public IFfxModeBlockCipher Get(AlgoMode algoMode)
            switch (algoMode)
            case AlgoMode.AES_FF1_v1_0:
                return(new Ff1BlockCipher(_engineFactory.GetSymmetricCipherPrimitive(BlockCipherEngines.Aes), _modeFactory, _aesFfInternals));

            case AlgoMode.AES_FF3_1_v1_0:
                return(new Ff3_1BlockCipher(_engineFactory.GetSymmetricCipherPrimitive(BlockCipherEngines.Aes), _modeFactory, _aesFfInternals));

                throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid {nameof(algoMode)} of {algoMode} passed into factory.");
        public static void IoCConfiguration(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, AlgoMode algoMode)
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

            EntryPointConfigHelper.RegisterConfigurationInjections(serviceProvider, builder);

            var oracle = new RegisterInjections();

            oracle.RegisterTypes(builder, algoMode);

            RegisterGenVals(builder, algoMode);


            _container = builder.Build();
        private (BitString k1, BitString k2) ComputeSubKey(BitString key)
            //6.1 SUBKEY GENERATION

            //    block cipher CIPH with block size b;
            //    key K.

            //subkeys K1, K2.

            //Suggested Notation:
            //    SUBK(K).

            //    1.Let L = CIPHK(0^b).
            var param = new ModeBlockCipherParameters(
                BlockCipherDirections.Encrypt, key, new BitString(Engine.BlockSizeBits)
            var L = AlgoMode.ProcessPayload(param).Result;

            BitString K1, K2;

            //    2.If MSB1(L) = 0, then K1 = L << 1;
            K1 = L.LSBShift();
            //Else K1 = (L << 1) XOR Rb; see Sec. 5.3 for the definition of Rb.
            if (L.GetMostSignificantBits(1).Bits[0])
                K1 = K1.XOR(RbConstant);

            //    3.If MSB1(K1) = 0, then K2 = K1 << 1;
            K2 = K1.LSBShift();
            //    Else K2 = (K1 << 1) XOR Rb.
            if (K1.GetMostSignificantBits(1).Bits[0])
                K2 = K2.XOR(RbConstant);

            //    4.Return K1, K2.
            return(K1, K2);
 public GenValRunningOptions(AlgoMode algoMode, GenValMode genValMode)
     AlgoMode   = algoMode;
     GenValMode = genValMode;
        public MacResult Generate(BitString keyBits, BitString message, int macLength = 0)

            //6.2 MAC Generation

            //    block cipher CIPH with block size b;
            //    key K;
            //    MAC length parameter Tlen

            //    message M of bit length Mlen.

            //    MAC T of bit length Tlen.

            //Suggested Notation:
            //    CMAC(K, M, Tlen) or, if Tlen is understood from the context, CMAC(K, M).

            //    1. Apply the subkey generation process in Sec. 6.1 to K to produce K1 and K2.
            var subKeys = ComputeSubKey(keyBits);
            var K1      = subKeys.k1;
            var K2      = subKeys.k2;

            //    2. If Mlen = 0, let n = 1; else, let n = ceiling(Mlen / b).
            //var n = message.BitLength == 0 ? 1 : System.Math.Ceiling(
            //    message.BitLength / (double)Engine.BlockSizeBits
            var n = message.BitLength == 0 ? 1 : message.BitLength.CeilingDivide(Engine.BlockSizeBits);

            //    3. Let M1, M2, ... , Mn - 1, Mn* denote the unique sequence of bit strings
            //       such that M = M1 || M2 || ... || Mn - 1 || Mn*,
            //       where M1, M2,..., Mn-1 are complete blocks.2

            //    4. If Mn* is a complete block, let Mn = K1 XOR Mn*;

            //var numOfBlocks = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(message.BitLength / (double)_engine.BlockSizeBits);
            var numOfBlocks = message.BitLength.CeilingDivide(Engine.BlockSizeBits);

            var s1 = message.BitLength > Engine.BlockSizeBits ?
                     message.MSBSubstring(0, (numOfBlocks - 1) * Engine.BlockSizeBits) :
                     new BitString(0);

            var lastBlock = message.BitLength != 0
                ? message.MSBSubstring(s1.BitLength, message.BitLength - s1.BitLength) :
                            new BitString(0);

            if (message.BitLength % Engine.BlockSizeBits == 0 && message.BitLength != 0)
                lastBlock = lastBlock.XOR(K1);
            //       else, let Mn = K2 XOR (Mn* || 10^j), where j = nb - Mlen - 1.
                var padding = new BitString(Engine.BlockSizeBits - lastBlock.BitLength);
                padding.Set(padding.BitLength - 1, true);
                lastBlock = K2.XOR(lastBlock.ConcatenateBits(padding));
            message = s1.ConcatenateBits(lastBlock).GetDeepCopy();
            //if this was an empty message, it would have been padded with another block
            if (message.BitLength % Engine.BlockSizeBits != 0)
                throw new Exception("Message isn't composed of same sized blocks.");
            numOfBlocks = message.BitLength / Engine.BlockSizeBits;
            BitString prevC = new BitString(Engine.BlockSizeBits);
            BitString currC = new BitString(Engine.BlockSizeBits);

            for (var i = 0; i < numOfBlocks; i++)
                var block  = message.MSBSubstring(i * Engine.BlockSizeBits, Engine.BlockSizeBits);
                var param2 = new ModeBlockCipherParameters(
                    BlockCipherDirections.Encrypt, keyBits, prevC.XOR(block)
                currC = AlgoMode.ProcessPayload(param2).Result;
                prevC = currC.GetDeepCopy();

            //    5. Let C0 = 0^b.
            //    6. For i = 1 to n, let Ci = CIPHK(Ci - 1 XOR Mi).
            //    7. Let T = MSBTlen(Cn).
            //    8. Return T.

            BitString mac;

            if (macLength != 0)
                mac = currC.GetMostSignificantBits(macLength);
                mac = currC.GetDeepCopy();

            return(new MacResult(mac));
        public static ISupportedAlgoModeRevisions GetAlgoModeRevisionInjectables(AlgoMode algoMode)
            var candidateAlgoModeRevisions = GetSupportedAlgoModeRevisions();

            return(candidateAlgoModeRevisions.FirstOrDefault(w => w.SupportedAlgoModeRevisions.Contains(algoMode)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Register the GenVals for the specified <see cref="AlgoMode"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="builder">The IOC builder</param>
        /// <param name="algoMode">The algoMode to register</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static void RegisterGenVals(ContainerBuilder builder, AlgoMode algoMode)
            var genVals = GetAlgoModeRevisionInjectables(algoMode);

            genVals.RegisterTypes(builder, algoMode);