 private static bool ProcessOnServer(CollarFile file, ArgosPlatform platform = null)
     if (NeedTelonicsSoftware(file) && !HaveAccessToTelonicsSoftware())
         if (OnDatabaseServer())
             throw new InvalidOperationException("No access to Telonics software to process files.");
         LogGeneralMessage(String.Format("Start processing file {0} on database", file.FileId));
         var database = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
         //FIXME: ProcessOnServer may be called with H and I (Teloncs files which need processing, but are not ArgosFiles)
         //FIXME: If called by Animal Movement App Upload Form on client machine with H or I files, this code will fail
         // if teloncs file but not argos
         // database.TelonicsData_Process(file.FileId);
         // if not telonics or not Argos then fail with warning
         if (platform == null)
             database.ArgosFile_ProcessPlatform(file.FileId, platform.PlatformId);
         LogGeneralMessage("Finished processing file on database");
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Collar and Animal are in a different DataContext, get them in this DataContext
            if (Collar != null)
                Collar =
                        c => c.CollarManufacturer == Collar.CollarManufacturer && c.CollarId == Collar.CollarId);
            if (Animal != null)
                Animal =
                        a => a.ProjectId == Animal.ProjectId && a.AnimalId == Animal.AnimalId);
            if (Collar == null && Animal == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Add Collar Deployment Form not provided a valid Collar or a valid Animal.");
            LockCollar = Collar != null;
            LockAnimal = Animal != null;

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            IsEditor = (Animal != null && (functions.IsProjectEditor(Animal.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false)) ||
                       (Collar != null && (functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false));
        private static void ProcessDataLogFile(CollarFile file)
            LogGeneralMessage(String.Format("Start local processing of file {0}", file.FileId));
            var databaseFunctions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            //FIXME: check that this is generic to all telonics processing and not just Argos files

            var processor = new Gen4Processor(null);
            var lines     = processor.ProcessDataLog(file.Contents.ToArray());
            //Add a newline, so that it exactly matches the direct output from TDC
            var data       = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines) + Environment.NewLine);
            var filename   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName) + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".csv";
            var fileLoader = new FileLoader(filename, data)
                Project = file.Project,
                Owner   = file.ProjectInvestigator,
                Collar  = new Collar
                    CollarManufacturer = file.CollarManufacturer,
                    CollarId           = file.CollarId
                Status          = file.Status,
                ParentFileId    = file.FileId,
                AllowDuplicates = true

            LogGeneralMessage("Finished local processing of file");
        private static void ProcessIdfFile(CollarFile file)
            LogGeneralMessage(String.Format("Start local processing of file {0}", file.FileId));

            var databaseViews = new AnimalMovementViews();
            var idfLink       = databaseViews.CollarParametersForIridiumDownload(file.FileId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (idfLink == null)
                LogGeneralMessage("No parameters found.  Skipping file.");
            var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            var tpfFile  = database.CollarParameterFiles.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FileId == idfLink.ParameterFileId);

            if (tpfFile == null)
                LogGeneralMessage("No collar parameter file found.  Skipping file.");
            var collar = database.Collars.FirstOrDefault(
                c => c.CollarManufacturer == idfLink.CollarManufacturer &&
                (c.CollarId == idfLink.CollarId || c.CollarId == idfLink.CollarId.Substring(0, 6)));

            if (collar == null)
                LogGeneralMessage("No collar found.  Skipping file.");

            var databaseFunctions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            //FIXME: check that this is generic to all telonics processing and not just Argos files

            var processor = new Gen4Processor(tpfFile.Contents.ToArray());
            var lines     = processor.ProcessIdf(file.Contents.ToArray());

            var data       = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines) + Environment.NewLine);
            var filename   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName) + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".csv";
            var fileLoader = new FileLoader(filename, data)
                Project         = null,
                Owner           = tpfFile.ProjectInvestigator, //Must match result from databaseFunctions.CollarFile_FixOwnerOfIdfFile
                Collar          = collar,
                Status          = file.Status,
                ParentFileId    = file.FileId,
                AllowDuplicates = false

            LogGeneralMessage("Finished local processing of file");
        private bool CanEditCollar(Collar collar)
            if (collar == null)
                           pi =>
                           pi.Login == CurrentUser || pi.ProjectInvestigatorAssistants.Any(a => a.Assistant == CurrentUser)));
            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            return(functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Get an ArgosDeployment in this data context
            ArgosDeployment =
                Database.ArgosDeployments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DeploymentId == DeploymentId);
            if (ArgosDeployment == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Argos Deployments Form not provided a valid Argos Deployment Id.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            IsEditor = (functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(ArgosDeployment.Collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false) ||
                       (functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(ArgosDeployment.ArgosPlatform.ArgosProgram.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Platform is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Platform != null)
                Platform = Database.ArgosPlatforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformId == Platform.PlatformId);
            if (Platform == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Argos Platform Details Form not provided a valid Platform.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            IsEditor = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Platform.ArgosProgram.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false;
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Collar is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Collar != null)
                Collar = Database.Collars.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CollarManufacturer == Collar.CollarManufacturer && c.CollarId == Collar.CollarId);
            if (Collar == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Collar Details Form not provided a valid Collar.");

            DatabaseFunctions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            DatabaseViews     = new AnimalMovementViews();
            IsEditor          = DatabaseFunctions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false;
 protected override void OnShown(EventArgs e)
     if (Investigator != null)
         var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
         IsEditor = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Investigator.Login, CurrentUser) ?? false;
         if (!IsEditor)
             MessageBox.Show("You do not have permission to add a file for this investigator", "Permission Error",
                             MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
         IsEditor = OwnerComboBox.Items.Count > 0;
         if (!IsEditor)
             MessageBox.Show("You do not have permission to add a file", "Permission Error",
                             MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Animal is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Animal != null)
                Animal = Database.Animals.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ProjectId == Animal.ProjectId && a.AnimalId == Animal.AnimalId);
            if (Animal == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Animal Details Form not provided a valid Animal.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            IsEditor = functions.IsProjectEditor(Animal.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false;
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Project is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Project != null)
                Project = Database.Projects.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProjectId == Project.ProjectId);
            if (Project == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Project Details Form not provided a valid project.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            IsInvestigator = Project.ProjectInvestigator.Normalize().Equals(CurrentUser.Normalize(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            IsEditor       = functions.IsProjectEditor(Project.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false;
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //CollarParameter is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (CollarParameter != null)
                CollarParameter =
                    Database.CollarParameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ParameterId == CollarParameter.ParameterId);
            if (CollarParameter == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Collar Parameters Form not provided a valid Collar Parameter Id.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            IsEditor = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(CollarParameter.Collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false;
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Investigator is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Investigator != null)
                Investigator = Database.ProjectInvestigators.First(pi => pi.Login == Investigator.Login);
            if (Investigator == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Investigator Form not provided a valid investigator.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            IsInvestigator            = Investigator == Database.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Login == CurrentUser);
            IsEditor                  = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Investigator.Login, CurrentUser) ?? false;
            CollarsListBox.DataSource = null;
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //File is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (File != null)
                File = Database.CollarParameterFiles.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FileId == File.FileId);
            if (File == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Collar Parameter File Details Form not provided a valid Parameter File.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            IsEditor      = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(File.Owner, CurrentUser) ?? false;
            HasParameters = File.CollarParameters.Any();
            ParametersDataGridView.DataSource = null;
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Get a CollarDeployment in this DataContext
            if (CollarDeployment != null)
                CollarDeployment =
                    Database.CollarDeployments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DeploymentId == CollarDeployment.DeploymentId);
            if (CollarDeployment == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Collar Deployments Form not provided a valid Deployment.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            IsEditor = (functions.IsProjectEditor(CollarDeployment.Animal.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false) ||
                       (functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(CollarDeployment.Collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //File is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (File != null)
                File = Database.CollarFiles.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FileId == File.FileId);
            if (File == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("File Details Form not provided a valid File.");

            DatabaseViews = new AnimalMovementViews();
            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            IsFileEditor = (functions.IsProjectEditor(File.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false) ||
                           (functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(File.Owner, CurrentUser) ?? false);
        private static void ProcessFile(CollarFile file, ArgosFile argos, ArgosPlatform platform)
            LogGeneralMessage(String.Format("Start local processing of file {0}", file.FileId));
            var databaseFunctions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();

            if (platform == null)
                if (IsArgosAwsFileIncomplete(argos as ArgosAwsFile) ?? false)
                                    "The Argos server could not return all the data requested and this file is incomplete.");
                databaseFunctions.ArgosFile_UnProcessPlatform(file.FileId, platform.PlatformId);

            var transmissionsByPlatform = from transmission in argos.GetTransmissions()
                                          group transmission by transmission.PlatformId
                                          into transmissions
                                          where platform == null || transmissions.Key == platform.PlatformId
                                          select transmissions;

            foreach (var transmissionSet in transmissionsByPlatform)
                    ProcessTransmissions(file, argos, transmissionSet);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var message = String.Format("ERROR {0} adding Argos {1} transmissions",
                                                ex.Message, transmissionSet.Key);
                    LogIssueForFile(file.FileId, message, transmissionSet.Key);
            LogGeneralMessage("Finished local processing of file");
 protected override void OnShown(EventArgs e)
     if (Investigator != null)
         var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
         IsEditor = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Investigator.Login, CurrentUser) ?? false;
         if (!IsEditor)
             MessageBox.Show("You do not have permission to add a file for this investigator", "Permission Error",
                             MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
         IsEditor = OwnerComboBox.Items.Count > 0;
         if (!IsEditor)
             MessageBox.Show("You do not have permission to add a file", "Permission Error",
                             MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //ProjectInvestigator is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (ProjectInvestigator != null)
                ProjectInvestigator = Database.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Login == ProjectInvestigator.Login);
            //If Project Investigator is not provided, Current user must be a PI or an assistant
            if (ProjectInvestigator == null)
                if (!Database.ProjectInvestigators.Any(pi => pi.Login == CurrentUser) &&
                    !Database.ProjectInvestigatorAssistants.Any(a => a.Assistant == CurrentUser))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Add Collar Form not provided a valid Project Investigator or you are not a PI or an assistant.");

            Functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor  = ProjectInvestigator != null && (Functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(ProjectInvestigator.Login, CurrentUser) ?? false);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Project is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Project != null)
                Project = Database.Projects.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProjectId == Project.ProjectId);

            //If Project is not provided, Current user must be a PI or an project editor
            if (Project == null)
                if (!Database.Projects.Any(p => p.ProjectInvestigator == CurrentUser) &&
                    !Database.ProjectEditors.Any(e => e.Editor == CurrentUser))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Add Animal Form not provided a valid Project or you are not a PI or editor on any projects.");

            Functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor  = Project != null && (Functions.IsProjectEditor(Project.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Animal is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Animal != null)
                Animal = Database.Animals.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ProjectId == Animal.ProjectId && a.AnimalId == Animal.AnimalId);
            if (Animal == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Animal Details Form not provided a valid Animal.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = functions.IsProjectEditor(Animal.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false;
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Get an ArgosDeployment in this data context
            ArgosDeployment =
                    Database.ArgosDeployments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DeploymentId == DeploymentId);
            if (ArgosDeployment == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Argos Deployments Form not provided a valid Argos Deployment Id.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = (functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(ArgosDeployment.Collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false) ||
                       (functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(ArgosDeployment.ArgosPlatform.ArgosProgram.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false);
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Investigator is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Investigator != null)
                Investigator = Database.ProjectInvestigators.First(pi => pi.Login == Investigator.Login);
            if (Investigator == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Investigator Form not provided a valid investigator.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsInvestigator = Investigator == Database.ProjectInvestigators.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Login == CurrentUser);
            IsEditor = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Investigator.Login, CurrentUser) ?? false;
            CollarsListBox.DataSource = null;
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Collar and Animal are in a different DataContext, get them in this DataContext
            if (Collar != null)
                Collar =
                        c => c.CollarManufacturer == Collar.CollarManufacturer && c.CollarId == Collar.CollarId);
            if (Animal != null)
                Animal =
                        a => a.ProjectId == Animal.ProjectId && a.AnimalId == Animal.AnimalId);
            if (Collar == null && Animal == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Add Collar Deployment Form not provided a valid Collar or a valid Animal.");
            LockCollar = Collar != null;
            LockAnimal = Animal != null;

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = (Animal != null && (functions.IsProjectEditor(Animal.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false)) ||
                       (Collar != null && (functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false));
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //CollarParameter is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (CollarParameter != null)
                CollarParameter =
                    Database.CollarParameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ParameterId == CollarParameter.ParameterId);
            if (CollarParameter == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Collar Parameters Form not provided a valid Collar Parameter Id.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(CollarParameter.Collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false;
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Platform is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Platform != null)
                Platform = Database.ArgosPlatforms.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PlatformId == Platform.PlatformId);
            if (Platform == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Argos Platform Details Form not provided a valid Platform.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Platform.ArgosProgram.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false;
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Get a CollarDeployment in this DataContext
            if (CollarDeployment != null)
            CollarDeployment =
                    Database.CollarDeployments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DeploymentId == CollarDeployment.DeploymentId);
            if (CollarDeployment == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Collar Deployments Form not provided a valid Deployment.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = (functions.IsProjectEditor(CollarDeployment.Animal.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false) ||
                       (functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(CollarDeployment.Collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false);
 private static bool ProcessOnServer(CollarFile file, ArgosPlatform platform = null)
     if (NeedTelonicsSoftware(file) && !HaveAccessToTelonicsSoftware())
         if (OnDatabaseServer())
             throw new InvalidOperationException("No access to Telonics software to process files.");
         LogGeneralMessage(String.Format("Start processing file {0} on database", file.FileId));
         var database = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
         //FIXME: ProcessOnServer may be called with H and I (Teloncs files which need processing, but are not ArgosFiles)
         //FIXME: If called by Animal Movement App Upload Form on client machine with H or I files, this code will fail
         // if teloncs file but not argos
         // database.TelonicsData_Process(file.FileId);
         // if not telonics or not Argos then fail with warning
         if (platform == null)
             database.ArgosFile_ProcessPlatform(file.FileId, platform.PlatformId);
         LogGeneralMessage("Finished processing file on database");
         return true;
     return false;
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //File is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (File != null)
                File = Database.CollarParameterFiles.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FileId == File.FileId);
            if (File == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Collar Parameter File Details Form not provided a valid Parameter File.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(File.Owner, CurrentUser) ?? false;
            HasParameters = File.CollarParameters.Any();
            ParametersDataGridView.DataSource = null;
        private static void ProcessDataLogFile(CollarFile file)
            LogGeneralMessage(String.Format("Start local processing of file {0}", file.FileId));
            var databaseFunctions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            //FIXME: check that this is generic to all telonics processing and not just Argos files

            var processor = new Gen4Processor(null);
            var lines = processor.ProcessDataLog(file.Contents.ToArray());
            //Add a newline, so that it exactly matches the direct output from TDC
            var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines) + Environment.NewLine);
            var filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName) + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".csv";
            var fileLoader = new FileLoader(filename, data)
                Project = file.Project,
                Owner = file.ProjectInvestigator,
                Collar = new Collar
                    CollarManufacturer = file.CollarManufacturer,
                    CollarId = file.CollarId
                Status = file.Status,
                ParentFileId = file.FileId,
                AllowDuplicates = true
            LogGeneralMessage("Finished local processing of file");
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Collar is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Collar != null)
                Collar = Database.Collars.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CollarManufacturer == Collar.CollarManufacturer && c.CollarId == Collar.CollarId);
            if (Collar == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Collar Details Form not provided a valid Collar.");

            DatabaseFunctions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            DatabaseViews = new AnimalMovementViews();
            IsEditor = DatabaseFunctions.IsInvestigatorEditor(Collar.Manager, CurrentUser) ?? false;
        private static void ProcessFile(CollarFile file, ArgosFile argos, ArgosPlatform platform)
            LogGeneralMessage(String.Format("Start local processing of file {0}", file.FileId));
            var databaseFunctions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            if (platform == null)
                if (IsArgosAwsFileIncomplete(argos as ArgosAwsFile) ?? false)
                                    "The Argos server could not return all the data requested and this file is incomplete.");
                databaseFunctions.ArgosFile_UnProcessPlatform(file.FileId, platform.PlatformId);

            var transmissionsByPlatform = from transmission in argos.GetTransmissions()
                                          group transmission by transmission.PlatformId
                                          into transmissions
                                          where platform == null || transmissions.Key == platform.PlatformId
                                          select transmissions;

            foreach (var transmissionSet in transmissionsByPlatform)
                    ProcessTransmissions(file, argos, transmissionSet);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var message = String.Format("ERROR {0} adding Argos {1} transmissions",
                                                ex.Message, transmissionSet.Key);
                    LogIssueForFile(file.FileId, message, transmissionSet.Key);
            LogGeneralMessage("Finished local processing of file");
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Project is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Project != null)
                Project = Database.Projects.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProjectId == Project.ProjectId);

            //If Project is not provided, Current user must be a PI or an project editor
            if (Project == null)
                if (!Database.Projects.Any(p => p.ProjectInvestigator == CurrentUser) &&
                    !Database.ProjectEditors.Any(e => e.Editor == CurrentUser))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Add Animal Form not provided a valid Project or you are not a PI or editor on any projects.");

            Functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsEditor = Project != null && (Functions.IsProjectEditor(Project.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false);
        private static void ProcessIdfFile(CollarFile file)
            LogGeneralMessage(String.Format("Start local processing of file {0}", file.FileId));

            var databaseViews = new AnimalMovementViews();
            var idfLink = databaseViews.CollarParametersForIridiumDownload(file.FileId).FirstOrDefault();
            if (idfLink == null)
                LogGeneralMessage("No parameters found.  Skipping file.");
            var database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            var tpfFile = database.CollarParameterFiles.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FileId == idfLink.ParameterFileId);
            if (tpfFile == null)
                LogGeneralMessage("No collar parameter file found.  Skipping file.");
            var collar = database.Collars.FirstOrDefault(
                    c => c.CollarManufacturer == idfLink.CollarManufacturer &&
                        (c.CollarId == idfLink.CollarId || c.CollarId == idfLink.CollarId.Substring(0,6)));
            if (collar == null)
                LogGeneralMessage("No collar found.  Skipping file.");

            var databaseFunctions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            //FIXME: check that this is generic to all telonics processing and not just Argos files

            var processor = new Gen4Processor(tpfFile.Contents.ToArray());
            var lines = processor.ProcessIdf(file.Contents.ToArray());

            var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines) + Environment.NewLine);
            var filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName) + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".csv";
            var fileLoader = new FileLoader(filename, data)
                Project = null,
                Owner = tpfFile.ProjectInvestigator,  //Must match result from databaseFunctions.CollarFile_FixOwnerOfIdfFile
                Collar = collar,
                Status = file.Status,
                ParentFileId = file.FileId,
                AllowDuplicates = false
            LogGeneralMessage("Finished local processing of file");
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //Project is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (Project != null)
                Project = Database.Projects.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProjectId == Project.ProjectId);
            if (Project == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Project Details Form not provided a valid project.");

            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsInvestigator = Project.ProjectInvestigator.Normalize().Equals(CurrentUser.Normalize(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            IsEditor = functions.IsProjectEditor(Project.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false;
        private void LoadDataContext()
            Database = new AnimalMovementDataContext();
            //Database.Log = Console.Out;
            //File is in a different DataContext, get one in this DataContext
            if (File != null)
                File = Database.CollarFiles.FirstOrDefault(f => f.FileId == File.FileId);
            if (File == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("File Details Form not provided a valid File.");

            DatabaseViews = new AnimalMovementViews();
            var functions = new AnimalMovementFunctions();
            IsFileEditor = (functions.IsProjectEditor(File.ProjectId, CurrentUser) ?? false) ||
                           (functions.IsInvestigatorEditor(File.Owner, CurrentUser) ?? false);