public void ExecuteCustomAction([NotNull] IActionDefinition action) { var schemaManager = new AnnotationsPropertySchemaManager(_model); _right.SuspendLayout(); switch (action.Name) { case "AddReviewNote": if (_selected != null) { var review = new ReviewNote(); schemaManager.AddAnnotation(_selected, review); AddButton(review); } break; case "RemoveReviewNote": if (_selected != null && _annotation.Annotation is ReviewNote reviewNote && MessageBox.Show("You are about to remove the currently selected Review Note. Are you sure?", "Remove Review Note", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.OK) { schemaManager.RemoveAnnotation(_selected, reviewNote); _annotation.Annotation = null; RemoveButton(reviewNote); } break; case "Export": var saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog() { AddExtension = true, AutoUpgradeEnabled = true, CheckFileExists = false, CheckPathExists = true, RestoreDirectory = true, DefaultExt = "csv", Filter = "CSV file (*.csv)|*.csv", Title = "Create CSV file", ValidateNames = true }; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(Form.ActiveForm) == DialogResult.OK) { ExportCsv(saveFileDialog.FileName); } break; case "Refresh": LoadModel(); break; } _right.ResumeLayout(); }
private void Generate([NotNull] Question question, [NotNull] IPropertiesContainer container, [NotNull] AnnotationsPropertySchemaManager schemaManager) { if (question.Rule?.Evaluate(container) ?? false) { schemaManager.AddAnnotation(container, new TopicToBeClarified() { Text = question.Text }); } }
public bool Execute() { bool result = false; var dialog = new AnnotationDialog(_model, _container, new ReviewNote()); if (dialog.ShowDialog(Form.ActiveForm) == DialogResult.OK) { var schemaManager = new AnnotationsPropertySchemaManager(_model); schemaManager.AddAnnotation(_container, dialog.Annotation); result = true; } return(result); }
private void Generate([NotNull] Question question, IEnumerable <IPropertiesContainer> containers, AnnotationsPropertySchemaManager schemaManager) { var items = containers?.ToArray(); if (items?.Any() ?? false) { foreach (var item in items) { if (question.Rule?.Evaluate(item) ?? false) { schemaManager.AddAnnotation(item, new TopicToBeClarified() { Text = question.Text }); } } } }
public void ExecuteCustomAction([NotNull] IActionDefinition action) { var schemaManager = new AnnotationsPropertySchemaManager(_model); _right.SuspendLayout(); switch (action.Name) { case "AddNotes": if (_selected != null) { var notes = new Annotation(); schemaManager.AddAnnotation(_selected, notes); AddButton(notes); } break; case "AddTopic": if (_selected != null) { var topic = new TopicToBeClarified(); schemaManager.AddAnnotation(_selected, topic); AddButton(topic); } break; case "AddHighlight": if (_selected != null) { var high = new Highlight(); schemaManager.AddAnnotation(_selected, high); AddButton(high); } break; case "RemoveNotes": if (_selected != null && _annotation.Annotation is Annotation annotation && MessageBox.Show("You are about to remove the currently selected Note. Are you sure?", "Remove Notes", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.OK) { schemaManager.RemoveAnnotation(_selected, annotation); _annotation.Annotation = null; RemoveButton(annotation); } break; case "RemoveTopic": if (_selected != null && _annotation.Annotation is TopicToBeClarified toBeClarified && MessageBox.Show("You are about to remove the currently selected Topic. Are you sure?", "Remove Topic", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.OK) { schemaManager.RemoveAnnotation(_selected, toBeClarified); _annotation.Annotation = null; RemoveButton(toBeClarified); } break; case "RemoveHighlight": if (_selected != null && _annotation.Annotation is Highlight highlight && MessageBox.Show("You are about to remove the currently selected Highlight. Are you sure?", "Remove Highlight", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.OK) { schemaManager.RemoveAnnotation(_selected, highlight); _annotation.Annotation = null; RemoveButton(highlight); } break; case "ShowOpenTopics": _show = WhatToShow.OpenTopicsOnly; LoadModel(); ChangeCustomActionStatus?.Invoke("ShowOpenTopics", false); ChangeCustomActionStatus?.Invoke("ShowHighlights", true); ChangeCustomActionStatus?.Invoke("ShowReviewNotes", true); ChangeCustomActionStatus?.Invoke("ShowAll", true); break; case "ShowHighlights": _show = WhatToShow.HighlightsOnly; LoadModel(); ChangeCustomActionStatus?.Invoke("ShowOpenTopics", true); ChangeCustomActionStatus?.Invoke("ShowHighlights", false); ChangeCustomActionStatus?.Invoke("ShowReviewNotes", true); ChangeCustomActionStatus?.Invoke("ShowAll", true); break; case "ShowAll": _show = WhatToShow.All; LoadModel(); ChangeCustomActionStatus?.Invoke("ShowOpenTopics", true); ChangeCustomActionStatus?.Invoke("ShowHighlights", true); ChangeCustomActionStatus?.Invoke("ShowReviewNotes", true); ChangeCustomActionStatus?.Invoke("ShowAll", false); break; case "ExportOpen": var saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog() { AddExtension = true, AutoUpgradeEnabled = true, CheckFileExists = false, CheckPathExists = true, RestoreDirectory = true, DefaultExt = "csv", Filter = "CSV file (*.csv)|*.csv|Excel file (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx", Title = "Create a file with open Topics", ValidateNames = true }; if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(Form.ActiveForm) == DialogResult.OK) { ExportCsv(saveFileDialog.FileName, true); } break; case "ExportAll": var saveFileDialog2 = new SaveFileDialog() { AddExtension = true, AutoUpgradeEnabled = true, CheckFileExists = false, CheckPathExists = true, RestoreDirectory = true, DefaultExt = "csv", Filter = "CSV file (*.csv)|*.csv|Excel file (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx", Title = "Create a file with all Topics", ValidateNames = true }; if (saveFileDialog2.ShowDialog(Form.ActiveForm) == DialogResult.OK) { ExportCsv(saveFileDialog2.FileName, false); } break; case "Refresh": LoadModel(); break; } _right.ResumeLayout(); }