        public SkillResponse Introduction(WordAttributes wordAttributes)
            LOGGER.log.INFO("ShortVowels", "Introduction", "WORD: " + wordAttributes.Word);

            string teachModel = "In the alphabet, there are two types of letters.";
            string vowel      = wordAttributes.Vowel;
            string vowelSound = wordAttributes.VowelPhoneme;

            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(0.5);
            teachModel += "Vowels and Consonants.";
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(0.5);
            teachModel += "Can you say Vowels?";
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(0.5);
            teachModel += "Can you say Consonants?";
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(0.5);
            teachModel += "Vowels are " + SSML.SayExtraSlow("a") + SSML.PauseFor(0.5) +
                          SSML.SayExtraSlow("e") + SSML.PauseFor(0.5) + SSML.SayExtraSlow("i") + SSML.PauseFor(0.5) +
                          SSML.SayExtraSlow("o") + SSML.PauseFor(0.5) + SSML.SayExtraSlow("u");
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(0.5);
            teachModel += " and sometimes y. ";
            teachModel += " Right now we are going to work with the vowel " + vowel;
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1.5);
            teachModel += " A short " + SSML.SpellOut(vowel) + " makes the sound " + SSML.SayExtraSlow(SSML.Phoneme(vowelSound)) + ".";
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1.0);
            teachModel += " Are your ready to learn some words with " + vowel;

            return(AlexaResponse.Introduction(teachModel, " Please say yes to continue or no to quit"));
        public SkillResponse Introduction(WordAttributes wordAttributes)
            LOGGER.log.INFO("SightWords", "Introduction", "WORD: " + wordAttributes.Word);

            string teachModel = "There are words used over, and over, and over, and over, and ";

            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(.5);
            teachModel += " Well " + SSML.PauseFor(.5) + " you get the point. These are called sight words. ";
            teachModel += " It is helpful to just memorize them by sight. To see them and know what they say.";
            teachModel += " Are you ready to start? ";

            return(AlexaResponse.Introduction(teachModel, " Please say yes to continue or no to quit"));
        public SkillResponse Introduction(WordAttributes wordAttributes)
            LOGGER.log.INFO("WordFamilies", "Introduction", "WORD: " + wordAttributes.Word);

            string wf = wordAttributes.WordFamily;

            string teachModel = "Hello my Moycan! We are working with word families. ";

            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(0.5);

            teachModel += "A word family is a group of words that are related " +
                          "because they have a common spelling or sound. Word families " +
                          "often rhyme or end the same.";
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1.5);
            teachModel += " Lets begin with the " + wf + ", word family. ";
            teachModel += " Remember, all of these words will end with " + wf + ".";
            teachModel += " Are you ready to begin?";

            return(AlexaResponse.Introduction(teachModel, " Please say yes to continue or no to quit"));
        public SkillResponse Introduction(WordAttributes wordAttributes)
            LOGGER.log.INFO("LongVowels", "Introduction", "WORD: " + wordAttributes.Word);

            string vowel      = wordAttributes.Vowel;
            string vowelSound = wordAttributes.VowelPhoneme;

            string teachModel = "Not every letter in a word makes a sound. In the following words, the " + SSML.SpellOut("e") +
                                " is silent but " + SSML.Excited("bossy", "medium") + ". ";

            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1);
            teachModel += " This means the bossy " + SSML.SpellOut("e") + " makes the other vowel say its name.";
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1);
            teachModel += "Right now we are going to work with the vowel " + vowel;
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1.5);
            teachModel += " A long " + SSML.SpellOut(vowel) + " makes the sound " + SSML.SayExtraSlow(SSML.Phoneme(vowelSound)) + ".";
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1.0);
            teachModel += " Are your ready to learn some words with " + vowel;

            return(AlexaResponse.Introduction(teachModel, " Please say yes to continue or no to quit"));
        public SkillResponse Introduction(WordAttributes wordAttributes)
            LOGGER.log.INFO("ConsonantBlend", "Introduction", "WORD: " + wordAttributes.Word);

            string[] cBLetters  = wordAttributes.ConsonantBlend.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray();
            string   teachModel = "When consonants are stuck together and both make their sounds, we call that a consonant blend.";

            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(.5);
            teachModel += "The letters still make their individual sounds.";
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1.5);
            teachModel += "This blend is made up of these two letters:";
            teachModel += SSML.SayExtraSlow(cBLetters[0]) + " and a " + SSML.SayExtraSlow(cBLetters[1]) + ".";
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1.5);
            if (SSML.cbPhoneme.TryGetValue(wordAttributes.ConsonantBlend, out string cbp))
                teachModel += " The sound they make is " + SSML.PauseFor(.5) + SSML.SayExtraSlow(SSML.Phoneme(cbp));
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1.5);
            teachModel += " Are you ready to begin?";

            return(AlexaResponse.Introduction(teachModel, " Please say yes to continue or no to quit"));
        public SkillResponse Introduction(WordAttributes wordAttributes)
            LOGGER.log.INFO("ConsonantDigraph", "Introduction", "WORD: " + wordAttributes.Word);

            string[] cdLetters  = wordAttributes.ConsonantDigraph.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray();
            string   teachModel = "When two consonants work together to make one sound, this is called a digraph.";

            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(.5);
            teachModel += "Can you say digraph?";
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1.5);
            teachModel += "The digraph we are learning now is made up of these two letters:";
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1);
            teachModel += SSML.SayExtraSlow(cdLetters[0]) + " and a " + SSML.SayExtraSlow(cdLetters[1]) + ".";
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1.5);
            if (SSML.cdPhoneme.TryGetValue(wordAttributes.ConsonantDigraph, out string cdp))
                teachModel += " The sound they make is " + SSML.PauseFor(.5) + SSML.SayExtraSlow(SSML.Phoneme(cdp));
            teachModel += SSML.PauseFor(1.5);
            teachModel += " Are you ready to begin?";

            return(AlexaResponse.Introduction(teachModel, " Please say yes to continue or no to quit"));