public Ant(AntType antType, Coordinates coordinates) { AntType = antType; Coordinates = coordinates; PrewCoordinates = Coordinates; _random = new Random(); }
private TurnError ActAnalyse(Ant ant, HexDirection direction) { if (direction == HexDirection.CENTER) { return(TurnError.ILLEGAL); } Vector2Int target = CoordConverter.MoveHex(ant.gameCoordinates, direction); TurnError tileError = CheckAnalyzability(target); if (tileError != TurnError.NONE) { return(tileError); } // Set all the fields of the response to 0 TerrainType terrainType = TerrainType.NONE; AntType antType = AntType.NONE; bool isAllied = false; Value foodValue = Value.NONE; bool egg = false; if (terrain[target.x][target.y] == null || terrain[target.x][target.y].tile == null) { } // Leave everything like that else { terrainType = terrain[target.x][target.y].tile.Type; if (terrain[target.x][target.y].ant == null) { } // Leave everything like that else { antType = terrain[target.x][target.y].ant.Type; isAllied = terrain[target.x][target.y] ==; terrain[target.x][target.y].ant.eventInputs.Add(new EventInputBump(CoordConverter.InvertDirection(direction))); } if (terrain[target.x][target.y].food == null) { } // Leave everything like that else { foodValue = ValueConverter.Convert(terrain[target.x][target.y].food.value, Const.FOOD_SIZE); } egg = terrain[target.x][target.y].egg != null; if (egg) { isAllied = terrain[target.x][target.y] ==; } } ant.analyseReport = new AnalyseReport(terrainType, antType, egg, isAllied, foodValue, null); return(TurnError.NONE); }
public void Create(AntType type) { using (var context = new NurseryContext()) { context.AntTypes.Add(type); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public Ant[] getAntsOfType(AntType type){ List<Ant> myAnts = new List<Ant>(); foreach(Ant ant in allAnts){ if(ant.type == type){ myAnts.Add(ant); } } return myAnts.ToArray(); }
public CommunicateReport(AntType type, AntMindset mindset, Value hp, Value energy, Value carriedFood, AntWord word) { this.type = type; this.mindset = mindset; this.hp = hp; = energy; this.carriedFood = carriedFood; this.word = word; }
public AnalyseReport(TerrainType terrainType, AntType antType, bool isAllied, bool egg, Value foodValue, List <PheromoneDigest> pheromones) { this.terrainType = terrainType; this.antType = antType; this.egg = egg; this.isAllied = isAllied; this.foodValue = foodValue; this.pheromones = pheromones; }
public Ant SpawnAnt(AntType type, AntProperty props = AntProperty.None) { var obj = Instantiate(antPrefab, parent); obj.transform.position = checkpoints[0].position; var ant = obj.GetComponent <Ant>(); ant.checkpoints = checkpoints; ant.props = props; ant.type = type; return(ant); }
public bool Validate(int age, AntType type) { if (type == AntType.Queen && age < 35) { return(true); } else if (age < 5) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public void Pop() { GameManager.Instance.popSound.Play(); hp--; if (hp > 0) { return; }; switch (type) { case AntType.Black: Destroy(gameObject); return; case AntType.White: type = AntType.Black; break; case AntType.Blue: type = AntType.White; break; case AntType.Green: type = AntType.Blue; break; case AntType.Yellow: type = AntType.Green; break; case AntType.Pink: type = AntType.Yellow; break; case AntType.Brown: type = AntType.Pink; Split(); break; } UpdateType(); }
public void LoadBlueprint (ProgramBlueprint blueprint) { antType = blueprint.antType; myAnts = blueprint.ants; foreach(Ant ant in myAnts){ ant.SpawnPopup("YOU"); } functions = new AntFunction[blueprint.availableFunctions.Length]; for (int i = 0; i< blueprint.availableFunctions.Length; i++) { AntFunction func = new AntFunction (); func.LoadBlueprint (blueprint.availableFunctions [i]); functions [i] = func; } }
public static Baby CreateBaby(AntType type) { switch (type) { case AntType.Babysitter: return(new Baby(AntType.Babysitter, currentAntId++, CurrentFactionId, babysitterTexture, 1, 1)); case AntType.Soldier: return(new Baby(AntType.Soldier, currentAntId++, CurrentFactionId, soldierTexture, 1, 1)); case AntType.Worker: return(new Baby(AntType.Worker, currentAntId++, CurrentFactionId, workerTexture, 1, 1)); default: throw new System.Exception("Unable to create baby of this type"); } }
protected Ant(int health, int hunger, int id, int colonyID, int age, String location, AntType type) { HealthProperty = health; HungerProperty = hunger; IDProperty = id; ColonyIDProperty = colonyID; AgeProperty = age; LocationProperty = location; CarryingProperty = Carrying.Nothing; StateProperty = State.Standby; PheromoneProperty = PheromoneEnum.ToNest; InNestProperty = true; TypeProperty = type; BeingCarriedProperty = false; MyAnthillProperty = AntFarmForm.antHills[this.ColonyIDProperty]; if (TypeProperty == AntType.Egg || TypeProperty == AntType.Queen) { MyAnthillProperty.AntsTotalProperty += 1; } }
private Ant CheckForLocalAntTypeToCarry(AntType type, String location) { Ant foundAnt = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < (MyAnthillProperty.ants.Count - 1); i++) { if (MyAnthillProperty.ants[i].TypeProperty == type && MyAnthillProperty.ants[i].LocationProperty == location && MyAnthillProperty.ants[i].BeingCarriedProperty == false) { foundAnt = MyAnthillProperty.ants[i]; i = (MyAnthillProperty.ants.Count - 1); } } } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { foundAnt = null; } return foundAnt; }
public MajorWorkerViewModel(int Id, string name, AntType type, int age) { }
/// <summary> /// Visszaadja a megadott típusú hangyákat /// </summary> /// <param name="Type">A keresett típus</param> /// <returns>A megadott típusú hangyák</returns> public static List<AntBase> FindByType(AntType Type) { List<AntBase> Found = new List<AntBase>(); foreach (AntBase item in All) { if(Type == AntType.Any || item.Type == Type) { Found.Add(item); }} return Found; }
/// <summary> /// Nyilvántartásba vesz egy hangyát a megadott típussal /// </summary> /// <param name="Ant">A hangya</param> /// <param name="Type">Milyen típusú hangya legyen?</param> /// <returns>A nyilvántartott hangya</returns> public static AntBase TrackAs(CorvinusAnt Ant, AntType Type) { if (Type == AntType.Any) { throw new ArgumentException("AntType.Any cannot be used here"); } if (Ants.AntBase.BaseList.Contains(Ant)) { return null; } try { switch (Type) { case AntType.Queen: return new Queen(Ant); case AntType.Explorer: return new Explorer(Ant); case AntType.SugarWorker: return new SugarWorker(Ant); case AntType.FruitWorker: return new FruitWorker(Ant); case AntType.Soldier: return new Soldier(Ant); default: throw new ArgumentException("Invalid ant type"); } } catch (InvalidOperationException) { return null; } }
public Baby(AntType type, uint antId, uint factionId, SFML.Graphics.Texture texture, byte width, byte height) : base(antId, factionId, texture, width, height) { Type = type; }