void FixedUpdate() { // input is blocked while yawning if (!anim.IsYawning()) { speed = horizontalInput * maxSpeed; // if speed != 0, walking animation is triggered anim.SetSpeed(Mathf.Abs(speed)); // alternative (not recommended) way of accessing hash IDs directly: // animator.SetFloat (anim.paramIdSpeed, Mathf.Abs (speed)); rigidbody.MovePosition(transform.position + speed * Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime); } }
void FixedUpdate() { previousState0 = currentState0; currentState0 = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).nameHash; if (anim.IsYawning(currentState0)) { // input is suppressed on yawning speed = 0f; if (currentState0 != previousState0) { // just entered yawning state, play sound Debug.Log("Yawning state entered"); audio.Play(); } return; } else if (anim.IsIdle(currentState0)) { float random = Random.value; if (random > YawnThreshold) { // start yawning from time to time which will block input anim.SetYawnTrigger(); } if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - randomRotationTimestamp > randomRotationInterval) { // rotate after randomRotationInterval to random direction int currrentRotation = anim.GetRotate(); int newRotation = currrentRotation == 0 ? (int)Mathf.Sign((int)Random.Range(-1, 1)) : 0; anim.SetRotate(newRotation); randomRotationTimestamp = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } speed = horizontalInput * maxSpeed; walkingDirection = ToDirection(speed); anim.SetRotate((int)walkingDirection); randomRotationTimestamp = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; rigidbody.MovePosition(transform.position + speed * Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime); // if speed != 0, walking animation is triggered anim.SetSpeed(Mathf.Abs(speed)); // alternative (not recommended) way of accessing hash IDs directly: // animator.SetFloat (anim.paramIdSpeed, Mathf.Abs (speed)); }