    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the shortest path from source to destination
    /// using A* algorithm.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='src' type='GameObject'>
    /// Source.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='dst' type='GameObject'>
    /// Destination
    /// </param>
    public List <GameObject> Astar(GameObject src, GameObject dst)
        List <AiEdge> successors;
        AiVertex      auxVertex;
        int           cost = 0;
        bool          isInFrontier = false, isInExplored = false;
        AiNode        node    = new AiNode(src, 1);
        AiNode        dstNode = new AiNode(dst, 1);
        AiNode        child;

        GPWiki.BinaryHeap <AiNode> frontier = new GPWiki.BinaryHeap <AiNode>();
        List <GameObject>          explored = new List <GameObject>();

        while (true)
            if (frontier.Count == 0)
                return(new List <GameObject>());
            node = frontier.Remove();
            if (node.Equals(dstNode))
            auxVertex  = node.m_GameObject.GetComponent <AiVertex>();
            successors = auxVertex.m_Successors;
            foreach (AiEdge e in successors)
                cost         = e.m_Cost;
                cost        += (int)Vector3.Distance(e.m_Vertex.gameObject.transform.position, dst.transform.position);
                child        = new AiNode(e.m_Vertex.gameObject, cost);
                isInFrontier = frontier.Contains(child);
                isInExplored = explored.Contains(child.m_GameObject);
                if (!isInExplored && !isInFrontier)
                else if (isInFrontier)
                    foreach (AiNode n in frontier)
                        if (n.Equals(child) && (n.m_Cost > child.m_Cost))
    void Recurse(Transform parent, AiNode node)
        //Debug.Log("node name: " + node.Name);
        //Debug.Log("numchildren: " + node.NumChildren);

        Transform tr;

        if (node.Transformation.IsIdentity && node.NumMeshes == 0 && node.NumChildren == 1)
            tr = parent;   /* skip this intermediate level */
            tr = new GameObject(node.Name.GetString()).transform;

            Assimp.Vector3D   scale, translation;
            Assimp.Quaternion rotation;
            node.Transformation.Decompose(out scale, out rotation, out translation);
            tr.localPosition = ToVector3(translation);
            tr.localRotation = ToQuaternion(rotation);
            tr.localScale    = ToVector3(scale);

            int mesh_i = 0;
            foreach (var mesh_index in ReadArrayInt(node.Meshes, node.NumMeshes))
                var tr1 = new GameObject("mesh " + mesh_index).transform;
                tr1.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                tr1.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                tr1.localScale    = Vector3.one;

                tr1.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh       = meshes[mesh_index];
                tr1.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = mesh2mat[mesh_index];
        foreach (var child in ReadArrayOfPtr <AiNode>(node.Children, node.NumChildren))
            Recurse(tr, child);
        private string ResetPaths(string[] args)
            if (path != null)
                foreach (AiNode aiNode in path)
                    if (aiNode.Walkable)
                        aiNode.Owner.RemoveComponent <MeshRendererComponent>();


            Random rnd       = new Random();
            AiNode startNode = nodes[rnd.Next(0, 64), rnd.Next(0, 64)];
            AiNode endNode   = nodes[rnd.Next(0, 64), rnd.Next(0, 64)];

            while (!startNode.Walkable)
                startNode = nodes[rnd.Next(0, 64), rnd.Next(0, 64)];

            while (!endNode.Walkable)
                endNode = nodes[rnd.Next(0, 64), rnd.Next(0, 64)];

            path = AStarResolver.FindPath(startNode, endNode, out bool found);

            for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++)
                .AddComponent(new LitMeshRendererComponent(DefaultFilepaths.DefaultLitShader, Prefabs.Cube, tex,

            startNode.Owner.GetComponent <LitMeshRendererComponent>().Textures[0] = beginTex;
            endNode.Owner.GetComponent <LitMeshRendererComponent>().Textures[0]   = endTex;
            return("Success: " + found);
        private AiNode[,] GenerateNodeGraph(int width, int length)
            AiNode[,] nodes = new AiNode[width, length];

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
                    GameObject obj = new GameObject("NodeW" + i + "L:" + j)
                        LocalPosition = new Byt3.Engine.Physics.BEPUutilities.Vector3(i - width / 2, 0, -j)
                    AiNode node = new AiNode(true);
                    nodes[i, j] = node;

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
                    AiNode current = nodes[i, j];
                    for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
                        for (int s = -1; s <= 1; s++)
                            if (i + k < 0 || i + k >= width || j + s < 0 || j + s >= length || k == 0 && s == 0)

                            current.AddConnection(nodes[i + k, j + s]);

        private AiNode[,] GenerateNodeGraph(int width, int length)
            AiNode[,] nodes = new AiNode[width, length];

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
                    AiNode node = new AiNode(true); //Just Filling the map
                    nodes[i, j] = node;

            //Connecting Every node with its surrounding nodes including diagonals
            // N N N
            // N 0 N
            // N N N
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
                    AiNode current = nodes[i, j];
                    for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
                        for (int s = -1; s <= 1; s++)
                            if (i + k < 0 || i + k >= width || j + s < 0 || j + s >= length || k == 0 && s == 0)

                            current.AddConnection(nodes[i + k, j + s]);

        private static void ReadNodeHeirarchy(float animationTime, AiNode node, AiAnimation animation, mat4 parentTransform, AllBoneInfos allBoneInfos)
            string nodeName                 = node.Name;
            mat4   nodeTransform            = node.Transform.ToMat4();
            AiNodeAnimationChannel nodeAnim = FineNodeAnim(animation, nodeName);

            if (nodeAnim != null)
                mat4 mat = mat4.identity();
                // Interpolate scaling and generate scaling transformation matrix
                vec3 scaling    = CalcInterpolatedScaling(animationTime, nodeAnim);
                mat4 scalingMat = glm.scale(mat, new vec3(scaling.X, scaling.Y, scaling.Z));

                // Interpolate rotation and generate rotation transformation matrix
                Quaternion rotation    = CalcInterpolatedRotation(animationTime, nodeAnim);
                mat4       rotationMat = new AiMatrix4x4(rotation.GetMatrix()).ToMat4();

                // Interpolate translation and generate translation transformation matrix
                vec3 translation    = CalcInterpolatedPosition(animationTime, nodeAnim);
                mat4 translationMat = glm.translate(mat4.identity(), new vec3(translation.X, translation.Y, translation.Z));

                // Combine the above transformations
                nodeTransform = translationMat * rotationMat * scalingMat;

            mat4 globalTransformation = parentTransform * nodeTransform;

            if (allBoneInfos.nameIndexDict.ContainsKey(nodeName))
                uint BoneIndex = allBoneInfos.nameIndexDict[nodeName];
                allBoneInfos.boneInfos[BoneIndex].finalTransformation = globalTransformation * allBoneInfos.boneInfos[BoneIndex].bone.OffsetMatrix.ToMat4();

            for (int i = 0; i < node.ChildCount; i++)
                ReadNodeHeirarchy(animationTime, node.Children[i], animation, globalTransformation, allBoneInfos);
        protected override void Update(float deltaTime)
            if (ObjectUnderMouse(Owner.LocalPosition, out KeyValuePair <Collider, RayHit> hit)
                ) //We Check where we clicked on
                AiNode node = hit.Key.Owner.GetComponent <AiNode>();
                if (node != null)
                    if (Input.GetKey(Key.S)) //Setting the Start Point
                        LitMeshRendererComponent lmr =
                            node.Owner.GetComponent <LitMeshRendererComponent>();
                        ApplyTexture(lmr, purpleTex);
                        if (startNode != null && startNode != node)
                            ApplyTexture(startNode.Owner.GetComponent <LitMeshRendererComponent>(),
                                         startNode.Walkable ? greenTex : redTex);

                        startNode = node;
                    else if (Input.GetKey(Key.E)) //Setting the End Point
                        LitMeshRendererComponent lmr =
                            node.Owner.GetComponent <LitMeshRendererComponent>();
                        ApplyTexture(lmr, purpleTex);
                        if (endNode != null && endNode != node)
                            ApplyTexture(endNode.Owner.GetComponent <LitMeshRendererComponent>(),
                                         endNode.Walkable ? greenTex : redTex);

                        endNode = node;

            //When Start and end Point is defined and space is pressed we calculate the path
            if (startNode != null && endNode != null && Input.GetKey(Key.Space))
                if (path != null) //First Clean the Old path, and reset the textures
                    for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++)
                        LitMeshRendererComponent lmr =
                            (path[i] as AiNode).Owner.GetComponent <LitMeshRendererComponent>();
                        ApplyTexture(lmr, path[i].Walkable ? greenTex : redTex);

                //This line is doing the A*
                path = AStarResolver.FindPath(startNode, endNode, out bool foundPath);

                if (foundPath) //If there exists a path from start to end, we will make it visible
                    for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++)
                        LitMeshRendererComponent lmr =
                            (path[i] as AiNode).Owner.GetComponent <LitMeshRendererComponent>();
                        ApplyTexture(lmr, purpleTex);

            //Escape Resets the Nodes color and removes the starting points
            if (Input.GetKey(Key.Escape))
                if (startNode != null)
                    ApplyTexture(startNode.Owner.GetComponent <LitMeshRendererComponent>(),
                                 startNode.Walkable ? greenTex : redTex);

                if (endNode != null)
                    ApplyTexture(endNode.Owner.GetComponent <LitMeshRendererComponent>(),
                                 endNode.Walkable ? greenTex : redTex);

                startNode = endNode = null;
                if (path != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++)
                        LitMeshRendererComponent lmr =
                            (path[i] as AiNode).Owner.GetComponent <LitMeshRendererComponent>();
                        ApplyTexture(lmr, path[i].Walkable ? greenTex : redTex);

                path = null;
    void Display(string filename, IntPtr ptr)
        AiScene scene = Assimp.MemoryHelper.Read <AiScene>(ptr);

        Debug.Log(scene.NumMeshes + " meshes");
        Debug.Log(scene.NumMaterials + " materials");
        Debug.Log(scene.NumTextures + " internal textures");

        var texloader = new TextureLoader {
            scene = scene, basefilename = filename

        materials = new Material[scene.NumMaterials];
        int materials_i = 0;

        foreach (var mat in Assimp.MemoryHelper.FromNativeArray <Assimp.Material, AiMaterial>(scene.Materials, (int)scene.NumMaterials, true))
            var mat1 = new Material(material);
            mat1.color = ToColor(mat.ColorDiffuse);

            if (mat.HasTextureDiffuse)
                var tex = texloader.Load(mat);
                if (tex != null)
                    mat1.mainTexture = tex;

            materials[materials_i++] = mat1;

        mesh2mat = new Material[scene.NumMeshes];
        meshes   = new Mesh[scene.NumMeshes];
        int meshes_i = 0;

        foreach (var mesh in ReadArrayOfPtr <AiMesh>(scene.Meshes, scene.NumMeshes))
            //Debug.Log("   - " + mesh.Name);

            var mesh1 = new Mesh();
            mesh1.name = mesh.Name.GetString();

            var vertices = ReadArrayVector3(mesh.Vertices, mesh.NumVertices);
            mesh1.vertices = vertices;

            if (mesh.TextureCoords.Length > 0)
                IntPtr texCoordsPtr = mesh.TextureCoords[0];
                if (texCoordsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
                    mesh1.uv = ReadArrayVector3_to_Vector2(texCoordsPtr, mesh.NumVertices);

            List <int> tris  = new List <int>();
            AiFace[]   faces = ReadArrayInline <AiFace>(mesh.Faces, mesh.NumFaces);
            foreach (var face in faces)
                var triangle = ReadArrayInt(face.Indices, face.NumIndices);
                if (triangle.Length == 3)
                    /* XXX for Unity to display meshes properly if they are used in a node with
                     * a negative-determinant transformation, we'd need to swap the orientation
                     * here. */
                    string s = string.Join(", ", triangle.Select(i => vertices[i]));
                    Debug.Log("polygon with " + triangle.Length + " vertices: " + s);
            mesh1.SetTriangles(tris, 0);

            mesh2mat[meshes_i] = materials[mesh.MaterialIndex];
            meshes[meshes_i++] = mesh1;

        AiNode root = Assimp.MemoryHelper.Read <AiNode>(scene.RootNode);

        Recurse(transform, root);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the shortest path from source to destination
 /// using A* algorithm.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='src' type='GameObject'>
 /// Source.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='dst' type='GameObject'>
 /// Destination
 /// </param>
 public List<GameObject> Astar(GameObject src, GameObject dst)
     List<AiEdge> successors;
     AiVertex auxVertex;
     int cost = 0;
     bool isInFrontier = false, isInExplored = false;
     AiNode node = new AiNode(src, 1);
     AiNode dstNode = new AiNode(dst, 1);   
     AiNode child;
     GPWiki.BinaryHeap<AiNode> frontier = new GPWiki.BinaryHeap<AiNode>();
     List<GameObject> explored = new List<GameObject>();
     while (true)
         if (frontier.Count == 0)
             return new List<GameObject>();
         node = frontier.Remove();
         if (node.Equals(dstNode))
             return explored;
         auxVertex = node.m_GameObject.GetComponent<AiVertex>();
         successors = auxVertex.m_Successors;
         foreach (AiEdge e in successors)
             cost = e.m_Cost;
             cost += (int)Vector3.Distance(e.m_Vertex.gameObject.transform.position, dst.transform.position);
             child = new AiNode(e.m_Vertex.gameObject, cost);
             isInFrontier = frontier.Contains(child);
             isInExplored = explored.Contains(child.m_GameObject);
             if (!isInExplored && !isInFrontier)
             else if (isInFrontier)
                 foreach (AiNode n in frontier)
                     if (n.Equals(child) && (n.m_Cost > child.m_Cost))