/* * Creator: Shane Weerasuriya, Myles Hangen * Initiate a new game and load the first level */ public void StartNewGame() { AllConditions.Instance.Reset(); AllEventList.changeStatus("villageInitial", 0, false); GlobalControl.Instance.newSceneID = 0; SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(9, LoadSceneMode.Single); }
/*increase count on the village scene enemy to detect weather the initial event is finished or not * Creator: Yan */ public void increaseCount() { //event complete when enemy count is 9 if (enemycount == 9) { AllEventList.changeStatus("villageInitial", 0, true); GameObject.FindWithTag("Villager").SetActive(false); GameObject.FindWithTag("ScreamingVillagers").SetActive(false); GameObject.FindWithTag("Fire").SetActive(false); villageElder.SetActive(true); witch.SetActive(true); initialText.SetActive(false); } else { enemycount += 1; //Debug.Log(enemycount); } }