/// <summary>
        /// Exports to a single SPC spectrum from a single table column.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">The name of the file where to export to.</param>
        /// <param name="table">The table from which to export.</param>
        /// <param name="columnnumber">The number of the table column that contains the data to export.</param>
        /// <param name="xcolumn">The x column that contains the x data.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedRows">The rows that where selected in the table, i.e. the rows which are exported. If this parameter is null
        /// or no rows are selected, then all data of a column will be exported.</param>
        /// <returns>Null if export was successfull, error description otherwise.</returns>
        public static string FromColumn(
            string filename,
            Altaxo.Data.DataTable table,
            int columnnumber,
            Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn xcolumn,
            IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedRows)
            if (!(table.DataColumns[columnnumber] is Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn))
                return(string.Format("Table column[{0}] ({1}) is not a numeric column!", columnnumber, table.DataColumns[columnnumber].FullName));

            // test that all x and y cells have numeric values
            bool bUseSel     = null != selectedRows && selectedRows.Count > 0;
            int  spectrumlen = (bUseSel)? selectedRows.Count : table.DataColumns[columnnumber].Count;

            int i, j;

            for (j = 0; j < spectrumlen; j++)
                i = bUseSel ? selectedRows[j] : j;

                if (xcolumn[i] == Double.NaN)
                    return(string.Format("X column at index {i} has no numeric value!", i));

                if (((Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn)table.DataColumns[columnnumber])[i] == Double.NaN)
                    return(string.Format("Table cell [{0},{1}] (column {2}) has no numeric value!", columnnumber, i, table.DataColumns[columnnumber].FullName));

            // this first test was successfull, so start exporting now

            double[] xvalues = new double[spectrumlen];
            double[] yvalues = new double[spectrumlen];

            for (j = 0; j < spectrumlen; j++)
                i          = bUseSel ? selectedRows[j] : j;
                xvalues[j] = xcolumn[i];
                yvalues[j] = ((Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn)table.DataColumns[columnnumber])[i];
            return(FromArrays(xvalues, yvalues, filename));
        protected static string TwoDimFFT(Altaxo.AltaxoDocument mainDocument, GUI.WorksheetController dg, out double[] rePart, out double[] imPart)
            int rows = dg.Doc.DataColumns.RowCount;
            int cols = dg.Doc.DataColumns.ColumnCount;

            // reserve two arrays (one for real part, which is filled with the table contents)
            // and the imaginary part - which is left zero here)

            rePart = new double[rows * cols];
            imPart = new double[rows * cols];

            // fill the real part with the table contents
            for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
                Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn col = dg.Doc[i] as Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn;
                if (null == col)
                    return(string.Format("Can't apply fourier transform, since column number {0}, name:{1} is not numeric", i, dg.Doc[i].FullName));

                for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
                    rePart[i * rows + j] = col[j];

            // test it can be done
            if (!Pfa235FFT.CanFactorized(cols))
                return(string.Format("Can't apply fourier transform, since the number of cols ({0}) are not appropriate for this kind of fourier transform.", cols));
            if (!Pfa235FFT.CanFactorized(rows))
                return(string.Format("Can't apply fourier transform, since the number of rows ({0}) are not appropriate for this kind of fourier transform.", rows));

            // fourier transform
            Pfa235FFT fft = new Pfa235FFT(cols, rows);

            fft.FFT(rePart, imPart, FourierDirection.Forward);

            // replace the real part by the amplitude
            for (int i = 0; i < rePart.Length; i++)
                rePart[i] = Math.Sqrt(rePart[i] * rePart[i] + imPart[i] * imPart[i]);

        /// <summary>
        /// Fits data provided as xcolumn and ycolumn with a polynomial base.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order">The order of the fit (1:linear, 2:quadratic, etc.)</param>
        /// <param name="xcolumn">The column of x-values.</param>
        /// <param name="ycolumn">The column of y-values.</param>
        /// <returns>The fit.</returns>
        public static LinearFitBySvd Fit(int order, Altaxo.Data.DataColumn xcolumn, Altaxo.Data.DataColumn ycolumn)
            if (!(xcolumn is Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn))
                throw new ArgumentException("The x-column must be numeric", "xcolumn");
            if (!(ycolumn is Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn))
                throw new ArgumentException("The y-column must be numeric", "ycolumn");

            int firstIndex = 0;
            int count      = Math.Min(xcolumn.Count, ycolumn.Count);

            double[] xarr = new double[count];
            double[] yarr = new double[count];
            double[] earr = new double[count];

            Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn xcol = (Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn)xcolumn;
            Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn ycol = (Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn)ycolumn;

            int numberOfDataPoints = 0;
            int endIndex           = firstIndex + count;

            for (int i = firstIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
                double x = xcol[i];
                double y = ycol[i];
                if (double.IsNaN(x) || double.IsNaN(y))

                xarr[numberOfDataPoints] = x;
                yarr[numberOfDataPoints] = y;
                earr[numberOfDataPoints] = 1;

            LinearFitBySvd fit =
                new LinearFitBySvd(
                    xarr, yarr, earr, numberOfDataPoints, order + 1, new FunctionBaseEvaluator(EvaluatePolynomialBase), 1E-5);

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the data points of the current active plot.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctrl">The graph controller which controls the graph from which the points are to retrieve.</param>
        /// <param name="xarr">The array of the data point's x values.</param>
        /// <param name="yarr">The array of the data point's y values.</param>
        /// <param name="nPlotPoints">The number of plot points (may be smaller than the length of x and y arrays.</param>
        /// <returns>Null if all is ok, or error message if not.</returns>
        public static string GetActivePlotPoints(Altaxo.Graph.GUI.GraphController ctrl, ref double[] xarr, ref double[] yarr, out int nPlotPoints)
            nPlotPoints = 0;


            IGPlotItem plotItem = ctrl.ActiveLayer.PlotItems.Flattened[ctrl.CurrentPlotNumber];

            XYColumnPlotItem xyPlotItem = plotItem as XYColumnPlotItem;

            if (xyPlotItem == null)
                return("No active plot!");

            XYColumnPlotData data = xyPlotItem.XYColumnPlotData;

            if (data == null)
                return("Active plot item has no data");

            if (!(data.XColumn is Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn) || !(data.YColumn is Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn))
                return("X-Y values of plot data are not both numeric");

            Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn xcol = (Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn)data.XColumn;
            Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn ycol = (Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn)data.YColumn;

            int n = data.PlottablePoints;

            if (null == xarr || xarr.Length < n)
                xarr = new double[n];
            if (null == yarr || yarr.Length < n)
                yarr = new double[n];

            int end = data.PlotRangeEnd;

            int j = 0;

            for (int i = data.PlotRangeStart; i < end && j < n; i++)
                double x = xcol[i];
                double y = ycol[i];

                if (double.IsNaN(x) || double.IsNaN(y))

                xarr[j] = x;
                yarr[j] = y;
            nPlotPoints = j;
 /// <summary>
 /// With these function is is possible to change the data column used for the dependent variable.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="yCol">Data column representing the dependent variable.</param>
 public void SetDependentVariable(Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn yCol)
     _fitEle.SetDependentVariable(0, yCol);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of this class. This constructor needs either
        /// <paramref name="dataTable"/>, <paramref name="xCol"/> and <paramref name="yCol"/> to be valid, or all to be null.
        /// If all null, consider to use the other provided constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fitFunc">Fitting function.</param>
        /// <param name="parameter">Array of default parameters (length must match the expected number of parameter of fitFunc).</param>
        /// <param name="dataTable">The data table from which the provided <paramref name="xCol"/> and <paramref name="yCol"/> originate.</param>
        /// <param name="groupNumber">The group number of the columns <paramref name="xCol"/> and <paramref name="yCol"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="xCol">Data column of independent values.</param>
        /// <param name="yCol">Data column of dependent values.</param>
        /// <param name="start">First point to be used for fitting.</param>
        /// <param name="count">Number of points to be used for fitting.</param>
        public SimpleNonlinearFit(FitEvaluationFunction fitFunc, double[] parameter, Altaxo.Data.DataTable dataTable, int groupNumber, Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn xCol, Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn yCol, int start, int count)
            _fitDoc = new NonlinearFitDocument();

            if (null == dataTable && null == xCol && null == yCol)
                _fitEle = new FitElement(Altaxo.Data.Selections.RangeOfRowIndices.FromStartAndCount(start, count));
                _fitEle = new FitElement(dataTable, groupNumber, Altaxo.Data.Selections.RangeOfRowIndices.FromStartAndCount(start, count), xCol, yCol);

            _fitEle.FitFunction = new DummyFitFunc(fitFunc, parameter);
        /// <summary>
        /// Paint the density image in the layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gfrx">The graphics context painting in.</param>
        /// <param name="gl">The layer painting in.</param>
        /// <param name="plotObject">The data to plot.</param>
        public void Paint(Graphics gfrx, IPlotArea gl, object plotObject) // plots the curve with the choosen style
            if (!(plotObject is XYZMeshedColumnPlotData))
                return; // we cannot plot any other than a TwoDimMeshDataAssociation now
            XYZMeshedColumnPlotData myPlotAssociation = (XYZMeshedColumnPlotData)plotObject;

            Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn xColumn = myPlotAssociation.XColumn as Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn;
            Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn yColumn = myPlotAssociation.YColumn as Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn;

            if (null == xColumn || null == yColumn)
                return; // this plotitem is only for x and y double columns
            //double layerWidth = gl.Size.Width;
            //double layerHeight = gl.Size.Height;

            int cols = myPlotAssociation.ColumnCount;
            int rows = myPlotAssociation.RowCount;

            if (cols <= 0 || rows <= 0)
                return; // we cannot show a picture if one length is zero
            // there is a need for rebuilding the bitmap only if the data are invalid for some reason
            if (!m_bCachedDataValid)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("DensityImagePlotStyle.Paint, calculate image data...");

                // look if the image has the right dimensions
                if (null == m_Image || m_Image.Width != cols || m_Image.Height != rows)
                    if (null != m_Image)

                    // please notice: the horizontal direction of the image is related to the row index!!! (this will turn the image in relation to the table)
                    // and the vertical direction of the image is related to the column index
                    m_Image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(rows, cols, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

                // now we can fill the image with our data

                NumericalBoundaries pb = m_ScalingStyle == ScalingStyle.Logarithmic ? (NumericalBoundaries) new PositiveFiniteNumericalBoundaries() :  (NumericalBoundaries) new FiniteNumericalBoundaries();
                myPlotAssociation.SetVBoundsFromTemplate(pb); // ensure that the right v-boundary type is set

                double vmin       = double.IsNaN(this.m_RangeFrom) ? pb.LowerBound : Math.Max(pb.LowerBound, this.m_RangeFrom);
                double vmax       = double.IsNaN(this.m_RangeTo) ? pb.UpperBound : Math.Min(pb.UpperBound, this.m_RangeTo);
                double lowerBound = vmin;
                double upperBound = vmax;

                if (this.m_ScalingStyle == ScalingStyle.Logarithmic)
                    // Ensure that min and max >0
                    vmin = lowerBound = Math.Max(lowerBound, double.Epsilon);
                    vmax = upperBound = Math.Max(lowerBound, upperBound); // lowerBound is ok, to ensure that upperBound>=lowerBound

                    vmin = Math.Log(vmin);
                    vmax = vmax > 0 ? Math.Log(vmax) : vmin;

                // double vmid = (vmin+vmax)*0.5;
                double vscal = vmax <= vmin ? 1 : 255.0 / (vmax - vmin);

                int r, g, b;

                for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
                    Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn col = myPlotAssociation.DataColumns[i] as Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn;
                    if (null == col)

                    for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
                        double val = col[j];
                        if (double.IsNaN(val))
                            m_Image.SetPixel(j, cols - i - 1, m_ColorInvalid); // invalid pixels are transparent
                        else if (val < lowerBound)
                            m_Image.SetPixel(j, cols - i - 1, m_ColorBelow); // below the lower bound
                        else if (val > upperBound)
                            m_Image.SetPixel(j, cols - i - 1, m_ColorAbove); // above the upper bound
                        else // a valid value
                            double relval;
                            // calculate a relative value between 0 and 255 from the borders and the scaling style
                            if (this.m_ScalingStyle == ScalingStyle.Logarithmic)
                                relval = (Math.Log(val) - vmin) * vscal;
                            else // ScalingStyle is linear
                                relval = (val - vmin) * vscal;

                            r = ((int)(Math.Abs(relval))) % 256;
                            g = ((int)(Math.Abs(relval + relval))) % 256;
                            b = ((int)(Math.Abs(255 - relval))) % 256;
                            m_Image.SetPixel(j, cols - i - 1, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(r, g, b));
                    } // for all pixel of a column
                }     // for all columns

                m_bCachedDataValid = true; // now the bitmap is valid

            double x_rel_left  = gl.XAxis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(xColumn[0]);
            double x_rel_right = gl.XAxis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(xColumn[rows - 1]);

            double y_rel_bottom = gl.YAxis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(yColumn[0]);
            double y_rel_top    = gl.YAxis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(yColumn[cols - 1]);

            double xleft, xright, ytop, ybottom;

            if (gl.CoordinateSystem.LogicalToLayerCoordinates(new Logical3D(x_rel_left, y_rel_top), out xleft, out ytop) &&
                gl.CoordinateSystem.LogicalToLayerCoordinates(new Logical3D(x_rel_right, y_rel_bottom), out xright, out ybottom))
                GraphicsState savedGraphicsState = gfrx.Save();

                if (this.m_ClipToLayer)
                    gfrx.Clip = gl.CoordinateSystem.GetRegion();

                gfrx.DrawImage(m_Image, (float)xleft, (float)ytop, (float)(xright - xleft), (float)(ybottom - ytop));
