        public void GetNextVariantTests()
            var resultVariant  = new CalledAllele();
            var resultVariants = new List <CalledAllele> {
            string resultString = string.Empty;
            var    vr           = new AlleleReader(VcfTestFile_1);

            vr.GetNextVariants(out resultVariants, out resultString);
            Assert.Equal(resultString.TrimEnd('\r'), @"chr1	10	.	A	.	25	PASS	DP=500	GT:GQ:AD:VF:NL:SB:NC	1/1:25:0,0:0.0000:23:0.0000:0.0010");
            Assert.Equal(resultVariants[0].Chromosome, "chr1");
            Assert.Equal(resultVariants[0].ReferenceAllele, "A");
            Assert.Equal(resultVariants[0].AlternateAllele, ".");

            //Note, we have seen this assert below fail for specific user configurations
            //When it fails the error mesg is as below:
            //Assert.Equal() Failure
            //Expected: 1428
            //Actual: 1452
            //If this happens to you, check your git attributes config file.
            //You might be handling vcf text file line endings differently so the white space counts differently in this test.
            // In that case, the fail is purely cosmetic.
            //try: Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
            //# http://davidlaing.com/2012/09/19/customise-your-gitattributes-to-become-a-git-ninja/
            //*text = auto
            //*.cs     diff = csharp
            //*.bam binary
            //*.vcf text
            //.fa text eol = crlf

            if (vr.Position() == 1428)
                Console.WriteLine("This isn't critical, but you might want to change your line endings convention. ");
                Console.WriteLine("This project was developed with \\CR\\LF , not \\LF convention.");
                Assert.Equal(1452, vr.Position());

            var resultStringArray = new string[] { };

            resultVariant  = new CalledAllele();
            resultVariants = new List <CalledAllele> {

            vr.GetNextVariants(out resultVariants, out resultString);
            Assert.Equal(resultString.TrimEnd('\r'), @"chr1	20	.	A	T	25	PASS	DP=500	GT:GQ:AD:VF:NL:SB:NC	1/1:25:0,0:0.0000:23:0.0000:0.0010");
            for (var i = 0; i < resultStringArray.Length; i++)
                resultStringArray[i] = resultStringArray[i].TrimEnd('\r');
            Assert.Equal(resultVariants[0].Chromosome, "chr1");

            resultVariant  = new CalledAllele();
            resultVariants = new List <CalledAllele> {

            vr.GetNextVariants(out resultVariants);
            Assert.Equal(resultVariants[0].Chromosome, "chr1");
            Assert.Equal(resultVariants[0].ReferenceAllele, "A");
            Assert.Equal(resultVariants[0].AlternateAllele, "AT");