public async Task ExecuteAsync(WorkerJobHelper <AIJob> jobHelper) { S3Locator inputFile; if (!jobHelper.JobInput.TryGet <S3Locator>(nameof(inputFile), out inputFile)) { throw new Exception("Invalid or missing input file."); } string mediaFileUrl; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputFile.HttpEndpoint)) { mediaFileUrl = inputFile.HttpEndpoint; } else { var bucketLocation = await inputFile.GetBucketLocationAsync(); var s3SubDomain = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bucketLocation) ? $"s3-{bucketLocation}" : "s3"; mediaFileUrl = $"https://{s3SubDomain}{inputFile.AwsS3Bucket}/{inputFile.AwsS3Key}"; } string mediaFormat; if (mediaFileUrl.EndsWith("mp3", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { mediaFormat = "mp3"; } else if (mediaFileUrl.EndsWith("mp4", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { mediaFormat = "mp4"; } else if (mediaFileUrl.EndsWith("wav", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { mediaFormat = "wav"; } else if (mediaFileUrl.EndsWith("flac", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { mediaFormat = "flac"; } else { throw new Exception($"Unable to determine media format from input file '{mediaFileUrl}'"); } var transcribeParameters = new StartTranscriptionJobRequest { TranscriptionJobName = "TranscriptionJob-" + jobHelper.JobAssignmentId.Substring(jobHelper.JobAssignmentId.LastIndexOf("/") + 1), LanguageCode = "en-US", Media = new Media { MediaFileUri = mediaFileUrl }, MediaFormat = mediaFormat, OutputBucketName = jobHelper.Request.GetRequiredContextVariable("ServiceOutputBucket") }; using (var transcribeService = new AmazonTranscribeServiceClient()) await transcribeService.StartTranscriptionJobAsync(transcribeParameters); }
public override async Task <FunctionResponse> ProcessMessageAsync(S3Event request) { foreach (var record in request.Records) { LogInfo($"processing 's3://{record.S3.Bucket.Name}/{record.S3.Object.Key}'"); // extract the video etag from the filename var videoEtag = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(record.S3.Object.Key); try { // kick off a transcribe job var transcriptionResponse = await _transcribe.StartTranscriptionJobAsync( new StartTranscriptionJobRequest { // TODO: need a better name (add timestamp?) so that we can re-transcribe a transcribed video TranscriptionJobName = $"transcribe-{videoEtag}", Media = new Media { MediaFileUri = $"https://s3-{record.AwsRegion}{record.S3.Bucket.Name}/{record.S3.Object.Key}" }, MediaFormat = MediaFormat.Mp3, LanguageCode = LanguageCode.EnUS, OutputBucketName = _outputBucketName }, CancellationToken.None ); // send a message to the progress queue await _sqsClient.SendMessageAsync(new Amazon.SQS.Model.SendMessageRequest { MessageBody = SerializeJson(new ProgressMessage { Type = MessageType.INDEXING_STARTED, Message = SerializeJson(new IndexingStartedMessage { Job = transcriptionResponse }) }), QueueUrl = _notifyQueueUrl }); } catch (Exception e) { LogError(e); } } return(new FunctionResponse { }); }
internal static async Task ProcessJobAssignmentAsync(AwsAiServiceWorkerRequest @event) { var resourceManager = @event.GetAwsV4ResourceManager(); var table = new DynamoDbTable(@event.StageVariables["TableName"]); var jobAssignmentId = @event.JobAssignmentId; try { // 1. Setting job assignment status to RUNNING await UpdateJobAssignmentStatusAsync(resourceManager, table, jobAssignmentId, "RUNNING", null); // 2. Retrieving WorkflowJob var job = await RetrieveJobAsync(resourceManager, table, jobAssignmentId); // 3. Retrieve JobProfile var jobProfile = await RetrieveJobProfileAsync(resourceManager, job); // 4. Retrieve job inputParameters var jobInput = job.JobInput; // 5. Check if we support jobProfile and if we have required parameters in jobInput ValidateJobProfile(jobProfile, jobInput); S3Locator inputFile; if (!jobInput.TryGet <S3Locator>(nameof(inputFile), out inputFile)) { throw new Exception("Invalid or missing input file."); } S3Locator outputLocation; if (!jobInput.TryGet <S3Locator>(nameof(outputLocation), out outputLocation)) { throw new Exception("Invalid or missing output location."); } switch (jobProfile.Name) { case JOB_PROFILE_TRANSCRIBE_AUDIO: string mediaFileUrl; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputFile.HttpEndpoint)) { mediaFileUrl = inputFile.HttpEndpoint; } else { var bucketLocation = await inputFile.GetBucketLocationAsync(); var s3SubDomain = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bucketLocation) ? $"s3-{bucketLocation}" : "s3"; mediaFileUrl = $"https://{s3SubDomain}{inputFile.AwsS3Bucket}/{inputFile.AwsS3Key}"; } string mediaFormat; if (mediaFileUrl.EndsWith("mp3", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { mediaFormat = "mp3"; } else if (mediaFileUrl.EndsWith("mp4", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { mediaFormat = "mp4"; } else if (mediaFileUrl.EndsWith("wav", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { mediaFormat = "wav"; } else if (mediaFileUrl.EndsWith("flac", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { mediaFormat = "flac"; } else { throw new Exception($"Unable to determine media format from input file '{mediaFileUrl}'"); } var transcribeParameters = new StartTranscriptionJobRequest { TranscriptionJobName = "TranscriptionJob-" + jobAssignmentId.Substring(jobAssignmentId.LastIndexOf("/") + 1), LanguageCode = "en-US", Media = new Media { MediaFileUri = mediaFileUrl }, MediaFormat = mediaFormat, OutputBucketName = @event.StageVariables["ServiceOutputBucket"] }; var transcribeService = new AmazonTranscribeServiceClient(); var startJobResponse = await transcribeService.StartTranscriptionJobAsync(transcribeParameters); Logger.Debug(startJobResponse.ToMcmaJson().ToString()); break; case JOB_PROFILE_TRANSLATE_TEXT: var s3Bucket = inputFile.AwsS3Bucket; var s3Key = inputFile.AwsS3Key; GetObjectResponse s3Object; try { s3Object = await inputFile.GetAsync(); } catch (Exception error) { throw new Exception($"Unable to read file in bucket '{s3Bucket}' with key '{s3Key}'.", error); } var inputText = await new StreamReader(s3Object.ResponseStream).ReadToEndAsync(); var translateParameters = new TranslateTextRequest { SourceLanguageCode = jobInput.TryGet("sourceLanguageCode", out string srcLanguageCode) ? srcLanguageCode : "auto", TargetLanguageCode = jobInput.Get <string>("targetLanguageCode"), Text = inputText }; var translateService = new AmazonTranslateClient(); var translateResponse = await translateService.TranslateTextAsync(translateParameters); var s3Params = new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = outputLocation.AwsS3Bucket, Key = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outputLocation.AwsS3KeyPrefix) ? outputLocation.AwsS3Key : string.Empty) + Guid.NewGuid() + ".txt", ContentBody = translateResponse.TranslatedText }; var outputS3 = await outputLocation.GetClientAsync(); await outputS3.PutObjectAsync(s3Params); var jobOutput = new JobParameterBag(); jobOutput["outputFile"] = new S3Locator { AwsS3Bucket = s3Params.BucketName, AwsS3Key = s3Params.Key }; Logger.Debug("Updating job assignment"); await UpdateJobAssignmentWithOutputAsync(table, jobAssignmentId, jobOutput); await UpdateJobAssignmentStatusAsync(resourceManager, table, jobAssignmentId, "COMPLETED"); break; case JOB_PROFILE_DETECT_CELEBRITIES: var randomBytes = new byte[16]; new Random().NextBytes(randomBytes); var clientToken = randomBytes.HexEncode(); var base64JobId = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jobAssignmentId).HexEncode(); var rekoParams = new StartCelebrityRecognitionRequest { Video = new Video { S3Object = new Amazon.Rekognition.Model.S3Object { Bucket = inputFile.AwsS3Bucket, Name = inputFile.AwsS3Key } }, ClientRequestToken = clientToken, JobTag = base64JobId, NotificationChannel = new NotificationChannel { RoleArn = REKO_SNS_ROLE_ARN, SNSTopicArn = SNS_TOPIC_ARN } }; var rekognitionClient = new AmazonRekognitionClient(); var startCelebRecognitionResponse = await rekognitionClient.StartCelebrityRecognitionAsync(rekoParams); Logger.Debug(startCelebRecognitionResponse.ToMcmaJson().ToString()); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Exception(ex); try { await UpdateJobAssignmentStatusAsync(resourceManager, table, jobAssignmentId, "FAILED", ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception innerEx) { Logger.Exception(innerEx); } } }
private async void BeginTranscription_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this._ctlBeginTranscription.IsEnabled = false; try { this._ctlStatusLog.Text = ""; this._ctlTranscription.Text = ""; var filepath = this._ctlFilepath.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filepath)) { MessageBox.Show($"An mp4 file must be selected first before transcribing", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filepath)) { MessageBox.Show($"File {filepath} does not exist", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } var s3Key = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filepath); var s3Bucket = _ctlS3Bucket.Text; var chain = new CredentialProfileStoreChain(); AWSCredentials credentials; if (!chain.TryGetAWSCredentials(this._ctlProfile.Text, out credentials)) { MessageBox.Show($"Profile {this._ctlProfile.Text} was not found", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } var region = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(this._ctlRegion.Text); var transcriptionJobName = $"{s3Key}-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}"; using (var s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(credentials, region)) using (var transcribeClient = new AmazonTranscribeServiceClient(credentials, region)) using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) // Http Client to download the transcription once complete { AppendStatusLine("Ensuring S3 bucket exists"); await s3Client.PutBucketAsync(s3Bucket); var transferUtility = new TransferUtility(s3Client); AppendStatusLine("Starting upload"); var uploadRequest = new TransferUtilityUploadRequest { FilePath = filepath, BucketName = s3Bucket, Key = s3Key }; uploadRequest.UploadProgressEvent += ProgressUploadStatus; await transferUtility.UploadAsync(uploadRequest); var mediaFileUri = $"https://s3.{region.SystemName}{s3Bucket}/{s3Key}"; AppendStatusLine($"Upload Complete to: {mediaFileUri}"); await transcribeClient.StartTranscriptionJobAsync(new StartTranscriptionJobRequest { LanguageCode = LanguageCode.EnUS, Media = new Media { MediaFileUri = mediaFileUri }, MediaFormat = MediaFormat.Mp4, TranscriptionJobName = transcriptionJobName }); AppendStatusLine($"Started transcription job: {transcriptionJobName}"); GetTranscriptionJobRequest request = new GetTranscriptionJobRequest { TranscriptionJobName = transcriptionJobName }; GetTranscriptionJobResponse response = null; do { AppendStatusLine($"... {DateTime.Now} Waiting for transcription job to complete"); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); response = await transcribeClient.GetTranscriptionJobAsync(request); } while (response.TranscriptionJob.TranscriptionJobStatus == TranscriptionJobStatus.IN_PROGRESS); if (response.TranscriptionJob.TranscriptionJobStatus == TranscriptionJobStatus.FAILED) { AppendStatusLine($"Transcription job failed: {response.TranscriptionJob.FailureReason}"); return; } AppendStatusLine("Job Done"); var transcriptionDocument = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(response.TranscriptionJob.Transcript.TranscriptFileUri); var root = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(transcriptionDocument) as JObject; var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (JObject transcriptionNode in root["results"]["transcripts"]) { if (sb.Length != 0) { sb.AppendLine("\n\n"); } sb.Append(transcriptionNode["transcript"]); } this._ctlTranscription.Text = sb.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { AppendStatusLine($"Unknown error: {ex.Message}"); } finally { this._ctlBeginTranscription.IsEnabled = true; } }
public override async Task ProcessMessageAsync(Message message, ILambdaContext context) { if (message.Iterations < 0) { return; } var suffix = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); // Initiate describe voices request. var describeVoiceResponse = await _pollyClient.DescribeVoicesAsync(new DescribeVoicesRequest { // LanguageCode = "en-US" }); // LogInfo(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(describeVoiceResponse.Voices)); var randomIndex = _rand.Next(describeVoiceResponse.Voices.Count); var randomVoice = describeVoiceResponse.Voices[randomIndex]; LogInfo($"Selected random voice '{randomVoice.Name}' in {randomVoice.LanguageName}"); // Initiate speech synthesis request. var synthesizeResponse = await _pollyClient.SynthesizeSpeechAsync(new SynthesizeSpeechRequest { VoiceId = randomVoice.Id, OutputFormat = OutputFormat.Mp3, Text = message.Text }); var audioStream = new MemoryStream(); await synthesizeResponse.AudioStream.CopyToAsync(audioStream); audioStream.Position = 0; // Ensure audio file is in an s3 bucket for Transcribe to consume. await _s3Client.PutObjectAsync(new PutObjectRequest { BucketName = _audioBucket, Key = $"polly_{suffix}.mp3", InputStream = audioStream }); // Initiate Transcription Job var transcriptionName = $"transcribe_{suffix}"; var mediaUri = $"{_audioBucket}/polly_{suffix}.mp3"; var transcriptionResponse = await _transcribeClient.StartTranscriptionJobAsync(new StartTranscriptionJobRequest { LanguageCode = "en-US", MediaFormat = MediaFormat.Mp3, Media = new Media { MediaFileUri = mediaUri }, OutputBucketName = _textBucket, TranscriptionJobName = transcriptionName }); // Wait for transcription job to complete while (true) { await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)); var transcriptionJobStatusReponse = await _transcribeClient.GetTranscriptionJobAsync(new GetTranscriptionJobRequest { TranscriptionJobName = transcriptionName }); if (transcriptionJobStatusReponse.TranscriptionJob.TranscriptionJobStatus == TranscriptionJobStatus.FAILED) { LogWarn("Transcribe job failed"); return; } if (transcriptionJobStatusReponse.TranscriptionJob.TranscriptionJobStatus == TranscriptionJobStatus.COMPLETED) { LogInfo("Job Completed!!"); break; } LogInfo("Checking job status... again."); } // Retrieve text file from s3 and extract the text var s3Response = await _s3Client.GetObjectAsync(new GetObjectRequest { BucketName = _textBucket, Key = $"{transcriptionName}.json" }); var text = await new StreamReader(s3Response.ResponseStream).ReadToEndAsync(); LogInfo(text); var json = JObject.Parse(text); var transcription = json["results"]["transcripts"][0]["transcript"].ToString(); LogInfo(transcription); if (message.Iterations >= 0 && transcription.Length > 0) { await _snsClient.PublishAsync(new PublishRequest { TopicArn = _topic, Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Message { Iterations = message.Iterations - 1, Text = transcription, Link = mediaUri }) }); } // :) }