private void presentationBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!presentationMode) { presentationMode = true; presentationBtn.Text = "Leave Presentation Mode"; try { pptApplication = Marshal.GetActiveObject("PowerPoint.Application") as PPT.Application; } catch { presentationMode = false; presentationBtn.Text = "Presentation Mode"; MessageBox.Show("Please Launch PowerPoint First", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "Presentation Mode"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "Actions will be optimized while presenting in PowerPoint."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(2000); } else { presentationMode = false; isPresenting = false; presentationBtn.Text = "Presentation Mode"; } }
void targettedTips() { Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses(); if (processCount < processes.Length) { int randomizer = random.Next(1, 3); switch (randomizer) { case 1: AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "AirNav Tip"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "Hold out three fingers for 2 seconds and then move your hand left or right to cycle through your active applications."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(1000); break; case 2: AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "AirNav Tip"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "Close your fist, move it left or right and then open it to close an active application."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(1000); break; default: break; } processCount = processes.Length; } }
void scrollingTips() { int randomAmountOfTime = random.Next(1, 11); string[] applications = { "chrome", "iexplore", "iexplorer", "firefox", "WINWORD", "AcroRdr32", "AcroRdr64" }; if (activeApplication == null) { foreach (string application in applications) { if (GetActiveFileNameTitle(application)) { scrollingTipsTimer.Start(); activeApplication = GetActiveFileNameTitle(); } } } if (scrollingTipsTimer.Elapsed >= new TimeSpan(0, randomAmountOfTime, 0)) { if (GetActiveFileNameTitle(activeApplication)) { // If the application is still active after a randomAmountOfTime AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "AirNav Tip"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "You can close your fist and move it up or down to start scrolling in this application."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(1000); } scrollingTipsTimer.Reset(); activeApplication = null; } }
private void AirNavForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; Hide(); AirNav.Text = "AirNav (Click to Restore)"; AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "AirNav"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "AirNav is Minimized to System Tray. Click to Restore."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(3000); }
void randomTips() { bool dontDoThisAgain = true; for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { dontDoThisAgain = dontDoThisAgain && randomTipsShown[i]; } if (!dontDoThisAgain) { if (randomTipsShown[0] == false) { randomTipsTimer.Start(); randomTipsShown[0] = true; } if (randomTipsTimer.Elapsed >= new TimeSpan(0, random.Next(1, 11), 0)) { int randomizer = random.Next(1, 6); if (randomTipsShown[randomizer] == true) { randomizer = random.Next(1, 6); } else { randomTipsTimer.Reset(); randomTipsShown[0] = false; randomTipsShown[randomizer] = true; switch (randomizer) { case 1: AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "AirNav Tip"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "Hold out three fingers for 2 seconds and move up or down to open the Start Menu. Continue this motion to return."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(1000); break; case 2: AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "AirNav Tip"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "Close your fist for 2 seconds and open your hand to simulate a 'Right-Click'."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(1000); break; case 3: AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "AirNav Tip"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "Hold out three fingers for 2 seconds and move up or down while in Presentation Mode to leave Presentation Mode."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(1000); break; case 4: AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "AirNav Tip"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "Close your fist, move left or right and open your hand to navigate through your presentation while in Presentation Mode."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(1000); break; case 5: AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "AirNav Tip"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "Check out 'Glove Mode' in Settings if AirNav can't identify your hand properly."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(1000); break; default: break; } } } } }
public void Navigate(int fingerCount, int currentX, int currentY) { if (pptApplication != null) { pptApplication.SlideShowBegin += pptApplication_SlideShowBegin; pptApplication.SlideShowEnd += pptApplication_SlideShowEnd; } if (!disableTips && !presentationMode) { randomTips(); scrollingTips(); if (targettedTipsTimer.Elapsed >= new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30)) { targettedTips(); targettedTipsTimer.Reset(); } } if ((fingerCount == 4 || fingerCount == 5)) { if (presentationMode && isPresenting && GetActiveFileNameTitle("POWERPNT") && threefingers) { StartLaser(); } closedhand = false; // Hand is no longer closed threefingers = false; // User can open hand to exit 'threefinger mode' cycleApps = false; if (!clicked && !rclicked && !isScrolling) { if (closingWindow) { if (presentationMode && isPresenting && GetActiveFileNameTitle("POWERPNT")) { ReleaseLaser(); if (xDifference > 0) { System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("{LEFT}"); } else if (xDifference < 0) { System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("{RIGHT}"); } StartLaser(); } else { AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "Closing Application"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "AirNav just attempted to close " + GetActiveFileNameTitle(); AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(2000); System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("%{F4}"); } closingWindow = false; } Cursor.Position = new Point(currentX * sensitivity, currentY * sensitivity); outOfFrame = false; // Hand is no longer out of the frame } else if (clicked) { if (presentationMode && isPresenting && GetActiveFileNameTitle("POWERPNT")) { ReleaseLaser(); DoMouseClick(); StartLaser(); } else { DoMouseClick(); } clicked = false; yScience = false; timer.Reset(); if (!disableTips && !presentationMode) { if (showTargettedTips) { showTargettedTips = false; targettedTipsTimer.Start(); } } } else if (rclicked) { if (presentationMode && isPresenting && GetActiveFileNameTitle("POWERPNT")) { ReleaseLaser(); RightMouseClick(); StartLaser(); } else { RightMouseClick(); } rclicked = false; timer.Reset(); } else if (isScrolling) { if (presentationMode && isPresenting && GetActiveFileNameTitle("POWERPNT")) { StartLaser(); } isScrolling = false; yScience = false; timer.Reset(); } } if (fingerCount == 3 && !closedhand) { if (!cycleApps) { cycleApps = true; cycleTimeOut.Start(); previousX = currentX; previousY = currentY; } if (cycleTimeOut.Elapsed >= new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500) && cycleTimeOut.Elapsed <= new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 800) && fingerCount == 3) { AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "Three-Finger Mode"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "Keep three fingers open in the same position for 2 seconds to enter Three-Finger Mode."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(1000); } if (cycleTimeOut.Elapsed >= new TimeSpan(0, 0, 2) && !threefingers) { if (fingerCount == 3 && (Math.Abs(currentY - previousY)) <= 3 && (Math.Abs(currentX - previousX)) <= 3) { previousX = currentX; previousY = currentY; threefingers = true; // Program Mustn't Enter Closed Hand Case if (presentationMode && isPresenting && GetActiveFileNameTitle("POWERPNT")) { ReleaseLaser(); } AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "Three-Finger Mode"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "You are now in Three-Finger Mode. Open your hand to resume navigation."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(1000); } else { cycleTimeOut.Reset(); cycleApps = false; } } xDifference = currentX - previousX; yDifference = currentY - previousY; if (Math.Abs(yDifference) <= 5 && (Math.Abs(xDifference) % 5) == 0 && xDifference != 0 && threefingers) { if (xDifference > 0) { System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("%{ESC}"); cycleTimeOut.Reset(); } else if (xDifference < 0) { System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("+(%{ESC})"); cycleTimeOut.Reset(); } previousX = currentX; previousY = currentY; } else if (Math.Abs(yDifference) >= 7 && Math.Abs(xDifference) <= 5 && threefingers) { if (presentationMode && isPresenting && GetActiveFileNameTitle("POWERPNT")) { presentationMode = false; isPresenting = false; presentationBtn.Text = "Presentation Mode"; AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "Presentation Mode"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "You have just left Presentation Mode. To resume Presentation Mode, open AirNav and click on 'Presentation Mode'."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(1000); } else { System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.Send("^({ESC})"); } previousX = currentX; previousY = currentY; cycleTimeOut.Reset(); cycleApps = false; } } if (fingerCount <= 1 && !outOfFrame && !threefingers) { closedhand = true; if (!clicked) { clicked = true; } if (!yScience) { previousX = currentX; previousY = currentY; timer.Start(); yScience = true; } if (timer.Elapsed > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3)) { // Hand has been out of the frame for too long rclicked = false; outOfFrame = true; timer.Reset(); AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "AirNav"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "AirNav has detected that your hand is out of the scope of your webcam. Navigation will be resumed when your hand is back in scope."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(2000); } else if (timer.Elapsed > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 2)) { rclicked = true; clicked = false; } else if (timer.Elapsed > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1) && !isScrolling) { if (Math.Abs(currentY - previousY) <= 10 && Math.Abs(currentX - previousX) >= 10) { if (presentationMode && isPresenting && GetActiveFileNameTitle("POWERPNT")) { xDifference = currentX - previousX; } closingWindow = true; yScience = false; } else if (Math.Abs(currentX - previousX) <= 10 && Math.Abs(currentY - previousY) >= 5) { difference = currentY - previousY; timer.Reset(); isScrolling = true; AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "Scrolling"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "You can now scroll (up or down) while your fist is closed. Open your hand to resume navigation."; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(2000); } else { yScience = false; } previousX = currentX; previousY = currentY; clicked = false; } if (isScrolling) { if (presentationMode && isPresenting && GetActiveFileNameTitle("POWERPNT")) { ReleaseLaser(); } MouseScroll((!invertScrolling) ? difference : (difference * -1)); difference = currentY - previousY; previousY = currentY; clicked = false; rclicked = false; } } }
public void ProcessFrameAndUpdateGUI(object sender, EventArgs e) { int fingerCount = 0; Double contourArea = 0; Double maxArea = 0; imgFrame = WebCamFeed.QueryFrame(); sensitivity = sensitivitySlider.Value; //Defines scope for navigation ; changed from the SETTINGS page. if (imgFrame == null) { return; } if (gloveMode.Checked) // Changes 'minRange' & 'maxRange' for Contrasting Backgrounds { gloveColor.Enabled = true; } else { gloveColor.Enabled = false; } Image <Ycc, Byte> currentYCrCbFrame = imgFrame.Convert <Ycc, byte>(); //Converts the original frame to a YCrCb frame for filtering. Image <Gray, byte> skin = new Image <Gray, byte>(imgFrame.Width, imgFrame.Height); //Stores Gray image of areas of interest skin = currentYCrCbFrame.InRange(minRange, maxRange); //Extracts areas within range for skin color //Noise Filtering StructuringElementEx rect_12 = new StructuringElementEx(10, 10, 5, 5, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CV_ELEMENT_SHAPE.CV_SHAPE_RECT); CvInvoke.cvErode(skin, skin, rect_12, 1); StructuringElementEx rect_6 = new StructuringElementEx(6, 6, 3, 3, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CV_ELEMENT_SHAPE.CV_SHAPE_RECT); CvInvoke.cvDilate(skin, skin, rect_6, 2); skin = skin.Flip(FLIP.HORIZONTAL); skin = skin.SmoothGaussian(9); imgFrame = imgFrame.Flip(FLIP.HORIZONTAL); Contour <Point> contours = skin.FindContours(); Contour <Point> biggestContour = null; while (contours != null) { contourArea = contours.Area; if (contourArea > maxArea) { maxArea = contourArea; biggestContour = contours; } contours = contours.HNext; //checks for the next contour } #region Convexity Defects Algorithm if (biggestContour != null) { fingerCount = 0; biggestContour = biggestContour.ApproxPoly(0.00025); imgFrame.Draw(biggestContour, new Bgr(Color.LimeGreen), 2); //For debugging Hull = biggestContour.GetConvexHull(ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE); defects = biggestContour.GetConvexityDefacts(storage, ORIENTATION.CV_CLOCKWISE); imgFrame.DrawPolyline(Hull.ToArray(), true, new Bgr(0, 0, 256), 2); //For debugging box = biggestContour.GetMinAreaRect(); defectArray = defects.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < defects.Total; i++) { PointF startPoint = new PointF((float)defectArray[i].StartPoint.X, (float)defectArray[i].StartPoint.Y); PointF depthPoint = new PointF((float)defectArray[i].DepthPoint.X, (float)defectArray[i].DepthPoint.Y); PointF endPoint = new PointF((float)defectArray[i].EndPoint.X, (float)defectArray[i].EndPoint.Y); CircleF startCircle = new CircleF(startPoint, 5f); CircleF depthCircle = new CircleF(depthPoint, 5f); CircleF endCircle = new CircleF(endPoint, 5f); if ((startCircle.Center.Y < || depthCircle.Center.Y < && (startCircle.Center.Y < depthCircle.Center.Y) && (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(startCircle.Center.X - depthCircle.Center.X, 2) + Math.Pow(startCircle.Center.Y - depthCircle.Center.Y, 2)) > box.size.Height / 6.5)) { fingerCount++; } } } #endregion MCvMoments moment = new MCvMoments(); try { moment = biggestContour.GetMoments(); } catch (NullReferenceException except) { AirNav.BalloonTipTitle = "AirNav"; AirNav.BalloonTipText = "Contour Not Found: " + except.Message; AirNav.ShowBalloonTip(1000); return; } try { CvInvoke.cvMoments(biggestContour, ref moment, 0); } catch (Exception) { throw; } double m00 = CvInvoke.cvGetSpatialMoment(ref moment, 0, 0); double m10 = CvInvoke.cvGetSpatialMoment(ref moment, 1, 0); double m01 = CvInvoke.cvGetSpatialMoment(ref moment, 0, 1); int currentX = Convert.ToInt32(m10 / m00) / 10; int currentY = Convert.ToInt32(m01 / m00) / 10; // Current coordinates of the center of the palm if (showCoordinates) { coordinatesTextBox.Text = "X: " + currentX.ToString() + " Y: " + currentY.ToString(); } if (fingerCount >= 4 && !started && startPressed) { started = true; } if (started) { Navigate(fingerCount, currentX, currentY); } display.SetZoomScale(0.5, new Point(100, 100)); if (displayToggle) { display.Image = skin; } else { display.Image = imgFrame; } }