public override void OnNext() { base.OnNext(); try { List <LayerDesc> layerDescs = new List <LayerDesc>(); foreach (ILayer2D layer in uCtrlLayerList.Selected) { layerDescs.Add(layer.LayerDescriptor); } Solution.SetSolver(new LayerSolver()); AnalysisCylinderCase analysis = _item as AnalysisCylinderCase; if (null == analysis) { _item = _document.CreateNewAnalysisCylinderCase( ItemName, ItemDescription , SelectedCylinder, SelectedCase , new List <InterlayerProperties>() , BuildConstraintSet() , layerDescs); } else { analysis.ID.SetNameDesc(ItemName, ItemDescription); analysis.Content = SelectedCylinder; analysis.CaseProperties = SelectedCase; analysis.ConstraintSet = BuildConstraintSet(); analysis.AddSolution(layerDescs); _document.UpdateAnalysis(analysis); } Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex.ToString()); } }
public override void Draw(Graphics3D graphics, Transform3D transform) { // clear list of picking box ClearPickingBoxes(); if (null == _solution) { return; } Analysis analysis = _solution.Analysis; AnalysisCasePallet analysisCasePallet = analysis as AnalysisCasePallet; AnalysisBoxCase analysisBoxCase = analysis as AnalysisBoxCase; AnalysisCylinderCase analysisCylinderCase = analysis as AnalysisCylinderCase; AnalysisCylinderPallet analysisCylinderPallet = analysis as AnalysisCylinderPallet; AnalysisPalletTruck analysisPalletTruck = analysis as AnalysisPalletTruck; AnalysisCaseTruck analysisCaseTruck = analysis as AnalysisCaseTruck; if (null != analysisCasePallet) { // ### draw pallet Pallet pallet = new Pallet(analysisCasePallet.PalletProperties); pallet.Draw(graphics, transform); } else if (null != analysisBoxCase) { // draw case (inside) Case case_ = new Case(analysisBoxCase.CaseProperties); case_.DrawInside(graphics, transform); } else if (null != analysisCylinderCase) { // ### draw case (inside) Case case_ = new Case(analysisCylinderCase.CaseProperties); case_.DrawInside(graphics, transform); } else if (null != analysisCylinderPallet) { // ### draw pallet Pallet pallet = new Pallet(analysisCylinderPallet.PalletProperties); pallet.Draw(graphics, transform); } else if (null != analysisPalletTruck) { // ### draw truck Truck truck = new Truck(analysisPalletTruck.TruckProperties); truck.DrawBegin(graphics); } else if (null != analysisCaseTruck) { // ### draw truck Truck truck = new Truck(analysisCaseTruck.TruckProperties); truck.DrawBegin(graphics); } // ### draw solution uint layerId = 0, pickId = 0; List <ILayer> layers = _solution.Layers; foreach (ILayer layer in layers) { BBox3D bbox = new BBox3D(); // ### layer of boxes Layer3DBox layerBox = layer as Layer3DBox; if (null != layerBox) { if (analysis.Content is LoadedPallet) { LoadedPallet loadedPallet = analysis.Content as LoadedPallet; BBox3D solBBox = loadedPallet.ParentAnalysis.Solution.BBoxGlobal; foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in layerBox) { bool simplified = false; if (simplified) { BoxProperties bProperties = new BoxProperties(null, solBBox.Dimensions); bProperties.SetColor(Color.Chocolate); Box b = new Box(pickId++, bProperties, bPosition.Transform(transform)); graphics.AddBox(b); bbox.Extend(b.BBox); } else { graphics.AddImage(loadedPallet.ParentAnalysis, solBBox.DimensionsVec, bPosition.Transform(transform)); } } } else { bool aboveSelectedLayer = (_solution.SelectedLayerIndex != -1) && (layerId > _solution.SelectedLayerIndex); Transform3D upTranslation = Transform3D.Translation(new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, aboveSelectedLayer ? DistanceAboveSelectedLayer : 0.0)); foreach (BoxPosition bPosition in layerBox) { BoxPosition boxPositionModified = bPosition.Transform(transform * upTranslation); Box b = null; if (analysis.Content is PackProperties) { b = new Pack(pickId++, analysis.Content as PackProperties, boxPositionModified); } else { b = new Box(pickId++, analysis.Content as PackableBrick, boxPositionModified); } graphics.AddBox(b); bbox.Extend(b.BBox); } } } Layer3DCyl layerCyl = layer as Layer3DCyl; if (null != layerCyl) { foreach (Vector3D vPos in layerCyl) { Cylinder c = new Cylinder(pickId++, analysis.Content as CylinderProperties, new CylPosition(transform.transform(vPos), HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P)); graphics.AddCylinder(c); bbox.Extend(c.BBox); } } if (null != layerBox || null != layerCyl) { // add layer BBox AddPickingBox(bbox, layerId); // draw bounding box around selected layer if (layerId == _solution.SelectedLayerIndex) { DrawLayerBoundingBox(graphics, bbox); } ++layerId; } // ### interlayer if (layer is InterlayerPos interlayerPos) { InterlayerProperties interlayerProp = _solution.Interlayers[interlayerPos.TypeId]; if (null != interlayerProp) { bool aboveSelectedLayer = (_solution.SelectedLayerIndex != -1) && (layerId > _solution.SelectedLayerIndex); Transform3D upTranslation = Transform3D.Translation(new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, aboveSelectedLayer ? DistanceAboveSelectedLayer : 0.0)); BoxPosition bPosition = new BoxPosition( new Vector3D( analysis.Offset.X + 0.5 * (analysis.ContainerDimensions.X - interlayerProp.Length) , analysis.Offset.Y + 0.5 * (analysis.ContainerDimensions.Y - interlayerProp.Width) , interlayerPos.ZLow ), HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P); Box box = new Box(pickId++, interlayerProp, bPosition.Transform(transform * upTranslation)); graphics.AddBox(box); bbox.Extend(box.BBox); } } } BBox3D loadBBox = _solution.BBoxLoad; BBox3D loadBBoxWDeco = _solution.BBoxLoadWDeco; if (null != analysisCasePallet) { #region Pallet corners // ### pallet corners : Begin Corner[] corners = new Corner[4]; if (analysisCasePallet.HasPalletCorners) { // positions Vector3D[] cornerPositions = { loadBBox.PtMin , new Vector3D(loadBBox.PtMax.X, loadBBox.PtMin.Y, loadBBox.PtMin.Z) , new Vector3D(loadBBox.PtMax.X, loadBBox.PtMax.Y, loadBBox.PtMin.Z) , new Vector3D(loadBBox.PtMin.X, loadBBox.PtMax.Y, loadBBox.PtMin.Z) }; // length axes HalfAxis.HAxis[] lAxes = { HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N }; // width axes HalfAxis.HAxis[] wAxes = { HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P }; // corners if (analysisCasePallet.HasPalletCorners) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { corners[i] = new Corner(0, analysisCasePallet.PalletCornerProperties); corners[i].Height = Math.Min(analysisCasePallet.PalletCornerProperties.Length, loadBBox.Height); corners[i].SetPosition( transform.transform(cornerPositions[i]) , HalfAxis.Transform(lAxes[i], transform), HalfAxis.Transform(wAxes[i], transform) ); corners[i].DrawBegin(graphics); } } } #endregion #region Pallet film // ### pallet film Film film = null; if (analysisCasePallet.HasPalletFilm && -1 == _solution.SelectedLayerIndex) { // instantiate film PalletFilmProperties palletFilmProperties = analysisCasePallet.PalletFilmProperties; film = new Film( palletFilmProperties.Color, palletFilmProperties.UseTransparency, palletFilmProperties.UseHatching, palletFilmProperties.HatchSpacing, palletFilmProperties.HatchAngle); film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(transform.transform(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin) , HalfAxis.Transform(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, transform), HalfAxis.Transform(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, transform) , new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Length, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0)); film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(transform.transform(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Length * Vector3D.XAxis) , HalfAxis.Transform(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, transform), HalfAxis.Transform(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, transform) , new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Width, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0)); film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(transform.transform(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Length * Vector3D.XAxis + loadBBoxWDeco.Width * Vector3D.YAxis) , HalfAxis.Transform(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N, transform), HalfAxis.Transform(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, transform) , new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Length, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0)); film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(transform.transform(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Width * Vector3D.YAxis) , HalfAxis.Transform(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N, transform), HalfAxis.Transform(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P, transform) , new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Width, loadBBoxWDeco.Height), 0.0)); film.AddRectangle(new FilmRectangle(transform.transform(loadBBoxWDeco.PtMin + loadBBoxWDeco.Height * Vector3D.ZAxis) , HalfAxis.Transform(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, transform), HalfAxis.Transform(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, transform) , new Vector2D(loadBBoxWDeco.Length, loadBBoxWDeco.Width) , UnitsManager.ConvertLengthFrom(200.0, UnitsManager.UnitSystem.UNIT_METRIC1))); film.DrawBegin(graphics); } #endregion #region Pallet corners // pallet corners : End if (analysisCasePallet.HasPalletCorners) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { corners[i].DrawEnd(graphics); } } #endregion #region Pallet Cap // ### pallet cap if (analysisCasePallet.HasPalletCap) { PalletCapProperties capProperties = analysisCasePallet.PalletCapProperties; BoxPosition bPosition = new BoxPosition(new Vector3D( 0.5 * (analysisCasePallet.PalletProperties.Length - capProperties.Length), 0.5 * (analysisCasePallet.PalletProperties.Width - capProperties.Width), loadBBox.PtMax.Z - capProperties.InsideHeight) , HalfAxis.Transform(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P, transform) , HalfAxis.Transform(HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P, transform) ); Transform3D upTranslation = Transform3D.Translation(new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, -1 != _solution.SelectedLayerIndex ? DistanceAboveSelectedLayer : 0.0)); PalletCap cap = new PalletCap(0, capProperties, bPosition.Transform(upTranslation)); cap.DrawEnd(graphics); } #endregion #region Pallet film // pallet film : End if (analysisCasePallet.HasPalletFilm && null != film) { film.DrawEnd(graphics); } #endregion } if (null != analysisPalletTruck) { Truck truck = new Truck(analysisPalletTruck.TruckProperties); truck.DrawEnd(graphics); } else if (null != analysisCaseTruck) { Truck truck = new Truck(analysisCaseTruck.TruckProperties); truck.DrawEnd(graphics); } // ### dimensions // dimensions should only be shown when no layer is selected if (graphics.ShowDimensions && (-1 == _solution.SelectedLayerIndex)) { graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(DimCasePalletSol1), Color.Black, false)); graphics.AddDimensions(new DimensionCube(BoundingBoxDim(DimCasePalletSol2), Color.Red, true)); } // ### }
public DockContentAnalysisCylinderCase(IDocument document, AnalysisCylinderCase analysis) : base(document, analysis) { InitializeComponent(); }