        public Program()
            Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update100;
            H = new Helper(GridTerminalSystem);
            Echo("Lauching script...\n If you add more refineries recompile script");

            // Get needed blocks in grid
            AllRefineries        = H.Grid.GetGroupBlocks(controlledRefineries);
            EmptyCargoInventory  = H.Grid.GetCargoContainers(emptyCargoContainer).First().GetInventory(0);
            ContainerInventories = H.Grid.GetBlocks().Where(t => t is IMyCargoContainer).Select(t => t.GetInventory(0)).ToList();

            // Empty refineries into one cargo container before starting script (that should be handled by some inventory manager script)
            AllRefineries.Select(t => t.GetInventory(0)).Where(t => t.ItemCount > 0).ToList()
            .ForEach(t => CargoHelper.MoveAllCargo(t, EmptyCargoInventory));
        public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)

            Echo("Running Ucat's automated refineries" + H.TimerChar);

            // Get ores in inventories
            var ores = ContainerInventories.SelectMany(t => CargoHelper.GetItemsInInventory(t)).Where(t => (t.IsOre && t.ItemName != CargoHelper.ICE) || (t.IsIngot && t.ItemName == CargoHelper.SCRAP)).ToList();

            //Echo("Ores Found:\n" + ores.Select(t => t.ItemName + ": " + t.Quantity.ToIntSafe() + "\n").Aggregate((acc, t) => acc + t));

            // Get most priority ore and quantity for each refinery
            //var itemName = oresPriority.FirstOrDefault(t => ores.Any(r => r.ItemName == t));

            // Get ore with most quantity first
            Echo("Sorting ores by most quantity.\n");
            var max      = ores.Max(r => r.Quantity.RawValue);
            var itemName = ores.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Quantity.RawValue == max)?.ItemName;

            if (itemName == null)
                Echo("\nAll done, nothing to refine");

            var item    = ores.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ItemName == itemName);
            var divided = (MyFixedPoint)(item.Quantity.RawValue > 1000 ? ((decimal)item.Quantity.RawValue / AllRefineries.Count / 1000000) : 1);

            if (divided.RawValue < 1000000)
                Echo("\nNot worth moving " + item.Quantity.ToIntSafe() + " " + itemName + ".\nWaiting for more...");

            var refineryOne          = AllRefineries.First();
            var moveOres             = refineryOne.GetInventory(0).CurrentVolume.RawValue < refineryOne.GetInventory(0).MaxVolume.RawValue / 2;
            var emptySecondInventory = refineryOne.GetInventory(1).CurrentVolume.RawValue > refineryOne.GetInventory(1).MaxVolume.RawValue / 2;

            if (moveOres)
                Echo("Moving " + divided.ToIntSafe() + " " + itemName + " into each refinery.");

            AllRefineries.ForEach(t =>
                // Move target quantity into refinery if not full
                if (moveOres)
                    t.GetInventory(0).TransferItemFrom(item.Inventory, item.Item, divided);

                // Empty second inventory
                if (emptySecondInventory)
                    CargoHelper.MoveAllCargo(t.GetInventory(1), EmptyCargoInventory);

                // Turn off refinery when it's empty, on otherwise
                if (t.GetInventory(0).ItemCount == 0)