//over write the die function
    public override void Die()
        //change the condition in all condtion object
        AllConditions.ChangeCondition("Bring peace back to grave yard");
        //instatiate big gems from item database on the ground
        //set up the positions next to boss
        //ingnore the colliders on them
        GameObject gem = Instantiate(itemDB.items[1].itemPrefab);

        gem.transform.position = this.transform.position;
        Physics.IgnoreCollision(gem.GetComponent <Collider>(), GetComponent <Collider>());
        GameObject gem2 = Instantiate(itemDB.items[3].itemPrefab);

        gem2.transform.position = this.transform.position + new Vector3(2, 0, 2);
        Physics.IgnoreCollision(gem2.GetComponent <Collider>(), GetComponent <Collider>());
     * Function: Use
     * Description: get reference to player and playerstats then
     * call heal function to heal for amount of healthGain
    public override void Use()
        // Heal the player
        //player = PlayerManager.instance.player;
        if (this.itemID == 40)
            Player.instance.playerStats.currentHealth += healthGain;
            Player.instance.playerStats.currentHealth  = Mathf.Clamp(Player.instance.playerStats.currentHealth, Player.instance.playerStats.currentHealth, Player.instance.playerStats.maxHealth);
        else if (this.itemID == 52)
            AllConditions.ChangeCondition("Drink The Potion");
        //stats = player.GetComponent<PlayerStats>();

        //RemoveFromInventory();	// Remove the item after use