        static Expression ToSAT(List <_3COL.Node> nodes)
            curVariables = new List <Variable>();
            AndOperator and = null;

            // Jeder Knoten muss mindestens eine Farbe haben
            foreach (var node in nodes)
                OrOperator or = null;
                foreach (var color in colors)
                    if (or == null)
                        or = new OrOperator(Vari(node, color), null);
                    else if (or.Right == null)
                        or.Right = Vari(node, color);
                        or = new OrOperator(or, Vari(node, color));
                if (and == null)
                    and = new AndOperator(or, null);
                else if (and.Right == null)
                    and.Right = or;
                    and = new AndOperator(and, or);

            // Jeder Knoten darf maximal eine Farbe haben
            foreach (var node in nodes)
                foreach (var c1 in colors)
                    foreach (var c2 in colors)
                        if (c1 == c2)
                        and = new AndOperator(and,
                                              new NotOperator(
                                                  new AndOperator(
                                                      Vari(node, c1),
                                                      Vari(node, c2))));

            // Mein Nachbar darf nicht die selbe farbe haben
            foreach (var conn in connections)
                foreach (var c in colors)
                    and = new AndOperator(and,
                                          new NotOperator(
                                              new AndOperator(
                                                  Vari(conn.Item1, c),
                                                  Vari(conn.Item2, c))));
            string s = and.ToString();
