        public void FillALLGridfromSession()
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            if (Session["Dailytab"] != "" && Session["Dailytab"] != null)
                dt = Session["Dailytab"] as DataTable;
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                AllDBGridView.DataSource = dt;
 protected void OpenButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex > -1)
         DataTable dt = new DataTable();
         int       index;
         if (AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex > -1)
             index = AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex;
             index = 0;
         string    HostName  = "Nohost";
         string    Server    = AllDBGridView.GetRowValues(index, "Server").ToString();
         DataTable servertab = VSWebBL.DashboardBL.DatabaseHealthBL.Ins.GetIPfromServers(Server);
         if (servertab.Rows.Count > 0)
             HostName = servertab.Rows[0]["IPAddress"].ToString();
         string filepath = AllDBGridView.GetRowValues(index, "Folder").ToString();
         string fileName = AllDBGridView.GetRowValues(index, "FileName").ToString();
         filepath = filepath.Replace("'\'", "'/'");
         if (filepath == "")
             Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Script", "PopupCenter('http://" + HostName + "/" + fileName + "?OpenDatabase');", true);
             Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Script", "PopupCenter('http://" + HostName + "/" + filepath + "/" + fileName + "?OpenDatabase');", true);
         //if (filepath == "")
         //    Response.Write("<script>window.open('http://" + HostName + "/" + fileName + "?OpenDatabase','Open Database','width=500px height=50px left=(screen.width/2)-(500/2) top=(screen.height/2)-(50/2)',1)</script>");
         //    Response.Write("<script>window.open('http://" + HostName + "/" + filepath + "/" + fileName + "?OpenDatabase','Open Database','width=500px height=50px',1)</script>");
         msglbl.Text = "Please select a database in the All Databases grid.";
         msgPopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
        //protected void AllDBGridView_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //    if (AllDBGridView.Selection.Count > 0)
        //    {
        //        System.Collections.Generic.List<object> Type = AllDBGridView.GetSelectedFieldValues("Server");

        //        if (Type.Count > 0)
        //        {
        //            string Name = Type[0].ToString();
        //            Session["Type"] = Type[0];
        //            DevExpress.Web.ASPxWebControl.RedirectOnCallback("Performance.aspx?Name=" + Server + "");
        //            //Response.Redirect("DeviceChart.aspx");
        //        }

        //    }

        public void FillALLGrid()
            DataTable Dailytab = new DataTable();

                Dailytab = VSWebBL.DashboardBL.DatabaseHealthBL.Ins.GetAllData("");

                if (Dailytab.Rows.Count > 0)
                Session["Dailytab"]      = Dailytab;
                AllDBGridView.DataSource = Dailytab;
                AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex = -1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex);
                throw ex;
 protected void ASPxMenu1_ItemClick(object source, DevExpress.Web.MenuItemEventArgs e)
     if (e.Item.Name == "OpenDBItem")
         if (AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex > -1)
             DataTable dt = new DataTable();
             int       index;
             if (AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex > -1)
                 index = AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex;
                 index = 0;
             string    HostName  = "Nohost";
             string    Server    = AllDBGridView.GetRowValues(index, "Server").ToString();
             DataTable servertab = VSWebBL.DashboardBL.DatabaseHealthBL.Ins.GetIPfromServers(Server);
             if (servertab.Rows.Count > 0)
                 HostName = servertab.Rows[0]["IPAddress"].ToString();
             string filepath = AllDBGridView.GetRowValues(index, "Folder").ToString();
             string fileName = AllDBGridView.GetRowValues(index, "FileName").ToString();
             filepath = filepath.Replace("'\'", "'/'");
             if (filepath == "")
                 Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Script", "PopupCenter('http://" + HostName + "/" + fileName + "?OpenDatabase');", true);
                 Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Script", "PopupCenter('http://" + HostName + "/" + filepath + "/" + fileName + "?OpenDatabase');", true);
             //if (filepath == "")
             //    Response.Write("<script>window.open('http://" + HostName + "/" + fileName + "?OpenDatabase','Open Database','width=500px height=50px left=(screen.width/2)-(500/2) top=(screen.height/2)-(50/2)',1)</script>");
             //    Response.Write("<script>window.open('http://" + HostName + "/" + filepath + "/" + fileName + "?OpenDatabase','Open Database','width=500px height=50px',1)</script>");
             msglbl.Text = "Please select a database in the All Databases grid.";
             msgPopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
     else if (e.Item.Name == "CompactItem")
         popuptextBox.Text             = "";
         DBPopupControl.HeaderText     = "Compact Options";
         ASPxLabel1.Text               = "Please enter the desired COMPACT options.";
         ASPxLabel2.Text               = "Use -c for corrupt databases and -B for in place compaction with file size reduction.";
         ASPxLabel3.Text               = "Google 'IBM domino compact switches' for the full list of options.";
         ASPxLabel4.Visible            = false;
         DBPopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
         Session["ActBtn"]             = "CompactButton";
     else if (e.Item.Name == "FixupItem")
         popuptextBox.Text             = "";
         DBPopupControl.HeaderText     = "Fixup Options";
         ASPxLabel1.Text               = "Please enter the desired FIXUP options.";
         ASPxLabel2.Text               = "For example, use -Q to check more quickly but less thoroughly.";
         ASPxLabel3.Text               = "Google 'IBM fixup compact switches' for the full list of options.";
         ASPxLabel4.Visible            = true;
         ASPxLabel4.Text               = "Use -V to prevent Fixup from running on views. This option reduces the time it takes Fixup to run.";
         DBPopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
         Session["ActBtn"]             = "Fixup";
     else if (e.Item.Name == "UpdallItem")
         popuptextBox.Text             = "";
         DBPopupControl.HeaderText     = "Updall Options";
         ASPxLabel1.Text               = "Please enter the desired UPDALL options.";
         ASPxLabel2.Text               = "For example, use -R to rebuild all used views (resource intensive).";
         ASPxLabel3.Text               = "Use -X to rebuild the full text index.";
         ASPxLabel4.Visible            = false;
         DBPopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
         Session["ActBtn"]             = "Updall";
        protected void OKButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["ActBtn"] != "" && Session["ActBtn"] != null)
                if (AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex > -1)
                    if (Session["ActBtn"] == "CompactButton")
                        //            NotesSession  session =new NotesSession();
                        //// NotesUIWorkspace workspace = New NotesUIWorkspace();
                        //    // NotesUIDocument  uidoc= new NotesUIDocument();
                        ////Set uidoc = workspace.CurrentDocument
                        //        NotesDocument doc =new NotesDocument();
                        //    //doc = uidoc.Document
                        //// Variant StatValue;
                        //    string dbPath;
                        //if(doc.FolderReferences.Folder(0) != "" )

                        //    dbPath = doc.FolderReferences.Folder(0) &doc.FolderReferences.Filename(0);

                        //                {
                        //    dbPath = doc.FolderReferences.Filename(0);
                        ////serverName$ =doc.Server(0);
                        //// Config$ ="lo compact "+ dbPath + " " + Options;
                        ////consoleReturn$ = session.SendConsoleCommand(serverName$, Config$)
                        ////Print  "Sent the command " &Config$  & ".  Note that this will only work if YOU have the appropriate remote console and admin rights."
                        string  Server   = "";
                        string  Config   = "";
                        string  Folder   = "";
                        string  FileName = "";
                        DataRow myRow    = AllDBGridView.GetDataRow(AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex);
                        if (AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex > -1)
                            Server   = myRow["Server"].ToString();
                            Folder   = myRow["Folder"].ToString();
                            FileName = myRow["Filename"].ToString();
                        string Options;
                        Options = popuptextBox.Text;
                        Config  = "lo compact " + Folder + "/" + FileName + "" + Options;
                        bool returnval = VSWebBL.DashboardBL.LotusTravelerHealthBLL.Ins.SENDTravelerConsoleCommand(Server, Config, Session["UserFullName"].ToString());
                        if (returnval == true)
                            msglbl.Text = "Sent the following command - " + Config + ". Note that this will only work if you have the appropriate remote console and admin rights.";
                            msgPopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true;

                    if (Session["ActBtn"] == "Fixup")
                        string  Server   = "";
                        string  Config   = "";
                        string  Folder   = "";
                        string  FileName = "";
                        DataRow myRow    = AllDBGridView.GetDataRow(AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex);
                        if (AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex > -1)
                            Server   = myRow["Server"].ToString();
                            Folder   = myRow["Folder"].ToString();
                            FileName = myRow["Filename"].ToString();
                        string Options;
                        Options = popuptextBox.Text;
                        Config  = "Load fixupdbpath options " + Folder + "/" + FileName + "" + Options;
                        bool returnval = VSWebBL.DashboardBL.LotusTravelerHealthBLL.Ins.SENDTravelerConsoleCommand(Server, Config, Session["UserFullName"].ToString());
                        if (returnval == true)
                            msglbl.Text = "Sent the following command - " + Config + ". Note that this will only work if you have the appropriate remote console and admin rights.";
                            msgPopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                        // Config ="Load fixupdbpath options "+ dbPath + " " + Options;
                    if (Session["ActBtn"] == "Updall")
                        string  Server   = "";
                        string  Config   = "";
                        string  Folder   = "";
                        string  FileName = "";
                        DataRow myRow    = AllDBGridView.GetDataRow(AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex);
                        if (AllDBGridView.FocusedRowIndex > -1)
                            Server   = myRow["Server"].ToString();
                            Folder   = myRow["Folder"].ToString();
                            FileName = myRow["Filename"].ToString();
                        string Options;
                        Options = popuptextBox.Text;
                        Config  = "Load updalldbpath options " + Folder + "/" + FileName + "" + Options;
                        bool returnval = VSWebBL.DashboardBL.LotusTravelerHealthBLL.Ins.SENDTravelerConsoleCommand(Server, Config, Session["UserFullName"].ToString());
                        if (returnval == true)
                            msglbl.Text = "Sent the following command - " + Config + ". Note that this will only work if you have the appropriate remote console and admin rights.";
                            msgPopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true;

                        // Config$ ="Load updalldbpath options"+ dbPath + " " + Options;
                    DBPopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = false;

                    msglbl.Text = "Please select a server from the grid.";
                    msgPopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                    DBPopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad  = false;