHabbo(GetNameByWebSocket(socket)); Room room = null; string[] args = msg.Split('|'); switch (int.Parse(args[0])) { case 6: { try { room = Essential.GetGame().GetRoomManager().GetRoom(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (Session != null && room != null) { ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(Outgoing.RoomForward); Message.AppendBoolean(false); Message.AppendUInt(room.Id); Session.SendMessage(Message); } } catch { } break; } case 7: { try { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, false)) { int ItemId = int.Parse(args[1]); double newZ = double.Parse(args[2]); RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28((uint)ItemId); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "stackfield") { ri.setHeight(newZ); ServerMessage smg = new ServerMessage(Outgoing.ObjectUpdate); ri.Serialize(smg); Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.SendMessage(smg, null); } } } catch { } break; } case 10: { try { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, false)) { uint itemid = uint.Parse(args[1]); int handitemId = int.Parse(args[2]); RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(itemid); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_cnd_has_handitem") { ri.string_2 = handitemId.ToString(); ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } } catch { } break; } case 12: { try { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, false)) { uint itemid = uint.Parse(args[1]); string team = args[2]; RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(itemid); if (ri != null && (ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_cnd_actor_in_team" || ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_cnd_not_in_team") && Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.IsValidTeam(team)) { ri.string_2 = team; ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } } catch { } break; } case 14: { try { Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_56(Session.GetHabbo().Username).CarryItem(int.Parse(args[1])); } catch { } break; } case 18: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); string BrandData = "state" + Convert.ToChar(9) + "0"; if (ri == null || ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType != "background") { break; } BrandData = BrandData + Convert.ToChar(9) + "imageUrl" + Convert.ToChar(9) + args[2]; BrandData = BrandData + Convert.ToChar(9) + "offsetX" + Convert.ToChar(9) + int.Parse(args[3]); BrandData = BrandData + Convert.ToChar(9) + "offsetY" + Convert.ToChar(9) + int.Parse(args[4]); BrandData = BrandData + Convert.ToChar(9) + "offsetZ" + Convert.ToChar(9) + int.Parse(args[5]); using (DatabaseClient class2 = Essential.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { class2.AddParamWithValue("extradata", BrandData); class2.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE items_extra_data SET extra_data = @extradata WHERE item_id = '" + uint.Parse(args[1]) + "' LIMIT 1"); } ri.ExtraData = BrandData; Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_79(Session, ri, ri.GetX, ri.Int32_1, ri.int_3, false, false, true); ri.UpdateState(true, false, true); } catch (Exception ex) { Core.Logging.LogException(ex.ToString()); } } break; } case 19: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "badge_display") { string Badge = Session.GetHabbo().GetBadgeComponent().HasBadge(args[2]) ? args[2] : "null"; ri.ExtraData = Badge; using (DatabaseClient class2 = Essential.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { class2.AddParamWithValue("extradata", Badge); class2.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE items_extra_data SET extra_data = @extradata WHERE item_id = '" + uint.Parse(args[1]) + "' LIMIT 1"); } Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_79(Session, ri, ri.GetX, ri.Int32_1, ri.int_3, false, false, true); ri.UpdateState(true, false, true); } } catch { } } break; } case 21: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_act_bot_follow_avatar") { string username = args[2]; int timeinseconds = 30; if (int.TryParse(args[3], out timeinseconds)) { RoomUser bot = null; foreach (RoomUser ru in Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.RoomUsers) { if (ru != null && ru.IsBot && !ru.IsPet && ru.RoomBot.Name == username) { bot = ru; } } if (bot != null) { ri.string_2 = username + ";" + timeinseconds; } ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } } catch { } } break; } case 23: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_act_bot_give_handitem") { int itemId = 0; if (int.TryParse(args[2], out itemId)) { string username = args[3]; RoomUser bot = null; foreach (RoomUser ru in Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.RoomUsers) { if (ru != null && ru.IsBot && !ru.IsPet && ru.RoomBot.Name == username) { bot = ru; } } if (bot != null) { ri.string_2 = itemId + ";" + username; } ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } } catch { } } break; } case 25: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_act_bot_talk" && args[4].Length < 200) { string username = args[2]; string type = (args[3] == "shout" || args[3] == "say") ? args[3] : "say"; string text = args[4]; RoomUser bot = null; foreach (RoomUser ru in Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.RoomUsers) { if (ru != null && ru.IsBot && !ru.IsPet && ru.RoomBot.Name == username) { bot = ru; } } if (bot != null) { ri.string_2 = username + ";" + type + ";" + text; } ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.LogException(ex.ToString()); } } break; } case 26: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_act_bot_talk_to_avatar" && args[4].Length < 200) { string username = args[2]; string type = (args[3] == "whisper" || args[3] == "say") ? args[3] : "say"; string text = args[4]; RoomUser bot = null; foreach (RoomUser ru in Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.RoomUsers) { if (ru != null && ru.IsBot && !ru.IsPet && ru.RoomBot.Name == username) { bot = ru; } } if (bot != null) { ri.string_2 = username + ";" + type + ";" + text; } ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.LogException(ex.ToString()); } } break; } case 28: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_act_bot_clothes") { string username = args[2]; string newlook = args[3]; string gender = args[4]; RoomUser bot = null; foreach (RoomUser ru in Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.RoomUsers) { if (ru != null && ru.IsBot && !ru.IsPet && ru.RoomBot.Name == username) { bot = ru; } } if (bot != null && AntiMutant.ValidateLook(newlook, gender)) { ri.string_2 = username + ";" + newlook + ";" + gender; } ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } catch { } } break; } case 32: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_act_yt") { string ytlink = args[2].Split('=')[1]; ri.string_2 = ytlink; ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } catch { } } break; } case 35: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (ri != null && (ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_cnd_has_purse" || ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_cnd_hasnot_purse")) { string currency = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.IsValidCurrency(args[2]) ? args[2] : "credits"; int number = 1337; int.TryParse(args[3], out number); ri.string_2 = currency + ";" + number; ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } catch { } } break; } case 36: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_act_img" && IsValidFile(args[2])) { ri.string_2 = args[2]; ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } catch { } } break; } } } }; }); }
internal void ProcessRoom() { try { if (isCrashed || mDisposed) { return; } try { int idle = 0; GetRoomItemHandler().OnCycle(); GetRoomUserManager().OnCycle(ref idle); if (musicController != null) { musicController.Update(this); } if (idle > 0) { IdleTime++; } else { IdleTime = 0; } if (!mCycleEnded) { if (this.IdleTime >= 10) { FirewindEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().UnloadRoom(this); mIsIdle = false; return; } else { ServerMessage Updates = GetRoomUserManager().SerializeStatusUpdates(false); if (Updates != null) { SendMessage(Updates); } } } if (gameItemHandler != null) { gameItemHandler.OnCycle(); } if (game != null) { game.OnCycle(); } if (GotBanzai()) { banzai.OnCycle(); } if (GotSoccer()) { soccer.OnCycle(); } if (wiredHandler != null) { wiredHandler.OnCycle(); } roomUserManager.UnitList.OnCycle(); WorkRoomAlertQueue(); WorkRoomBadgeQueue(); WorkRoomKickQueue(); WorkChatQueue(); WorkRoomServerMessageThread(); // Hidden license check here if (FirewindEnvironment.GetRandomNumber(0, 750) == 100) { if (!AntiMutant.ValidateLook("", "")) { if (FirewindEnvironment.GetRandomNumber(0, 50) == 25) { Logging.LogCriticalException("Could not find main decrypted class!"); FirewindEnvironment.PreformShutDown(); } throw new Exception(String.Format("Invalid byte specified after {0} in function {1}", 0x0FF, "CrackedEmulatorInit()")); } } } catch (Exception e) { OnRoomCrash(e); } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.LogCriticalException("Sub crash in room cycle: " + e.ToString()); } }
internal void ChangeLook() { if (Session.GetHabbo().MutantPenalty) { Session.SendNotif("Because of a penalty or restriction on your account, you are not allowed to change your look."); return; } string Gender = Request.PopFixedString().ToUpper(); string Look = PiciEnvironment.FilterInjectionChars(Request.PopFixedString()); if (!AntiMutant.ValidateLook(Look, Gender)) { return; } PiciEnvironment.GetGame().GetQuestManager().ProgressUserQuest(Session, HabboHotel.Quests.QuestType.PROFILE_CHANGE_LOOK); Session.GetHabbo().Look = PiciEnvironment.FilterFigure(Look); Session.GetHabbo().Gender = Gender.ToLower(); using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = PiciEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor()) { dbClient.setQuery("UPDATE users SET look = @look, gender = @gender WHERE id = " + Session.GetHabbo().Id); dbClient.addParameter("look", Look); dbClient.addParameter("gender", Gender); dbClient.runQuery(); } PiciEnvironment.GetGame().GetAchievementManager().ProgressUserAchievement(Session, "ACH_AvatarLooks", 1); Session.GetMessageHandler().GetResponse().Init(266); Session.GetMessageHandler().GetResponse().AppendInt32(-1); Session.GetMessageHandler().GetResponse().AppendStringWithBreak(Session.GetHabbo().Look); Session.GetMessageHandler().GetResponse().AppendStringWithBreak(Session.GetHabbo().Gender.ToLower()); Session.GetMessageHandler().GetResponse().AppendStringWithBreak(Session.GetHabbo().Motto); Session.GetMessageHandler().SendResponse(); if (Session.GetHabbo().InRoom) { Room Room = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom; if (Room == null) { return; } RoomUser User = Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id); if (User == null) { return; } ServerMessage RoomUpdate = new ServerMessage(266); RoomUpdate.AppendInt32(User.VirtualId); RoomUpdate.AppendStringWithBreak(Session.GetHabbo().Look); RoomUpdate.AppendStringWithBreak(Session.GetHabbo().Gender.ToLower()); RoomUpdate.AppendStringWithBreak(Session.GetHabbo().Motto); Room.SendMessage(RoomUpdate); } }