         * Return the probability that the current value plus anomaly score represents
         * an anomaly given the historical distribution of anomaly scores. The closer
         * the number is to 1, the higher the chance it is an anomaly.
         * Given the current metric value, plus the current anomaly score, output the
         * anomalyLikelihood for this record.
         * @param value             input value
         * @param anomalyScore      current anomaly score
         * @param timestamp         (optional) timestamp
         * @return  Given the current metric value, plus the current anomaly score, output the
         * anomalyLikelihood for this record.
        public double AnomalyProbability(double value, double anomalyScore, DateTime timestamp)
            if (timestamp == null)
                timestamp = new DateTime();

            Sample dataPoint = new Sample(timestamp, value, anomalyScore);
            double likelihoodRetval;

            if (historicalScores.Count < probationaryPeriod)
                likelihoodRetval = 0.5;
                if (distribution == null || iteration % reestimationPeriod == 0)
                    this.distribution = EstimateAnomalyLikelihoods(
                        historicalScores, 10, claLearningPeriod).GetParams();
                AnomalyLikelihoodMetrics metrics = UpdateAnomalyLikelihoods(new List <Sample> {
                }, this.distribution);
                this.distribution = metrics.GetParams();
                likelihoodRetval  = 1.0 - metrics.GetLikelihoods()[0];
            this.iteration += 1;

         * Returns a flag indicating whether the specified params are valid.
         * true if so, false if not
         * @param params    a <see cref="NamedTuple"/> containing { distribution, movingAverage, historicalLikelihoods }
         * @return
        public bool IsValidEstimatorParams(AnomalyParams @params)
            if (@params.Distribution() == null || @params.MovingAverage() == null)

            Statistic stat = @params.Distribution();

            if (stat.mean == 0 || stat.variance == 0 || stat.stdev == 0)
         * Compute updated probabilities for anomalyScores using the given params.
         * @param anomalyScores     a list of records. Each record is a list with a {@link Sample} containing the
         *                          following three elements: [timestamp, value, score]
         * @param params            Associative <see cref="NamedTuple"/> returned by the {@link AnomalyLikelihoodMetrics} from
         *                          {@link #estimateAnomalyLikelihoods(List, int, int)}
         * @return
        public AnomalyLikelihoodMetrics UpdateAnomalyLikelihoods(List <Sample> anomalyScores, AnomalyParams @params)
            int anomalySize = anomalyScores.Count;

            if (LOG.IsDebugEnabled)
                LOG.Debug("in updateAnomalyLikelihoods");
                LOG.Debug(string.Format("Number of anomaly scores: {0}", anomalySize));
                LOG.Debug(string.Format("First 20: {0}", anomalyScores.SubList(0, Math.Min(20, anomalySize))));
                LOG.Debug(string.Format("Params: {0}", @params));

            if (anomalyScores.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must have at least one anomaly score.");

            if (!IsValidEstimatorParams(@params))
                throw new ArgumentException("\"params\" is not a valid parameter structure");

            double[] histLikelihoods;
            if ((histLikelihoods = @params.HistoricalLikelihoods()) == null || histLikelihoods.Length == 0)
                Parameters anomalyParameters = Parameters.Empty();
                anomalyParameters.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_DIST, @params.Distribution());
                anomalyParameters.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_MVG_AVG, @params.MovingAverage());
                anomalyParameters.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_HIST_LIKE, histLikelihoods = new double[] { 1 });

                @params = new AnomalyParams(anomalyParameters);

                //@params = new NamedTuple(
                //    new string[] { "distribution", "movingAverage", "historicalLikelihoods" },
                //        @params.Distribution(),
                //        @params.MovingAverage(),
                //        histLikelihoods = new double[] { 1 });

            // Compute moving averages of these new scores using the previous values
            // as well as likelihood for these scores using the old estimator
            MovingAverage mvgAvg           = (MovingAverage)@params.MovingAverage();
            List <double> historicalValues = mvgAvg.GetSlidingWindow();
            double        total            = mvgAvg.GetTotal();
            int           windowSize       = mvgAvg.GetWindowSize();

            List <Sample> aggRecordList = new List <Sample>(anomalySize);

            double[] likelihoods = new double[anomalySize];
            int      i           = 0;

            foreach (Sample sample in anomalyScores)
                MovingAverage.Calculation calc = MovingAverage.Compute(historicalValues, total, sample.score, windowSize);
                    new Sample(
                total            = calc.GetTotal();
                likelihoods[i++] = NormalProbability(calc.GetAverage(), (Statistic)@params.Distribution());

            // Filter the likelihood values. First we prepend the historical likelihoods
            // to the current set. Then we filter the values.  We peel off the likelihoods
            // to return and the last windowSize values to store for later.
            double[] likelihoods2        = ArrayUtils.Concat(histLikelihoods, likelihoods);
            double[] filteredLikelihoods = FilterLikelihoods(likelihoods2);
            likelihoods = Arrays.CopyOfRange(filteredLikelihoods, filteredLikelihoods.Length - likelihoods.Length, filteredLikelihoods.Length);
            double[] historicalLikelihoods = Arrays.CopyOf(likelihoods2, likelihoods2.Length - Math.Min(windowSize, likelihoods2.Length));

            // Update the estimator
            Parameters newAnomalyParameters = Parameters.Empty();

            newAnomalyParameters.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_DIST, @params.Distribution());
            newAnomalyParameters.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_MVG_AVG, new MovingAverage(historicalValues, total, windowSize));
            newAnomalyParameters.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_HIST_LIKE, historicalLikelihoods);

            AnomalyParams newParams = new AnomalyParams(newAnomalyParameters);

            //AnomalyParams newParams = new AnomalyParams(
            //    new string[] { "distribution", "movingAverage", "historicalLikelihoods" },
            //        @params.Distribution(),
            //        new MovingAverage(historicalValues, total, windowSize),
            //        historicalLikelihoods);

            return(new AnomalyLikelihoodMetrics(
                       new AveragedAnomalyRecordList(aggRecordList, historicalValues, total),
         * Given a series of anomaly scores, compute the likelihood for each score. This
         * function should be called once on a bunch of historical anomaly scores for an
         * initial estimate of the distribution. It should be called again every so often
         * (say every 50 records) to update the estimate.
         * @param anomalyScores
         * @param averagingWindow
         * @param skipRecords
         * @return
        public AnomalyLikelihoodMetrics EstimateAnomalyLikelihoods(List <Sample> anomalyScores, int averagingWindow, int skipRecords)
            if (anomalyScores.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must have at least one anomaly score.");

            // Compute averaged anomaly scores
            AveragedAnomalyRecordList records = AnomalyScoreMovingAverage(anomalyScores, averagingWindow);

            // Estimate the distribution of anomaly scores based on aggregated records
            Statistic distribution;

            if (records.AveragedRecords.Count <= skipRecords)
                distribution = NullDistribution();
                List <double> samples = records.GetMetrics();
                distribution = EstimateNormal(samples.Skip(skipRecords).Take(samples.Count).ToArray(), true);

                /*  Taken from the Python Documentation
                 # HACK ALERT! The CLA model currently does not handle constant metric values
                 # very well (time of day encoder changes sometimes lead to unstable SDR's
                 # even though the metric is constant). Until this is resolved, we explicitly
                 # detect and handle completely flat metric values by reporting them as not
                 # anomalous.
                samples = records.GetSamples();
                Statistic metricDistribution = EstimateNormal(samples.Skip(skipRecords).Take(samples.Count).ToArray(), false);

                if (metricDistribution.variance < 1.5e-5)
                    distribution = NullDistribution();

            // Estimate likelihoods based on this distribution
            int i = 0;

            double[] likelihoods = new double[records.AveragedRecords.Count];
            foreach (Sample sample in records.AveragedRecords)
                likelihoods[i++] = NormalProbability(sample.score, distribution);

            // Filter likelihood values
            double[] filteredLikelihoods = FilterLikelihoods(likelihoods);

            int len = likelihoods.Length;

            Parameters anomalyParameters = Parameters.Empty();

            anomalyParameters.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_DIST, distribution);
            anomalyParameters.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_MVG_AVG, new MovingAverage(records.HistoricalValues, records.Total, averagingWindow));
            anomalyParameters.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_HIST_LIKE, len > 0 ? Arrays.CopyOfRange(likelihoods, len - Math.Min(averagingWindow, len), len) : new double[0]);

            AnomalyParams @params = new AnomalyParams(anomalyParameters);

            //AnomalyParams @params = new AnomalyParams(
            //    new string[] { "distribution", "movingAverage", "historicalLikelihoods" },
            //        distribution,
            //        new MovingAverage(records.historicalValues, records.total, averagingWindow),
            //        len > 0 ?
            //            Arrays.CopyOfRange(likelihoods, len - Math.Min(averagingWindow, len), len) :
            //                new double[0]);

            if (LOG.IsDebugEnabled)
                LOG.Debug(string.Format("Discovered params={0} Number of likelihoods:{1}  First 20 likelihoods:{2}",
                                        @params, len, Arrays.CopyOfRange(filteredLikelihoods, 0, 20)));

            return(new AnomalyLikelihoodMetrics(filteredLikelihoods, records, @params));