public static Document ResizeDocument(Document document, Size newSize, AnchorEdge edge, ColorBgra background) { Document document2 = new Document(newSize.Width, newSize.Height); document2.ReplaceMetadataFrom(document); for (int i = 0; i < document.Layers.Count; i++) { Layer layer = (Layer)document.Layers[i]; if (layer is BitmapLayer) { Layer layer2; try { layer2 = ResizeLayer((BitmapLayer)layer, newSize, edge, background); } catch (OutOfMemoryException) { document2.Dispose(); throw; } document2.Layers.Add(layer2); } else { ExceptionUtil.ThrowInvalidOperationException("Canvas Size does not support Layers that are not BitmapLayers"); } } return(document2); }
public CanvasSizeDialog() { // This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent(); this.Icon = Utility.ImageToIcon(PdnResources.GetImageResource("Icons.MenuImageCanvasSizeIcon.png").Reference, Utility.TransparentKey); this.Text = PdnResources.GetString("CanvasSizeDialog.Text"); // "Canvas Size"; this.anchorHeader.Text = PdnResources.GetString("CanvasSizeDialog.AnchorHeader.Text"); //"Anchor"; this.newSpaceLabel.Text = PdnResources.GetString("CanvasSizeDialog.NewSpaceLabel.Text"); //"The new space will be filled with the currently selected background color."; foreach (string name in Enum.GetNames(typeof(AnchorEdge))) { AnchorEdge value = (AnchorEdge)Enum.Parse(typeof(AnchorEdge), name, true); string itemName = this.anchorEdgeNames.EnumValueToLocalizedName(value); this.anchorEdgeCB.Items.Add(itemName); if (value == this.AnchorEdge) { this.anchorEdgeCB.SelectedItem = itemName; } } anchorChooserControl_AnchorEdgeChanged(anchorChooserControl, EventArgs.Empty); }
public static Document ResizeDocument(Document document, Size newSize, AnchorEdge edge, ColorBgra background) { Document newDoc = new Document(newSize.Width, newSize.Height); newDoc.ReplaceMetaDataFrom(document); for (int i = 0; i < document.Layers.Count; ++i) { Layer layer = (Layer)document.Layers[i]; if (layer is BitmapLayer) { Layer newLayer; try { newLayer = ResizeLayer((BitmapLayer)layer, newSize, edge, background); } catch (OutOfMemoryException) { newDoc.Dispose(); throw; } newDoc.Layers.Add(newLayer); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Canvas Size does not support Layers that are not BitmapLayers"); } } return newDoc; }
public static Document ResizeDocument(Document document, Size newSize, AnchorEdge edge, ColorBgra background) { Document newDoc = new Document(newSize.Width, newSize.Height); newDoc.ReplaceMetaDataFrom(document); for (int i = 0; i < document.Layers.Count; ++i) { Layer layer = (Layer)document.Layers[i]; if (layer is BitmapLayer) { Layer newLayer; try { newLayer = ResizeLayer((BitmapLayer)layer, newSize, edge, background); } catch (OutOfMemoryException) { newDoc.Dispose(); throw; } newDoc.Layers.Add(newLayer); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Canvas Size does not support Layers that are not BitmapLayers"); } } return(newDoc); }
public override HistoryMemento PerformAction(DocumentWorkspace documentWorkspace) { AnchorEdge initialAnchor = AppSettings.Instance.Workspace.LastCanvasSizeAnchorEdge.Value; Document document = ResizeDocument(documentWorkspace, initialAnchor, documentWorkspace.ToolSettings.SecondaryColor.Value, true, true); if (document != null) { using (new PushNullToolMode(documentWorkspace)) { List <HistoryMemento> actions = new List <HistoryMemento>(2); SelectionHistoryMemento item = new SelectionHistoryMemento(null, null, documentWorkspace); actions.Add(item); if (document.DpuUnit != MeasurementUnit.Pixel) { AppSettings.Instance.Workspace.LastNonPixelUnits.Value = document.DpuUnit; if (documentWorkspace.AppWorkspace.Units != MeasurementUnit.Pixel) { documentWorkspace.AppWorkspace.Units = document.DpuUnit; } } ReplaceDocumentHistoryMemento memento2 = new ReplaceDocumentHistoryMemento(null, null, documentWorkspace); actions.Add(memento2); documentWorkspace.Document = document; return(new CompoundHistoryMemento(StaticName, StaticImage, actions)); } } return(null); }
public override HistoryMemento PerformAction(DocumentWorkspace documentWorkspace) { AnchorEdge initialEdge = SettingNames.GetLastCanvasSizeAnchorEdge(); Document newDoc = ResizeDocument( documentWorkspace.FindForm(), documentWorkspace.Document, documentWorkspace.Document.Size, initialEdge, documentWorkspace.AppWorkspace.AppEnvironment.SecondaryColor, true, true); if (newDoc != null) { using (new PushNullToolMode(documentWorkspace)) { ReplaceDocumentHistoryMemento rdha = new ReplaceDocumentHistoryMemento(StaticName, StaticImage, documentWorkspace); documentWorkspace.Document = newDoc; return(rdha); } } else { return(null); } }
private AnchorEdge RegularizeEdge(AnchorEdge edge) { if (edge.anchorId2 < edge.anchorId1) { var id = edge.anchorId2; edge.anchorId2 = edge.anchorId1; edge.anchorId1 = id; } return(edge); }
public static IdPair <AnchorEdge, AnchorEdgeVisTest> Make(AnchorEdge id) { return(new IdPair <AnchorEdge, AnchorEdgeVisTest>() { id = id, target = new AnchorEdgeVisTest() { id = id } }); }
public static void AddSpongyEdges(ICollection <AnchorEdge> spongyEdges, List <AnchorEdge> frozenEdges) { AnchorEdge[] regularEdges = new AnchorEdge[spongyEdges.Count]; int idx = 0; foreach (var edge in spongyEdges) { regularEdges[idx++] = RegularEdge(edge.anchorId1, edge.anchorId2); } System.Comparison <AnchorEdge> alphabeticCompare = (x, y) => { int cmp1 = x.anchorId1.CompareTo(y.anchorId1); if (cmp1 < 0) { return(-1); } if (cmp1 > 0) { return(1); } int cmp2 = x.anchorId2.CompareTo(y.anchorId2); return(cmp2); }; System.Array.Sort(regularEdges, alphabeticCompare); int spongyIdx = 0; for (int frozenIdx = 0; frozenIdx < frozenEdges.Count; ++frozenIdx) { if (spongyIdx >= regularEdges.Length) { break; } int frozenToSpongy = alphabeticCompare(frozenEdges[frozenIdx], regularEdges[spongyIdx]); if (frozenToSpongy >= 0) { if (frozenToSpongy > 0) { // insert edge here frozenEdges.Insert(frozenIdx, regularEdges[spongyIdx]); } // If existing frozen is greater, we just inserted (above) spongy, so advance. // If they are equal, we want to skip spongy, so advance. // If existing is lesser, we haven't reached insertion point yet, // so don't advance spongyIdx (stay out of this conditional branch if frozenToSpongy < 0). ++spongyIdx; } } while (spongyIdx < regularEdges.Length) { frozenEdges.Add(regularEdges[spongyIdx++]); } }
/// <summary> /// Look up the frozen anchor endpoints and connect them with a line. /// </summary> /// <param name="edge">Pair of anchor ids.</param> /// <param name="resource">The resource to create.</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool CreateFrozenEdge(AnchorEdge edge, out IdPair <AnchorEdge, ConnectingLine> resource) { var anchorId1 = edge.anchorId1; var anchorId2 = edge.anchorId2; var frozenAnchor1Idx = FindInSortedList(anchorId1, frozenResources, frozenAnchorVisualComparer); var frozenAnchor2Idx = FindInSortedList(anchorId2, frozenResources, frozenAnchorVisualComparer); if (frozenAnchor1Idx < 0 || frozenAnchor2Idx < 0) { resource = new IdPair <AnchorEdge, ConnectingLine>() { id = edge, target = null }; return(false); } var frozenAnchor1 = frozenResources[frozenAnchor1Idx]; var frozenAnchor2 = frozenResources[frozenAnchor2Idx]; Transform parent1 =; Transform parent2 =; bool sameFragment = parent1 == parent2; Color color =; float width = 0.002f; Transform parent = parent1; if (!sameFragment) { color = Color.yellow; width = 0.004f; } var edgeVisual = ConnectingLine.Create(parent,,, width, color); resource = new IdPair <AnchorEdge, ConnectingLine>() { id = edge, target = edgeVisual }; return(true); }
public static int CompareEdges(AnchorEdge lhs, AnchorEdge rhs) { if (lhs.anchorId1 < rhs.anchorId1) { return(-1); } if (lhs.anchorId1 > rhs.anchorId1) { return(1); } if (lhs.anchorId2 < rhs.anchorId2) { return(-1); } if (lhs.anchorId2 > rhs.anchorId2) { return(1); } return(0); }
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { if (this.mouseDown && e.Button == this.mouseButtonDown) { int anchorX = (e.X * 3) / this.Width; int anchorY = (e.Y * 3) / this.Height; if (anchorX == this.hotAnchorButton.X && anchorY == this.hotAnchorButton.Y && anchorX >= 0 && anchorX <= 2 && anchorY >= 0 && anchorY <= 2) { AnchorEdge newEdge = (AnchorEdge)this.xyToAnchorEdge[anchorY][anchorX]; this.AnchorEdge = newEdge; Invalidate(); } } this.drawHotPush = false; this.mouseDown = false; base.OnMouseUp(e); }
/// <summary> /// Comparison function for two edges. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Alphabetic sort on first endpoint first, then second endpoint. /// </remarks> /// <param name="lhs">Left hand edge.</param> /// <param name="rhs">Right hand edge.</param> /// <returns>Comparison int of edges.</returns> private static int CompareAnchorEdges(AnchorEdge lhs, AnchorEdge rhs) { Debug.Assert(lhs.anchorId1 < lhs.anchorId2); Debug.Assert(rhs.anchorId1 < rhs.anchorId2); if (lhs.anchorId1 < rhs.anchorId1) { return(-1); } if (lhs.anchorId1 > rhs.anchorId1) { return(1); } if (lhs.anchorId2 < rhs.anchorId2) { return(-1); } if (lhs.anchorId2 > rhs.anchorId2) { return(1); } return(0); }
public override HistoryMemento PerformAction(DocumentWorkspace documentWorkspace) { AnchorEdge initialEdge = PdnSettings.GetLastCanvasSizeAnchorEdge(); Document newDoc = ResizeDocument( documentWorkspace.FindForm(), documentWorkspace.Document, documentWorkspace.Document.Size, initialEdge, documentWorkspace.AppWorkspace.AppEnvironment.SecondaryColor, true, true); if (newDoc != null) { using (new PushNullToolMode(documentWorkspace)) { if (newDoc.DpuUnit != MeasurementUnit.Pixel) { Settings.CurrentUser.SetString(PdnSettings.LastNonPixelUnits, newDoc.DpuUnit.ToString()); if (documentWorkspace.AppWorkspace.Units != MeasurementUnit.Pixel) { documentWorkspace.AppWorkspace.Units = newDoc.DpuUnit; } } ReplaceDocumentHistoryMemento rdha = new ReplaceDocumentHistoryMemento(StaticName, StaticImage, documentWorkspace); documentWorkspace.Document = newDoc; return(rdha); } } else { return(null); } }
// returns null to indicate user cancelled, or if initialNewSize = newSize that the user requested, // or if there was an error (out of memory) public static Document ResizeDocument(IWin32Window parent, Document document, Size initialNewSize, AnchorEdge initialAnchor, ColorBgra background, bool loadAndSaveMaintainAspect, bool saveAnchor) { using (CanvasSizeDialog csd = new CanvasSizeDialog()) { bool maintainAspect; if (loadAndSaveMaintainAspect) { maintainAspect = Settings.CurrentUser.GetBoolean(PdnSettings.LastMaintainAspectRatioCS, false); } else { maintainAspect = false; } csd.OriginalSize = document.Size; csd.OriginalDpuUnit = document.DpuUnit; csd.OriginalDpu = document.DpuX; csd.ImageWidth = initialNewSize.Width; csd.ImageHeight = initialNewSize.Height; csd.LayerCount = document.Layers.Count; csd.AnchorEdge = initialAnchor; csd.Units = csd.OriginalDpuUnit; csd.Resolution = document.DpuX; csd.Units = PdnSettings.GetLastNonPixelUnits(); csd.ConstrainToAspect = maintainAspect; DialogResult result = csd.ShowDialog(parent); Size newSize = new Size(csd.ImageWidth, csd.ImageHeight); MeasurementUnit newDpuUnit = csd.Units; double newDpu = csd.Resolution; // If they cancelled, get out if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(null); } // If they clicked OK, then we save the aspect checkbox, and maybe the anchor if (loadAndSaveMaintainAspect) { Settings.CurrentUser.SetBoolean(PdnSettings.LastMaintainAspectRatioCS, csd.ConstrainToAspect); } if (saveAnchor) { Settings.CurrentUser.SetString(PdnSettings.LastCanvasSizeAnchorEdge, csd.AnchorEdge.ToString()); } if (newSize == document.Size && newDpuUnit == document.DpuUnit && newDpu == document.DpuX) { return(null); } try { Utility.GCFullCollect(); Document newDoc = ResizeDocument(document, newSize, csd.AnchorEdge, background); newDoc.DpuUnit = newDpuUnit; newDoc.DpuX = newDpu; newDoc.DpuY = newDpu; return(newDoc); } catch (OutOfMemoryException) { Utility.ErrorBox(parent, PdnResources.GetString("CanvasSizeAction.ResizeDocument.OutOfMemory")); return(null); } catch { return(null); } } }
public static BitmapLayer ResizeLayer(BitmapLayer layer, Size newSize, AnchorEdge anchor, ColorBgra background) { BitmapLayer newLayer = new BitmapLayer(newSize.Width, newSize.Height); // Background new UnaryPixelOps.Constant(background).Apply(newLayer.Surface, newLayer.Surface.Bounds); // non-background = clear the alpha channel (see-through) if (!layer.IsBackground) { new UnaryPixelOps.SetAlphaChannel(0).Apply(newLayer.Surface, newLayer.Surface.Bounds); } int topY = 0; int leftX = 0; int rightX = newSize.Width - layer.Width; int bottomY = newSize.Height - layer.Height; int middleX = (newSize.Width - layer.Width) / 2; int middleY = (newSize.Height - layer.Height) / 2; int x = 0; int y = 0; #region choose x,y from AnchorEdge switch (anchor) { case AnchorEdge.TopLeft: x = leftX; y = topY; break; case AnchorEdge.Top: x = middleX; y = topY; break; case AnchorEdge.TopRight: x = rightX; y = topY; break; case AnchorEdge.Left: x = leftX; y = middleY; break; case AnchorEdge.Middle: x = middleX; y = middleY; break; case AnchorEdge.Right: x = rightX; y = middleY; break; case AnchorEdge.BottomLeft: x = leftX; y = bottomY; break; case AnchorEdge.Bottom: x = middleX; y = bottomY; break; case AnchorEdge.BottomRight: x = rightX; y = bottomY; break; } #endregion newLayer.Surface.CopySurface(layer.Surface, new Point(x, y)); newLayer.LoadProperties(layer.SaveProperties()); return newLayer; }
// returns null to indicate user cancelled, or if initialNewSize = newSize that the user requested, // or if there was an error (out of memory) public static Document ResizeDocument(IWin32Window parent, Document document, Size initialNewSize, AnchorEdge initialAnchor, ColorBgra background, bool loadAndSaveMaintainAspect, bool saveAnchor) { using (CanvasSizeDialog csd = new CanvasSizeDialog()) { bool maintainAspect; if (loadAndSaveMaintainAspect) { maintainAspect = Settings.CurrentUser.GetBoolean(PdnSettings.LastMaintainAspectRatioCS, false); } else { maintainAspect = false; } csd.OriginalSize = document.Size; csd.OriginalDpuUnit = document.DpuUnit; csd.OriginalDpu = document.DpuX; csd.ImageWidth = initialNewSize.Width; csd.ImageHeight = initialNewSize.Height; csd.LayerCount = document.Layers.Count; csd.AnchorEdge = initialAnchor; csd.Units = csd.OriginalDpuUnit; csd.Resolution = document.DpuX; csd.Units = PdnSettings.GetLastNonPixelUnits(); csd.ConstrainToAspect = maintainAspect; DialogResult result = csd.ShowDialog(parent); Size newSize = new Size(csd.ImageWidth, csd.ImageHeight); MeasurementUnit newDpuUnit = csd.Units; double newDpu = csd.Resolution; // If they cancelled, get out if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) { return null; } // If they clicked OK, then we save the aspect checkbox, and maybe the anchor if (loadAndSaveMaintainAspect) { Settings.CurrentUser.SetBoolean(PdnSettings.LastMaintainAspectRatioCS, csd.ConstrainToAspect); } if (saveAnchor) { Settings.CurrentUser.SetString(PdnSettings.LastCanvasSizeAnchorEdge, csd.AnchorEdge.ToString()); } if (newSize == document.Size && newDpuUnit == document.DpuUnit && newDpu == document.DpuX) { return null; } try { Utility.GCFullCollect(); Document newDoc = ResizeDocument(document, newSize, csd.AnchorEdge, background); newDoc.DpuUnit = newDpuUnit; newDoc.DpuX = newDpu; newDoc.DpuY = newDpu; return newDoc; } catch (OutOfMemoryException) { Utility.ErrorBox(parent, PdnResources.GetString("CanvasSizeAction.ResizeDocument.OutOfMemory")); return null; } catch { return null; } } }
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { if (this.mouseDown && e.Button == this.mouseButtonDown) { int anchorX = (e.X * 3) / this.Width; int anchorY = (e.Y * 3) / this.Height; if (anchorX == this.hotAnchorButton.X && anchorY == this.hotAnchorButton.Y && anchorX >= 0 && anchorX <= 2 && anchorY >= 0 && anchorY <= 2) { AnchorEdge newEdge = (AnchorEdge)this.xyToAnchorEdge[anchorY][anchorX]; this.AnchorEdge = newEdge; Invalidate(); } } this.drawHotPush = false; this.mouseDown = false; base.OnMouseUp (e); }
private void anchorEdgeCB_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { AnchorEdge newAnchorEdge = (AnchorEdge)this.anchorEdgeNames.LocalizedNameToEnumValue((string)this.anchorEdgeCB.SelectedItem); this.AnchorEdge = newAnchorEdge; }
private static Document ResizeDocument(DocumentWorkspace documentWorkspace, AnchorEdge initialAnchor, ColorBgra background, bool loadAndSaveMaintainAspect, bool saveAnchor) { Document document2; CleanupManager.RequestCleanup(); IWin32Window owner = documentWorkspace; Document document = documentWorkspace.Document; Size size = document.Size; using (CanvasSizeDialog dialog = new CanvasSizeDialog()) { bool flag; if (loadAndSaveMaintainAspect) { flag = AppSettings.Instance.Workspace.LastMaintainAspectRatioCS.Value; } else { flag = false; } dialog.OriginalSize = document.Size; dialog.OriginalDpuUnit = document.DpuUnit; dialog.OriginalDpu = document.DpuX; dialog.ImageWidth = size.Width; dialog.ImageHeight = size.Height; dialog.LayerCount = document.Layers.Count; dialog.AnchorEdge = initialAnchor; dialog.Units = dialog.OriginalDpuUnit; dialog.Resolution = document.DpuX; dialog.Units = AppSettings.Instance.Workspace.LastNonPixelUnits.Value; dialog.ConstrainToAspect = flag; DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog(owner); Size newSize = new Size(dialog.ImageWidth, dialog.ImageHeight); MeasurementUnit units = dialog.Units; double resolution = dialog.Resolution; if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(null); } if (loadAndSaveMaintainAspect) { AppSettings.Instance.Workspace.LastMaintainAspectRatioCS.Value = dialog.ConstrainToAspect; } if (saveAnchor) { AppSettings.Instance.Workspace.LastCanvasSizeAnchorEdge.Value = dialog.AnchorEdge; } if (((newSize == document.Size) && (units == document.DpuUnit)) && (resolution == document.DpuX)) { document2 = null; } else { try { documentWorkspace.FlushTool(); CleanupManager.RequestCleanup(); Document document3 = ResizeDocument(document, newSize, dialog.AnchorEdge, background); document3.DpuUnit = units; document3.DpuX = resolution; document3.DpuY = resolution; document2 = document3; } catch (OutOfMemoryException exception) { ExceptionDialog.ShowErrorDialog(owner, PdnResources.GetString("CanvasSizeAction.ResizeDocument.OutOfMemory"), exception.ToString()); document2 = null; } catch (Exception) { document2 = null; } } } return(document2); }
public static BitmapLayer ResizeLayer(BitmapLayer layer, Size newSize, AnchorEdge anchor, ColorBgra background) { BitmapLayer newLayer = new BitmapLayer(newSize.Width, newSize.Height); // Background new UnaryPixelOps.Constant(background).Apply(newLayer.Surface, newLayer.Surface.Bounds); // non-background = clear the alpha channel (see-through) if (!layer.IsBackground) { new UnaryPixelOps.SetAlphaChannel(0).Apply(newLayer.Surface, newLayer.Surface.Bounds); } int topY = 0; int leftX = 0; int rightX = newSize.Width - layer.Width; int bottomY = newSize.Height - layer.Height; int middleX = (newSize.Width - layer.Width) / 2; int middleY = (newSize.Height - layer.Height) / 2; int x = 0; int y = 0; #region choose x,y from AnchorEdge switch (anchor) { case AnchorEdge.TopLeft: x = leftX; y = topY; break; case AnchorEdge.Top: x = middleX; y = topY; break; case AnchorEdge.TopRight: x = rightX; y = topY; break; case AnchorEdge.Left: x = leftX; y = middleY; break; case AnchorEdge.Middle: x = middleX; y = middleY; break; case AnchorEdge.Right: x = rightX; y = middleY; break; case AnchorEdge.BottomLeft: x = leftX; y = bottomY; break; case AnchorEdge.Bottom: x = middleX; y = bottomY; break; case AnchorEdge.BottomRight: x = rightX; y = bottomY; break; } #endregion newLayer.Surface.CopySurface(layer.Surface, new Point(x, y)); newLayer.LoadProperties(layer.SaveProperties()); return(newLayer); }
public static bool Create(AnchorEdge source, out IdPair <AnchorEdge, AnchorEdgeVisTest> resource) { resource = Make(source); return(true); }
public static void Update(AnchorEdge source, IdPair <AnchorEdge, AnchorEdgeVisTest> target) { Assert.AreEqual(source,; }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; // Clear background e.Graphics.Clear(SystemColors.Control); // Draw each part Point selection = (Point)this.anchorEdgeToXy[this.anchorEdge]; double controlCenterX = (double)this.Width / 2.0; double controlCenterY = (double)this.Height / 2.0; Pen linePen = new Pen(SystemColors.WindowText, (((float)Width + (float)Height) / 2.0f) / 64.0f); AdjustableArrowCap cap = new AdjustableArrowCap((float)Width / 32.0f, (float)Height / 32.0f, true); linePen.CustomEndCap = cap; Point mousePoint = PointToClient(Control.MousePosition); int mouseAnchorX = (int)Math.Floor(((float)mousePoint.X * 3.0f) / (float)this.Width); int mouseAnchorY = (int)Math.Floor(((float)mousePoint.Y * 3.0f) / (float)this.Height); for (int y = 0; y < 3; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < 3; ++x) { AnchorEdge edge = this.xyToAnchorEdge[y][x]; Point offset = (Point)this.anchorEdgeToXy[edge]; Point vector = new Point(offset.X - selection.X, offset.Y - selection.Y); int left = (this.Width * x) / 3; int top = (this.Height * y) / 3; int right = Math.Min(this.Width - 1, (this.Width * (x + 1)) / 3); int bottom = Math.Min(this.Height - 1, (this.Height * (y + 1)) / 3); int width = right - left; int height = bottom - top; if (vector.X == 0 && vector.Y == 0) { ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(left, top, width, height), PushButtonState.Pressed); e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.centerImage, left + 3, top + 3, width - 6, height - 6); } else { PushButtonState state; if (drawHotPush && x == this.hotAnchorButton.X && y == this.hotAnchorButton.Y) { state = PushButtonState.Pressed; } else { state = PushButtonState.Normal; if (!mouseDown && mouseAnchorX == x && mouseAnchorY == y) { state = PushButtonState.Hot; } } ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(left, top, width, height), state); if (vector.X <= 1 && vector.X >= -1 && vector.Y <= 1 && vector.Y >= -1) { double vectorMag = Math.Sqrt((double)((vector.X * vector.X) + (vector.Y * vector.Y))); double normalX = (double)vector.X / vectorMag; double normalY = (double)vector.Y / vectorMag; Point center = new Point((left + right) / 2, (top + bottom) / 2); Point start = new Point(center.X - (width / 4) * vector.X, center.Y - (height / 4) * vector.Y); Point end = new Point( start.X + (int)(((double)width / 2.0) * normalX), start.Y + (int)(((double)height / 2.0) * normalY)); PixelOffsetMode oldPOM = e.Graphics.PixelOffsetMode; e.Graphics.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.Half; e.Graphics.DrawLine(linePen, start, end); e.Graphics.PixelOffsetMode = oldPOM; } } } } linePen.Dispose(); base.OnPaint(e); }
public static BitmapLayer ResizeLayer(BitmapLayer layer, Size newSize, AnchorEdge anchor, ColorBgra background) { BitmapLayer layer2 = new BitmapLayer(newSize.Width, newSize.Height); new UnaryPixelOps.Constant(background).Apply(layer2.Surface, layer2.Surface.Bounds); if (!layer.IsBackground) { new UnaryPixelOps.SetAlphaChannel(0).Apply(layer2.Surface, layer2.Surface.Bounds); } int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = newSize.Width - layer.Width; int num4 = newSize.Height - layer.Height; int num5 = (newSize.Width - layer.Width) / 2; int num6 = (newSize.Height - layer.Height) / 2; int x = 0; int y = 0; switch (anchor) { case AnchorEdge.TopLeft: x = num2; y = num; break; case AnchorEdge.Top: x = num5; y = num; break; case AnchorEdge.TopRight: x = num3; y = num; break; case AnchorEdge.Left: x = num2; y = num6; break; case AnchorEdge.Middle: x = num5; y = num6; break; case AnchorEdge.Right: x = num3; y = num6; break; case AnchorEdge.BottomLeft: x = num2; y = num4; break; case AnchorEdge.Bottom: x = num5; y = num4; break; case AnchorEdge.BottomRight: x = num3; y = num4; break; } layer2.Surface.CopySurface(layer.Surface, new Point(x, y)); layer2.LoadProperties(layer.SaveProperties()); return(layer2); }