 protected override void PreCompute()
     obstructedArea = new AngleCollection();
     Current        = lightPosition;
     toCheck        = circle.SpiralArea(false);
     i = 0;
    void CacheHooks()
        hooksCache    = new AngleCollection();
        lastCacheTime = Time.time;

        foreach (GameObject hookObj in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Hook"))
            if (Vector3.Distance(gunObj.position, hookObj.transform.position) < maxDistance)
                if (!Physics2D.Linecast(gunObj.position, hookObj.transform.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground")))
                    Vector3 delta = hookObj.transform.position - gunObj.position;
                    hooksCache.Add(hookObj, Mathf.Atan2(delta.y, delta.x) * 180 / Mathf.PI);
        public static UIElement[] GenerateGearCirclesGeometry(Point Center,
                                                              double DedendumDiameter, double BaseDiameter, double ReferencePitchDiameter,
                                                              double WorkingPitchDiameter, double AddendumDiameter)
            List <UIElement> Elements = new();

            EllipseGeometry DedendumGeometry = new()
                Center  = Center,
                RadiusX = DedendumDiameter / 2,
                RadiusY = DedendumDiameter / 2

            EllipseGeometry BaseGeometry = new()
                Center  = Center,
                RadiusX = BaseDiameter / 2,
                RadiusY = BaseDiameter / 2

            EllipseGeometry RefPitchGeometry = new()
                Center  = Center,
                RadiusX = ReferencePitchDiameter / 2,
                RadiusY = ReferencePitchDiameter / 2

            EllipseGeometry WorkPitchGeometry = new()
                Center  = Center,
                RadiusX = WorkingPitchDiameter / 2,
                RadiusY = WorkingPitchDiameter / 2

            EllipseGeometry AddendumGeometry = new()
                Center  = Center,
                RadiusX = AddendumDiameter / 2,
                RadiusY = AddendumDiameter / 2

            Path DedendumPath = new()
                Stroke          = Brushes.Black,
                StrokeThickness = 0.5,
                Data            = DedendumGeometry


            Path BasePath = new()
                Stroke          = Brushes.Black,
                StrokeThickness = 0.5,
                StrokeDashArray = DoubleCollection.Parse("1,1"),
                Data            = BaseGeometry


            Path RefPitchPath = new()
                Stroke          = Brushes.Black,
                StrokeThickness = 0.5,
                StrokeDashArray = DoubleCollection.Parse("3,1"),
                Data            = RefPitchGeometry


            Path WorkPitchPath = new()
                Stroke          = Brushes.Black,
                StrokeThickness = 1,
                Data            = WorkPitchGeometry


            Path AddendumPath = new()
                Stroke          = Brushes.Black,
                StrokeThickness = 0.5,
                Data            = AddendumGeometry



        public static SortedDictionary <double, CurveType> GenerateAngleData(
            double dTheta, double Teeth, double InvoluteAngle,
            double ToothSpacingAngle, double TipAngle, double StartAngleOffset)
            SortedDictionary <double, CurveType> GearAngleData = new();
            const double InvoluteOffset = 0.0001;

            for (int j = 0; j < Teeth; j++)
                GearAngleData.Add(StartAngleOffset + (j * ToothSpacingAngle) + InvoluteOffset, CurveType.RisingInvolute);
                GearAngleData.Add(InvoluteAngle + StartAngleOffset + (j * ToothSpacingAngle) - InvoluteOffset, CurveType.RisingInvolute);

            double[] Tip = Generate.LinearSpaced(5, StartAngleOffset + InvoluteAngle, StartAngleOffset + InvoluteAngle + TipAngle);
            for (int j = 0; j < Teeth; j++)
                foreach (double Item in Tip.Select(n => n + (j * ToothSpacingAngle)))
                    GearAngleData.Add(Item, CurveType.Addendum);

            for (int j = 0; j < Teeth; j++)
                GearAngleData.Add(StartAngleOffset + InvoluteAngle + TipAngle + (j * ToothSpacingAngle) + InvoluteOffset, CurveType.ReturningInvolute);
                GearAngleData.Add(StartAngleOffset + (2 * InvoluteAngle) + TipAngle + (j * ToothSpacingAngle) - InvoluteOffset, CurveType.ReturningInvolute);

            double[] Dwell = Generate.LinearSpaced(5, StartAngleOffset + (2 * InvoluteAngle) + TipAngle, StartAngleOffset + ToothSpacingAngle);
            for (int j = 0; j < Teeth; j++)
                foreach (double Item in Dwell.Select(n => n + (j * ToothSpacingAngle)))
                    GearAngleData.Add(Item, CurveType.Dedendum);


        public static Point[] GenerateInvoluteProfile(double dTheta, double BaseRadius, double AddendumRadius,
                                                      double InvoluteAngle, bool IsDirectionInverted)
            double Alpha           = InverseInvolute(InvoluteAngle);
            int    NegateDirection = IsDirectionInverted ? -1 : 1;

            List <Point> List = new();

            for (double i = 0; i < Alpha * 1.5; i += dTheta / 2)
                Point InvolutePoint = new()
                    X = BaseRadius * (Math.Cos(i) + (i * Math.Sin(i))),
                    Y = NegateDirection * BaseRadius * (Math.Sin(i) - (i * Math.Cos(i)))

                if (Polar(InvolutePoint).Rho <= AddendumRadius)

        public static PointCollection GenerateGearProfile(double dTheta,
                                                          double BaseRadius, double DedendumRadius, double AddendumRadius,
                                                          SortedDictionary <double, CurveType> AngleCollection, Point Center)
            PointCollection Result = new();

            double?InvoluteMaxAngle = null;

            for (int i = 1; i < AngleCollection.Count; i++)
                KeyValuePair <double, CurveType> Data = AngleCollection.ElementAt(i);
                double Theta = Data.Key;
                switch (Data.Value)
                case CurveType.Dedendum:
                    Result.Add(TranslatePoint(new Point
                        X = DedendumRadius * Math.Cos(Theta),
                        Y = DedendumRadius * Math.Sin(Theta),
                    }, Center.X, Center.Y));

                case CurveType.RisingInvolute:
                    if (AngleCollection.ElementAt(i - 1).Value != CurveType.RisingInvolute)

                    double  RisingInvAlpha = AngleCollection.ElementAt(i).Key - AngleCollection.ElementAt(i - 1).Key;
                    Point[] RisingInvolute = GenerateInvoluteProfile(dTheta, BaseRadius, AddendumRadius, RisingInvAlpha, false);

                    foreach (Point Item in RisingInvolute)
                        Point RaisingClampedPoint = Item;

                        if (DedendumRadius > BaseRadius)
                            PolarPoint RaisingPolarPoint = Polar(Item);
                            if (RaisingPolarPoint.Rho < DedendumRadius)
                                RaisingClampedPoint = Cartesian(DedendumRadius, RaisingPolarPoint.Theta);

                        Point RisingTranslatedPoint = TranslatePoint(RaisingClampedPoint, Center.X, Center.Y);
                        Point RisingRotatedPoint    = RotatePointAAroundB(RisingTranslatedPoint, Center,
                                                                          AngleCollection.ElementAt(i - 1).Key);


                case CurveType.ReturningInvolute:
                    if (AngleCollection.ElementAt(i - 1).Value != CurveType.ReturningInvolute)

                    double  ReturningInvAlpha = AngleCollection.ElementAt(i).Key - AngleCollection.ElementAt(i - 1).Key;
                    Point[] ReturningInvolute = GenerateInvoluteProfile(dTheta, BaseRadius, AddendumRadius, ReturningInvAlpha, true);

                    foreach (Point Item in ReturningInvolute.Reverse())
                        Point ReturningClampedPoint = Item;

                        if (DedendumRadius > BaseRadius)
                            PolarPoint ReturningPolarPoint = Polar(Item);
                            if (ReturningPolarPoint.Rho < DedendumRadius)
                                ReturningClampedPoint = Cartesian(DedendumRadius, ReturningPolarPoint.Theta);

                        Point ReturningTranslatedPoint = TranslatePoint(ReturningClampedPoint, Center.X, Center.Y);
                        Point ReturningRotatedPoint    = RotatePointAAroundB(ReturningTranslatedPoint, Center,


                case CurveType.Addendum:
                    InvoluteMaxAngle ??= Theta - AngleCollection.ElementAt(i - 1).Key;

                    Result.Add(TranslatePoint(new Point
                        X = AddendumRadius * Math.Cos(Theta),
                        Y = AddendumRadius * Math.Sin(Theta),
                    }, Center.X, Center.Y));

        public static CalculationsResultsData Calculate(double m, int z1, int z2, double x1, double x2)
            double dTheta = 0.1;
            double alpha  = Radians(20);

            double i = (double)z2 / z1;

            double inv_alpha_prime = (2 * Math.Tan(alpha) * (x1 + x2) / (z1 + z2)) + Involute(alpha);
            double alpha_prime     = InverseInvolute(inv_alpha_prime);

            double y = (double)(z1 + z2) / 2 * ((Math.Cos(alpha) / Math.Cos(alpha_prime)) - 1);
            double a = (((double)(z1 + z2) / 2) + y) * m;

            // Pitch circle
            double d1 = z1 * m;
            double d2 = z2 * m;

            // Base circle
            double d_b1 = d1 * Math.Cos(alpha);
            double d_b2 = d2 * Math.Cos(alpha);

            // Working pitch diameter
            double d_prime1 = d_b1 / Math.Cos(alpha_prime);
            double d_prime2 = d_b2 / Math.Cos(alpha_prime);

            // Addendum
            double h_a1 = (1 + y - x1) * m;
            double h_a2 = (1 + y - x2) * m;
            //double h_a1 = (1 + x1) * m;
            //double h_a2 = (1 + x2) * m;

            // Addendum circle
            double d_a1 = d1 + (2 * h_a1);
            double d_a2 = d2 + (2 * h_a2);

            // Dedendum circle
            double h = (2.25 + y - (x1 + x2)) * m;
            //double h = 2.25 * m;
            double d_f1 = d_a1 - (2 * h);
            double d_f2 = d_a2 - (2 * h);

            // Overlap coefficient
            double epsilon = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(d_a1 / 2, 2) - Math.Pow(d_b1 / 2, 2))
                              + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(d_a2 / 2, 2) - Math.Pow(d_b2 / 2, 2))
                              - (a * Math.Sin(alpha_prime))) / (Math.PI * m * Math.Cos(alpha));

            double p1 = Math.PI * d1 / z1;
            double p2 = Math.PI * d2 / z2;
            double p  = Math.PI * m;
            //double spacing_1 = p / (d1 / 2);

            // Arc length of tooth at the reference pitch circle
            double s_1 = m * ((Math.PI / 2) + (2 * x1 * Math.Tan(alpha)));
            double s_2 = m * ((Math.PI / 2) + (2 * x2 * Math.Tan(alpha)));

            // Arc length of tooth at the working pitch circle
            double sw_1 = d_prime1 * ((s_1 / d1) - Involute(alpha_prime) + Involute(alpha));
            double sw_2 = d_prime2 * ((s_2 / d2) - Involute(alpha_prime) + Involute(alpha));

            // Arc length of tooth at the base pitch circle
            double sb_1 = d_b1 * ((sw_1 / d_prime1) + Involute(alpha_prime));
            double sb_2 = d_b2 * ((sw_2 / d_prime2) + Involute(alpha_prime));

            // InverseInvolute angle of whole involute curve
            double alpha_a1 = Math.Acos(d1 / d_a1 * Math.Cos(alpha));
            double alpha_a2 = Math.Acos(d2 / d_a2 * Math.Cos(alpha));

            // Arc length of tooth at the base pitch circle
            double sa_1 = d_a1 * ((sb_1 / d_b1) - Involute(alpha_a1));
            double sa_2 = d_a2 * ((sb_2 / d_b2) - Involute(alpha_a2));

            double tip_angle1 = 2 * sa_1 / d_a1;
            double tip_angle2 = 2 * sa_2 / d_a2;

            double ang  = 2 * s_1 / d1;
            double angw = 2 * sw_1 / d_prime1;
            double angb = 2 * sb_1 / d_b1;
            double anga = 2 * sa_1 / d_a1;

            double test  = Math.Acos(d1 / d1 * Math.Cos(alpha));
            double testw = Math.Acos(d1 / d_prime1 * Math.Cos(alpha));
            double testb = Math.Acos(d1 / d_b1 * Math.Cos(alpha));
            double testa = Math.Acos(d1 / d_a1 * Math.Cos(alpha));

            double rho = 0.38 * m;

            List <UIElement> GearElements = new();

            GearElements.AddRange(GenerateGearCirclesGeometry(new Point(0, 0), d_f1, d_b1, d1, d_prime1, d_a1));
            GearElements.AddRange(GenerateGearCirclesGeometry(new Point(a, 0), d_f2, d_b2, d2, d_prime2, d_a2));

            SortedDictionary <double, CurveType> Data1 = GenerateAngleData(dTheta, z1, Involute(alpha_a1), 2 * Math.PI / z1, tip_angle1, Involute(alpha_prime));
            PointCollection Points1       = GenerateGearProfile(dTheta, d_b1 / 2, d_f1 / 2, d_a1 / 2, Data1, new Point(0, 0));
            Polygon         InvoluteLine1 = new()
                Stroke          = Brushes.DarkOrange,
                StrokeThickness = 0.75,
                Points          = Points1


            double Offset = ((double)1 / 2 * Math.PI) - (2 * sb_2 / d_b2) + Involute(alpha_prime);
            SortedDictionary <double, CurveType> Data2 = GenerateAngleData(dTheta, z2, Involute(alpha_a2), 2 * Math.PI / z2, tip_angle2, Offset);
            PointCollection Points2       = GenerateGearProfile(dTheta, d_b2 / 2, d_f2 / 2, d_a2 / 2, Data2, new Point(a, 0));
            Polygon         InvoluteLine2 = new()
                Stroke          = Brushes.Red,
                StrokeThickness = 0.75,
                Points          = Points2


            GearCharacteristicsData Pinion = new()
                NumberOfTeeth          = z1,
                ShiftCoefficient       = x1,
                ReferencePitchDiameter = d1,
                OperatingPitchDiameter = d_prime1,
                DedendumDiameter       = d_f1,
                AddendumDiameter       = d_a1,
                BaseCircleDiameter     = d_b1,
                ThicknessReference     = s_1,
                ThicknessOperating     = sw_1,
                ThicknessBase          = sb_1,
                ThicknessTip           = sa_1,
                AngleTip = alpha_a1

            GearCharacteristicsData Gear = new()
                NumberOfTeeth          = z2,
                ShiftCoefficient       = x2,
                ReferencePitchDiameter = d2,
                OperatingPitchDiameter = d_prime2,
                DedendumDiameter       = d_f2,
                AddendumDiameter       = d_a2,
                BaseCircleDiameter     = d_b2,
                ThicknessReference     = s_2,
                ThicknessOperating     = sw_2,
                ThicknessBase          = sb_2,
                ThicknessTip           = sa_2,
                AngleTip = alpha_a2

            GearMechanismData MechanismData = new()
                Module                    = m,
                PressureAngle             = 20,
                OperatingPressureAngle    = Degrees(alpha_prime),
                CenterDistance            = a,
                CenterDistanceCoefficient = y,
                TransmissionRatio         = i,
                ContactRatio              = epsilon,
                Pitch        = p,
                FilletRadius = rho

            CalculationsResultsData Result = new()
                GearData          = Gear,
                PinionData        = Pinion,
                MechanismData     = MechanismData,
                MechanismGeometry = GearElements,
                PinionPoints      = Points1,
                GearPoints        = Points2,
                ActionPosition    = new Point(Pinion.OperatingPitchDiameter / 2, 0),
                GearPosition      = new Point((Pinion.OperatingPitchDiameter / 2) + (Gear.OperatingPitchDiameter / 2), 0),
                PinionPosition    = new Point(0, 0)

 protected override void InnerReset()
     obstructedArea = new AngleCollection();
     i       = 0;
     toCheck = new Index2[0];
 public SpiralField(string name) : base(name)
     obstructedArea = new AngleCollection();
     i       = 0;
     toCheck = new Index2[0];