public void GetNumericVersion() { // This will only test that a number larger than 0 is returned uint v = AllJoyn.GetNumericVersion(); Assert.True(v > 0); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("AllJoyn Library version: " + AllJoyn.GetVersion()); Console.WriteLine("AllJoyn Library buildInfo: " + AllJoyn.GetBuildInfo()); // Enable callbacks on main thread only AllJoyn.SetMainThreadOnlyCallbacks(true); BasicServer basicServer = new BasicServer(); BasicClient basicClient = new BasicClient(); basicClient.Connect(); while (!basicClient.Connected) { AllJoyn.TriggerCallbacks(); // Pump messages System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); } Console.WriteLine("BasicClient.CallRemoteMethod returned '{0}'", basicClient.CallRemoteMethod()); while (basicServer.KeepRunning) { AllJoyn.TriggerCallbacks(); // Pump messages System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("AllJoyn Library version: " + AllJoyn.GetVersion()); Console.WriteLine("AllJoyn Library buildInfo: " + AllJoyn.GetBuildInfo()); BasicServer basicServer = new BasicServer(); BasicClient basicClient = new BasicClient(); basicClient.Connect(); while (!basicClient.Connected) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); } Console.WriteLine("BasicClient.CallRemoteMethod returned '{0}'", basicClient.CallRemoteMethod()); while (basicServer.KeepRunning) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); //System.GC.Collect(); //System.GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); //System.GC.WaitForFullGCComplete(); //System.GC.Collect(); Console.WriteLine("BasicClient.CallRemoteMethod returned '{0}'", basicClient.CallRemoteMethod()); } }
// Awake() is called before any calls to Start() on any game object are made. void Awake() { // Output AllJoyn version information to log Debug.Log("AllJoyn Library version: " + AllJoyn.GetVersion()); Debug.Log("AllJoyn Library buildInfo: " + AllJoyn.GetBuildInfo()); #if UNITY_ANDROID AllJoyn.UnityInitialize("./"); #else AllJoyn.UnityInitialize(); #endif }
public void GetExtensionVersion() { // Currently this value is not well defined so it may change // in an upcomming release // A string of form #.#.# is returned string extensionVer = AllJoyn.GetExtensionVersion(); string[] extVer = extensionVer.Split('.'); Assert.Equal(3, extVer.Length); foreach (string s in extVer) { int aaa; Assert.True(int.TryParse(s, out aaa)); } }
public void GetBuildInfo() { // GetBuildInfo is expecte to be a string of type // AllJoyn Library v#.#.# (Built <weekday> <month> dd hh:mm:ss UTC yyyy by <username>) // This test code is most likely more complex than // the code used to generate the string but it should handle any value // returned string buildInfo = AllJoyn.GetBuildInfo(); string failMsg = "Expected the BuildInfo string to start with 'AllJoyn Library' actual string was \n>>>\t " + buildInfo; Assert.True(buildInfo.StartsWith("AllJoyn Library"), failMsg); string[] bInfo = buildInfo.Split(' '); //dummy value to pass into int.TryParse int aaa; //already checked that the string started with 'AllJoyn Library' string[] versionLevels = bInfo[2].Substring(1).Split('.'); Assert.Equal(3, versionLevels.Length); foreach (string s in versionLevels) { Assert.True(int.TryParse(s, out aaa)); } Assert.True(bInfo[3].Equals("(Built")); //abbreviated weekday name. In the default locale, it is equivalent //to one of the following: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri or Sat. Assert.Equal(3, bInfo[4].Length); // locale's abbreviated month name. In the default //locale, it is equivalent to one of the following: Jan, Feb, //Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov or Dec. Assert.Equal(3, bInfo[5].Length); //day of the month Assert.True(int.TryParse(bInfo[6], out aaa)); //time hh:mm:ss string[] time = bInfo[7].Split(':'); Assert.Equal(3, time.Length); foreach (string s in time) { Assert.True(int.TryParse(s, out aaa)); } Assert.True(bInfo[8].Equals("UTC")); //year yyyy Assert.True(int.TryParse(bInfo[9], out aaa)); Assert.True(bInfo[10].Equals("by")); //bInfo[11] is the user name will not test //we know the string should end in ')' Assert.Equal(')', bInfo[11][bInfo[11].Length - 1]); }
public void GetVersion() { // version is expecte to be a string of type v#.#.# where # represents a // number of unknown length. This test code is most likely more complex than // the code used to generate the string but it should handle any value // returned string version = AllJoyn.GetVersion(); Assert.Equal('v', version[0]); string[] versionLevels = version.Substring(1).Split('.'); Assert.Equal(3, versionLevels.Length); foreach (string level in versionLevels) { int aaa; Assert.True(int.TryParse(level, out aaa)); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("AllJoyn Library version: " + AllJoyn.GetVersion()); Console.WriteLine("AllJoyn Library buildInfo: " + AllJoyn.GetBuildInfo()); // Create message bus sMsgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true); // Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription testIntf; AllJoyn.QStatus status = sMsgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, out testIntf); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("Interface Created."); testIntf.AddMember(AllJoyn.Message.Type.MethodCall, "cat", "ss", "s", "inStr1,inStr2,outStr"); testIntf.Activate(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample'"); } // Start the msg bus if (status) { status = sMsgBus.Start(); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment started."); } else { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment.Start failed."); } } // Connect to the bus if (status) { for (int i = 0; i < connectArgs.Length; ++i) { status = sMsgBus.Connect(connectArgs[i]); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED."); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed."); } } if (!status) { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment.Connect failed."); } } // Create a bus listener sBusListener = new MyBusListener(); if (status) { sMsgBus.RegisterBusListener(sBusListener); Console.WriteLine("BusListener Registered."); } // Begin discovery on the well-known name of the service to be called if (status) { status = sMsgBus.FindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME); if (!status) { Console.WriteLine("org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed."); } } // Wait for join session to complete while (sJoinComplete == false) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); } if (status) { using (AllJoyn.ProxyBusObject remoteObj = new AllJoyn.ProxyBusObject(sMsgBus, SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PATH, sSessionId)) { AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription alljoynTestIntf = sMsgBus.GetInterface(INTERFACE_NAME); if (alljoynTestIntf == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to get test interface."); } remoteObj.AddInterface(alljoynTestIntf); AllJoyn.Message reply = new AllJoyn.Message(sMsgBus); AllJoyn.MsgArg inputs = new AllJoyn.MsgArg(2); inputs[0] = "Hello "; inputs[1] = "World!"; status = remoteObj.MethodCall(SERVICE_NAME, "cat", inputs, reply, 5000, 0); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("{0}.{1} (path={2}) returned \"{3}\"", SERVICE_NAME, "cat", SERVICE_PATH, (string)reply[0]); } else { Console.WriteLine("MethodCall on {0}.{1} failed", SERVICE_NAME, "cat"); } } } // Dispose of objects now sMsgBus.Dispose(); sBusListener.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("basic client exiting with status {0} ({1})\n", status, status.ToString()); }
void OnApplicationQuit() { AllJoyn.StopAllJoynProcessing(); }
// Awake() is called before any calls to Start() on any game object are made. void Awake() { // Output AllJoyn version information to log Debug.Log("AllJoyn Library version: " + AllJoyn.GetVersion()); Debug.Log("AllJoyn Library buildInfo: " + AllJoyn.GetBuildInfo()); }
void OnDestroy() { AllJoyn.UnityDestroy(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("AllJoyn Library version: " + AllJoyn.GetVersion()); Console.WriteLine("AllJoyn Library buildInfo: " + AllJoyn.GetBuildInfo()); // Create message bus sMsgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true); // Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription testIntf; AllJoyn.QStatus status = sMsgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, out testIntf); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("Interface Created."); testIntf.AddMember(AllJoyn.Message.Type.MethodCall, "cat", "ss", "s", "inStr1,inStr2,outStr"); testIntf.Activate(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample'"); } // Create a bus listener sBusListener = new MyBusListener(); if (status) { sMsgBus.RegisterBusListener(sBusListener); Console.WriteLine("BusListener Registered."); } // Set up bus object TestBusObject testObj = new TestBusObject(sMsgBus, SERVICE_PATH); // Start the msg bus if (status) { status = sMsgBus.Start(); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment started."); sMsgBus.RegisterBusObject(testObj); for (int i = 0; i < connectArgs.Length; ++i) { status = sMsgBus.Connect(connectArgs[i]); if (status) { Console.WriteLine("BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED."); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed."); } } if (!status) { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment.Connect failed."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("BusAttachment.Start failed."); } } // Request name if (status) { status = sMsgBus.RequestName(SERVICE_NAME, AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue); if (!status) { Console.WriteLine("RequestName({0}) failed (status={1})", SERVICE_NAME, status); } } // Create session AllJoyn.SessionOpts opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, false, AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any); if (status) { ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT; sSessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener(); status = sMsgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sSessionPortListener); if (!status) { Console.WriteLine("BindSessionPort failed ({0})", status); } } // Advertise name if (status) { status = sMsgBus.AdvertiseName(SERVICE_NAME, opts.Transports); if (!status) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to advertise name {0} ({1})", SERVICE_NAME, status); } } if (status) { while (true) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); } } // Dispose of objects now sMsgBus.Dispose(); sBusListener.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("basic server exiting with status {0} ({1})", status, status.ToString()); }
public void CloseDown() { if (msgBus == null) { return; //no need to clean anything up } AllJoynStarted = false; LeaveSession(); AllJoyn.QStatus status = msgBus.CancelFindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME); if (!status) { chatText = "CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.CancelAdvertisedName(myAdvertisedName, opts.Transports); if (!status) { chatText = "CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("CancelAdvertisedName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.ReleaseName(myAdvertisedName); if (!status) { chatText = "ReleaseName failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("ReleaseName status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.UnbindSessionPort(SERVICE_PORT); if (!status) { chatText = "UnbindSessionPort failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("UnbindSessionPort status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } status = msgBus.Disconnect(connectedVal); if (!status) { chatText = "Disconnect failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("Disconnect status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member chatMember = testIntf.GetMember("chat"); status = msgBus.UnregisterSignalHandler(this.ChatSignalHandler, chatMember, null); chatMember = null; if (!status) { chatText = "UnregisterSignalHandler failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("UnregisterSignalHandler status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } if (sessionListener != null) { status = msgBus.SetSessionListener(null, currentSessionId); sessionListener = null; if (!status) { chatText = "SetSessionListener failed status(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("SetSessionListener status(" + status.ToString() + ")"); } } chatText = "No Exceptions(" + status.ToString() + ")\n" + chatText; Debug.Log("No Exceptions(" + status.ToString() + ")"); currentSessionId = 0; currentJoinedSession = null; sFoundName.Clear(); connectedVal = null; msgBus = null; busListener = null; sessionPortListener = null; testObj = null; testIntf = null; opts = null; myAdvertisedName = null; AllJoynStarted = false; AllJoyn.StopAllJoynProcessing(); //Stop processing alljoyn callbacks }
public bool StartClient() { serverText = ""; serverText += "AllJoyn Library version: " + AllJoyn.GetVersion() + "\n"; serverText += "AllJoyn Library buildInfo: " + AllJoyn.GetBuildInfo() + "\n"; // Create message bus msgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true); // Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription testIntf; AllJoyn.QStatus status = msgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, false, out testIntf); if (status) { serverText += "Client Interface Created.\n"; Debug.Log("Client Interface Created."); testIntf.AddMember(AllJoyn.Message.Type.MethodCall, "acc", "s", "s", "in1,out1"); testIntf.AddMember(AllJoyn.Message.Type.MethodCall, "data", "ss", "s", "in1,in2,out1"); testIntf.Activate(); } else { serverText += "Client Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample'\n"; Debug.Log("Client Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample'"); } // Start the msg bus if (status) { status = msgBus.Start(); if (status) { serverText += "Client BusAttachment started.\n"; Debug.Log("Client BusAttachment started."); } else { serverText += "Client BusAttachment.Start failed.\n"; Debug.Log("Client BusAttachment.Start failed."); } } // Connect to the bus if (status) { for (int i = 0; i < connectArgs.Length; ++i) { status = msgBus.Connect(connectArgs[i]); if (status) { serverText += "BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED.\n"; Debug.Log("BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED."); break; } else { serverText += "BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed.\n"; Debug.Log("BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed."); } } if (!status) { serverText += "BusAttachment.Connect failed.\n"; Debug.Log("BusAttachment.Connect failed."); } } // Create a bus listener busListener = new MyBusListener(); if (status) { msgBus.RegisterBusListener(busListener); serverText += "Client BusListener Registered.\n"; Debug.Log("Client BusListener Registered."); } // Begin discovery on the well-known name of the service to be called status = msgBus.FindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME); if (!status) { serverText += "Client org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed.\n"; Debug.Log("Client org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed."); } if (status) { this.status = Status.Client; return(true); } return(false); }