public AccountResponse SignIn(string username, string password, string userDeviceId) { bool res = default(bool); AccountResponse ibase = new AccountResponse(); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { ibase.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; ibase.Error = "Required parameters not set"; } else { AggieGlobalLogManager.Info("RegistrationController :: SignIn started "); var connectionString = "AggieGlobal"; var repo = new AccountManager(connectionString); ibase.Status = ResponseStatus.Successful; ibase.AuthToken = repo.LoginCheck(username, password, userDeviceId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ibase.AuthToken)) { ibase.Error = "Invalid credentials"; } repo.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ibase.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; ibase.Error = "Login failed || " + ex.Message; AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("RegistrationController :: SignIn failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(ibase); }
public static object ProcessMillisecond(string source, string propertyName) { try { if (source != null && source.Length > 0) { Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray itmarr = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray.Parse(source); foreach (var itm in itmarr) { var val = itm[propertyName]; if (val != null && val.ToString().Length > 0) { string[] tSplit = val.ToString().Split('.'); if (tSplit.Length == 2) { tSplit[1] = tSplit[1].Substring(6, tSplit[1].Length - 6); itm[propertyName] = string.Join(".", tSplit); } } } return(itmarr.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("Millisecond conversion failed. exception{0}", ex.Message); } return(source); }
/// <summary> /// delete all request cycle related cache keys from application cache /// </summary> public static void ClearAllRequestCycleCache() { try { List <string> keys = new List <string>(); keys.Add("RequestCycleCaching_"); foreach (var key in keys) { if (HttpContext.Current == null) { break; } foreach (var item in HttpContext.Current.Cache) { var k = (string)((System.Collections.DictionaryEntry)(item)).Key; if (k.StartsWith(key)) { DeleteCache(k); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal(ex, "Utility:ClearAllRequestCycleCache(): Failed :: "); } }
public static string ValidDocumentName(string DocumentName, string extension) { try { string SupportedfileFormat = GetConfigKeyValue("SupportedfileFormat"); string extensionInFileName = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(DocumentName).ToLower(); if (extensionInFileName.Equals(string.Empty)) { return(DocumentName + extension); } if (!extensionInFileName.Equals(extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (Array.IndexOf(SupportedfileFormat.Split(','), extensionInFileName) < 0) { return(DocumentName + extension); } return(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(DocumentName) + extension); } } catch (Exception exp) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal(exp, "ValidDocumentName"); } return(DocumentName); }
public bool CreateUpdatePlot(PlotDetail requestData) { string LoginTokenKey = string.Empty; int AuthenticationSuccessmode = 0; try { using (var connection = GetConnection()) { connection.Open(); if (requestData.PlotId == 0) { AuthenticationSuccessmode = CreateRecord("CreatePlot", requestData.FarmId, requestData.PlotName, requestData.PlotSize, requestData.Organic, requestData.SoilPhId, requestData.SoilId, requestData.Notes, requestData.UserID, AuthenticationSuccessmode); requestData.PlotId = AuthenticationSuccessmode; } else { UpdateRecord("UpdatePlot", requestData.PlotName, requestData.PlotSize, requestData.Organic, requestData.SoilPhId, requestData.SoilId, requestData.Notes, requestData.FarmId, requestData.PlotId, AuthenticationSuccessmode); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("AccountRepository :: CreateUpdateFarm :: " + ex.Message); } return(requestData.PlotId == 1 ? true : false); }
public AccountResponse UpdateSession() { int ret = default(int); AccountResponse ibase = new AccountResponse(); try { if (HttpContext.Current.Session[ApplicationConstant.UserSession] != null) { SessionData sessionObject = (SessionData)HttpContext.Current.Session[ApplicationConstant.UserSession]; AggieGlobalLogManager.Info("FarmDetailsController :: GetFarmsDetails started "); var connectionString = "AggieGlobal"; var repo = new AccountManager(connectionString); ret = repo.UpdateSession(sessionObject._email, sessionObject._userId, sessionObject._deviceid); if (ret == 0) { ibase.Status = ResponseStatus.Successful; ibase.Error = "Invalid credentials"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ibase.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; ibase.Error = "Invalid credentials"; AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("FarmDetailsController :: GetFarmsDetails failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(ibase); }
public int CreateUpdateFarm(FarmDetail requestData) { string LoginTokenKey = string.Empty; int AuthenticationSuccessmode = 0; try { using (var connection = GetConnection()) { connection.Open(); requestData.CoOpId = (requestData.CoOpId == 0 ? 3 : requestData.CoOpId); requestData.IsActive = true; if (requestData.FarmId == default(int)) { AuthenticationSuccessmode = CreateRecord("CreateFarmDetail", requestData.FarmName, requestData.CoOpId, requestData.FarmSize, requestData.FarmSizeUnit, requestData.FarmEstablishedDate, requestData.FarmAddress, requestData.IsActive); requestData.FarmId = AuthenticationSuccessmode; } else { AuthenticationSuccessmode = UpdateRecord("UpdateFarmDetail", requestData.FarmName, requestData.CoOpId, requestData.FarmSize, requestData.FarmSizeUnit, requestData.FarmEstablishedDate, requestData.FarmAddress, requestData.FarmId, requestData.IsActive); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("AccountRepository :: CreateUpdateFarm :: " + ex.Message); } return(AuthenticationSuccessmode); }
public IEnumerable <SoilPhDetailResponse> GetSoilPhDetails() { bool res = default(bool); IEnumerable <SoilPhDetail> SoilDetail = null; IList <SoilPhDetailResponse> SoilDetailResponse = new List <SoilPhDetailResponse>();; int OpMode = default(int); int _farmId = default(int); string LoginTokenKey = string.Empty; int AuthenticationSuccessmode = 0; try { using (var connection = GetConnection()) { connection.Open(); SoilDetail = GetRecord("GetSoilPhListDetails"); foreach (SoilPhDetail det in SoilDetail) { SoilPhDetailResponse response = new SoilPhDetailResponse(); response.SoilPhId = EncryptionHelper.AesEncryption(det.SoilPhId.ToString(), EncryptionKey.LOG); response.SoilPhvalue = det.SoilPhvalue; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Successful; SoilDetailResponse.Add(response); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("PlotRepository :: SoilRepository failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(SoilDetailResponse); }
public AccountResponse GetAcountByUserClientData(string Email, int userId, string DeviceId) { bool res = default(bool); IEnumerable <Account> userData = null; int OpMode = default(int); string LoginTokenKey = string.Empty; AccountResponse iresponse = null; try { using (var connection = GetConnection()) { connection.Open(); userData = GetRecord("GetAcountByUserClientData", Email, userId); if (userData != null && userData.Count() > default(int)) { iresponse = new AccountResponse(); iresponse.EmailId = userData.FirstOrDefault().EmailId; iresponse.FirstName = userData.FirstOrDefault().FirstName; iresponse.LastName = userData.FirstOrDefault().LastName; iresponse.Address = userData.FirstOrDefault().Address; iresponse.IsAdmin = userData.FirstOrDefault().IsAdmin; } return(iresponse); } } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("AccountRepository :: GetAcountByUserId failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(null); }
public string SignIn(string username, string password, string userDeviceId) { bool res = default(bool); IEnumerable <Account> userData = null; int OpMode = default(int); string LoginTokenKey = string.Empty; int AuthenticationSuccessmode = default(int); try { using (var connection = GetConnection()) { connection.Open(); userData = GetRecord("GetAccountDetails", username, password, userDeviceId, AuthenticationSuccessmode); } if (userData != null && userData.Count() > default(int) && userData.FirstOrDefault().UserId > default(int)) { LoginTokenKey = username + "-" + userData.FirstOrDefault().UserId + "-" + userDeviceId; return(EncryptionHelper.AesEncryption(LoginTokenKey, EncryptionKey.LOG)); } } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("AccountRepository :: LoginCheck failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(string.Empty); }
public IEnumerable <ProductDetail> GetProductListByUser(int userID, DateTime dateStamp) { IEnumerable <ProductDetail> proddetail = null; int AuthenticationSuccessmode = 0; try { using (var connection = GetConnection()) { connection.Open(); if (dateStamp == null) { proddetail = GetRecord("GetProductListByUser", userID, AuthenticationSuccessmode); } else { proddetail = GetRecord("GetProductListByDate", userID, dateStamp, AuthenticationSuccessmode); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("ProductRepository :: GetProductListByUser failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(proddetail); }
public IList <SoilDataResponse> GetSoilDetails() { IList <SoilDataResponse> dataresponse = new List <SoilDataResponse>(); try { if (HttpContext.Current.Session[ApplicationConstant.UserSession] != null) { SessionData sessionObject = (SessionData)HttpContext.Current.Session[ApplicationConstant.UserSession]; AggieGlobalLogManager.Info("PlotController :: GetSoilDetails started "); var connectionString = "AggieGlobal"; var repo = new PlotManager(connectionString); dataresponse = repo.GetSoilDetails(); repo.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { SoilDataResponse det = new SoilDataResponse(); det.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; det.Error = "Failed to retreive data"; dataresponse.Add(det); AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("AccountRepository :: LoginCheck failed :: " + e.Message); } return(dataresponse); }
public bool CreateAccount(Account userdata, out bool IsDuplicate) { bool result = default(bool); IsDuplicate = false; try { result = new RepositoryCreator().AccountRepository.CreateAccount(userdata, out IsDuplicate); if (result == true && userdata.UserId > default(int)) { var connectionString = "AggieGlobal"; FarmManager fmanager = new FarmManager(connectionString); FarmDetail fDetail = new FarmDetail(); fDetail.FarmId = default(int); fDetail.FarmName = "Farm_" + userdata.EmailId; fDetail.FarmSize = default(int); fDetail.FarmSizeUnit = string.Empty; fDetail.FarmAddress = string.Empty; fDetail.FarmEstablishedDate = DateTime.Now; userdata.FarmId = fmanager.CreateUpdateFarm(fDetail); if (userdata.FarmId > default(int)) { fmanager.MapFarmByUserDetail(userdata.FarmId, userdata.UserId); } fmanager.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("AccountManager :: CreateAccount failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(result); }
public IEnumerable <FarmDetail> GetFarmDetails(int userid) { bool res = default(bool); IEnumerable <FarmDetail> farmDetail = null; int OpMode = default(int); string LoginTokenKey = string.Empty; int AuthenticationSuccessmode = 0; try { using (var connection = GetConnection()) { connection.Open(); farmDetail = GetRecord("GetFarmDetails", userid, AuthenticationSuccessmode); } if (farmDetail != null && farmDetail.Count() > default(int)) { } } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("AccountRepository :: LoginCheck failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(farmDetail); }
public AccountResponse GetUserDetails() { AccountResponse userData = null; var httpContent = Request.Content; try { string userId = string.Empty; if (HttpContext.Current.Session[ApplicationConstant.UserSession] != null) { SessionData sessionObject = (SessionData)HttpContext.Current.Session[ApplicationConstant.UserSession]; AggieGlobalLogManager.Info("FarmDetailsController :: GetFarmsDetails started "); var connectionString = "AggieGlobal"; var repo = new AccountManager(connectionString); userData = repo.GetAcountByUserClientData(sessionObject._email, sessionObject._userId, sessionObject._deviceid); userData.Status = ResponseStatus.Successful; return(userData); } else { userData = new AccountResponse(); userData.Error = "Invalid credentials"; userData.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; } } catch (Exception ex) { userData = new AccountResponse(); userData.Error = "failed to retreive user data"; userData.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("FarmDetailsController :: GetFarmsDetails failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(userData); }
public bool CreateAccount(Account userData, out bool IsDuplicate) { try { DbTransaction transaction = null; int result = default(int); IsDuplicate = false; using (var connection = GetConnection()) { try { connection.Open(); transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(); userData.optMode = 2; AggieGlobalLogManager.Info("RegistrationController :: Registration started Account Repository"); CreateRecordWithinTransaction("CreateAccount", transaction, userData.FirstName, userData.LastName, userData.password, userData.Address, userData.EmailId, userData.FarmId, userData.UserDeviceId, userData.optMode, userData.AuthenticationSuccessmode); result = 1; transaction.Commit(); AggieGlobalLogManager.Info("RegistrationController :: Registration ended Account Repository"); if (result == 1) { int userNewId = GetAcountUserIdByEmail(userData.EmailId, userData.UserDeviceId); userData.UserId = userNewId; userData.AuthToken = EncryptionHelper.AesEncryption(userData.EmailId + "-" + userNewId + "-" + userData.UserDeviceId, EncryptionKey.LOG); return((result == 1) ? true : false); } } catch (Exception ex) { string error = string.Empty; using (System.IO.StringReader reader = new System.IO.StringReader(ex.Message)) { error = reader.ReadLine(); } string[] errorObj = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { errorObj = error.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); } if (errorObj[0] == "1"? IsDuplicate = true:false) { result = 0; } AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("RegistrationController :: Register failed :: " + ex.Message); return(Convert.ToBoolean(userData.AuthenticationSuccessmode)); } return(Convert.ToBoolean(result)); } } catch (Exception e) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("AccountRepository :: CreateAccount failed :: " + e.Message); } IsDuplicate = false; return(Convert.ToBoolean(userData.AuthenticationSuccessmode)); }
public IEnumerable <PlotDetailResponse> GetPlotDetailsById(string plotid) { plotid = plotid.Replace("+", "%20"); plotid = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlDecode(plotid); plotid = plotid.Replace(" ", "+"); bool res = default(bool); IList <PlotDetailResponse> responsedata = new List <PlotDetailResponse>(); IEnumerable <PlotDetail> internalPlots = null; try { if (HttpContext.Current.Session[ApplicationConstant.UserSession] != null) { SessionData sessionObject = (SessionData)HttpContext.Current.Session[ApplicationConstant.UserSession]; AggieGlobalLogManager.Info("PlotController :: CreateUpdatePlot started "); var connectionString = "AggieGlobal"; var repo = new PlotManager(connectionString); internalPlots = repo.GetPlotDetailsById(plotid); if (internalPlots != null && internalPlots.Count() > default(int)) { foreach (PlotDetail det in internalPlots) { PlotDetailResponse resdata = new PlotDetailResponse(); resdata.PlotId = EncryptionHelper.AesEncryption(Convert.ToString(det.PlotId), EncryptionKey.LOG); resdata.FarmId = EncryptionHelper.AesEncryption(Convert.ToString(det.FarmId), EncryptionKey.LOG); resdata.PlotName = det.PlotName; resdata.PlotSize = det.PlotSize; resdata.Organic = det.Organic; resdata.SoilId = Convert.ToString(EncryptionHelper.AesEncryption(det.SoilId.ToString(), EncryptionKey.LOG)); resdata.SoilPhId = Convert.ToString(EncryptionHelper.AesEncryption(det.SoilPhId.ToString(), EncryptionKey.LOG)); resdata.Notes = det.Notes; resdata.Status = ResponseStatus.Successful; responsedata.Add(resdata); } } else { PlotDetailResponse resdata = new PlotDetailResponse(); resdata.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; resdata.Error = "Unable to retireve plot detail"; responsedata.Add(resdata); } repo.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { PlotDetailResponse resdata = new PlotDetailResponse(); resdata.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; resdata.Error = "Unable to retireve plot details"; responsedata.Add(resdata); AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("PlotController :: CreateUpdatePlot failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(responsedata); }
public IList <SoilDataResponse> GetSoilDetails() { IList <SoilDataResponse> dataresponse = new List <SoilDataResponse>(); try { } catch (Exception e) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("AccountRepository :: LoginCheck failed :: " + e.Message); } return(dataresponse); }
public FarmDetailResponse MapFarmByUserDetail(string FarmId) { bool res = default(bool); FarmDetailResponse resposne = null; SessionData sessionObject = null; int farmId = default(int); int userId = default(int); try { if (HttpContext.Current.Session[ApplicationConstant.UserSession] != null) { sessionObject = (SessionData)HttpContext.Current.Session[ApplicationConstant.UserSession]; resposne = new FarmDetailResponse(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FarmId)) { resposne.Error = "Failed to process"; resposne.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; return(resposne); } else { farmId = Convert.ToInt32(EncryptionHelper.AesDecryption(FarmId, EncryptionKey.LOG)); userId = sessionObject._userId; } AggieGlobalLogManager.Info("FarmDetailsController :: MapFarmByUserDetail started "); var connectionString = "AggieGlobal"; var repo = new FarmManager(connectionString); res = repo.MapFarmByUserDetail(farmId, userId); if (res == true) { resposne.Status = ResponseStatus.Successful; } else { resposne.Error = "Failed to process data"; resposne.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; } AggieGlobalLogManager.Info("FarmDetailsController :: MapFarmByUserDetail ended "); repo.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { resposne.Error = "Failed to process"; resposne.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("FarmManager :: MapFarmByUserDetail failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(resposne); }
public int CreateUpdateFarmAndPlot(FarmDetail requestData) { try { return(new RepositoryCreator().FarmRepository.CreateUpdateFarm(requestData)); } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("FarmManager :: CreateUpdateFarmAndPlot failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(requestData.FarmId); }
public int CreateSubCategory(ProductDetail detail) { try { return(new RepositoryCreator().ProductRepository.CreateSubCategory(detail)); } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("ProductManager :: CreateSubCategory failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(default(int)); }
public IList <ActivityDetailCountResponse> GetActivityCountByDate(string dateStamp) { IList <ActivityDetailCountResponse> requestData = new List <ActivityDetailCountResponse>(); ActivityDetailCountResponse response = new ActivityDetailCountResponse(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dateStamp)) { response.Error = "Failed to get activity list data imvalid parameter"; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; requestData.Add(response); return(requestData); } try { if (HttpContext.Current.Session[ApplicationConstant.UserSession] != null) { SessionData sessionObject = (SessionData)HttpContext.Current.Session[ApplicationConstant.UserSession]; ActivityDetail resdata = new ActivityDetail(); var connectionString = "AggieGlobal"; var repo = new ActivityManager(connectionString); IEnumerable <ActivityDetail> res = repo.GetActivityCountByDate(sessionObject._userId, dateStamp); if (res != null && res.Count() > default(int)) { foreach (ActivityDetail det in res) { response = new ActivityDetailCountResponse(); response.ActivityDate = det.ActivityDate; response.ActivityCount = det.ActivityCount; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Successful; requestData.Add(response); } } else { response.Error = "Failed to get activity lis"; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; requestData.Add(response); return(requestData); } repo.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { response.Error = "Failed to get activity list data"; response.Status = ResponseStatus.Failed; requestData.Add(response); AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("ActivityController :: GetActivityCountByDate failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(requestData); }
public IEnumerable <ProductResources> GetProductResourcesList() { try { return(new RepositoryCreator().ProductRessourcesRepository.GetProductResourcesList()); } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("ProductResourcesManager :: GetProductResourcesList failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(null); }
public IEnumerable <ActivityDescriptions> GetAllActivityDescriptions() { try { return(new RepositoryCreator().ActivityDescriptionRepository.GetAllActivityDescriptions()); } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("ProductResourcesManager :: GetAllActivityDescriptions failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(null); }
private CommandParser() { string filePath = Path.Combine(Utility.CurrentDirectory, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataAccessConfigPath"]); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { string s = string.Format("FATAL ERROR: Configuration file for template:{0} is not present from 'CommandParser'! Application can't be run correctly!, Check the App-key \"DataAccessConfigPath\" to fix configuration issues!", filePath); AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal(s); //AggieGlobalLogManager.Trace(, Severity.Error); return; } xdoc = XDocument.Load(filePath); }
public bool UpdateActivity(ActivityDetail prodData) { bool result = default(bool); int AuthenticationSuccessmode = 0; using (var connection = GetConnection()) { try { connection.Open(); if (prodData.ProductTypeId == ProductType.Crop.GetHashCode()) { prodData.ActivityId = UpdateRecord("UpdateActivityCrop", prodData.UserId, prodData.ProductId, prodData.CategoryId, prodData.LastHarvestedDate, prodData.IsHarvestedBefore, prodData.IsSoldBefore, prodData.IsSoldBeforeNoReason, prodData.SoldPrice, prodData.ActivityDate, prodData.PlantationDate, prodData.PlotId, prodData.ActivityDescriptionId, prodData.ActivityId, AuthenticationSuccessmode); } else if (prodData.ProductTypeId == ProductType.LiveStock.GetHashCode()) { prodData.ActivityId = UpdateRecord("UpdateActivityLiveStock", prodData.UserId, prodData.ProductId, prodData.CategoryId, prodData.NumberOfLivestock, prodData.LiveStockUsageId, prodData.LiveStockUtilityId, prodData.IsLivestockSalable, prodData.LastDateOfLivestockSold, prodData.LivestocksellingLocationId, prodData.ActivityDate, prodData.PlotId, prodData.ActivityDescriptionId, prodData.LivestocksellingLocationName, prodData.LiveStockName, prodData.LiveStockUsageName, prodData.LiveStockUtilityName, prodData.SoldLiveStockAmount, prodData.ActivityId, AuthenticationSuccessmode); } else if (prodData.ProductTypeId == ProductType.Resource.GetHashCode()) { prodData.ActivityId = UpdateRecord("UpdateActivityResources", prodData.UserId, prodData.ProductId, prodData.CategoryId, prodData.NumberOfResource, prodData.ResourceCostTypeId, prodData.ResourceTypeId, prodData.ResourceTypeName, prodData.ResourceMaintenancePrice, prodData.ResourcePrice, prodData.ActivityDate, prodData.PlotId, prodData.ActivityDescriptionId, prodData.ResourceMaintenanceCostTypeId, prodData.ActivityId, AuthenticationSuccessmode); } } catch (Exception ex) { string error = string.Empty; using (System.IO.StringReader reader = new System.IO.StringReader(ex.Message)) { error = reader.ReadLine(); } string[] errorObj = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { errorObj = error.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); } AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("ActivityRepository :: UpdateActivity :: failed :: " + ex.Message); result = false; return(result); } } return(result); }
public bool MapFarmByUserDetail(int FarmId, int UserId) { bool res = default(bool); try { return(new RepositoryCreator().FarmRepository.MapFarmByUserDetail(FarmId, UserId)); } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("FarmManager :: GetFarmDetails failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(res); }
public string LoginCheck(string username, string password, string userDeviceId) { bool res = default(bool); try { return(new RepositoryCreator().AccountRepository.SignIn(username, password, userDeviceId)); } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal("AccountManager :: LoginCheck failed :: " + ex.Message); } return(string.Empty); }
public int DefaultStateID() { var strDefaultStateID = default(int); try { } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal(ex, "ConfigController.GetAppLocation: -{0}", ex.Message); throw; } return(strDefaultStateID); }
public string GetAppLocation() { string strAppLocation = string.Empty; try { } catch (Exception ex) { AggieGlobalLogManager.Fatal(ex, "ConfigController.GetAppLocation: -{0}", ex.Message); throw; } return(strAppLocation); }