        public static void AbstractFactoryRealWorld()
            // Create and run the African animal world
            ContinentFactory africa = new AfricaFactory();

            Log.WriteLine("{0} has Created", africa.GetType().Name);
            var world = new AnimalWorld(africa);

            Log.WriteLine("{0} has Created", world.GetType().Name);
            Log.WriteLine("Animal World Create Herbivore and Carnivore");
            Log.WriteLine("Animal World Run Food Chain");

            // Create and run the American animal world
            ContinentFactory america = new AmericaFactory();

            Log.WriteLine("{0} has Created", america.GetType().Name);
            world = new AnimalWorld(america);
            Log.WriteLine("{0} has Created", world.GetType().Name);
            Log.WriteLine("Animal World Create Herbivore and Carnivore");
            Log.WriteLine("Animal World Run Food Chain");