private async Task <JArray> getCredentialsArray(string walletQuery)
                var creds = await AnonCreds.ProverSearchCredentialsAsync(
                    d_openWallet, walletQuery);

                int count = creds.TotalCount;
                // return "0" if there are no records for the type and query
                // if (count == 0)
                //     return "0";

                // get count schema's
                string res = await AnonCreds.ProverFetchCredentialsAsync(
                    creds, count);

                // make response human readable
                JArray a = JArray.Parse(res);

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Message}");
                return(new JArray());;
        public async Task TestProverSearchCredentialsWorksForEmptyFilter()
            var credentials = await AnonCreds.ProverSearchCredentialsAsync(wallet, "{}");

            Assert.AreEqual(3, credentials.TotalCount);

            var credentialsArray = await credentials.NextAsync(100);

            var jsonArray = JArray.Parse(credentialsArray);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, jsonArray.Count);

            //TODO: Shouldn't there be an explicit close of the credential search here?
 public async Task TestProverSearchCredentialsWorksForInvalidFilterJson()
     var filter = "{\"issuer_id\":1}";
     var ex     = await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <WalletInvalidQueryException>(() =>
                                                                                  AnonCreds.ProverSearchCredentialsAsync(wallet, filter)