/// <summary>
        /// Start the connection, i.e. start flowing messages. Note that this method must be called only from a single thread
        /// and is not thread safe (which is legal according to the JMS specification).
        /// @throws JMSException
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()

            if (!_started)
                foreach (DictionaryEntry lde in _sessions)
                    AmqChannel s = (AmqChannel)lde.Value;
                _started = true;
            protected override object operation()
                ushort channelId = _connection.NextChannelId();

                if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    _log.Debug("Write channel open frame for channel id " + channelId);

                // We must create the channel and register it before actually sending the frame to the server to
                // open it, so that there is no window where we could receive data on the channel and not be set
                // up to handle it appropriately.
                AmqChannel channel = new AmqChannel(_connection,
                                                    channelId, _transacted, _acknowledgeMode, _prefetchHigh, _prefetchLow);

                _connection.ProtocolSession.AddSessionByChannel(channelId, channel);
                _connection.RegisterSession(channelId, channel);

                bool success = false;

                    _connection.CreateChannelOverWire(channelId, _prefetchHigh, _prefetchLow, _transacted);
                    success = true;
                catch (AMQException e)
                    throw new QpidException("Error creating channel: " + e, e);
                    if (!success)

                if (_connection._started)