public AffairForm(MainForm mainForm, NoteTable editedTable, Mode mode) : base(mainForm, editedTable, mode) { InitializeComponent(); Text = GetFormText(); submitButton.Text = GetSubmitButtonText(); datePicker.Visible = false; Affair affair = _editedNote as Affair; if (affair != null) { nameTextBox.Text = affair.Name; descriptionRichTextBox.Text = affair.Description; setDateCheckBox.Checked = affair.IsDateSet; datePicker.Value = affair.Date; stateComboBox.SelectedIndex = (int)affair.CurrentState; commentRichTextBox.Text = affair.Comment; } KeyDown += delegate(object o, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control) { submitButton.PerformClick(); } }; }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(Affair affair) { db.Affairs.Update(affair); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public IActionResult CreateAffair(Affair newAffair) // processes the form object from CreateWedding.cshtml { int?userId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("userId"); if (userId == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { User user = dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == userId); newAffair.Creator = user; dbContext.Affairs.Add(newAffair); user.CreatedAffairs.Add(newAffair); dbContext.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.UserId = userId; int affairId = newAffair.AffairId; return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { affairId = affairId })); } else { if (newAffair.AffairDate.Year == 1) { if (ModelState.ContainsKey("AffairDate") == true) { ModelState["AffairDate"].Errors.Clear(); } ModelState.AddModelError("AffairDate", "Date is Invalid"); } return(View("CreateAffair")); } }
public IActionResult Details(int affairId) { int? userId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("userId"); User user = dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == userId); if (userId == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } Affair OneAffair = dbContext.Affairs.FirstOrDefault(w => w.AffairId == affairId); User creator = OneAffair.Creator; List <User> usersThatReserved = dbContext.Users .Include(u => u.Affairs) .ThenInclude(v => v.Affair) .Where(w => w.Affairs.Any(wed => wed.AffairId == affairId)) .ToList(); ViewBag.usersThatReserved = usersThatReserved; ViewBag.User = user; ViewBag.FirstName = creator; ViewBag.UserID = userId; return(View(OneAffair)); }
public void Repository_CalledRemove_RemovedCorrect() { // Arrange var id = Guid.NewGuid(); var expectedAffair = new Affair { Id = id }; _mockDbSet.Setup(mock => mock.Find(expectedAffair.Id)).Returns(expectedAffair); // Act var foundRegion = _affairRepository.GetById(id); _affairRepository.Remove(foundRegion); // Assert _mockDbSet.Verify( dbSet => dbSet.Find( expectedAffair.Id ), Times.Once()); _mockDbSet.Verify( dbSet => dbSet.Remove( expectedAffair ), Times.Once()); }
private static List <Note> ReadAffairs(SQLiteDataReader reader) { try { List <Note> notes = new List <Note>(); while (reader.Read()) { Affair affair = new Affair(); affair.Id = reader.GetInt32(0); affair.Name = reader.GetString(1); affair.CurrentState = (Note.State)reader.GetInt32(2); affair.Comment = reader.GetString(3); affair.Description = reader.GetString(4); affair.IsDateSet = reader.GetBoolean(5); affair.SetDate(reader.GetString(6)); notes.Add(affair); } return(notes); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("Can not read affairs:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, ex.ToString())); return(new List <Note>()); } }
private static bool InsertAffairs(List <Note> notes) { bool inserted = false; try { using (SQLiteConnection connection = Database.CreateConnection()) { connection.Open(); _affairsInsertCommand.Connection = connection; if (connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { using (SQLiteTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction()) { foreach (Note note in notes) { Affair affair = note as Affair; if (affair == null) { Log.Error("Try to insert incorrect note"); continue; } _affairsInsertCommand.Parameters[0].Value = affair.Name; _affairsInsertCommand.Parameters[1].Value = (int)affair.CurrentState; _affairsInsertCommand.Parameters[2].Value = affair.Comment; _affairsInsertCommand.Parameters[3].Value = affair.Description; _affairsInsertCommand.Parameters[4].Value = affair.IsDateSet; _affairsInsertCommand.Parameters[5].Value = affair.GetDate(); _affairsInsertCommand.Prepare(); _affairsInsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); affair.Id = (int)connection.LastInsertRowId; inserted = true; } transaction.Commit(); } } connection.Close(); _affairsInsertCommand.Connection = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("Can not execute command: {0}{1}{2}{3}", Environment.NewLine, (_affairsInsertCommand != null) ? _affairsInsertCommand.CommandText : "", Environment.NewLine, ex.ToString())); return(false); } return(inserted); }
private void setData() { writing = (Writing)Session["UpdateWritingObject"]; client = (Client)Session["UpdateClientObject"]; affair = (Affair)Session["UpdateAffairObject"]; protocolID = Session["UpdateProtocolID"].ToString(); writingID = int.Parse(Session["UpdateWritingID"].ToString()); rbt = Session["RBT"].ToString(); TextBoxAct.Text = writing.EventWriting; TextBoxAddressFac.Text = writing.BillingAddress; TextBoxAffair.Text = affair.AffairName; TextBoxClient.Text = client.ClientName; TextBoxIdFac.Text = writing.BillingNumber; DateTime t = (DateTime)Session["UpdateDate"]; CalendarDate.TodaysDate = t; TextBoxEmailFac.Text = writing.BillingEmail; TextBoxParts.Text = writing.Parts; TextBoxWritingNumber.Text = writing.WritingNumber; string facNotary = Session["UpdateFacNotary"].ToString(); string[] var = facNotary.Split('$'); TextBoxNotaryFac.Text = var[1]; loadCoNotary(); List <string> names = new List <string>(); foreach (GridViewRow r in GridViewCoNotary.Rows) { names.Add(r.Cells[2].Text); } List <int> list = bll.getAllCoNorariesToUpdate(writing.WritingID, names); //Names va bien int i = 0; foreach (GridViewRow row in GridViewCoNotary.Rows) { try { if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { ((TextBox)row.FindControl("TextBoxCoNotaryAdd")).Text = list[i] + ""; } i++; } catch (Exception e) { } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ConfirmDelete(int?id) { if (id != null) { Affair affair = await db.Affairs.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == id); if (affair != null) { return(View(affair)); } } return(NotFound()); }
public IActionResult Delete(int affairId) { if (HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("userId") == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } Affair AffairToDelete = dbContext.Affairs.FirstOrDefault(w => w.AffairId == affairId); dbContext.Affairs.Remove(AffairToDelete); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard")); }
public IActionResult Dashboard() { if (HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("userId") == null) { // return RedirectToAction("Index"); return(View("Index")); } List <Affair> AllAffairs = dbContext.Affairs .Include(w => w.ReserveSpot) .ThenInclude(r => r.User) .Include(affair => affair.Creator) .ToList(); List <int> AffairsToDelete = new List <int>(); DateTime CurrentTime = DateTime.Now; foreach (var affair in AllAffairs) { if (affair.AffairDate < CurrentTime) { AffairsToDelete.Add(affair.AffairId); } } if (AffairsToDelete.Count > 0) { foreach (var affair in AffairsToDelete) { Affair AffairToDelete = dbContext.Affairs.FirstOrDefault(aff => aff.AffairId == affair); dbContext.Affairs.Remove(AffairToDelete); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } } int userId = (int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("userId"); ViewBag.UserId = userId; ViewBag.User = dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == userId); int count = dbContext.Users .Include(u => u.Affairs) .ThenInclude(s => s.Affair) .Where(e => e.Affairs.Any(user => user.UserId == userId)) .Count(); ViewBag.Count = count; return(View("Dashboard", AllAffairs)); }
public override void UpdateNote(Note note) { Affair affair = note as Affair; if (affair == null) { return; } CurrentRow.Cells[(int)Index.Name].Value = affair.Name; CurrentRow.Cells[(int)Index.Description].Value = affair.Description; CurrentRow.Cells[(int)Index.IsDateSet].Value = affair.IsDateSet; CurrentRow.Cells[(int)Index.Date].Value = affair.IsDateSet ? affair.GetDate().Replace(' ', '.') : ""; CurrentRow.Cells[(int)Index.State].Value = States[(int)affair.CurrentState]; CurrentRow.Cells[(int)Index.Comment].Value = affair.Comment; }
public async Task <IActionResult> Delete(int?id) { if (id != null) { Affair affair = await db.Affairs.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == id); if (affair != null) { db.Affairs.Remove(affair); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } return(NotFound()); }
public IActionResult New(Affair affair, AffairDetail affairDetail, List <AffairEmployeeDetail> affairEmployeeDetail, List <AffairVehicleDetail> affairVehicleDetail) { string customerSignName = affairDetail.SignatureDate.ToShortDateString() + affairDetail.CustomerInfo + ".svg"; string customerBase64 = affairDetail.CustomerSignaturePath.Replace("data:image/svg+xml;base64,", ""); _converter.ConvertFile(customerSignName, customerBase64); affairDetail.CustomerSignaturePath = customerSignName; string employeeSignName = affairDetail.SignatureDate.ToShortDateString() + affairDetail.EmployeeId + ".svg"; string employeeBase64 = affairDetail.SignaturePath.Replace("data:image/svg+xml;base64,", ""); _converter.ConvertFile(employeeSignName, employeeBase64); affairDetail.SignaturePath = employeeSignName; return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
private void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime d = datePicker.Value; Affair affair = (_editedNote != null && _editedNote is Affair) ? _editedNote as Affair : new Affair(); affair.Name = nameTextBox.Text; affair.Description = descriptionRichTextBox.Text; affair.IsDateSet = setDateCheckBox.Checked; affair.Date = datePicker.Value; affair.CurrentState = (Note.State)stateComboBox.SelectedIndex; affair.Comment = commentRichTextBox.Text; SubmitNote(affair); Close(); }
public IActionResult Leave(int affairId) { int userId = (int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("userId"); if (HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("userId") == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } Affair AffairToReserve = dbContext.Affairs.FirstOrDefault(w => w.AffairId == affairId); User user = dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == userId); UserAffair UserAffairToDelete = dbContext.UsersAffairs.FirstOrDefault(uw => uw.AffairId == affairId && uw.UserId == userId); dbContext.UsersAffairs.Remove(UserAffairToDelete); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard")); }
public override bool AddNote(Note note) { if (note is Affair) { Affair affair = note as Affair; Rows.Add( affair.Id.ToString(), affair.Name, affair.Description, affair.IsDateSet, affair.IsDateSet ? affair.GetDate().Replace(' ', '.') : "", States[(int)affair.CurrentState], affair.Comment ); return(true); } return(false); }
private static bool UpdateAffair(Note note) { Affair affair = note as Affair; if (affair == null || affair.Id < 0) { Log.Error("Try to save incorrect affair note"); return(false); } _affairsUpdateCommand.Parameters[0].Value = affair.Id; _affairsUpdateCommand.Parameters[1].Value = affair.Name; _affairsUpdateCommand.Parameters[2].Value = (int)affair.CurrentState; _affairsUpdateCommand.Parameters[3].Value = affair.Comment; _affairsUpdateCommand.Parameters[4].Value = affair.Description; _affairsUpdateCommand.Parameters[5].Value = affair.IsDateSet; _affairsUpdateCommand.Parameters[6].Value = affair.GetDate(); _affairsUpdateCommand.Prepare(); return(ExecuteNonQuery(_affairsUpdateCommand) == 1); }
public override Note GetNoteFromSelectedRow() { if (CurrentRow == null) { return(null); } Affair affair = new Affair(); affair.Id = CurrentRow.Cells[(int)Index.Id].Value.ToString().ToIntOrException(); affair.Name = CurrentRow.Cells[(int)Index.Name].Value.ToString(); affair.Description = CurrentRow.Cells[(int)Index.Description].Value.ToString(); affair.IsDateSet = (bool)CurrentRow.Cells[(int)Index.IsDateSet].Value; if (affair.IsDateSet) { affair.SetDate(CurrentRow.Cells[(int)Index.Date].Value.ToString().Replace('.', ' ')); } affair.CurrentState = CurrentRow.Cells[(int)Index.State].Value.ToString().ToNoteState(); affair.Comment = CurrentRow.Cells[(int)Index.Comment].Value.ToString(); return(affair); }
protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session["Login"] = "******"; Session["NotaryID"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["ProtocolID"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["Varload"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["WritingIDConotary"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["DoWriting"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["UpdateWritingID"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["RBT"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["export"] = "datatable"; Session["UpdateWritingToAlert"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["UpdateMonth"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["ExportYear"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["ExportType"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["UpdateProtocolID"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["UpdateFacNotary"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["UpdateRegisterID"] = "Por Defecto"; Session["Counter"] = new int(); Session["limit"] = new DateTime(); Session["UpdateDate"] = new DateTime(); Session["UpdateWritingObject"] = new Writing(); Session["UpdateClientObject"] = new Client(); Session["UpdateAffairObject"] = new Affair(); }
public IActionResult Join(int affairId) { if (HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("userId") == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } Affair AffairToJoin = dbContext.Affairs.FirstOrDefault(w => w.AffairId == affairId); int userId = (int)HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("userId"); User user = dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == userId); UserAffair newUserAffair = new UserAffair { UserId = userId, AffairId = affairId, User = user, Affair = AffairToJoin, }; dbContext.UsersAffairs.Add(newUserAffair); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard")); }
public Result <stockapply> Update(stockapply sto, List <stockapplydetails> stockapplydetails) { Result <stockapply> result = null; try { var entity = this._StockapplyDAL.GetModel(s => s.Appid == sto.Appid); if (entity == null) { throw new Exception($"{sto.Appid} 单号不存在"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Extend0)) { throw new Exception("请购单状态不可以更改"); } entity.Apptype = sto.Apptype; entity.Appcircs = sto.Appcircs; Affair.Whether <int, stockapply>(sto, (s) => { int i = 1; //修改采后编号 stockapplydetails.ForEach(d => { d.Safetyone = "测试修改"; d.Safetytwo = "测试修改"; d.Appid = sto.Appid; d.TockapplyDetails = sto.Appid + i.ToString("00"); i++; }); _StockapplyDAL.Update(entity.Appid, stockapplydetails); int count = _StockapplyDAL.SaveChanges(); return(count); }); result = new Result <stockapply>() { errorInfo = "修改采购请购单成功", errorNo = 0, results = new ModelData <stockapply>() { data = sto } }; } catch (Exception ex) { result = new Result <stockapply>() { errorInfo = ex.Message, errorNo = -5, results = null }; } return(result); }
public Result <stockapply> Add(stockapply sto, List <stockapplydetails> stockapplydetails) { //模拟数据 sto.Appcircs = 3; sto.Appdept = ""; sto.Appperson = ""; sto.Enables = 0; sto.Appdeptid = ""; sto.Apppersonid = "1"; sto.Appauditing = "未复核"; sto.Appauditingperson = "1"; sto.Appmaker = "1"; sto.Stockapplyname = ""; sto.Safetyone = ""; sto.Safetytwo = ""; Result <stockapply> result = null; try { Affair.Whether <int, stockapply>(sto, (s) => { int i = 1; //修改采后编号 stockapplydetails.ForEach(d => { d.Safetyone = ""; d.Safetytwo = ""; d.Appid = sto.Appid; d.TockapplyDetails = sto.Appid + i.ToString("00"); i++; }); _StockapplyDAL.Add(sto, stockapplydetails); int count = _StockapplyDAL.SaveChanges(); int DbCount = 1 + stockapplydetails.Count; if (count != DbCount) { throw new Exception("请购单 和 请购详细新增条数不正确"); } return(count); }); result = new Result <stockapply>() { errorInfo = "新增采购成功", errorNo = 0, results = new ModelData <stockapply>() { data = sto } }; } catch (Exception ex) { result = new Result <stockapply>() { errorInfo = ex.Message, errorNo = -5, results = null }; } return(result); }
public void Add(Affair affair) { _affairDal.Add(affair); }
public void Delete(Affair affair) { _affairDal.Delete(affair); }
public void Update(Affair affair) { _affairDal.Update(affair); }
protected void GridViewMonthsSearch_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "showCo-Notariado") { /*Button Update*/ int crow; crow = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); string writingID = GridViewMonthsSearch.Rows[crow].Cells[2].Text; int id = int.Parse(writingID); /* GridViewMonths.DataSource = null; * GridViewMonths.DataBind();*/ //GridViewMonths.Visible = false; GridView1.DataSource = bll.showCo_NotaryWritingByIDWithOutCero(id); GridView1.DataBind(); Label2.Text = "Co-Notariado"; Session["Varload"] = 1; } if (e.CommandName == "UpdateWriting") { int crow; crow = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); string writingID = GridViewMonthsSearch.Rows[crow].Cells[2].Text; string writingNumber = GridViewMonthsSearch.Rows[crow].Cells[3].Text; string act = GridViewMonthsSearch.Rows[crow].Cells[4].Text; string affair = GridViewMonthsSearch.Rows[crow].Cells[5].Text; string client = GridViewMonthsSearch.Rows[crow].Cells[6].Text; Session["UpdateFacNotary"] = GridViewMonthsSearch.Rows[crow].Cells[8].Text; string parts = GridViewMonthsSearch.Rows[crow].Cells[9].Text; string iDFac = GridViewMonthsSearch.Rows[crow].Cells[10].Text; string addressFac = GridViewMonthsSearch.Rows[crow].Cells[11].Text; string emailFac = GridViewMonthsSearch.Rows[crow].Cells[12].Text; string date = GridViewMonthsSearch.Rows[crow].Cells[13].Text; string[] var = date.Split(' '); string[] var2 = var[0].Split('/'); int month = int.Parse(var2[1]); int year = int.Parse(var2[2]); int day = int.Parse(var2[0]); DateTime date1 = new DateTime(year, month, day); Session["UpdateDate"] = date1; Session["UpdateMonth"] = month + ""; Client c = new Client(); c.ClientName = client; c.ClientID = bll.checkClients(client); Affair a = new Affair(); a.AffairName = affair; a.AffairID = bll.checkAffair(affair); Writing writing = new Writing(); writing.WritingID = int.Parse(writingID); writing.WritingNumber = writingNumber; writing.EventWriting = act; writing.Parts = parts; writing.BillingNumber = iDFac; writing.BillingEmail = emailFac; writing.BillingAddress = addressFac; writing.DateWriting = date1; int protocolID = bll.getProtocolByMonthAndYear(notary.NotaryID, LabelMonth.Text, int.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy"))); Session["UpdateWritingObject"] = writing; Session["UpdateClientObject"] = c; Session["UpdateAffairObject"] = a; Session["NotaryID"] = notary.NotaryID; Session["UpdateProtocolID"] = protocolID + ""; Session["RBT"] = LabelRBT.Text; Session["UpdateWritingID"] = writingID; Session["Varload"] = "0"; // alert(protocolID + " " + writingID); Response.Redirect("UpdateWriting.aspx"); } }
/// <summary> /// 新增采购请购单 /// </summary> /// <param name="sto">采购订单</param> /// <param name="stockorderdetails">采购订单详细</param> /// <returns></returns> public Result <stockorder> Add(stockorder sto, List <stockorderdetails> stockorderdetails, int changeOrderType) { var result = new Result <stockorder>() { errorNo = 0, errorInfo = "新增采购订单成功", results = new ModelData <stockorder>() { data = sto } }; int id = 1; try { //修改新增固定值 sto.Checkstate = 2; switch (changeOrderType) { case 0: //普通新增采购订单 Affair.Whether <int, Result <stockorder> >(result, (obj) => { var stoder = this._StockorderDAL.GetModel(s => s.Stoid == sto.Stoid); if (stoder != null) { throw new Exception("单据号码 {sto.Stoid} 已经存在"); } //新增 采购订单 this._StockorderDAL.Add(sto); foreach (var item in stockorderdetails) { item.Sodlineid = sto.Stoid + id++.ToString("00"); item.Sodid = sto.Stoid; //新增采购订单详细 this._StockorderdetailsDAL.Add(item); } return(this.DAL.SaveChanges()); }); break; case 1: //转单采购请购单的 Affair.Whether <int, Result <stockorder> >(result, (obj) => { var stoder = this._StockorderDAL.GetModel(s => s.Stoid == sto.Stoid); if (stoder != null) { throw new Exception("单据号码 {sto.Stoid} 已经存在"); } //新增 采购订单 this._StockorderDAL.Add(sto); var appid = stockorderdetails[0].Sodorigin; var stockapply = this._StockapplyDAL.GetModel(s => s.Appid.Equals(appid)); if (stockapply == null) { throw new Exception($"转入的请购单:{appid} 不存在 "); } //获取请购详细 var stockapplyderdetails = this._StockapplydetailsDAL.ListModels(s => s.Appid == stockapply.Appid).ToList(); foreach (var item in stockapplyderdetails) { var orderderdetails = stockorderdetails.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Extend0 == item.TockapplyDetails); if (orderderdetails == null) { throw new Exception($"请购单中:{appid} 请购列表物料 {item.TockapplyDetails} 物料名称{item.Apdmateridlid} 缺少 "); } //大于请购单 直接未采购数量变成0 if (orderderdetails.Sodamount > item.Apdnotnum) { item.Apdnotnum = 0; } else { //修改未采购数量 item.Apdnotnum = item.Apdnotnum - orderderdetails.Sodamount; } orderderdetails.Sodlineid = sto.Stoid + id++.ToString("00"); orderderdetails.Sodid = sto.Stoid; //新增采购订单详细 this._StockorderdetailsDAL.Add(orderderdetails); } //判断是否全部采购完成 var count = stockapplyderdetails.Count(s => s.Apdnotnum <= 0); if (count == stockapplyderdetails.Count) { //修改采购请购单 stockapply.Appcircs = 1; stockapply.Extend0 = "不可修改"; } return(this._StockapplyDAL.SaveChanges()); }); break; } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new Result <stockorder>() { errorNo = -788, errorInfo = ex.Message, results = null }); } }