protected override void Validate() { if (MaxRedirects < 0 || MaxRedirects > 10) { throw new BindingException("MaxRedirects must range from 0 to 10."); } if (ProxyPort < 0 || ProxyPort > 65535) { throw new BindingException("ProxyPort must range from 0 to 65535."); } if (AuthenticationScheme.IsOneOf(AuthenticationScheme.Basic, AuthenticationScheme.Digest)) { if (UserName.IsNullOrEmpty() || Password.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new BindingException( string.Format( "UserName and Password must neither be null nor empty when AuthenticationScheme is either {0} or {1}.", AuthenticationScheme.Basic, AuthenticationScheme.Digest)); } } if (UseSSO && AffiliateApplicationName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new BindingException("AffiliateApplicationName must neither be null nor empty when SSO is used."); } }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { WriteInformation($"SSO {nameof(AffiliateApplication)}s are being loaded...", null); var affiliateApplications = AffiliateApplicationName.IsNullOrEmpty() ? AffiliateApplication.FindByContact() : AffiliateApplicationName == AffiliateApplication.ANY_CONTACT_INFO ? AffiliateApplication.FindByContact(AffiliateApplication.ANY_CONTACT_INFO) : new[] { AffiliateApplication.FindByName(AffiliateApplicationName) }; WriteObject(affiliateApplications, true); WriteInformation($"SSO {nameof(AffiliateApplication)}s have been loaded.", null); }
protected override void Prepare(IOutputAppender outputAppender) { if (AffiliateApplicationName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(AffiliateApplicationName)); } if (EnvironmentSettingsAssemblyFilePath.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(EnvironmentSettingsAssemblyFilePath)); } if (TargetEnvironment.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(TargetEnvironment)); } DeploymentContext.TargetEnvironment = TargetEnvironment; if (!EnvironmentSettingOverridesTypeName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { DeploymentContext.EnvironmentSettingOverridesType = ResolveEnvironmentSettingOverridesType(outputAppender); } }
protected override void Validate() { if (MaxRedirects is < 0 or > 10) { throw new BindingException("MaxRedirects must range from 0 to 10."); } if (ProxyPort is < 0 or > 65535) { throw new BindingException("ProxyPort must range from 0 to 65535."); } if (AuthenticationScheme is AuthenticationScheme.Basic or AuthenticationScheme.Digest) { if (UserName.IsNullOrEmpty() || Password.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new BindingException( $"UserName and Password must neither be null nor empty when AuthenticationScheme is either {AuthenticationScheme.Basic} or {AuthenticationScheme.Digest}."); } } if (UseSSO && AffiliateApplicationName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new BindingException("AffiliateApplicationName must neither be null nor empty when SSO is used."); } }